Confined Space Entry

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  • Words: 2,047
  • Pages: 89
Department of University Safety & Assurances

US&A (v. 2/07)

What you need to know • Training topics include: – confined space identification and hazards – air monitoring – controlling hazards – communications – blowers – emergency retrieval system use – emergency procedures

US&A (v. 2/07)

Step I: What is a confined space? • (a) Is large enough and so configured that an employee can enter and perform assigned work; • (b) Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit, and • (c) Is not designed for continuous employee occupancy. US&A (v. 2/07)

Examples at UWM • • • • • • •

manholes and pits steam pit electrical pit signal pit storm drain manhole sump pit tanks at the Power Plant • others - see inventory

UWM Steam Pit #1 at Power Plant US&A (v. 2/07)

Examples at UWM

Pit 1: Outside Power Plant

US&A (v. 2/07)

Examples at UWM

Pit 2: Between Holton and Merrill Halls

US&A (v. 2/07)

Examples at UWM

Pit 3: between Chapman and Sandburg

US&A (v. 2/07)

Examples at UWM

Pit 4: East side of Lapham Hall

US&A (v. 2/07)

Examples at UWM

Pit 5: Southeast of Lapham Hall

US&A (v. 2/07)

Examples at UWM

Pit 6: North of Child Care Center US&A (v. 2/07)

Examples at UWM Pit 7: Goat Hill

US&A (v. 2/07)

Examples at UWM

Pit 8: South of Lapham Hall

US&A (v. 2/07)

Examples at UWM

Pit 10: South of EMS

US&A (v. 2/07)

Examples at UWM

Pit 11: Union US&A (v. 2/07)

Examples at UWM

Pit 12?:

US&A (v. 2/07)

Examples at UWM

Pit 13: Mitchell Hall

US&A (v. 2/07)

Examples at UWM

Pit #14: Southwest corner of Golda Meir Library US&A (v. 2/07)

Examples at UWM

• Signal Pit outside Power Plant

US&A (v. 2/07)

Examples at UWM

• Permit-required Confined spaces at the Power Plant US&A (v. 2/07)

Examples at UWM

Mitchell north-wing roof steam line chase

Steam Pit west of Mitchell Hall US&A (v. 2/07)

Examples at UWM • Acid Neutralization Pit in Lapham Hall – Serviced by Outside Contractor

US&A (v. 2/07)

Examples at UWM

Pump House US&A (v. 2/07)

Other Hazardous Spaces • Elevator Pits – Lockout/Tagout – Sump Pits?

US&A (v. 2/07)

Step 2: Is It A Permit-Required Confined Space? • Use this flowchart to determine if an enclosed space is a “confined space” and whether a “confined space” is a “permitrequired confined space” US&A (v. 2/07)

Step III: Hierarchy of PermitSpaces




Alternate Entry-Hazards Controlled


(by continuous forced air ventilation)


Permit Space Entry-Hazards Cannot be Eliminated nor Controlled

US&A (v. 2/07)

Hierarchy of Permit-Spaces

Refer to Handout

US&A (v. 2/07)

C4 Permit Confined Space • Lapham Hall and Chemistry--the laboratory fume hood system “Gas Chambers”

US&A (v. 2/07)

C4 Permit Confined Space

US&A (v. 2/07)

C5 Alternate Entry with Continuous Ventilation

US&A (v. 2/07)

C5 Alternate Entry with Continuous Ventilation

• Electrical Pits • Signal Pits • Steam Pits

US&A (v. 2/07)

C5 Alternate Entry -Hazards Controlled by Continuous Ventilation

US&A (v. 2/07)

C7 Hazards Eliminated

• Mitchell Hall Basement Utility Chase. (Looking north, from south access panel. The immediate south end is a C7 Hazard Eliminated space; the rest of the chase is a “C-5” confined space.)

US&A (v. 2/07)

C7 Reclassification-Hazards Eliminated

US&A (v. 2/07)

Confined Space and Hazardous Space Inventory US&A (v. 2/07)

Other Hazardous Spaces

• Some enclosed areas and roofs are labeled with special precautions.

US&A (v. 2/07)

What you need to know • Be sure you can identify a confined space • You need to know what safety measures to take prior to entering a confined space

US&A (v. 2/07)

What Are the Hazards?

