// define the particle to emit from // and the fluid-container to emit into string $particle = "particleshape1"; string $fluid = "fluidshape5"; // variable definitions int $i, $vx, $vy, $vz; float $pos[], $partdens[], $partvel[], $sampdens[], $fluidvel[], $transfdens, $particlecol[], $transcolor[]; float $px, $py, $pz; vector $voxel; // get the resolution of the fluid-container and the current particle-count float $res[] = `getattr ($fluid + ".resolution")`; int $pcount = `particle -ct -q $particle`; int int int
$xres = $res[0]; $yres = $res[1]; $zres = $res[2];
for ($i = 0; $i< $pcount; $i++){ // retrieve coordinates for every particle $pos = `getparticleattr -at position ($particle + ".pt[" + $i + "]")`; // retrieve rgbpp-attribute aka color of every particle $particlecol = `getparticleattr -at rgbpp ($particle + ".pt[" + $i + "]")`; $transcolor[0] = $particlecol[0]; $transcolor[1] = $particlecol[1]; $transcolor[2] = $particlecol[2]; // get eventpp-attribute to check if particle has collided yet float $evpp[] = `getparticleattr -at eventpp ($particle + ".pt[" + $i + "]")`; // retrieve the voxel which we have to emit into $px = $pos[0]; $py = $pos[1]; $pz = $pos[2]; $voxel = `fluidvoxelinfo -voxel $px $py $pz fluid1`; $vx = $voxel.x; $vy = $voxel.y; $vz = $voxel.z; // has the particle collided yet? if ($evpp[0] >= 1){ // is the particle actually inside the fluid-container? if($vx < $xres && $vx > 0 && $vy < $yres && $vy > 0 && $vz < $zres && $vz>0){ // retrieve the per-particle density-attribute $partdens = `getparticleattr -at densitypp ($particle + ".pt[" + $i + "]")`;
// does the particle have enough densitypp left? if not, kill it! if($partdens[0] <.001){ select ($particle + ".pt["+$i +"]"); setparticleattr -at lifespanpp -fv 0; } // else, emit its density and color into the fluid-container at the specific voxel-coordinates else{ // retrieve the current velocity of the particle and of the voxel $partvel = `getparticleattr -at velocity ($particle + ".pt[" + $i + "]")`; $fluidvel = `getfluidattr -at "velocity" -xi $vx -yi $vy -zi $vz $fluid`; // distribute evenly between the velocities of the particle and the voxel
// same goes for the density further below $fluidvel[0] = ($fluidvel[0]+$partvel[0]) / 2 ; $fluidvel[1] = ($fluidvel[1]+$partvel[1]) / 2 ; $fluidvel[2] = ($fluidvel[2]+$partvel[2]) / 2 ;
// set that velocity for the current voxel setfluidattr -at "velocity" -vv $fluidvel[0] $fluidvel[1] -xi $vx -yi $vy -zi $vz $fluid; $sampdens
= `getfluidattr -at "density" -xi $vx -yi $vy -zi $vz = ($partdens[0]- $sampdens[0])/2;
// emit the density into the current voxel setfluidattr -at "density" -ad -fv $transfdens -xi $vx -yi $vy -zi $vz $fluid; // emit the color (rgbpp of the particle) into the current voxel setfluidattr -at "color" -ad -vv $transcolor[0] $transcolor[1] $transcolor[2] -xi $vx -yi $vy -zi $vz $fluid; // reduce the particle's densitypp by the amount that was just
$transfdens = $partdens[0]-$transfdens; select ($particle + ".pt[" + $i +"]"); setparticleattr -at densitypp -fv $transfdens; select -cl; } }}