Constitution And By-laws

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 7
CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS of the INT E R NAT I O NA L C LU B O F T H E UNIV E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S PREAMBLE We the members of the International Club of the University of the Philippines (ICUP), in order to promote international and cultural understanding, do hereby constitute these documents as the spirit behind our association. ­­ A RTICLE I Name and Nature of Association 1. The name of our association shall be the International Club of the University of the Philippines (ICUP). 2. This organization shall have no political, religious or racial bias. 3. The association shall be based on the Diliman Campus of the University of the Philippines and shall have its address at: Vinzons Hall, Room 210 University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City 1101

A RTICLE II Objectives 1. To promote international awareness and goodwill in the University and in society, through social, cultural, educational, and recreational activities. 2. To provide the means of interaction between the foreign and local constituents of the University as well as other organizations. 3. To provide the facilities and the means by which the members can successfully carry out the objectives as stated in this Constitution.

A RTICLE III Membership 1. Regular Member: a. Regular members shall be registered students, special students, or faculty members of the University of the Philippines, Diliman. b. Regular members must fulfill requirements and have completed the application process. c. Regular members may renew their membership at the beginning of every semester by filling a reapplication form and paying the corresponding fees. d. Regular members are required to fulfill the following obligations: i. Members must attend at least fifty (50) percent of all types of meetings and

activities, unless excused. ii. Members shall pay dues and penalty fines as specified by the Executive Committee. iii. Members must actively participate in at least one committee of their choice. iv. Members are responsible for informing themselves of club meetings and activities, i.e. reading minutes. e. Regular members are given the following rights and privileges: i. Members have access to the club facilities, i.e. key, locker, library, and pillar. ii. Members may run for an Executive Committee position. iii. Members have the privilege to vote. iv. Members maintain access to the ICUP files with the consent of the SecCom. v. Members may recommend an officer for impeachment or member for expulsion from the organization. f. A member with sufficient reason may write a letter to the Membership Affairs Committee Chairperson and apply for a leave of absence for a maximum period of one academic year without losing membership status, or be removed from the roster of members. g. A member in good standing who has graduated from the University shall have the status of an official alumnus. 2. Honorary Member: a. Students from other UP campuses who have undergone the application process shall be considered as honorary members. b. Students from other universities who have contributed and participated in club activities, but do not necessarily undergo the application process shall be recognized as Friends of the International Club of UP (FICUP).

A RTICLE IV Officers of the Association 1. The Executive Committee shall have the function of formulating policies and shall be responsible for the welfare of the association and its members. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the following: a. President b. Vice President c. Internal Affairs Officer d. External Affairs Officer e. Secretary (SecCom) f. Treasurer (FinCom) g. Membership Affairs Officer (MemCom) 2. In order to be eligible to hold an office, all Executive Committee members must: a. Satisfy membership requirements. b. Have been active member for at least one semester. c. The President and Membership Affairs Officer must have been members for at least one academic year prior to holding office. 3. The terms of office of all Executive Committee members shall run for a period of one academic year, commencing at the start of the summer term and terminating on the last day of the second semester.

4. The functions and duties of Executive Committee members are as follows: a. President • Shall be responsible for yearly recognition and other permits needed for the Club’s existence. • Shall be allowed to hold office for a maximum of two terms. • Shall be chief representative of the Club. • Shall supervise and be responsible for all activities of the Club. • Shall preside over all meetings of the members. • Shall be responsible for the administration of the Executive Committee and the Club. • Shall hold General Meetings at least once a month, and officer’s meetings once a week. • Shall draft periodic reports to the members. • Shall be responsible for approving all activities and plans of the Executive Committee members. • Shall direct and guide the Club towards its objectives. • Shall work directly with the advisor(s). • Responsible for maintaining firm ties with the United Nations and various embassies. b. Vice President • Shall be vested with all the powers and authorities and required to perform all other duties of the President during the absence or incapacity of the latter for any cause or eventuality. • Shall assist the President with all functions and activities. • Shall oversee the performance of all other Executive Committee members excluding the President. • Shall follow up on each committee’s duties on a regular basis. c. Internal affairs Officer • Shall head the ICUP Assistance and Guidance Program. • Shall be in charge of developing a system to maintain order of the library and cleanliness of the Club and its facilities. • Shall oversee that the calendar is current with the Club and University events. • Shall be in charge of notifying members on a regular basis, for meetings, activities, etc. d. External Affairs Officer • Shall formulate tentative activity programs with the aid of the External Affairs Committee members, and shall be responsible for the implementation and monitoring of said programs. • Shall be responsible for the maintenance of the AS Bulletin Board. • Shall be responsible for promoting the club and its activities within and beyond the University community i.e. marketing, exposure, and obtaining necessary authorizations. e. Secretary • Shall file and secure all records of the association. • Shall have the responsibility to make all announcements for meetings (in

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conjunction with the Internal Affairs Committee) Shall take attendance at other club activities. Shall report all violations of Club policies to the Executive Committee. Shall prepare forms, letters, and information sheets for members. Shall keep an inventory of club property.

f. Treasurer • Shall be responsible for collecting all dues. • Shall be solely responsible for the management of all funds and accounts of the association i.e. Petty Cash fund and bank account. • Shall keep finance records, to be made accessible to all members. • Shall be responsible for disbursing funds for club activities with the authorization of the President. • Shall be responsible for organizing fund-raising activities, at least one minor every semester and one major every year (excluding the World Dinner). g. Membership Affairs Officer • Shall propose an application process every year to be approved by the Executive Committee. • Shall be responsible for the recruitment of new members who shall fulfill their requirements and reflect the ideals of the club. • Shall be responsible for the indoctrination of suitable applicants as well as monitoring their progress during the period of application. • Shall provide a list of qualified applicants for membership to the Executive Committee for approval. • Shall monitor the performance of the members and submit a semestral report to the Executive Committee on the level of participation of all members. • Shall be responsible for leading applicant’s meetings until a batch head is elected.

