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Health Sciences Connection

College of Health Sciences

Health Sciences Connection

April 2, 2008 Publication VI (7)

Dean’s Message Creating a Climate of Joy

Written by Jim Girvan, dean

Welcome back from spring break. Georgia and I recently went to see the movie “The Bucket List” starring Morgan Freeman (playing the character Carter Chambers) and Jack Nicholson (playing Edward Cole). For those of you that have not yet seen it, take some time out of your schedule and do so. The two actors, both of whom find out they are dying from cancer, do a superb job of profoundly addressing topics that are foundational to creating and or maintaining a lifestyle that promotes health in all its richness through the lifespan (not that they chose that lifestyle themselves, but this message is not intended to be a movie review so enough about the plot). For me one of the key moments occurred when Carter and Edward were sitting on top of one of the pyramids discussing the meaning of the massive tomb and the Egyptian culture’s belief in an afterlife. Carter, who is a history buff, notes that the Egyptians believed that those who could answer two questions satisfactorily could go on to an afterlife of calm and comfort. The questions: “Have you had joy in your life?” and “Has your life brought joy to others?” I am not sure if the story about the questions is true or not (I have not consulted an Egyptologist or the Internet), but I found them to be quite thought-provoking. For this message, the fact or fiction behind Carter’s history lesson is unimportant. What is most certainly true is that the answers provide a pathway to assist in the identification of what is important in life including the creation of joy for self and for others. While it is not possible or even desirable to base every action, decision, or policy on the “joy factor,” a person or an organization that does not pay attention to nurturing the element of “joy” is setting herself / himself / itself up for failure. To be sure, there are days and times when joy is but a fleeting notion; that is reality. Also, “joy” can be defined in many ways (joy of learning, joy in seeing a sunrise, joy in laughing with family and friends, joy in knowing you did your best, joy in serving others, etc). However, I feel organizations that foster environments where persons are respected, differences of opinion are honored (even solicited), and individuals are given a meaningful role in making decisions to move the organization toward fulfilling its mission are in every sense of the term creators of joy. That vision is only made possible when each person in the organization helps fashion joy. I encourage you to take time to nurture joy in your life (whatever that means for you). In addition, I thank you for your role in crafting classroom and community experiences for our students, with our community partners, and for each other that elevate the “joy level” for all concerned. And, I pledge that as much as possible that I will continue do my part to sustain (and formulate where it does not exist) a positive experience for each of you. Please know you are valued.

University News Straight Talk on the Canadian and American Health Care Systems The Canadian Studies Program will present Canada Week, from Monday, March 31 through Friday, April 4. Among the various events of the week will be a discussion on the topic “Straight Talk on the Canadian and American Health Care Systems,” held on April 4, from 12:30-2:00 pm, in the Interactive Learning Center, room 118. This discussion on Canadian and American health care systems with Dr. Avalon Roberts, Canadian physician, Doreen Barrie, professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Calgary, and Sarah Toevs, associate dean, professor, and chair of the Department of Community


Health Sciences Connection

and Environmental Health, will be moderated by Kathy Reavy, associate professor in the Department of Nursing. Topics will include: the impact of politics on health care, the impact of health care on the economy, the impact of societal values on health care policy and the future of health care in each country. This event, along with many of the Canada Week events, is free and open to the public. For more information please contact Lori Hausegger @ 426-5804 or Ross Burkhart @ 426-3280. Celebrate Wellness Conference Boise State University, Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center and St. Luke's Regional Medical Center hosts its fifth annual Celebrate Wellness: Mind, Body, Spirit Conference April 2008. The conference addresses wellness and holistic health issues for caregivers and interested parties through presentations by national and local wellness experts. Join Barbara Noonan, RN, as she explores the power of conscious intention. Journey into the world of nutraceuticals and healing herbs lead by James Mattioda, PhD, Registered Pharmacist. Come learn about neurofeedback, as it is applied to treating ADHD, anxiety and depression. CEU’s and CME's available. When: Evening of Thursday, April 17 and Friday April 18 Where: Saint Alphonsus McCleary Auditorium For more information, registration and fees, log onto:

