Confident That None Will Assent More Heartily Than

  • November 2019
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'" .)LJee Exponent r








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WORCESTER ROM two to ten million dollars is quite a leap in

proposed ex pend it u res for an exposition, but the ba ckers of th e fair at Seattle have already raised and ex pended th e larger sum, and have produced a unique, varied and attra ctiv e display of the r esources and achi evem ents of th e least-known portions of onr nati onal domain. B eyond doubt, th e Ameriean public has g r own weary of certa in kinds of fairs, especially such disastrous failures as th e last one at .Iam estcwn. All thi s was full y appreciated by th e "Aladdin's lamp" city of the N orthwest; but it served to stimulate rath er th an dishearten . H er cit izens set ont to P)'O­ duce "the fair that should be different;" and as a first uniqu e feature they a n nounced that it would be ready on th e d ay set f or th e op ening. This proph ecy met with general ineredulity , but wh en , on the first d ay of -Iun e last, th e gates swung open and President 'raft at th e White House pressed th e elec t ric key , near-ly on e hundred thousand persons were present to bear witn ess to the right of this enter­ prise to cl aim , as its first distinguishing feature, a con­ dition on th e opening' (lay whi ch showed no marks of incompleteness or hurried constru ction. The mason a nd th e ca rpente r' a nd th e garden er had don e their work. A finish ed group of stru ctures, many of which had been comp let ed for some weeks or even months, wer e i n evid enc e. Where but two years before, on the day when ground was firat broken, a dense forest had stood, th e spacious 1111<1 beautiful COUl't of HOllOI' sent its tumbling cas cades down the hillside, gently sloping from the present buildings of th e State U niversity to the fir-emb ow er ed shores of Lake Union and Lake Washingto)).



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MAGAZINE In several oth er points besides that of un expect ed pre­ paredness, this latest Exposition is un ique, an d suggests that we have to do with a radi cally new type of fail' , rather than with som e variati on of a type wh ieh has grown a hit wearisom e. For one thing, this makes no claim upon th e patronage of th e nation DOl' upon it s treasury because cele br a tin g any ann iversary of som e f ar-away histor-ical h appening. The eye s of its cre at ors are fixed steadily upon th e present and future. Furthermore, it do cs not start off as a. ri sky financial experiment. with a big loan from U ncle S am which it has neith er the ability nor intention of makin g good. When the city of Scuttle and th e State of Washington and the great North west decid ed th at it was worth while to cr eate this fair, th ey went quietly to work to r aise the money on th e spot. 'With th e lavish and far­ seeing lib eral ity of a region th at is handling large slims ever y year and ex pec t s to handl e mu ch more in the near future, these people made their individual subscriptions, and th en tax ed th ems elves as cit.ies and counties and commonwealths. Th e State of W ashin g­ ton made lavish appropriations, on th e conditi on th at some of th e buildings should be made p erman ent i n char acter , and r evert to the State University, whose land was offered for th e purposes of th e fair. This wa s a pieee of wis e economy, wh ieh is a sample of th e finanei ering whi ch has ch a r act er ized the whole ­ prise. 'I'h e national government has indeed mad e gen­ er ous appropriations, but it has done so be cause of th e unparalleled opportunity to demonstrate t o all wh o might come some of its present methods and suc cess in developing and con troll ing som e of its best-known possessions.

WORCESTER An oth er un iq ue ch a ructer of t his Ex position de­ ser ves di stin ct noti ce , and if th e r ead er will caref ully and cr-it ica ll y stu dy tho views of th e gr ounds an d build ings and snrroim .Iings whi ch arc her e r eprodu ced, no ex tend ed di scussion of this point will b e n ecessary . All f airs. of course, h a ve sought to sd f orth th e m ate­ rial p r od uc ts of th e wor-ld?« progress in sur ro un d ings as beautiful as possible. Ph ilud elph ia t ook ad vantage of h er beautiful Fu irmouu t Pu rk ; Chi ca go t r ied t o aton e for th e flatness of th e landscape b y t ow erin g buildings , and g ave to the world th e first vi sion of th e poss ibilities of st aff a,; a «ount erfcit re presentation of tradition al mar-bl e. St. Louis, of cou rse , mad e h er buildin gs bi gger and her grouud» more ex t ensive and her ex h ib its more colussul th an Chic a go . almost t o th e despair of th e sig h t-see r . .A r chitectural el aborateness and decor-ation s of allegor -ical groups of statnary grew apa ce in th is rac e f or th e va st a nd th e imposing. Seattl e, like h er n eighbor, P ortland. has had th e sound judgment a nd discernment t o adopt a s imple r but n o less sa t isf y ing sc heme of beauty. She h as d eliberatel y subs t it ut ed com p ac t nes s f or a superlative numb er of ac res oc cup ied ; sh e ha s chosen th e w arm er t on es of ye l­ low, with just a suggesti on of brown , f or the da zzlin g white whi ch h as be en so w earying and even nerve­ r ack ing to th c onl ookers at ot he r expos ition s. TIl(' general style of Fren ch and Spanish ren aissance h as gover ned th e architecture of the vari ous bu ildin gs, with h er e and th ere a fine spec ime n of th e st r ic tl y classi c. Th e st iffness of the r ectan gular has yielded to ple asin g curved lin es. alik e in walls and a ven ues. At first look one misses th e ela bor a te d ecorati on s of othe r fairs; but upon an alv zin g hi s satisf act ion with th e scen e b efor e