• Oxygen Hazards

• Engulfment

– too much or too little

– shifting liquid or solid substance that traps employee

• Toxic Hazards

– gases, vapors or fumes (examples: hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide)

• Configuration

• Flammable or Explosive Hazards

– Walls or floor which slope downward or taper in can trap an employee

• Energy Hazards

– vapors or dusts in concentrations large enough to ignite

US&A (v. 2/07)

– Contact with mechanical or electrical equipment, steam or other sources of heat

Atmospheric Hazards

Multi Gas Meters • Multi-gas meters for confined space/hazardous space air monitoring. • Though similar, each instrument has unique features and operating characteristics. These devices measure "real-time" oxygen content, flammability/explosion potential, carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentrations. US&A (v. 2/07)

What is Air?

US&A (v. 2/07)

Hazardous Atmospheres

• Asphyxiating (simple and chemical)

• •

Flammable Toxic

US&A (v. 2/07)

Location of PPS Meter

• Multi-gas meters are kept in Mitchell Hall B8

US&A (v. 2/07)

Abbreviations: • • •


UEL % Upper Explosive Limit LEL % Lower Explosive Limit ALARM at 10% LEL

Example: Gasoline

US&A (v. 2/07)

Methane (CH4) • • • • •

Natural gas, marsh gas, swamp gas Due to gas leak or organic decay Colorless/odorless flammable gas, or scented LEL = 5%; UEL = 15% I s Methane Toxic?

US&A (v. 2/07)

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) • Colorless, odorless, noncombustible gas • Heavier than air • Common in solid and compressed liquid forms • Carbonation • Inserting • Organic decay (grain elevators, sewers, storage bins, wells) • Fermentation (digesters, molasses pits, beer and wine vats US&A (v. 2/07)

Abbreviations: Toxicants • ppm

parts per million 1% = 10,000 ppm

• IDLH • • • •


Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health Permissible Exposure Limit Threshold Limit Value 8-hour Time Weighted Average Short Term Exposure Limit (15 min) US&A (v. 2/07)

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

• • • •

Colorless, odorless gas Slightly lighter than air Chemical asphyxiant Primary source: incomplete combustion of organic material • Gasoline-fueled combustion engines

US&A (v. 2/07)

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

• • • •

Sewer gas, stink gas (rotten eggs) Odor threshold: 0.02-0.2 ppm Colorless, flammable gas Heavier than air

US&A (v. 2/07)


US&A (v. 2/07)

Physical Hazards


US&A (v. 2/07)


US&A (v. 2/07)

Lockout/Tagout • Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) is an integral component of any confined space management program. • Confined space entry procedures and LOTO are not simply OSHA and DILHR mandated work rules, but are part of an effective safety/risk

Checking the 'key-box' and LOTO procedures posted adjacent to the worksite at Boiler #1 in the Heat Plant

US&A (v. 2/07)

Noise • Noise can be amplified because of the design or acoustic properties of a confined space. Excessive noise can permanently damage hearing as well as affect communications regarding work performed or warnings. US&A (v. 2/07)

Other Atmospheric Conditions

• While not an air contaminant, high temperatures and high humidity can make work uncomfortable in some locations such as steam pits

US&A (v. 2/07)

Falling Objects • Workers in confined spaces should be aware of the potential for falling objects. • In particular, hazards are prevalent in spaces that have topside openings for entry and where work is being done above the worker.

US&A (v. 2/07)

Other Hazards

US&A (v. 2/07)

Other Hazards

US&A (v. 2/07)

Psychological Hazards

Psychological Hazards • These include claustrophobia or other problems associated with being in a dark, cramped or isolated space. • Such hazards can be magnified by a worker’s physical condition. • A person in poor physical condition may become easily fatigued. US&A (v. 2/07)

Equipment & Emergency Retrieval


• Alert supervisor upon entering and leaving • For Permit Space Entry, maintain contact with attendant throughout entire scheduled operation US&A (v. 2/07)

Ventilators/Blowers • Always push clean air in • If using a portable generator to power blower, make sure exhaust from generator is positioned downward from the confined space • If using an extension cord to power blower, use GFCI cord • Do not use blowers in enclosed spaces where damaged asbestos exists