College News The following faculty and staff in the College of Health Sciences recently received tenure and/or a promotion: Department of Nursing Sara Ahten: Tenure Barbara Allerton: Promotion to associate professor Mikal Black: Tenure Faye Carlson: Tenure Joan Carnosso: Tenure and promotion to associate professor Shoni Davis: Tenure and promotion to associate professor Evelyn Floyd: Tenure Ginny Gilbert: Tenure Bonnie Lind: Promotion to associate research professor Susan Parslow: Tenure and promotion to associate professor Molly Prengaman: Promotion to assistant professor Vivian Schrader: Promotion to full professor Leonie Sutherland: Promotion to associate professor Eldon Walker: Tenure Dawn Weiler: Promotion to associate professor Department of Respiratory Care Coleen Dudley: Promotion to administrative assistant II T.J Wing: Promotion to assistant professor Alums pledge $12,927 in support of the College of Health Sciences Written by James Brownson, director of annual giving, BSU Foundation

Thanks to the generous support of College of Health Sciences alums, the Boise State University Foundation’s annual Fall Phonathon was able to raise almost $13,000 in pledges on behalf of the college. When asked, over two hundred alums stepped forward to pledge their support. These much-needed gifts will provide the college with the resources necessary to fund innovative programs, address urgent needs, support student scholarships, invest in faculty and staff, and help pay for college improvements. Phonathon continues throughout the year, and college based calling will resume in the fall of 2009. If you receive a phone call we hope you will visit with the caller and make a pledge in support of the College of Health Sciences Fund or another area that is of interest to you. James Brownson Director of Annual Giving BSU Foundation (208) 426-2649 [email protected]


Health Sciences Connection

"Most Creative" Written by Coleen Dudley, administrative assistant II in the Department of Respiratory Care

The College of Health Sciences was well represented at the 2nd Annual Major's Fair co-sponsored by the Career Center and Advising and Academic Enhancement held in the SUB on March 12. Displays from Nursing, Radiologic Sciences and Respiratory Care drew interest from students curious about career and educational opportunities within our college. Garnering the most attention at the event was the display of a pig's lung connected to a ventilator. Curious students and presenters from other areas on campus approached the table eagerly and somewhat warily in an attempt to learn more about the display. Many were startled to find that the lung was real. At the end of the event, the judging panel presented the Department of Respiratory Care with the "Most Creative Display" award. Lonny Ashworth, professor and chair of the department, Jody Lester, associate professor, and I, represented the Department of Respiratory Care at the event. Idaho Association of Educational Office Professionals (IAEOP) Coleen Dudley will be among those attending the IAEOP annual spring conference in Sun Valley. The April conference features two days of workshops and presentations focusing on education and professional growth. One highlight of the conference will be the presentation of Pam Springer, associate dean, associate professor and chair of the Department of Nursing, as the 2008 IAEOP Administrator of the Year. Springer was also the 2007 Boise State University Association of Office Professionals (BSUAOP) Administrator of the Year. Idaho Health Information Management Association (IdHIMA) Coleen Dudley will also be attending the 44th Annual Spring Conference offered by the Idaho Health Information Management Association, in Boise, April 17 and 18. The conference will draw health information management professionals from around Idaho. IdHIMA president, Linda Osgood (instructor in the Department of Community and Environmental Health), will open the conference dedicated to "Branching Out." The conference will have Management, Technology and Specialty sections, allowing participants to select that section which most benefits their training needs. Brown Bag Research Seminar The next brown bag research seminar, sponsored by the Department of Nursing and Mu Gamma chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, will be held on Friday, April 25th from 12:00-1:00 in SN 163. Jeri Bigbee, professor, Pam Gehrke, associate professor, and Nancy Otterness, associate professor, from the Department of Nursing will present on their recently completed Idaho Public Health Nursing Study. Students, faculty, staff, and community members are welcome.