him. h e dis cover's th e new ch a r m, whi ch «onsistx in the delib erate use of flow ers and tr-ees, with th e distant setti n gs of for est expan ses and t ow ering mou ntn in r an ges , with old R aini er loomin g above all . muk iu g nnv Eiffel Tower seem sublimely ridi culous. No photo­ g r a ph ca n po ssibly r epro duce th e effec t of for mal gn r­ den s and florul sp a ces measured literall y by th e acr«. nct n nl i nsp ect.ion a lone will demo nst rat e th e skill with whi ch the nati v e Dougla ss TIr' ha s becn mad e t o (10 ser ­ v ice, n or brin g into effec tiv e con t ras t sorn c ornat e fac ade or gr a ceful p ergola : her e f raming in some dainty vista of l ake vie w, and th ere s t a nd ing as so l i­ tary s entin els around som e S pani sh mission or log cab in or Mexi can pueblo . Owin g t o th e extremel y l ate and col d sp r ing. whi ch has a ffl icte d W ash ingt.on quite as ser io usly as N ew En gland. one had t o b e satisfied with budsin stead of fnll bl ossoms o n th e th ou s ands o f r ose-bu sh es a n d th e hundreds of th ousands of gera ­ nium plants upon th e opening da y; but a ny lo ver of flow ers co uld eas ily foreca st th e sp le nd ors whi ch mid ­ sum m er is s ur e t o bring e ver y wh er e. B ut all these unique ch a ra ct eristics have been . after' a ll. in cid ental s of th e s um total in this " f a ir t hat is diffcrent. " It is time to tou ch directly upon the esse n­ t ial distin ctions which put th is E x pos iti o n in a cl ass hy itself, a cla ss in whi ch it is th e first co me r. but in whi ch it is sure t o have latcr foll ow ers. A s we h ave see n , it mak es no vain attemp t to ti e itself to so me arbi­ trary date in a by g one cen t u ry. As a n y one will see wh o visi ts it, th ere is no effor t t o rna k e it a w orld's fair, in an y ot her se nse th an that it has brou ght t o­ get he r a collection of obj ects which w ould delight a nd i nst r uc t v isitors from an y p art of th e known world.


As its n am e implies, it is an Alaska -Yukon-Pacific Ex­ p osition ; literally and pn~(~iscly . a showing forth of th e res ources and possibilities of far-away Alaska, th e great Yukon reg ion r eur-hing down into British Colum­ bi a, th e Pa cific const southward to the tropical regions of M exico, th e Hawaiian and Philippine Islands, and th e two gr< ~at nutious facing our domain on the other s ide of the Pa cific- ,Japan and Chin a. It is manifest th a t th er e is nothing' 1H1I'row or ex clu sive in this ambi­ tion. It is unlike the 'Wol'l
modesty, neith er Seattle nor the State of Wash ingto n has sought to incorporate its name into the offi cial title of this Exposi tion; hut i t will none the less wr ite itself ind elibly into its compl et ed h istory. Th er e appeared one







the id ea, a nd th eir d eterm in ati on t hat t hei r city, t he gateway t h r ou gh which A laska's th ousand s f oun d their w ay t o its sh inin g san ds an d the four hun d red millions of gold flowed b ack to enrich th e worl d, ' should be t he locati on of such a n ex position . F or tu­ na tely, thi s ge r m-idea f ou nd for its developm en t t he most favora ble kino of enviro nmen t. The logi c of t he sit uation was fin ply ap pr eciated. N either A las ka alon e, nor simply Alask a plus Seattle, a cit y wh ich owes muc h of its sw if t g ro wth an d p r esen t rich es to its «onucct ion wit h ou r north ern most possession ; hut th e gr eat coast-lin e fro m Cape No me t o San Di ego, the opposite sh or es of th e far-a way Orien t, an d all t he

isl an ds of th e P acific inter vening,-her e was th e t rue scope of a n exposit ion wh ich sho uld be worth y of ha r d st r uggl e an d self -sacri ficing devo t ion; he re was a n un ­ known w orld wa it ing to be r evealed to th ousand!'; wh ose f eet had beco me fam ili ar only with the prod ucts of ma ny cent nr ies of European civili zat ion, to me r­ cha nts and manuf a cturers wh ose v isi on is to -da v cen­ tered on and limit ed by t he markets of an old world , ,0 student s of lat ent wealth a nd u ndeveloped r e­ sources which a re de sti ned in th e near fut ure to playa st rong an d perh aps a distu r b ing part in t he readj ust­ men ts of pow er amo ng th e natio ns of th e globe. I n a 'w ord, t he creato rs of th is la test E xp ositi on h ave h ad

th e di scernm ent to eo uce ive a new world-empire th at is t o find its sph ere del imited by the coast -line of th e P acific, even as an cient. history cen t red about th e Mediterran ean , a nd mod ern history has found it s loca­ lion det ermin ed by th e tides of the Atlanti c. Fortu­ n ate, in deed, "V PI'( ~ 't!wy to have f or th eir spokesman on the op enin g da y , in thut superb natural amph itheatre filled with th ousands of listener s, Jam es .J. Hill , a m an whose life has 1)('('n dominated by ambitions of empire­ buildirur. a nd who litter ed this sia nificant message, set ­ till g: forth ill :<Jn l·tJing fig-III'es th e basi c greatness of thi s n ew pr ov in ce ill the modern wor-ld of comme rce :

dn e t o th eir effo rt s :111,1 sa crifi ces in th e past; a nd they expect peculi ar adva nt ages to COIllC to this regio n in t he immed ia t e f uture from th e movr-ment s now 'in ope ration on t he o pposi te sh ores of t he Pacifi c. Th er e is amo ng t hem muc h e vid e nce of th a t a b oundin g hop cf'uln osx, th at joy ou s ant icipation of tho future, which ofte n chu ru ctc rizes vigo rou s new comm n niti cs on t he th reshold of great transformation s. " M ea su red by its Iiueu r exte nt, it s cont ine nta l relat io n, its situat ion w ith r of'eron eo to th e ea r ryi ng t ra d e, an d its po si t io n upon t he oeeu u, whe re t he worhl ?« futu re will proba bly witness st upe ndo us cha nges, its res ou rc es , its prod uctio n a nd i ts comme rce ar~ubstant i al ele me nts in uation al grea t ness a nd na ti o na l pro mise.

