Conquest Of Space Ppt

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  • Words: 662
  • Pages: 18
Conquest of Space

Contents ØSpace ØExploration and Purpose ØFirst Steps in Space ØFirst Orbit & Human Flight ØFirst Planetary Exploration ØAdvantages of Space Conquest ØThe Controversy ØConclusion

Space Ø All the planets with millions years of distances

Ø Infinite numbers of stars

Ø Forming unknown number of galaxies

Space Exploration & its Purpose Ø “Space exploration” is the use of astronomy and space technology to explore outer space. Ø Common rationales for exploring space include • Advancing scientific research, • Uniting different nations, • Ensuring the future survival of humanity • Developing military and strategic advantages against other countries.

First Steps into Space ØTaken by German scientists ØAfter the war, the Allies used German scientists and their captured rockets in programs for both military and civilian research ØThe first scientific exploration from space was the cosmic radiation experiment launched by the U.S. on a V2 rocket on May 10, 1946 ØThe first images of Earth taken from space followed the same year.

First Orbital Flights ØThe first successful orbital launch was of the Soviet unmanned Sputnik ("Satellite I") mission on October 4, 1957. ØIt had two radio transmitters (20 and 40 MHz) ØOn January 31, 1958, the U.S. successfully orbited Explorer 1 on a Juno rocket. ØThe Soviet dog Laika became the first animal in orbit on November 3, 1957.

Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite.

First Human Flights ØThe first human spaceflight was Vostok 1 ("East 1"), ØThe U.S. first launched a person into space within a month of Vostok 1 with Alan Shepard's suborbital flight in MercuryRedstone 3.

Yuri Gagarin, the first person to make an orbital flight of Earth

ØValentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space, orbited the Earth 48 times aboard Vostok 6 on June 16, 1963.

First Planetary Explorations Ø The first artificial object to reach another celestial body was Luna 2 in 1959. Ø The first automatic landing on another celestial body was performed by Luna 9 in 1966. Ø Luna 10 became the first artificial satellite of another celestial body. Ø The first manned landing on another celestial body was performed by Apollo 11 on July 20, 1969.

Future of Space Exploration Ø In the 2000s, several plans for space exploration have been announced. Ø “Bigelow Aerospace” has made two orbital payload deliveries and plans to build the first in-orbit hotel within the decade. Ø Virgin Airlines has announced taking vehicles up into space.

Advantages of Space Conquest Ø Navigational maps all around world Ø Security can be ensured Ø Weather updates Ø Exploration of solar system Ø To win the wars Ø Finding of lost creatures

Moon Landing Hoax?? The Controversy Source: Fox TV Channel

Controversy Continues. ØCan an astronaut (Right) be walking through a shadow or have the sun at his back? ØYet be brightly lit from the front, showing off all those bits of his spacesuit, especially the Stars and Stripes flag, in Technicolor? ØThe response from NASA

ØNo stars

ØThe sky was ink black

ØAnother lunar phenomenon, NASA said. Because the sun was so bright, and the surface so reflective, the stars would be too dim for a camera to capture, or an astronauts eye to register.

ØAn astronauts foot would leave a print, for example. Yet the lunar rover, with an Earthly weight of 10 tons, would not. ØAnd how come, when the spidery landing vehicle hovered above the surface and fired blasts from its retro-jets to lower itself down, it didn't even appear to have disturbed the very ground underneath it. ØTo questions such as this, NASA scientists would sigh wearily, like teachers trying to educate the dullest kid in class in the simplest physics.

ØThe flag planted by Armstrong and Aldrin. ØNasa's version is that some shadows disappear because the lunar surface has a peculiar property and reflects light back in the direction it came from.

CONCLUSION ü Great advancement in scientific technology ü Future with surprises ü Refusal of controversies ü Purpose of Hoaxes

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