Department News Department of Community and Environmental Health On February 22, in Twin Falls, ID, two Health Science Studies majors were awarded bronze and silver medals from the Congressional Award program. Awardees Josh and Heather Layher are both currently applying to medical school. Through the Congressional Award program, Congress and the private sector recognize the initiative, achievement and excellence of youth ages 14 to 24 who have worked to meet their personal goals in voluntary public service, personal development and physical fitness. Recognition for their efforts comes in the form of Bronze, Silver and Gold Congressional Award medals presented by members of Congress.


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Elaine Long, professor, Craig Hemmens, from the Honors College, Cheryl Jorcyk, from the Department of Biology, and Sharon McGuire, vice president for Undergraduate Studies, attended the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Northwest Workshop on Institutionalizing Undergraduate Research, February 29-March 2, 2008, at Lewis and Clark College, in Portland, Oregon. Eight teams of faculty and administrators were selected to participate in this NSF/CUR project. Plenary sessions included: Creating a Campus Culture that Supports Undergraduate Research, Building and Sustaining Undergraduate Research, Promoting Undergraduate Research, and Assessing the Impact of Undergraduate Research on Your Campus. Breakout sessions included: meeting with a facilitator/mentor, developing an institutional plan, and presenting the plan to another team (for feedback). At the end of the workshop, each team presented their plan to the group. A campus visit from CUR will occur during the next year as a follow-up. The four goals selected by our team are: • • • •

Enhance the infrastructure that supports undergraduate research such as funding for undergraduate research assistants, and workshops for students in Institutional Review Board policies and procedures Increase undergraduate involvement in faculty research Apply research conducted by undergraduates as a pedagogy Develop mentoring and networking on campus for faculty and students.

Uwe Reischl, professor, was the invited luncheon speaker at the Idaho Health Care for All (IHCA) semi-annual meeting on March 13. The presentation topic was “Health Insurance as a Public Utility” that described a new health insurance financing model which can address the current problem of rapidly increasing health insurance premiums. Attending the IHCA meeting were Idaho physicians, nurses, legislators, and several members from the community. The Pre-Med and Pre-Dental Clubs joined forces in a service project to support cancer research – Daffodil Days. On March 13, Club members delivered pre-sold daffodil bouquets to designated recipients on campus. This project raised almost $1100 with all proceeds going to the American Cancer Society. The Pre-Med and Pre-Dental Clubs would like to thank everyone who supported this effort. Kai Elgethen, adjunct faculty and State Toxicologist, had an article published in the April issue of Environmental Health Perspective, a journal published by the National Institute of Environmental Health. The article, titled “Risk of Childhood Cancers Associated with Residence in Agriculturally Intense Areas in the United States,” had as its objective evaluating “whether residence in a country with greater agricultural activity was associated with risk of developing cancer in children less than 15 years of age.” The article can be viewed online at Sarah Toevs, associate dean, professor, and chair of the department, co-authored an article on women in leadership that has been accepted for publication in the spring 2008 edition of Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal. The title of the paper is “Increasing the number of women administrators in the academy: A proposed application of the Transformational Leadership Model. “ Drs Lynda Ransdell and Diane Booth from the College of Education, and Dr. Sona Andrews, Provost, were involved in the writing of this article. Uwe Reischl has been invited to present at the American Lung Association High Desert Pulmonary Conference, June 13. Reischl will make a presentation in collaboration with Newell Gough (Department of Management) and Conrad Colby, professor emeritus in the College of Health Sciences, which illustrates the practical application of the Bird Flu Business Continuity Management Tool in a respiratory health department of a major medical facility in Boise. Uwe Reischl has been invited as the keynote speaker for the 2nd International Professional and Scientific Conference on Occupational Safety and Health in Bjelolasica, Croatia, September 24-27. The conference will focus on emerging occupational health issues and the role that scientific research in medicine and public health can contribute to potential solutions.