F a cing thi ~ maj cst.ic sea nnd )ookiu g a cr oss it t o coas ts f ull of my s tory 'lIIeI attracti o n f or IIIen fo r th ousand s of years, the P a ci fic coa~ 1 ha s parti cipated in f oreign com merce more ext e n­ si vely th a n its population or its wealth woul d suggest. In t hs I1 j t een-y ea r peri od fr om 1893 t o 1908, th e g rowtll of our tota l

H ere we have found th e t r ue di stin gui sh in g mark of thi s Exposition, and in so d oing hav e lifted it out of the for mer procession of worl d's f airs into a cla ss by itself. H er ein we find j us t ificat ion for dev otin g th is


ex ports an d import s by cu st oms di st r ict s sh ows so me startling co nt rasts . T he f or eign t rade of t he ent ire U nited Sta tes in th ese yea rs . in c reased a lmost 74. per cen t. Th e A tl a nt ic: ports, with co mme r ce al rea dy dev elop ed, sho w a gr owth of b ut 47 per cen t . Th e sud de n expan sion of Chica go, B uff a lo, Det roit, D ul uth -S up e ri or, and ot he r i nt eri or shipp ing ce nt res in creased t he tra de of t he no rt hern bo rder a nd lake p orts in th e aggregate 1 72 pe r cen t. In t ho sa me t ime the in crease fo r all t he po rts of th e Pa cific coast co mb ined wa s 1021,6 per ce nt. B ut in th e la st se ven t ee n y ea rs t he f or eign com merce of t he Pu ge t So und d ist ri c t a lon e, which in cl udes Seattle and 'I'ac om a, jumped from $5, 021,434 to $69,012,681, or 2,184 p el' cent . Fo r th e d is t r ict of t he Wi ll am et te t he gai n was 26 7 per ce nt ., and for Alaska 8.SH . Seattle is now t he t hird city in th e U ni ted States as a cot to n ex porter . Th e histori a n of th is coast, P r of essor S ha fer , of th e Un ive r­ sity of Or ego n. says: " The peop le of t he Paci fic slope a re f ull y a li ve t o t he strategic i mp ortan ce of t hei r p osit ion in t he his tori cnl scheme of na tio na l de velo pm en t. T hey reali ze that much of the presen t ad va nt age , with re f e rence to t he Ori e nt , is

num ber of th e W orc ester Maga zine so largely t o th is s u bject. As one of many pa ssing obj ects of inter est for th e summ er tour ist, it could not claim so much at­ tenti on . If it were co nsid er ed sim pl y as th e a mb itious effort of a s ing le city or commonwea lth t o fix the world 's gaze for a little space up on itself, its di splay of su ch creative power s woul d be worth only a passin g noti ce f ro m dw ellers on th e hillsides of Ne w En gl and . But v iew ed as th e ex pone n t of a new com mercial em­ pire, whose infl uence in coming years is t o ton ch th e commerc ial a nd ind ustrial Iife not al on e of t he P a cific coa st, but equa lly of th e g rea t Missi ssippi va lley a nd of all th e r egio ns east of the All eg hanie s. it is deserv ing of ca reful and dis cr iminatin g at tentio n, n ot alone by th e members of th e W orcester Board of T r ade, but by all r epresentati ves of oth er comme r cia l or ganizati ons in New England and throughout our land, wh er ev er t he circ ula t ion of thi s Ma gazin e ex tends.

Tn e pi tomize an ep i tome is no easy ta sk ; y et thi s is what one mu st do who tr-ies ln-iefly t o deserih« what has been IWI' (~ brouuht tog-eth er for th e d eliuht and in ­ structi on of th e million s wh o a rc to beh ol d a n d s tu d y these exh ib its during- th e «omirur mnnl hs. L et us be­ !rill with Alaska , to whom we iII'e inde bt ed f or t he in­ itial impul se of t his Exposition , eve n as to Seat tle a nd Wa shi ngt on for its «ous u nuuuti on . Its bu ild in g nat­ urally occu p ies 0 111' of th e com ma nd ing s ites, and takes its place in the firxt. t-an k of a ll t he s t ru ct u res, It covel's 3fj ,()()() squ a r e f eet , and th e wh ole in t er ior is ermwled with It f uscin a tiug a rray of objects, s t r a nge l'!H111gh ill th ei r' appeara nce to th e cit izens of olde r parts of ou r cou ntry , The most s t rik ing effect , as one en tel'S, is produ ced by t he pano ra mic pa in t ings stretched a ro u n d th e wall s of t he buil d in gs, a n d d e­ picting- with closes t a t ten t ion to minu te d etail s bits of land scape a nd minin g cam ps. P r oba b ly the most a t O PEN I NG-DAY P IC'f(jR ES.

