Constitution Of The Society Of Law Students The University Of

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,803
  • Pages: 6

Name 1 The name fo the society to which this Constitution applies is the "society of Law Students," hereinafter referred to as "SLS". Mission 2 The purpose of the SLS shall be to: (1) aid in providing law students at the University of Calgary access to; (a) law library carrels, (b) law school lockers, (c) information regarding their future careers and professional development, (2) represent law students to the faculty of Law of the University of Calgary and to the University community at large, and (3) represent the university of Calgary law students to the legal profession. Membership 3

Membership is open to students of the Faculty of Law at the University of Calgary and (1) may obtained by paying a membership fee determined by the Directors; (2) shall be granted to an applicant upon the applicant fulfilling such terms as the Directors prescribe.


All members shall abinde by the By-Laws of the Society as they exist from time to time.


A member may surrender his or her membership status by giving written notice of the surrender to a Director which shall be effective as from the date of the giving of the notice.


No member shall be expelled from the SLS unless expelled by special resolution as defined in the Societies Act, Chao. S-18, R.S.A. 1980 as amended from time to time, hereinafter referred to as "special resolution".


Membership status shall terminate automatically at 12 o'clock noon on the 15th day of September following the gaining of membership status. The Student's Union


The SLS acknowledges and will abide by The Student's union By-Laws and Policies unless otherwise approved by the Finance Commission of The Students' Union.


It is acknowledged that contravention of the Students' Union By-Law and Policies without the ratification of the Finance Commission will result in the SLS losing status as a Students' Union club. Directors

10 (1) All Directors shall be members of the SLS and shall serve without compensation. (2) There shall be nine Directors, namely: President, Vice President Administration, Vice President of Finance, Co-Vice President of Events (2), Vice President of Marketing, First Year Representative, Second Year Representative, and Third Year Representative. (3) Only second and third year law students may be Directors, except in the case of the First Year Representative and one of the Co-Vice President of Events, who shall be a first year student. (4) A member may hold only one Directorship at a time, although a member may become a Director up to and including three times. (5) The SLS shall have no Officers. (6) The Directors' terms shall run for one year beginning May 1 of the year of appointment. Duties of Directors 11 (1) "Upper year student" means students who will be in 2nd or 3rd year as of the upcoming September term.

(2) Unless otherwise specified, positions are for a one-year duration and will be filled during the SLS Spring Elections. (3) All members of the SLS Executive are expected to support all functions of the SLS by (a) promoting the SLS and the Faculty of Law at all appropriate functions, (b) remain informed of SLS programs and functions, (c) offering assistance to other directors where feasible and appropriate, and (d) attending Executive meetings, by which i) each Director shall not have more than 3 unexcused absences per semester; ii) upon the 3rd unexcused absence, the remainder of the SLS Executive shall meet to determine that Director's status on the SLS Executive, including a right by vote to have that Director excused from their position. (4) President shall (a) when present, chair all meetings of the SLS Members and Executive, (b) supervise all affairs of the SLS, (c) co-sign all resolutions with the Vice President Administration, (d) be a co-signing officer of the SLS bank account(s), with Vice President of Finance, (e) represent the SLS at Faculty Council and Planning Committee, (f) represent the SLS, as liason, on the Equality Committee, (g) meet with the Faculty of Law Dean as liason of the SLS, (h) meet with the Faculty of Law Director of Administration as liason of the SLS (i) ensure director elections are held, (k) control and oversee general administration, (l) pick up and distribute all SLS mail on a daily basis, (m)coordinate all student representation on the Faculty of Law Student Committees, and (n) provide a year end report for the succeeding President. (5) Vice President Administration shall (a) prepare and have custody of the minutes of procedures of the SLS and the Executive, (b) accept submissions to the agenda of all proceedings of the SLS and the Executive, (c) prepare and distribute agendas for all proceedings of the SLS and the Executive, (d) represent the SLS at Faculty Council, Planning Committee and Equality Committee meetings in the absence of the President, (e) retrieve and respond, or transfer, all SLS phone messages on a daily basis, (f) arrange with Student Legal Assistance Director maintenance of the SLS photocopy machine, (g) prepare phone, e-mail and address lists of the SLS membership in September of each academic year, (h) prepare all correspondence of the SLS, (i) prepare submissions to other appropriate publications on behalf of the SLS, (j) prepare and maintain a list of assigned carrels and lockers,