US&A (v. 2/07)

Purge Times

US&A (v. 2/07)

Safety Equipment

• Do not enter a confined space without hands-on training in use of equipment

US&A (v. 2/07)

Safety Equipment • Body Harness: Straps which may be secured about an employee in a manner that will distribute the fall arrest forces over at least the thighs, pelvis, waist, chest and shoulders with means for attaching it to other components of a personal fall arrest system US&A (v. 2/07)

Safety Equipment

• Adjusting harness – Your harness must fit and be adjusted correctly in order to work comfortably US&A (v. 2/07)

Safety Equipment


• Lanyard: A flexible line used to secure a body belt or body harness to a lifeline or directly to a point of anchorage. US&A (v. 2/07)

Safety Equipment • Connector: A device used to couple (connect) parts of the personal fall arrest system, such as a carabiner, or it may be an integral component of part of the system (such as a buckle or “D-ring” sewn into a body belt or body harness, or a snaphook spliced or sewn to a lanyard or self-retracting lanyard.) US&A (v. 2/07)


Safety Equipment • Lifeline: A line provided for direct or indirect attachment to a worker’s body belt, body harness, lanyard or deceleration device. Such lifelines may be horizontal or vertical in application

Retractable life lines US&A (v. 2/07)

Other PPE

• Hard Hat • Boots • Safety Glasses

US&A (v. 2/07)

Protecting Openings to Confined Spaces • When opening is in a public walkway, ADA compliant barricades must be set up to protect the pedestrian traffic from all directions. • Barricades must be lit during hours of darkness. • When out of pedestrian traffic and sidewalks, tripod and attendant should be sufficient to protect public from confined space openings. US&A (v. 2/07)

Assembling Tripod • Extend legs so that the tripod will stand at least 8’ above the opening • Fully extend the legs if using tripod on “built -up” manholes • Use better body mechanics US&A (v. 2/07)

Attaching Winch to Tripod

US&A (v. 2/07)

Attaching Lifeline to Tripod • Disconnect the pulley assembly • Run lifeline over the pulley • Reconnect the pulley assembly

US&A (v. 2/07)

Attaching and Testing Winch

US&A (v. 2/07)

Positioning Tripod

• Adjust the legs so that the pulley is centered over the opening of the confined space

US&A (v. 2/07)

Emergency Response

US&A (v. 2/07)

Entry Supervisor’s Duties The authorized entry supervisor’s duties include the following: • Know space hazards including information on the mode of exposure, signs or symptoms and consequences of exposure • Verify emergency plans and specified entry conditions such as permits, tests, procedures and equipment before allowing entry • Terminate entry and cancel permits when entry operations are completed or if a new condition exists • Take appropriate measures to remove unauthorized entrants • Ensure that entry operations remain consistent with the entry permit and that acceptable entry conditions are maintained

US&A (v. 2/07)

Emergency Retrieval

• All UWM workers will be trained to do non-entry rescue • Rescue involving entry into the confined space will be done by the Milwaukee Fire Department Urban Rescue Team US&A (v. 2/07)


• Call for help. Use your two way communication to get assistance. • Call campus police at 9911. Relay your location, the nature of the incident and emphasize the incident has occurred in a confined space.

• While awaiting help, use retrieval system to get your partner out of the space, only if the rescue is a simple vertical withdrawal. US&A (v. 2/07)

Non-Entry Rescue • Do not move your partner if you suspect a head or neck injury has occurred. • Do not attempt a nonentry rescue if the person would be dragged around a corner or between obstacles which could entangle your partner. US&A (v. 2/07)

Review • If you are involved at all in confined space work, be sure you are comfortable with emergency procedures US&A (v. 2/07)

Potential Hazards

• Identify the potential hazards of this confined space

US&A (v. 2/07)

Is This Safe?

Is this Safe?

US&A (v. 2/07)

Is This Safe?

INCORRECT Even putting your head into confined space without ventilation and monitoring can be dangerous

US&A (v. 2/07)

Is This Safe? CORRECT Confined space should be ventilated before entry.

US&A (v. 2/07)


• Remember – A safe worker is a happy worker! US&A (v. 2/07)

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