Sec t ion of Na tu ra l Am ph ith ea.tre .-Jnmcs J . lIill De li ve r in g­ his Address .

t r act ive t h ing i n t h is buildin g , how ever. is th e d ispl ay of n u ggets of vi rgi n gold , fr es h f r om t h e m in e ; a sig n ifica n t sa m ple of th e wealt h, $400,000,000 in arno u n t. whi ch has al r ead y come back to us f rom th is one source al one. L est a nyo n e sho u 1<1 be ove rco me by t h e splen d or of th e sigh t, th ese a re en ref'u lly guar de d i n a ca ge, w h ich is lowered a t n ig-h t in to a co nc r et e cell a I' . No r' are t he token s of wonder f ul p rogress i n t he fin er thi n gs of ci vi liza t io n la ckin g fro m Alas ka 's eo n t rib u ­ ti ons. The ch u r ches of th at I'egi on ha ve illus­ t ra ted th eir work d on e a mo n g the n a tive tribes , th e scho ol c h ild reu of A lask a ha ve se n t ed ucatio nal di splay s that rank with th ose of th e "ou ts ide" world , as th ey th ere ca ll i t ; th e ex hib it of basketry and wood ca r v ing by Indi an wom en is va lu ed a t many th ou sands



of dollars. And whoever looks at the melons and tomatoes and cucumbers, together with the wheat, bar­ . ley and oats grown as far north as the valley of th e Mackenzie River, will be disabused of the idea that Alaska is an ice-bound wilderness , Perhaps the exhibit of Japan will attract as much at­ tention as anythin g on the grounds. In former exhi­ bitions this country h as sent specimens of certain as­ pects of its decorative art. At Seattle, mindful of the exceedingly cordial relations whi ch have ever existed between this city and her oriental neighbors, .Iapan has set forth with lavish hand a multiform display of her real life. 'I'he Japanese Building, embowere d in 11 royal grove of fir trees, lifts its picturesque red gables in a most inviting manner, and is said to constitute the fin est specimen of Japanese architocture which has ever been seen in our land . Within its walls HI'e to be seen not only curios of the olden tim es, but evide n ces of that nation's wonderful progress in th e mechanical arts of the present day . One part of this nation's val­

MAGAZ1NE ducts a model post-office in a ctual operation. It has established a camp of soldiers within the grounds; it has a life-saving crew drilling daily on the lake near by. It shows models of all the famous battleships, from the ear-lier to the latest days. And in addition to all this, it has established a biograph room , where daily lectures are given to any who will attend , illuatrating with stereopticon and moving-pi cture machine th e actual processes of reclaiming the desert with irriga­ tion, building the Panama Canal, and even the street parade with which a president is indu cted into office. " or' may we fail to mCll ri""n som e of th e distin ctive buildings which represent Ca nad a and the great r ealm of British Columbia, st ret- hing up to the great Yukon and Ma ckenzie vall eys. Whatever imaginary bound­ ary Iin es may he drawn across lofty mountain ranges or zigzag through tortuous channels, th ere is singleness of heart between the dwellers in our Northwest anel those who live under the Union jack a trifle nearer the north pole .

ued con t r ibu t ion to the fai 1', unfortunately, cannot be at hand for later visitors, and that is the fleet which was sent across the Pacific, und er the command of Ad­ miral Ijichi, expressly to con vey the Emperor's best wish es, anel to grace the impressiv e op ening exercises. "Whatever else is overlooked, on e mnst not miss the tribute which the government at Washington has paid to this Exposition b y the completeness and variety of its illustration of its manifold activities in behalf of the well-being and progress of all its citizens, especially in the newer parts of its domain. At the outset one hundred freight cars were required to convey what was taken from its museums and stores at the national cap­ ital to enrich its present exhibi ts. One leading' motive is evidently to show the principal administrativ e func­ tions of the governm ent, and their educational value in connection 'with the development of commerce in the countries bordering upon the Pacific. It is making an increasin gly large use of " live" exhibi ts, to the great d elight of spectators; for example, it manufactures ammunition and turns mon ey out of a mint, and con-

It is time, however, to call attention to some of th e distinctive structures of Seattle and the State of Wash­ ington. vVe have given the place of prominence in our pictorial display to the Auditorium , not alone because within its walls the Worcester Board of Trade Glee Club is to give seven conc er ts, but because it is perhaps the most beautiful , if not th e most costly, of all the perma­ nent buildings which are to revert to the University. Simpl e but massive in its proportions, with an interior of great beauty and the finest acoustic properties, it is sure to remain for many years as one of the most pleas­ ing r eminders of th e big fair. It was so difficult to choose between the exterior and the interior of the For­ estry Building' that we have offered our readers both views. Nothing can better reveal the wonderful re­ sources of th e forests of the Northwest than th ese mas­ sive pilJars, r etaining much of their native maj esty as they stand like stately sentinels, each forty fe et high and containing 6000 feet of lumb er, and weighing, it is es­ timated, over 50,000 pounds. Seattle 's Forestry Build­ ing is larger than Portl and's, and it is as impossible




to compa re the two as to con tr ast a palace a nd a cat.he­ dr al , each has a bea uty of its own which must be seen in orde r to be full y f elt. Th e most costly stru cture on the grounds, t houg h by no means th e most imp ressive, is th e buildin g devoted to fine arts . Thi s. which had to be made p erfectl y fireproof in order to secure th e superb set of paintin gs and ot her works of art, is t o become the Chemistry Build ing for the University. Next in cost to this is th e W ashington Building, th e headquarters for the State Commission and the destined scene of hospitality for man y a fun ct ion du rin g th e f ai r. Or e­ gon's buildin g is di stin gui sh ed by its cent ra l dome, whil e Uta h ha s perhaps eont ribu ted th e most st ri king of a ny structure representin g a state, in th e form of an old Indian pu eblo, representin g' a stru cture of th e Hoppe trib e, and form ed of what 'resemble wall ed terraces. 'I'he int erior is bri ght with decorations of Navaj o blankets, and by a strikin g hut p leasing contrast a large part of the exhibits deal with Ut ah 's progressive work in ed u­ cation. Not only do the sta tes of the great Nor thwest erect special distin gui sh in g str uctures, but th e coun ties of Washin gton h av e come forw ard in gene rous rivalry to show f orth th e distinctive features of d ifferent sect ions of th e State. Th e nam es of King, Yakim a a nd Cheha lis represent this pa rt o ~· 'he show, and th e specia l bea uty of one, with its surro un d ings. ent itles it to a place upon these pages. Spoka ne, mor eover , felt that nothin g but a building of her own conld fitly represent her attain­ ments and her amb iti ons as a county and a city, the two uniting in this un dertakin g and producing a beau­ tiful specimen of th e S pa n ish mission type of arc hitect­ m e, whi ch, like th e larger st ruc t ure erected by th e S ta te of Ca lifo rn ia, blends most beautifull y with th e gene ra l effect of th e surroundin g grou ps. And finally , th e P ay Streak ! What better name could designate the gTcat amusement section of th e fair than thi s, so signifi: ant in a minin g region ! H ere, again, Seattle showed brave or igi nalit y. Not cuntent with ban-