Health Sciences Connection

Department of Nursing Transforming Care at the Bedside Written by Pam Strohfus, assistant professor

I attended the TCAB (Transforming Care at the Bedside), ANOE conference in Orlando, Florida in January with administrative representatives from St. Luke's Hospital. This is a joint program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement to empower front line nurses, and other staff, to develop, test and implement changes that will dramatically improve care on medical/surgical units. St. Luke’s invited me (as a representative from DON) as an academic TCAB partner to place a broader emphasis on quality and safety throughout our curriculum. See below for more information on TCAB and the relationship with schools of nursing. There are two current projects that have just been started in Meridian (6th floor), one on "Operation Peaceful Lunch" and "white board communication" in the patient rooms. Both projects have been created and piloted in the last six weeks. The Peaceful lunch is very successful so far, as the nurses are appreciating the opportunity to take a lunch during their 12 hour shift while their "buddy" takes over their patient care during the much needed break. The "white board" has increased interdisciplinary team communication resulting in increased quality of care for the patient. If you are interested in finding more information on how your students can be involved please contact Jean Clark or Allie Gooding at the St. Luke’s Meridian or Beth Gray at St. Luke's Regional Medical Center. Our Curriculum Team and faculty are encouraged to include this in our revised curriculum. If you would like to learn more about this exciting transformation of care, please email me at [email protected] Dawn Weiler, associate professor, had the pleasure of attending the University of Arizona 50th Anniversary Nursing Research Conference, Celebrating Excellence in Nursing, held January 17 – 20, in Tucson, Arizona. The 50th Anniversary Session, chaired by Jan Atwood, PhD, RN, FAAN, traced the college's history of doctoral education. The panel consisted of Ann Voda, PhD, RN, FAAN, who shared the history of the nurse scientist program; Ada Sue Hinshaw, PhD, RN, FAAN, who reviewed the planning and implementation of the PhD program; Judith Effken, PhD, RN, FACMI, FAAN, who spoke on the evolution of the PhD program to an online, technology enhanced program; and Sally Reel, PhD, APRN, C-FNP, BC, FAAN, FAANP, who described the planning and implementation of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program. The ACE Internationalization Collaborative Meeting Written by Barbara Allerton, associate professor

“Internationalization of higher education is the process of integrating an international/intercultural dimension into the teaching, research, and service functions of the institution.” (Knight, 1994) Thanks to the generous support from the Center for Teaching and Learning and the International Nursing Opportunities Committee, I attended the American Council on Education (ACE) Internationalization Collaborative Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. in February. I was able to learn more about internationalization in universities and colleges, and share experiences and ideas with representatives from around the nation. Workshop session topics included integrating study abroad with curriculum, worldly faculty engagement across disciplines, good practices in internationalizing the curriculum, internationalization and community engagement, and the globally engaged institution. Through roundtable discussions with representatives from similar types of institutions, the participants were able to share their experiences and strategies for internationalizing their programs and institutions. I learned that internationalization at the program or institutional level is a slow, incremental process. The importance of faculty development became very apparent as we talked about how to get the faculty on board with changes in curriculum or new programs. Likewise, the need for administrators to be supportive of internationalization initiatives was emphasized. How to get faculty and administrators on board? The answer: “Send them somewhere!” Again and again, participants shared the stories of faculty and administrators returning with new insights and commitment to internationalization after travels and study abroad. The faculty were encouraged to participate in exchanges, especially Fulbright scholar opportunities. I returned with great contacts, resources and ideas to use as the nursing department embarks on its journey to internationalize the


