Congue Nihil Imperdiet Doming Id Quod Mazim Placerat Facer Minim

  • Uploaded by: Daniel Abbott
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 890
  • Pages: 2
Congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer minim veni am ut wisi enim ad minimeniam, quis erat nostr uexe rci tation ullamcorper nostru exerci tation ullam corper et iusto odio dig nissim qui blandit praesent lupta. Tummer delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Con erattis sectetuer adip iscing elit, sed erat diam nonummy nibh magna erat.

Be confident your taxes are done right! Let our professionals ensure you get all the tax deductions you are entitled to whatever your profession may be. Our dedicated team knows the tax law. Preparing tax returns is what we do.

Yo u rH a w a iiTa xS p e c ia lis st

Contact us at

(808) 591-8006 or on the web at

“It w a s su ch a re lie f to file m y ta x e s a n d re c e ive a la rg e r re fu n d th a n w h a t I a n ticip .”a te d -Norman Kaui

R e d u ce Yo u r Ta xe sC o n su lt W ithU s

“N e x t to A la M o a n aM a ll” Preparing Tax Returns is what we do! Let us prepare yours and save you money this year.

L o o kin g F o r a P la ce F ile to Yo u r Ta x R e tu rn

and file them with the

Our convenient location at Kapiolani Blvd. and Piikoi St near Ala Moana is perfect for your needs.

P e rs o n a>l> >

F rie n d ly, H o n e s t, Tru s tw o rth y Dependable. There are a lot of options available to you when you do your taxes. Why go to a chain store where they will charge you more and not work hard to find you savings? Come see us instead. 808 Tax is locally owned and open year round unlike some tax offices. If you have a question in June why wait until January to ask a tax professional? We offer year round consultation and other services for small businesses such as bookkeeping and accounting. We can figure out your state general excise tax as well, make estimated tax payments through the year, and give you tips on how to save more money filing next year’s return.

S e lf E m p lo y e> d> >

Filing your Federal and State Whether you are contractor or Income taxes should not be a operate a business out of your hassle. We make filing your taxes home. We know you work hard for pain free and simple. When you your money. Let our experience schedule an appointment with us work hard for you. We have 30 there is no wait. Our years of experience maximizing comprehensive interview ensures deductions for the self employed. you get largest refund possible We will fill out all the necessary without having to pay a lot. Our forms and file your taxes for you. 808reasonable TAX is a locally rates owned are priced tax preparation lower Hereservice at 808company Tax we focus on the whichspecializing means customer withthan overour 30 competitors years experience in tax service and fornot on your more money you. owners. Our checkbook. We treat you fairly but individuals and smallforbusiness customers typically receive their we don’t charge a lot. If you are refund within 7 days. Other not satisfied with us simply don’t options are available for same day pay us. refunds.

L e t u sIn tro d u ce O u rse lve s!

S m a ll B u s in e>s>s> Let us handle your taxes so you products for small business to can focus on your business. include Income Statements and Preparing your own taxes Balance Sheets. Not every as a small business business can afford to hire We make filing your owner can be a CPA. We offer exhausting. Our taxes pain free and affordable solutions that expertise is helping simple. No generate easy to read you get all the statements which makes appointment deductions you are running your business that necessary, come see entitled to so you much easier. Set up an us today. don’t spend a fortune. We can help you with all of your tax needs from General Excise to Federal Income. We know taxes, it’s what we do. We also offer other

appointment with us and see how much we can save you this year.

W e a re w ith y o u e v e ry s te p o f th e w a y > > > 1311 Kapiolani Boulevard

We treat all of our customers with dignity and respect. Filing your taxes should not be something you try to avoid until the last minute. Call Suite 501 us today and set up a free appointment or stop by our offices. Most of our customers are repeat customers because of how well we treat Honolulu, HI 96814 them. The best part is we have lower prices than our competitors.

D iv is io n A S A M a rk e tin g In te rn a tio n a l, L L C

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