ishin g th e sa le of all liquors to a distance of two mil es from th e E xp osition, she has brought together a com­ bination of amusements which nre morally d ean and unobj ecti onabl e, while many of th em arc highly instru ct­ ive as well as amusing. Her e one may embar k on a boat which vani sh es into a dark passage on th e bosom of a very real st ream, and sec much of the pi ctured scenery of Alaska bef or e he emer ges. The I gorrotes areon hand with their straw-thatched village, and ulsothe Esquimaux fr om th e ext reme north. Naturally th e sceni c railway is built to encircle and surmount some miniature Rocky moun­ tains, and a would-b e min er may take his pick and ac­ tually delve for nuggets of Alaska's gold, while the smallest shingle millTn the world turns out in gr eat number'S souv enir packages of one of Washingtons most abundant products. And when ever one wearies of the efforts of fun-makers in this section of th e grounds, he may tak e his way to some of th e many rest-pla ces provided f ree ly by the maunjrcm ent, and listen to strains of uplifting blind rnusi c from som« of th e finest or gani­ zations in th e land as they float out through forest trecs around th e beautiful music pavili on . In spite of all th e attractions thus fa r described, and countless mor e su ggested, in th e sto ry of what Seattle has don e in th e way of expositi on building', the editor ventures to assert, and to defend h is asser tion, that th e greatest exposi tio n which invites th e easte r ner to th e Pacific coast thi s summer is not th e two hundred and fifty acr es on th e shore of Lake 'Was hi ngto n, but th e entire Nor th west, whose vastness can be but faintly set forth in a ny su ch tiny space. H e cou nte d it a privile ge to explore th ose acres, to min gle with th e thousands wh o thron ged its st r eets and buildin gs on the opening' day, and to accep t the courteous hospit aliti es of its promoters and man agers in connection with th eir well-earned fes­ tivities at th at time. And yet he is confident that none will assent more heartily than th ey to th e statement that th e grea t inland empire of th e Northwest, whi ch ha s produ ced Seattle and Ta coma. P ortl and and Sp o­




kan e, and many oth er communities which hulk less in size but are equally worthy of honor and equally sur e of future g reat ness- that this entire region viewed as one integral whole is th e most significant exp osition which th e trav elers to th e Pacific Coast can find . It is signifi cant for what it is to-day; it is even more sig­ nific ant when one glan ces ahead into inevitable t o­ mor-rows. What is this gre at inland erupire i It is almost exactly four New Eng-lands in area, and one-fourth of th e New England of to-day in populntion. Main e with its 29,000 square mil es, and the OtlH'I' five New England States with ;l2,OOO sq uar« miles, have in round numbers six million iuhnhita.nts, according to the latest and most reliabl e ostimntcs, or about 011'(, hundred to th e squa re mil e. Washing ton, Oregon ami Idaho ( to ~





MAGAZINE of this urea, th e inh abita n ts of thi s em pire would num­ ber' sixty-eight million soul s. Is this pi ctured possi­ bility a mere statisti cal phantasy , or is it as likely to be realiz ed as that the United States will continue to inc rease its population for th e next cen tu ry as st eadily as durin g th e last fifty y ears ~ I t is admitted tha t th e prog ress of the Northwest for th e last f ew decades has been due not alon e to its pr oductive power , but to its br oadening commerc ial relations, as indicated alread y ill the quotation from As distributin g cent res th e add ress of 1\11'. Hill. Seattle, Tacoma and P ortland ha ve suddenlv ass umed an importan ce out of prop<':hion to th e numbers 0 1' productiv eness of th e inhabitants of the outly ing regions. This cond iti on, how ever, is soon to pa ss, if indeed it if; not already changed. The onl y th ing




whi ch might ver y properly be adde d in this dis cussion portions of northern California, U tah and west ern Montana ) contain in th eir three comm onw ealths 245,­ 000 square mil es. but onl y 1,300,0 00 inh abitants, or five to the square mil e. It would seem safe to assume that quite as large a portion of th ese three sta tes as of New En gland is capable of habitation ; but in order to er r if at all on th e sid e of safety, let us assume that one-fourth of this emp ire of the North west will n ot soon if ever be occupied by inh abitants. If the remaining three-fourths should become as th ickly sett led as is Maine to-d ay, there would be nearl y foul' mill ion people Where now th er e a re but one and a quarter milli on. If the popul ati on should rise to the rati o of all New England to-day, over eighteen million would inh abit th at empire. Sh ould the prosp erity of that region come to equal th at of Massa chusetts, and thus ga ther together a like r at io of population over three-f ourths

lackin g in the past has been people. and thi s la ck is sure to be supplied. The san g-nine temp eram ent of th e inhabitants of g row­ ing sections of our land is p roverbial : and there is nothin g mor e th ought-arresting about this great inland emp ir e, as the east erner exp lores it, than th e confident ex pecta tions of its present prom oters. nut hav e th ey not a right to th eir ex pectati ons ? In recent years we have been told that our western fronti er has vanished forever : th at advan cing civiliza­ ti on has pushed it into the P acific Ocean ; that a vaila ­ ble governmen t lands are exha us ted , and that th e dra­ matic march of th e immigrant of other decades will nev er be rep eated . Sn ch a prophecy ha s failed to reckon on th e new features of irrigati on and reclamation, as th ey have been thus far demonstrated, and as they are to be carried forward in f uture years by our government on a yet vaster scal e. Th e prairie schoon er will never


