Conservatism & Loberalism

  • August 2019
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Conservatism and Liberalism

4/4/07 1:13 PM

Edmund Burke •A contract between all people both dead and unborn oNo one generation has the right to change the terms of the contract oEvolutionary change is ok but revolutionary change is not Society is changing very rapidly and they are trying to conserve the past Conservatives don’t really care what religion is good is that everyone belong to the same church and the state retain some relationship with the church The conservatives are dominant and ovesee the Bourbon Revolution Louis the XVIII comes to the throne knowing he cant completely undo the revolution Another element of this chnge is the industrial portion of this revolution Growth in Britian Artisans are getting queezed out because they cant produce things as efficiently •NED LUD (fictional) and the Luddites oWent around England smashing looms Liberalism •Supported enlightenment •Liberal ideas are very often connected with nationalism •Many of the liberals are also going to be abolitionists Jeremy Bentham •The best policy is providing the best good for the greatest number of people Nationalists become very popular the location of government changes by people who want to hav their own space •Austrians oGermanic by nature, and yet most of the people they rule over are Magyar, Slovakian , etc., othey ae in deep trouble if nationalism works because their empire will be broken up oNationalism is amorphous, but it also extremely powerful owhat is germanness? •people start going out into the countryside to discover their roots •there are differences, there are national differences •Fairytales the artistic movement of romanticism •romanticism is difficult to define becaue it reflects the anational identity of the people •touch the observer on an emotional level •politically we have a period of frustrated revolution both liberal and nationalist •unrest in italy, spain and Russia •another wave of revolution

•the conservative order is dominant butthere is a lot of discontent boiling under the surface •the more society changes •Louis XVIII dies and Charles X doesn’t like the changes kown as the Bourgeois monarch ouick liberal revolution oonce it got started in one place is theat people can bring about change and that direct action can work othe poles revolt against Prussian state oitllians want their one state, they get crushed by the Austrian army oSame case with germany, but not single revolt othe one success was Belgium what they want was independence from the Netherlands they should not be together 

4/4/07 1:13 PM

4/4/07 1:13 PM

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