A RTICLE V Advisor 1. The club advisor must belong to either the faculty or the administration of the university. 2. The club in a general or emergency meeting shall choose the club advisor by a vote with twothirds of the members present. 3. The advisor shall act in this capacity to the club for as long as the members judge the performance to be favorable, or as for long as the advisor is part of the University. 4. The advisor shall act as guardian to the club and oversee the Executive Committee and members promote the spirit and traditions of the club.

A RTICLE VI Committees 1. The following committees shall be constituted and headed by the respective Executive Committee members: a. Internal Affairs Committee b. External Affairs Committee c. Secretariat Committee

d. Finance Committee e. Membership Affairs Committee 2. All members not belonging to the Executive Committee must volunteer for membership in one or more of the above committees. 3. Committee Officers must call a meeting a minimum of at least twice a month to ensure that respective committee members are given equal shares of the workload. 4. Committee Officers shall evaluate the performance of their respective members and committees. 5. Committee Officers shall submit a monthly activity report to the Executive Committee. 6. Committee Officers may not join other committees. 7. Ad hoc committees shall be formed for special purposes, such as elections and special projects, either by appointment or majority vote.

A RTICLE VII Meetings and Quorums 1. There shall be four types of meetings: a. General Meetings • Shall be held bimonthly during the first and second semesters, once during semestral breaks, and twice during the summer breaks. b. Executive Committee Meetings • Shall be held once a week on a regular basis. c. Committee Meetings • Shall be held at least twice a month depending on the workload. d. Emergency Meetings • May be called by the Executive Committee or fifty percent of the membership to discuss special topics or problems, with at least twenty-four hour notice. 2. A quorum of thirty percent (30) plus one is necessary for a meeting to be called to order. 3. The absence of a quorum shall result in the postponement of a meeting to any time within the next seven days. After seven days, if there is still no quorum, Article VII paragraph may be disregarded. 4. Notice must be posted three days prior to the date of any and all meetings on the club’s bulletin board and the AS bulletin board. (Emergency Meetings will be exempted). 5. All meetings with the exception of committee meetings and applicants meetings, shall be presided over by the President, unless delegated by the President to another member. For a meeting to be convened in order to impeach a committee member, a neutral party shall be voted on by the members to preside over the meeting. 6. The presiding officer shall prescribe rules and regulations concerning the meeting at hand.

A RTICLE VII Dues and Assessments 1. Members shall pay dues, as specified by the Executive Committee. 2. FinCom shall provide for receipts for all cash disbursements and cash equivalents received. 3. Members may object to the amounts specified by the Executive Committee in a general meeting by voting on the matter.

A RTICLE VIII General Elections 1.

Annual elections for the Executive Committee shall be held during the month of February or at least two weeks before the Final Exams for the current Academic Year.


Nominations for elective positions must be submitted at least one week prior to elections.


If a situation should arise that causes an elective post to be officially vacated (resigned) during the school year, a special election will be called by the Executive Committee to replace the post. The Presidential succession becomes subject to this rule only when the Vice-President post is vacant. Additionally, the term of office shall terminate as was originally designated prior to the interruption of office.


The ad hoc committee shall organize elections.

A RTICLE X Impeachment and Resignation 1. Elected officers may be impeached on the following grounds: a. Violation of the Constitution i.e. negligence of duties b. Abuse of power c. Acts of violence and gross immorality, and performing acts that vilify the reputation of the club. d. Being convicted of any criminal act. 2. Any official letter of recommendation for impeachment shall be given to the Executive Committee signed by the person/s who wish to take action. Note: Site evidence of any wrongdoing that supports the recommendation. 3. A general or emergency meeting shall cover impeachment proceedings where the quorum will be increased to seventy-five percent (75) of the membership. 4. Proceedings for impeachment shall be carried out by secret ballot immediately following the meeting held for that purpose. 5. Seventy-five percent (75) of the members voting must approve the impeachment before any action can be taken. 6. An officer may resign at any time from office for reasons deemed valid but must do in writing submitted to the Executive Committee. The resignation shall be accepted provided it is approved by seventy-five percent (75) of the members.

A RTICLE XI Probation, Suspension, and Expulsion 1. Members shall be liable for and placed on probation for the following reasons: a. Non-compliance with Article III, paragraph 1. b. Non-payment of fees and dues after a grace period. c. Acts of violence, immorality and bigotry that jeopardize the reputation of the club. 2. Any regular member may recommend the probation of a member to the Executive Committee by a letter. 3. Members found guilty of any of these offenses shall be put on probation for a period of one month and have all their membership privileges suspended, as well as rendering them ineligible to run for office for one academic year. 4. After the month of probation has expired and the member’s performance is still below par, the member may be suspended or expelled upon the deliberation of seventy-five percent (75) of regular members. 5. A majority vote of seventy-five percent (75) of members present during the probation or suspension deliberation is necessary to suspend or expel a member. 6. The Membership Affairs Committee shall provide the Executive Committee with recommendations pertaining to the lifting or the continuance of the probationary status of a member. 7. A member who has been subject to the provisions of Article XI, paragraph 1, in two separate occasions is liable for expulsion. A majority vote of seventy-five percent (75) is necessary to effect a motion for expulsion.

A RTICLE XII Amendments 1. Proposals for amendments of this constitution must be brought before the Executive Committee in writing during a general meeting. 2. Amendments to the constitution may be approved only during a general meeting following the submission of a proposal. 3. Seventy-five percent (75) of the present members are necessary to approve the amendment/s.

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