WORCESTER again be lnun cln«l Oil its p ict.urusqu e voyage over what was once known ax th o " (J l'l~ a t Am er-ican D esert," but its place will be more than m ad e good by the tourist coach. TIIP present a lilt prospective gro w t h of trans­ portation syst ems in th e Northw est dwarfs by cornpari­ SOli all oth er I'ailway extens ion in the land , a n d makes some of th e meruer p ro blems of New E ng-land look in­ significant to our railw ay magn a tes who a re a ccustomed to think of uur ent ire n ati on al d om ain as their field of operations. I t is a most m istak en and sh or t -sig hte d view to inuurin e for a moment th at the great r esources of this new emp ire hav e been more th an t ou ch ed upon th e surfaee : ax XOOIl as th e newer a nd sa ne r f eeling t oward railroad corpor -ations bears f ruitage in r eleasin g ca p it al for their needs, th e coun t ry is su re to have fr esh dem on­ strations of progress ill th ese unfamili ar sections of th e Wrst.


north pole, it'S coast line is bathed in no frigid polar current, as is the case with ?\e\v England, but is bl ess ed with semi-tropical warmth e ven during the winter months. There is lacking not a whit of th e clim a t ic invigoration which has stimulated I'\ew England ene r gy , while the sudden and extreme changes of temperature which here distress the inhabitant and hinder agric ul­ ture are there unknown. What of the chara ct er of the original settlers of the great Northwest '1 At this point New England should be the last to claim su pe r ior ity , since she herself has given so largely of h er best lif e t o these new states. If there is an y adv antage in h om o­ geneous native-born stock no secti on of ou r land has more in its favor; the census of 1900 showe d that 81 per cent. of the population of these three stat es were born on Ameri can soil, and 5G p er cen t. of th eir parents were also nativ e b orn, Furtherm or e th e n ext


What ha s g iven Mass ac h use tts her present popula­ tion and her produ ctive a nd com me r cial g rcatness! Her location in th e north t emperate zone . a nd in advantageou s relation to the market s of Europe by Atlantic water­ ways ; th e s ta nd ards of person al and civ ic morals a nd the opp or-tunity f or individu al initiativ e whi ch from ear­ liest. days has her e been f ound ; th e progress of mechan i­ cal inv entiven ess and the encou rageme nt of skilled me­ chani eal lab or under the hi gh est ed uca t ional st a nda r ds : and a sp iri t of ea rn est t oil and pati ent thrift,-these conditions may be sa id to ex p la in wh y Massachusetts has reac hed her present pre-emin en ce in th e industrial and eomm er ei al li f e of th e n ati on. Xow let u s ask wha t lik e cond it ions a re found in these three states muk iu z up th e no rthwest corner of our country to p ro du ce like res u lts to those attain ed by us . Climati c co nd itio ns gre a t ly favor the N com­ pared with Massachu setts. Although lying nearer the



census will unqu esti on ably sho w the p ersistence of a like percentage in the added pop ula t ion of this first decad e of the n ew ce nt ur y. " Stand ards of p ersonal and civic m orals a nd the op po r- tu nit y f or individual initi ative ?" H er e a gain it would be no delicate and perhaps a dan gerous undertaki ng to in stitute and press a comparison with the New Engl and of to-day. The tyrannical politi cal boss, th c munici pal corr u p tion ist and the indifferent emi nent cit izen, unfortunately , s eem to be indi genous to all sections of our n ational domain; but wh en the effo r ts of th e last fiv e y ears t o seek relief f'rorn th ese evils are exa m ine d, th e new em pire of the N or t h wes t will hav e no r eason t o be asham ed of her progress as com pa re d with a ny of the Ne w En gland States. " E d nc a t iona l a t ta in me nts a nd a mbit ions t " From primary gTa d es to state universit ies th ese n ewer sect ions are lavishin g r esources with ope n hands at eve ry point of need ; and the seek er's for a hi gher education



sho w an ea rnest ness a nd directness of purpose whi ch puts to shame hundreds of th e d espisers of all se rious a ttainme n t in eastern college s, th e enjoymen t of whose p r ivileges has too ofte n become a f ashiona ble f ad rath er an equ ip men t fo r future useful ness. One of th ese ci ties, sma lle r than\Vorccst er , appropriates $4 00,000 f ro m this y ear 's tax levy fo r new school buildings ; how man y New En gland cities a re mor e gen erous in th is directi on ? ­ What has thi s n ew no rt h western emp ire wh ich Mas­ sac hus etts a nd it'> siste r states hav e n ot 'I Marvelous natural r esources ; mountains fill ed with precious ore s, iron and coal; m aj esti c rivers whi ch are soon to be opene d to larger op portunities fo r navi gation, f or freer di stribution to aid irri gation , a nd whi ch al so hol d un­ told po ssibili ti es of hydro-electri c power; f ores ts whi ch surp ass a nything else now left in ou r national domain ; fish eries of considerable importan ce ; a nd f er ti le soils whi ch seem inexha us ti ble in th eir ri chness, and whi ch are re veali ng eve r n ew possibili ti es as r egards a wid e r a nge of cr ops. What hav e Massach usetts and New Engl and that the inl and emp ire of th e Nor t h west h as n ot ? A de veloped industri ali sm, a large home market, an easy access to the markets of th e old world-three di st in ct advantag es. B ut how long will it be before t he Nor thwest du pli cates the firs t and win s t he secon d a n d parallels th e third ? T hese t hree common weal ths hav e within th eir borders at a cons erva t ive estim a te as mu ch accessi ble an d unde­ velop ed power as th at whi ch is now us ed in t he manu­ f'act ur iug esta blishme n ts of t he entire nati on ; a nd what raw materials a re missin g f r om th eir domain may be laid down at th eir doors hy a nyone of five great t ra nsco n­ ti n ent al I ailway sy stems whi ch alre ady con verge within