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nursing curriculum. We are beginning that journey with the support of the Internationalization Initiatives grant from the university. Watch for faculty development opportunities next year as we share what we have learned. “Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.” - Maya Angelou Three faculty members from the Department of Nursing attended the Idaho Perinatal Conference held February 21 at the Nampa Civic Center. Close to 250 participants from the medical and nursing fields attended. Kelley Connor, instructor, attended the conference, Shoni Davis, associate professor, was part of the planning committee for the event, and Marty Downey, associate professor, was a keynote speaker for a presentation on “Humor in the workplace” that was focused on perinatal health-care providers. On February 25-27th, Pam Springer, associate dean, associate professor, and chair of the department, and Terri Soelberg, grant coordinator, attended and presented a poster, designed in collaboration with Mikal Black, assistant professor, at the All-Programs Conference for the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in Washington, DC. The poster presentation disseminated final project outcomes for the HRSA sponsored Greater Awareness for Idaho Nurses (GAIN) grant project. In addition, over 120 copies of the Dialogues in Culture DVD were distributed to conference attendees. This DVD was the project’s answer to sustainability and was very well received by both HRSA staffers and conference attendees. This national conference had over 1200 attendees and about 150 poster presentations. The agenda was packed with a mix of daily key note speakers and break out sessions featuring other HRSA grantees. Mikal Black, assistant professor, gave a podium presentation titled Health Care among Diverse Communities at the Diabetes Treatment Winter Conference, on February 29, at Mercy Medical Center in Nampa, Idaho. Idaho Nurse Educators Conference 2008 (INEC 2008) In March, the Boise State University Department of Nursing, in partnership with Northwest Nazarene University, hosted the 2008 INEC conference in Boise,

Idaho. The featured presenter, Dr. Linda Caputi, provided an interactive learning environment, and focused on clinical teaching and critical thinking. There was a poster presentation created by Barbara Allerton, associate professor, Mikal Black, assistant professor, and Nancy Otterness, associate professor, in collaboration with Cynthia Clark, professor, which was titled International Educational Exchanges and Scholarly Activities: Challenges and Opportunities. Over 150 participants attended, and the event was a success. The Idaho Partnership for Hispanic Health (IPHH) Pilot Intervention “Kick-Off” was held March 15 in Weiser, Idaho. Molly Prengaman, assistant professor, Leonie Sutherland, associate professor, and Dawn Weiler, associate professor, developed the family focused health promotion curriculum for this intervention project. This 15 week health promotion program includes weekly group educational sessions along with weekly family home visits. Promotoras/es (lay community health workers), trained by the nursing faculty, will deliver the educational program to the Hispanic community participants in Weiser, Idaho. The focus of the educational intervention is in the prevention of metabolic syndrome.


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During the “Kick-Off” event, study participants received baseline health screenings to include height, weight, blood pressure, heart rate, blood glucose, and lipid profiles. The health screening data was collected by students from the Department of Nursing. In addition, students from the Department of Nursing and the Boise State University Spanish Club will assist during the weekly group education sessions. The IPHH is a community participatory research project funded by the National Institutes of Health, Office of Minority Health. The core research team includes two educational institutions (the University of Washington and Boise State University), two Hispanic organizations (Centro de Comunidad Y Justicia and the Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs), and the Mountain States Group, a community nonprofit organization and Area Health Education Center. Nursing News Written by Lori Werth, advisor and coordinator

The Department of Nursing is proud to announce the following student recognitions: Founders Leadership Society – Class of 2008 Nursing Students – Julie Carr and Laura Hartwig Boise State University's Founders Leadership Society is a program that recognizes graduating students for their outstanding leadership involvement. Both Julie and Laura, along with nursing faculty Barb Allerton (associate professor), Mikal Black (assistant professor), Cindy Clark (professor), and Nancy Otterness (associate professor) are conducting research with faculty partners in China. 2008 Top 10 Scholars at Boise State University Nursing Student – Julie Carr Each year Boise State University selects, from across campus, ten students who are outstanding in their academics, service, and scholarship. Julie is indeed all of those. Julie has worked with nursing faculty on research projects, was very active in community service, and is indeed an outstanding student. Recent Publications by Nursing Faculty: Kathleen Sullivan (assistant professor), RN, MSN, NP Contributor in a new International Council of Nursing publication, Advanced Practice Nursing, by Madrean Schober and Fadwa Affara. Pam Strohfus (assistant professor), BSN, MA "SHOT LINE: An Immunization Resource", that was published in the latest issue of RN Idaho (Spring 2008, 15-17). Pam Gehrke (associate professor), RN, MS "Civic Engagement and Nursing Education" that has just been published in the current issue of Advances in Nursing Science (31(1): 52-66). Leonie Sutherland, associate professor, and Dawn Weiler, associate professor, attended the 2007 Designing, Conducting, Analyzing and Funding Intervention Studies: A Research Intensive Workshop in Phoenix, Arizona, in November 2007. Extensive information on the use of theory in designing and planning research interventions was presented. Arizona State University sponsors this very valuable program annually and others are highly encouraged to attend. The 2008 workshop is scheduled for December 3-5, 2008 in Phoenix, Arizona.

