Conscientious chef creates 'origin By Moly Albertson Sf«W &m"", EJi",. As Americans btcomt ,",,'Me of where tilt;. lood comtlI from, ...,. """",,,,,,ots art Min>! cu altd in tht lood indusll}< Tho book "Omnivort', Dilemma" tracked .........1meal. from their sourct, d<scribirll! in detail wile", each ~nl came from. n.. IIlO'I'i" "Food loc: aarnine> Amtrica', industrialiud food oyslem and it.. dfect 00 tilt environmtnl, and the country's health. economy and WOfRB' rii!\lts. A ....... IOCII.'I on the ~ '" lood and 00w it att.cts flavor and nutr~ion is btcomilll! more ~ AIOOl! with it. rome> products .uch '" fai'-I' .... coif... h.arwslal from fa"", thai Pll' thoi, W""""n fai, p,ices. 1ht ,~ ...~ oI.!o "Wttn cal.." thai air, 10 localtMians - tht pwpIt who ..I lood tlla! COI1\tS from within a lO--milt ,adius 01" wht ,~ thoy I..... In tht wno ""in. a Califomia-r.atM chel woo now Ii"". in Ecoado, Iw ju.t artIlOURCN tht rrlt.ut of hi> .... w chocolate lint .• NqIlM~ Pint Chocolaloo. that is mack from Iocally-Qat".,.d ill2l"alients. kff Stem c.a.lls il "oril!in-5jltCiflC ch0colate: and ir.1><M' available in Amo, ica. 1ht chocoIal~ cookcti"'" ...~ mack from i"l!,ali.nts and ,aw mal. ,ial> 50UuN vj,-
Iwlly . nlirely within ~ C\I0d0,. lrom raw i"l!,alients all tho W
"":if~~c~h~ocolates in Ecuado '---
Stern. "I call this proe ... 'dirte!<: enablillO! me to
.. ~iono .... in>!redi-
mako .. Qular vi,its to a eJoCaO farm in the los Rio:! p.avinc • .
.nts .uch .. vanilla t.ean.. which .... oot commorcially Q' own 0' p,oductd In
Thi. di.ti""tion of "OIil!in chocoIalr coo1«l ions" is unique Mau" moot prrmiurn chocolate coofoc- L _....., Ii"", impor!aI inlo the U.S. are made with i"l!,alients 5OU, eed I,om all ""'" tho wo, ld: t.ean. from Wool Africa •• l!£M from Co:!t.a Rica. v.milla I,om Mad'I/i'''"''. dairy from tht U.s. and fruit PU''''' from Europt. and thtn manufacturtd in the US. Thi. oI.!o """"" that II....: artful. beautiful chocolat .. are 01 an UQuis~ e quality. oot 10 nltnlion, boi"l! dtlicious. "Uvi"l! and wo'ki"I! in Ecuador make. il tl'l' lor nit 10 1<"1:' " tht: local i~nl> and dowlop pmoml relationships "ith man)' of ou, .uppliers. I!Mnl! nit invaluobit. linl-hand npon.nct with tht:i, WOW-i"l! and manulacturi"l! proct..... • .aid
lornam,*: ~rt
Mqll>." " mi>sioo is to ,upport Ecuadorian compon, .. , ~ d. m,m,l ralini , ethical sourcirll! proctic.. that k~ as much '" tht addtd val ... in the local Ecuadorian economy. Aoquar< spt<Wiu. in producil\l! classic Fr.nch~tyI. ~ tS pu •• • natural flavors witl>out any artificial fIavori/ll!> or preoervaU"..", Somo '" the fbvor. inch>do plain dark chocolate, vanilb., paMion fruit i>hpi~ (the fl ...... ' of. IocaIlrn) . 1tlI\llllVOS>, salIrm and bl.a.ckbtny. For mort information. iO to ..........arquarK hooo!atts.OOIIl
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