MAGAZINE th eir te r r itor-y, to say nothin g of ot he rs th at nr c on th way, Wh en th e Colu mbia Ri ver is op ene d to n avi gatio f rom P ortland to B ritish Colu mb ia, a n d the Snak River bears ste amboa ts f a r into th e hea rt of Idaho, ani th e P anama Ca nal is added to th e t rans porta tio n f acili ties of this regiou , what ba rri ers will be left th at cal f u rt he r (:!Icek th e g ro wth of th is emp ire in popu lation weal th a nd all e1 S(~ t ha t cons t it utes grea t ness? Add t( all thi s th e possibi lities of comme rc ia l relati ons witl J apan, Ch ina, Hawaii a n d th e Ph ilipp in es, with the con t ine nt of Au strali a as a rem oter op po r tu nity, thr qu esti on r eally bccom us not , " I s i t p ossible f or this emp ire 'If th e North west to ~ute r i al i ze ~" bu t, " W hat can possihly p rev ent it '!" H ere, OWlI, are two thin gs n o eas ter ner shou ld miss: t h e sp len d id epi t om e of pr ogress of th e g reat N orth­ west on th e beautiful E xpo sition gro u nds at Se a ttle, interestin g awl valu a ble; and this g reat inl and emp ire itself, s o largel y unknown to our n ation beca use onl :\' so rece n tly h ave th e pathways of invcsti g nti on been thrown open. In or de r to a ppr ecia te th e f ad s, y ou mus t see th e sto re d produ cts of the orchards of "W ash in g ton or Oregon in th eir arti sti c an d beautiful hu ild iugs ; and if t he r e ca n be an y greater pl easure fo r you , it will be to s tep f r om yo u r Pullman ca r so me moruiu g n ext Augus t into th e or char ds of W ecn atch ee or Yakim a an d sampl e t he ir produ ct s. Tt is one thin g to r ead of irri g ation schemes; it is far d if­ feren t to see t he processes a nd s tand upon l and whi ch a few y ears ago wa s worthless a n d to-day command s a pri ce of thousands of doll ars a n acr e. The gre at Ex­ p osition is a w orthy exponent of th e new comme r cial ern p ire ; the n ew co m merc ial emp ire writes its endo rse­ nn-nt across t he back of the E xp ositions check .