Department of Respiratory Therapy Lonny Ashworth, professor and chair of the Department of Respiratory Therapy, was in Japan February 26 – March 6 to teach multiple workshops on adult mechanical ventilation and teach at Kameda Medical Center in


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Kamogawa and at Shonan Kamakura Hospital in Kamakura. He also had an opportunity to continue his research on a newly released mode of ventilation. Lutana Haan, instructor, was quoted in a Channel 2 news story, early in March, on the effects of daylight saving time. Haan noted that many people are sleepy in the days following the switch, leading to an increase in automobile accidents. On March 20, Jeff Anderson, associate professor, gave a presentation for the Treasure Valley Centennial Chapter of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses. His one and a half hour lecture covered interpretation of adult critical care chest radiographs and CT scans. High Sierra Critical Care Conference and American Association for Respiratory Care Summer Forum Written by Coleen Dudley, administrative assistant II

T.J. Wing, assistant professor, represented the Department of Respiratory Care in Reno, Nevada for the three day 25th annual High Sierra Critical Care Conference. The conference, offered by the American Lung Association, provided updates on state-of-the-art medicine/techniques used in the treatment of adult, neonatal and pediatric critical care patients. The conference provided 22 contact hours of continuing education credits as approved by the American Association of Respiratory Care. Topics covered during the conference were vast, ranging from the evolution of MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphaureus) to the identification of physical abuse in a pediatric/neonate population. This conference comes highly recommended for anyone who currently works with a critical care population as a healthcare provider. Jody Lester, associate professor, and T.J. Wing have been invited to present at the American Association for Respiratory Care Summer Forum to be held in Phoenix, AZ. in July 2008. Drawing physicians, registered therapists and educators from across the nation, the forum is an opportunity for those who attend to learn the latest techniques and developments in the field of Respiratory Care. The presentations will be: “Is This the Best Therapy for My Patient? Using the Medical Literature to Improve Clinical Practice” Jody Lester, MA, RRT. “Is this Article Worth Reading?” T.J. Wing, MHS, RRT. “What Did That Paper Say?” Jody Lester, MA, RRT.

Center News Center for Health Policy Center for Health Policy Researchers Present Findings at Rural Health Conference Ed Baker, associate professor and director of the Center for Health Policy, and David Schmitz, rural director at the Family Medicine Residency of Idaho, presented findings of their recent research at the Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference on March 20 in Spokane, Washington. Their talk was entitled “Idaho Family Physician Rural Workforce Assessment Study.” The Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference – incorporating Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Alaska – focused this year’s conference on the positive force of preparation, planning and action for the creation of a thriving rural workforce, health system and community. This conference is the largest rural health conference in the region and draws more than 300 participants consisting of rural health advocates, administrators, commissioners, policy makers and professionals.

Feature Stories Congratulations to Ryan Lott, work-study student in the Department of Community and Environmental Health, and his wife Robyn on the birth of their son, Gabriel!


Health Sciences Connection

Calendar April 2 April 4 April 17-18 April 25

Association of Classified Employees (ACE): general meeting and luncheon Straight Talk on the Canadian and American Health Care Systems Celebrate Wellness Conference Brown Bag Research Seminar

Health Sciences Connection edited by Sarah Morse, [email protected]


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