URL Request in the IE URL hit to request ad from smartserve server:http://qadp01.qa.ru4.com/smartserve/ad?placement= URL hit to retrieve the Adi Log:http://qa-dp01.qa.ru4.com/smartserve/cgibin/getlog.cgi?type=adi&offset=0 Scenario:1.1.1 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair:attri1 Value for Name Value Pair attri1:-1,0,128,255,256 Expected values for attri1:101,0,128,255,101 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:27 Scenario:1.1.2 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair: Value for Name Value Pair: Expected value for attri1:102 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:27 Scenario:1.1.3 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair:perl,abc Value for Name Value Pair perl:201,202,203 Value for Name Value Pair abc:100,101,102 Expected value for perl:201,202,203 Expected value for abc:100,101,102 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:29 Scenario:1.2.1 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair:india Value for Name Value Pair india:-129,-128,25,127,128 Expected values for india:-5,-128,25,127,-5 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:28 Scenario:1.2.2 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair: Value for Name Value Pair: Expected value for india:-6 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:28 Scenario:1.2.3 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair:post,italy Value for Name Value Pair post:5,6,7 Value for Name Value Pair italy:100,101,102 Expected value for post:5,6,7 Expected value for abc:100,101,102 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:31
Scenario:1.3.1 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair:valid Value for Name Value Pair valid:-1,0,32768,65535,65536 Expected values for valid:65534,0,32768,65535,65534 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:33 Scenario:1.3.2 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair: Value for Name Value Pair: Expected value for valid:65533 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:33 Scenario:1.3.3 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair:first,second Value for Name Value Pair first:366,368,367 Value for Name Value Pair second:100,101,102 Expected value for first:366,368,367 Expected value for second:100,101,102 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:34 Scenario:1.4.1 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair:nvp Value for Name Value Pair nvp:-32769,-32768,15,32767,32768 Expected values for nvp:-256,-32768,15,32767,-256 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:36 Scenario:1.4.2 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair: Value for Name Value Pair: Expected value for nvp:-257 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:36 Scenario:1.4.3 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair:split,rtg Value for Name Value Pair split:361,371,381 Value for Name Value Pair rtg:100,101,102 Expected value for split:361,371,381 Expected value for rtg:100,101,102 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:37 Scenario:1.5.1 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair:complex Value for Name Value Pair complex:-1,0,214733647,4294967295,4294967296 Expected values for complex:45501,0,214733647,4294967295,45501 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0
Starting Column Index:39 Scenario:1.5.2 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair: Value for Name Value Pair: Expected value for complex:45502 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:39 Scenario:1.5.3 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair:simple,city Value for Name Value Pair simple:13,14,15 Value for Name Value Pair city:100,101,102 Expected value for simple:13,14,15 Expected value for city:100,101,102 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:40 Scenario:1.6.1 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair:visual Value for Name Value Pair visual:-2147483649,-2147483648,20,2147483647,2147483648 Expected values for visual:426,-2147483648,20,2147483647,426 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:42 Scenario:1.6.2 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair: Value for Name Value Pair: Expected value for visual:427 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:42 Scenario:1.6.3 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair:domain,val Value for Name Value Pair domain:-66,-67,-68 Value for Name Value Pair val:100,101,102 Expected value for domain:-66,-67,-68 Expected value for val:100,101,102 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:43 Scenario:1.7.1 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair:plus Value for Name Value Pair plus:-9223372036854775809,9223372036854775808,50,9223372036854775807,9223372036854775808 Expected values for plus:25501,-9223372036854775808,50,9223372036854775807,25501 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:45 Scenario:1.7.2 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair:
Value for Name Value Pair: Expected value for plus:25502 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:45 Scenario:1.7.3 Placement ID:pt-1960-001 Name Value Pair:minus,cross Value for Name Value Pair minus:6001,6002,6003 Value for Name Value Pair cross:100,101,102 Expected value for minus:6001,6002,6003 Expected value for cross:100,101,102 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:46 Scenario:1.8.1 Placement ID:pt-1964-001 Name Value Pair:attstr Value for Name Value Pair attstr:abcd,abcdef,abcde Expected values for attstr:abcd,abcde,abcde Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:28 Scenario:1.9.1 Placement ID:pt-1964-001 Name Value Pair:xplelg1,xplelg2 Value for Name Value Pair xplelg1:1,? Value for Name Value Pair xplelg2:0,Expected values:10---,?---Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:26 Starting Attribute Index:1 Scenario:1.9.2 Placement ID:pt-1964-001 Name Value Pair:diselg1,enaelg2,enaelg3 Value for Name Value Pair enaelg2:1 Value for Name Value Pair enaelg3:0 Expected values:--X10 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:1 Starting Column Index:26 Starting Attribute Index:3 Scenario:2.1 Placement ID:pt-1964-001 Name Value Pair:unvatr1,unvatr2 Value for Name Value Pair unvatr1:256 Value for Name Value Pair unvatr2:200 Expected values for unvatr1:100 Expected Values for unvatr2:200 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:30 Scenario:5.1 Placement ID:pt-1964-001 Name Value Pair:disdimatr1,disdimatr2,enadimatr1,enadimatr2 Value for Name Value Pair enadimatr1:10 Value for Name Value Pair enadimatr2:20
Expected Expected Expected Expected Inactive Starting
values for disdimatr1: values for disdimatr2: values for enadimatr1:10 values for enadimatr2:20 Name Value Pair Index:1,2 Column Index:34
Scenario:5.2 Placement ID:pt-1964-001 Name Value Pair:at1oddim1,at1oddim2,at2oddim1,at2oddim2 Value for Name Value Pair at1oddim1:5 Value for Name Value Pair at1oddim2:10 Value for Name Value Pair at2oddim1:7 Value for Name Value Pair at2oddim2:11 Expected values for at1oddim1:5 Expected Values for at1oddim2:7 Expected Values for at2oddim1:10 Expected Values for at2oddim2:11 Inactive Name Value Pair Index:0 Starting Column Index:38