The Board of Trade Excursion

Full Itinerary of the Tour to the Pacific Coast of the Worcester Party

AS a result of th e Secretary 's tao E a rl y Monday morning we shall recent j ourney across th e cont inent to cross th e " Grea t Di vid e, " and tow­ compl ete th e final a r rnn gernents for a rds even ing ente r th e great " I n­ the oxenrsion of Boa rd of Trad e land Empire" proper near Spokan e, members and th ei r f r iends next in which city we sh all remain until Tuesd ay evening. The exact pro­ month, th e Worcest er Magazin e is able to pres en t her e a m uc11 more gramm e of festiviti es her e has not detailed description of the journey come to hand at the tim e of thi s writing, but th er e is s ure to be than has yet been publi sh ed , and to outline some sp ecial pr ivileges of " somet hing doi ng all th e time." proffered hospitality f rom comm er ­ After an oth er mountain climb, thi s cial bodies in oth er cities, If sp ace tim e over the Cascade Range, W ed­ permit ted, the Secret a ry would glad­ nesday, one week fr om the tim e of ly descri be in detail all th e courtesi es leavin g 'Worcester, ought to find th e I:endered him as "Worcest er's repre­ party in Seattle and comfo r ta bly set ­ sentative a nd an advan ce herald of tl ed in th e deli ghtful new hotels the coming comme rc ial pi lgrirnage , where 'M r. H ealy has provided room s f or all on th e excu rsion . The con­ but he mu st conte nt him self with a general acknowledgme nt to each and certs by th e Glee Club, in the spa­ all of th e royal group of secretaries cious Auditorium in th e fai r g rou nds, and pr esidents who r eceived him in begin th at afte rn oon at fo u r o 'clock, city after city . th e second bein g at eight 0 'clock in On W edn esday aftern oon, Aug. 4, Friday, " W or cest er the eveni ng. one special train , and poss ibly a sec­ Da y ," by vote of th e management of ond, wi11 lea ve Worcest er via th e the Exposit ion, will be d uly recog­ Hoosac Tunn el route. Su ppe r will nized by some features whi ch are not R A1LR OADll'G IN COL O RADO. yet wholly arr anged , but which are be ser ved in a dinin g-car as we are passing th rough the Hudson and Moh awk valleys. Th e su re to giv e pleasant opp ortu nity for social reuni on of next morning wilJ find us in Detroit, where we shall present and past W or cester cit izens . doubtless find "life worth Jivin g, " accor d ing to it s Monday, Aug. 16, will find the party h ead ed hom e­ motto, f or the next f ew hour's, Th e Wayn e H otel wi II ward via T acoma , whi ch may p ossibl y be r eached by a be all I' headquarters, where, in th e even ing, th e Glee st eamboa t t rip from Seattle; here we are promised Club will sing in th e S umme r Casino. Some t ime d ur­ entertain ment by the commer cial bodi es of the city, ing the day we may exp ect an excursion in the shape of with a sight of one of th e world's biggest sawmills; a steamboa t ride on Det roit 's famou s r ivor, by cou rtesy also on e of th e huge sm eltin g plants of th e No rth west. of the ci ty 's Board of Commer ce. Tu esd ay morning P ortl and will g reet us with ro ses Frid ay mornin g w ill find liS in Ch icago, wh ose Asso­ of eve n g rea te r beauty th an th ese whi ch a re pictu r ed ciati on of Commerce has kindl y offere d th e memb er's by th e engraver 's sk ill. Unde r the lead ership of th e of 0111' Boar d of Trad e gu ida nce durin g th e mornin g t o Portland Com mer cial Clu b, we shall be shown th e any pl aces of int erest in th e busin ess d istricts, and i n beauties of th is rapidly g ro win g metrop olis, a view the afternoon an automobile trip th rough the city 's from wh ose marvelous Cou nc il Crest is well worth a bouleva rd system. H eadquarters h er e will be at th e trip across th e con tine nt. W e shall r egretfully bid goodby e to our P ortland hosts, l\ ew B revoort. and watch the sunset fr om ca r Satur day moru iug t he party will windows as we pa ss up the valley be du e in S t. Paul. with th e R yan of th e mighty Columbi a River. as our host elry. Th e Commer cia l Club will guide u s to poin ts of in­ W edn esday will affor d continu­ ous views of the grea t Sn ake val­ terest, and offer a noon lunch to ley in I daho , and of th e immense the members of the Glee Club . In plains, long thought to be almo st the afte rn oon we shall proceed by barren , but now r es pondin g almost trolley to Min nea polis, w here a miracul ously to th e work of irri­ party f rom th e Commer cial Clu b g-ation, an d the hom" of Thursday, of th at cit,\' will sh ow us through from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. , will be one of the huge flourin g mills, and sp ent in Sa lt Lake City, where an­ then t ak e us in a utomobiles oth er flourishing Comme rcial Clu b throu gh th e city and to La ke Min­ will show us th e points of interest, netonk a, wher e, after a steamboat in cludin g a trip to th e lake, twel ve ride , we sha ll be th ei I' guests a t a mil es d istant, and a cha nce to dinner a t one of th e hotels or clubs. bathe in its briny wav es, The sun­ Sunday will spent en rou te for set th at night will find us speed­ the Rocky Mountain s, with possi­ ing toward the mountains of Colo­ bly a st op for mornin g worship at rado, whi ch will be in full view the Cha utau qua Assembl y at as we awaken Frid ay morning Devil's L ak e in North Dako­ ltEA CHIN G CK1PPLE CR E I:.K .





in th e Gr and River vall ey , and enter upon wh at will be th e most thrilling part of ou r journ ey , the gr ad ua l asc ent of th e ba ckbone of th e cont inent over Tennessee P ass, the descent through L eadvill e and th e Royal Gorge to Pueblo, wh en ce a sh ort run will bring us to Colora do Springs. On e afternoon in a spot wh er e a full week migh t be desired will be almost an aggravation ; but th e "Gar­ den of th e Gods " will be open to our inspection , th e Cliff H ouse at Manitou Sp rings will provide supper , and in th e evenin g a cor d ia l aud ien ce will g re et th e Glee Club at a con cert in the Methodist Chu r ch . Op­ portunity will be gi ven f or tho se who desire to t ak e th e f amous " Cog ROelel" to th e summit of Pike's P ea k in time to see th e sunset, with th e return trip by moon­ light. A short journ ey by night will brin g our spe cial train to Denv er, wh er e for two da ys we sha ll find th e climax of our mountain sight-seein g, and shall be the r ecip­ ients of coun t less cour t esies from the Chamber of Com­ merce of th at flou rishing metropolis. As at Spokane we sh all coin cide with the comin g of th e Nation al I r ri ­ gation Con gr ess , so in Denver we shall ar r ive at the tim e of th e sessions of th e 'I'rans-Missi ssi ppi Congr ess . Saturday will bring whatever en t er t a.i nment may be offer ed coll ect ively to th e party by th e busin ess men of


S A ~ I PL E

Den ver, wh ile Su nd ay will be wel com ed as a " day of r est, " wh ere eac h memb er of th e pa rty ma y cho ose fo r himself th e dispositi on of h is tim e. Sunday, at midni ght, will find th e p arty homew ard bound, a nd du e in W or cest er, af ter a brief stop in Ch ica go , on W ednesday no on, Aug. 25. 'Whil e all th e priv ileges ad ver t ised by Mr. H ealy in conne ct ion with th e regular itin er ary will be enj oye d by all from Wor cester and vicinity who may be en rolled up on th e list, it ou gh t t o be understood that some of th e cou rt esies in th e lin e of lun ch eon s, ban­ qu ets and sp ecial trips are bein g ar r an ge d sp ecificall y for memb er s of th e Worcester Board of Trade and th eir ladi es, a fa ct whi ch will doubt less sho w th e wisdom for ever y man on th e trip to be properly enroll ed in ou r memb ership, and ent it led to wear th e badge, whi ch will be the onl y credenti al need ed to so man y pl ea sures of th e j our ne y. Ev erv member of th e p a r-ty will h ave free ad mission t o every conce r t give n a ny whe re by th e Glee Club. H is sp eciall y important th at all wh o ex pect to join th is party be duly r egi st ered not later than Thursd ay, July 15, Th e man agement p ositively ca nno t gua rantee ' a ccommod at ions f or a ny appl ying later, unless by assign ing a pla ce su rr end er ed by some one nreviously register ed.


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