Concrete Jungle

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 477
  • Pages: 2

From my childhood we know from social study course that 70% of Indian are living in the villages now is it fact? We see that in every town population are increasing tremendously. Where from they are coming? Is not from villages? We see that those who are financially strong in villages are coming to the town and purchased a piece’s of lands or flat’s. So the towns are becoming the jungle of villages. The open lands are vanishing day by day. The numbers of promoters are increasing day by day and purchasing the open land with a lucrative prices and constructing multistoried building and selling it with a heavy prices leading to corruption or many illegal or inhuman activity increasing etc day by day due to increasing Mirages or lust for thirst -more & more for own self own family than the actual needed for a person to live and let other’s Live. The municipalities and the government of the states are also earning revenue from sale and purchase process .But one thing neither the municipalities nor the government ever thinks that in the town there should be some open places like parks, play ground for children to enjoy, play and take some free air to grow. The children now a day lost their childhood as they are heavily crushed and over burdened in their courses of study. The municipality became a rubber stamp for permitting the promoters to build the multistoried buildings. It never tried to see that in the construction what types of facilities the promoters are providing to the purchaser of the flats. Are there adequate safety and facilities are providing in the plan or not? In case of emergency, like earth quake or fire in the buildings, the adequate escapes way are provided or not? The government, I think, no any law has been formulated in this respect. In fact the government has no time to think over the matter. It only thinks for their exchequer. If these things are going on day by day then one day the citizens and the government will face the consequences. I think the state governments are the authority to formulate some guidelines to be observed by the concerned municipalities and it should be statutory and if any violation of the guidelines, the concerned officials who passed the plan, Should be held responsible and punished,

Now it is my appeal to the municipalities and state government, please formulate some laws so that not only concrete jungle are covering the open land but in every area it should be statutory to keep some open land, maintained by the municipalities, where the old age people and children’s of the area can walk freely and play, respectively. Please don’t allow the children’s to forget their childhood and allow the old age person to take some free air.


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