Constitution Of Amnesty International - Salisbury University Chapter

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,552
  • Pages: 8
The Constitution of Amnesty International Salisbury University Chapter

Article I – Purpose Statement Amnesty International is the largest human rights advocacy group in the world. The group is non-political in its mission to advance and protect human rights globally. The mission of this Salisbury University Chapter of Amnesty International is to inform the campus community of Salisbury University of the importance of human rights, the existence of human rights violations, and to organize and coordinate action within the campus community to support human rights and address human rights violations.

Article II – Membership Section 1 – Eligibility Membership to the Salisbury University Chapter of Amnesty International is open to any member of the campus community, including both full-time and part-time students, faculty, and staff, as well as members of the broader Salisbury community. An individual shall be recognized as a full member of the Salisbury University Chapter of Amnesty International if he or she has attended two meetings and one Amnesty-sponsored event. Section 2 – Voting Rights Any individual who has achieved full membership shall have the privilege of voting in any matter that is submitted to a general vote, including, but not limited to, Election of Officers, Removal of Officers, and Amendments to this Constitution. Section 3 – Expectations of Members

Members of Amnesty International are expected to be involved in the meetings and activities of the organization. Failure of a member to attend 50 percent of meetings and a minimum of two events in a semester shall result in that member losing voting privileges until that individual again fulfills the requirements for full membership as described above.

Article III – Executive Section 1 – Executive Board The officers of Amnesty International shall include the following, in order of seniority: the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer, and the Secretary. Together, these Officers shall comprise the Executive Board. Section 2 – General Responsibilities and Powers of the Executive Board The Executive Board shall be responsible for: 1. Running the administrative operations of Amnesty International, 2. Ensuring that Amnesty International adheres to those regulations and policies of Salisbury University and the Student Government Association that are applicable to Amnesty International, 3. Managing those affairs and decisions of Amnesty International that are not covered in this Constitution, 4. Executing all provisions of this Constitution faithfully, and 5. Maintaining Amnesty International’s presence at Salisbury University.

The Executive Board shall have the authority to make those decisions necessary to fulfill the above responsibilities, so long as they are not in breach of this Constitution, nor in violation of any Grounds for Removal. Section 3 – Specific Duties of Officers Subsection 3a – The Duties of the President shall be as follows: 1. To act as the official spokesperson of Amnesty International on campus and in the broader Salisbury community; 2. To call for, organize, and preside over any and all General and Executive Meetings of Amnesty International; 3. To organize and coordinate functions and activities of Amnesty International and to facilitate Amnesty International’s involvement with broader campus events; 4. To provide a report Amnesty International’s affairs at General Meetings; 5. To notify the Vice-President should the President be unable to fulfill any of these duties at a given time. Subsection 3b – The Duties of the Vice-President shall be as follows: 1. To serve in the place of the President, assuming the President’s Duties and Responsibilities, should the President be unable to do so; 2. To aid each of the other Officers of the Executive Board in the fulfilling of their Duties and Responsibilities; 3. To serve as a liaison to other Student Organizations and University Administration, as necessary.

Subsection 3c – The Duties of the Treasurer shall be as follows: 1. To serve in the place of the President, assuming the Duties and Responsibilities thereof, should the President and Vice-President be unable to do so; 2. To oversee and accurately record the management and dispersion of Amnesty International’s funds, within the guidelines of the Salisbury University Appropriations Board and with the consent of the rest of the Executive Board. Subsection 3d – The Duties of the Secretary shall be as follows: 1. To serve as President, assuming the Duties and Responsibilities thereof, should the President, Vice-President, and Treasurer be unable to do so; 2. To record the General Meetings, including the attendance of members; 3. To handle the correspondence of Amnesty International, especially regarding communications to members.

Article IV – Election of the Executive Board Section 1 – Election of Executive Board The election of the entire Executive Board shall take place at the second to last meeting of every spring semester, with provisions to be taken for votes from members unable to attend. Results shall be tabulated and announced by the Advisor. Section 2 – Nominations

Nominations shall be due for submission before the third to last meeting of the spring semester. Eligibility for nomination for any of the Executive Board positions shall be limited to members who have attended 75 percent of meetings in the current scholastic year. Self-nomination is permissible. Section 3 – Term of Office Newly elected Officers will take office at the end of the last meeting of the spring semester and their terms will last until the final meeting of the next scholastic year.

Article V – Removal or Resignation of Officers Section 1 – Grounds for Removal The Grounds for Removal of an Officer are: Abuse of Power, Negligence or Dereliction of Duties, Conduct Unbecoming an Officer of Amnesty International, or Violation of the Policies or Constitution of Amnesty International. Section 2 – Process for Removal The process for the Removal of an Officer shall be as follows: a complaint, in written form, shall be submitted by a member of Amnesty International to the Advisor and/or to the President. The complaint shall be brought to the Executive Board as well as to the attention of the officer involved, who will be allowed to present a Statement in his or her defense at the next meeting of Amnesty International. Votes in favor of removal or against will be cast through a secret ballot. The votes will be tabulated and announced either by the Advisor, or by a body of members, to include two Officers and one Member who shall not be a member of the Executive Board. If two-thirds of votes cast are in favor of removal, said Officer shall be removed from his or her position effective

immediately. A special election to fill the Executive Board vacancy shall be held at the first possible opportunity. Section 3 – Resignation Any Officer on the Executive Board shall have the ability to resign his or her position at his or her discretion. This Officer shall announce his or her decision to the Advisor and/or the President and the resignation shall be announced to the members at the next General Meeting, unless otherwise warranted. A special election to fill the Executive Board vacancy shall be held at the first possible opportunity.

Article VI – Replacing Executive Board Vacancies Section 1 – Vacancy in Position of President If the position of President is vacant, the position shall be filled by the Vice-President, so long as the position of Vice-President is not vacant as well. Should there be a vacancy in both the position of President and Vice-President, both positions shall be filled through a special election, to be held at the first possible opportunity. Section 2 – Vacancies in Other Executive Board Positions If there is a vacancy in any Executive Board position other than President, the vacancy shall be replaced through a special election, to be held at the first possible opportunity.

Article IV – Advisor The Advisor: 1. Shall be a faculty or staff member pursuant unto the guidelines of the Office of Student Activities, Organizations & Leadership and the Student Government Association.

2. Is strongly encouraged to attend as many meetings and events as possible. 3. Shall provide guidance to the Executive Board in the making of decisions and shall help maintain amiable relations between Amnesty International and the University Administration. Article V – Meetings Section 1 – Frequency of Meetings Meetings shall occur no less frequently than twice a month, and no less frequently than ten times a semester. Section 2 – Scheduling of Meetings Meetings shall be scheduled for a time and location acceptable to a majority of Amnesty International’s members.

Article VI – Amendments to this Constitution Section 1 – Proposal of Amendments Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by any member of Amnesty International who shall formally propose the Amendment to the Advisor and the President. Proposals to amend this Constitution may be made at any time, including outside of meetings. Section 2 – Discussion of Amendments Any proposed Amendment to this Constitution shall be brought before all Members of Amnesty International for discussion at the first possible meeting. Provisions will be

made to inform members who are unable to attend this meeting of the proposed Amendment. Section 3 – Voting on Amendment Voting on whether to ratify the proposed Amendment will take place during the next meeting after the proposed Amendment’s discussion. Provisions will be made for members who are unable to attend this meeting to vote. The proposed Amendment will be ratified if two-thirds of votes cast are in favor of ratification.

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