(k) keep and maintain carrel keys, which SLS members have paid a key deposit, and replace lost and missing keys, (l) maintain office supplies for the SLS office, (m) chair SLS meetings in the absence of the President, and (n) provide a year end report to the President for the succeeding Vice President Administration. (6) Vice President of Finance shall (a) be responsible for the financial affairs of the SLS, (b) prepare and maintain a list of paid members of the SLS, (c) ensure that the accounts of the SLS are audited on an annual basis by a duly qualified accountant or by two suitable members of the SLS who are not Directors, (d) obtain an audit of the SLS accounts if demanded to do so by way of Special Resolution, (e) be a co-signing officer of the SLS bank account(s), with the President, (f) maintain deposits to the SLS bank account(s), (g) ensure that sound policies are in place for all SLS ventures, (h) ensure that a sufficient balance is maintained for the operation of the SLS especially considering the requirements of orientation week over the summer months, (i) complete and submit Student's Union Clubs financial statement, (j) sit on the Sponsorship Committee, (k) provide a year end report to the President for the succeeding Vice President Finance. (7) Vice President Marketing shall (a) design and order SLS merchandise, (b) coordinate the sale of SLS merchandise, (c) organize intramural teams for Faculty of Law and ensure that appropriate fees are collected from participants, (d) prepare detailed budgets for SLS merchandise sales and other projects for presentation to the SLS Executive, (e) sit on the Sponsorship Committee, (f) provide a year end report to the President for the succeeding Vice President Marketing. (8) Co-Vice President of Events shall (a) organize SLS social events, (b) develop and maintain a calendar of events for the SLS, (c) seek to offer events that appeal to the diverse members of the SLS, (d) prepare detailed budgets for all social events for presentation to the SLS Executive, (e) liaison with the Faculty to avoid overlap with other programs, (f) organize the annual SLS ski trip, (g) coordinate advertising, ticket production and ticket sales for social events, (h) obtain liquor licenses when necessary,

(i) coordinate Law Games Team, including organizing fundraising, uniforms and the team captain, (j) oversee the production of the annual Law Show, and (k) provide a year end report to the President for the Succeeding Co-Vice President of Events (9) First Year Representative shall (a) serve as the liaison between the first year class and the SLS executive, (b) organize at least one grad fundraiser in which the proceeds of these fundraisers will be slit evenly among each grad year, (c) serve as the orientation chair for September of the following school year, (d) help the Vice President Administration create the phone, email and address list, (e) provide a year end report to the President for the succeeding First Year Representative. (10) Second Year Representative shall (a) serve as the liaison between the second year class and the SLS Executive, (b) organize at least one grad fundraiser in which the proceeds of these fundraisers will be slit evenly among each grad year, (c) serve as Chair of the Articling Committee and organizing in conjunction with the Career Services Officer: (i) career day; (ii) summer job postings; (iii) articling positions; (iv) forums and panels applicable to career day and articling process; and (v) introduce a motion at a meeting of the SLS Directors with respect to a financial disbursement to the Career Services Office to be split evenly between the SLS and the Articling Committee. (d) provide a year end report to the President for the succeeding Second Year Representative. (11) Third Year Representative shall (a) serve as the liaison between the third year class and the SLS executive. (b) organize at least one grad fundraiser in which the proceeds of these fundraisers will be slit evenly among each grad year, (c) serve as the Chair of the Graduation Committee by organizing: (i) graduation; (ii) grad pictures; (iii) fundraising for graduation; and (iv) introduce a motion at a meeting of the SLS Directors with respect to the financial contribution towards graduation to be split evenly between the SLS and the Articling Committee. (d) provide a year end report to the President for the succeeding Third Year Representative.

Voting 12 (1) Each member is entitled to one vote on each matter on which members are entitled to vote. (2) No member may vote by proxy and all voting is to be done by secret ballot. (3) Members are entitled to vote only on these matters: (a) the election of the SLS Directors, except for: (i) members graduating in a certain year are not entitled to vote in the spring election of Directors for the following year; (ii)only members of a certain year class are entitled to vote for the representative of that class. (b) the election of the Committees, (c) a special resolution to expel a member from the SLS, (d) a special resolution to remove a Director from office, (f) a special resolution to alter the objectives of the SLS, (g) a special resolution requirement the Treasurer obtain an audit of the accounts of the SLS, (h) a special resolution to sanction the issue of debentures, (i) any other matter to which the members are entitled to vote on by law

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