Concordhs A Sunshine A Day

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,084
  • Pages: 18
a sunshine a day

a sunshine a day

A Waterways Project Publication Richard Spiegel Barbara Fisher codirectors Thomas Perry admirable factotum

Toby Greenzang, teacher Al Nilsen, principal Concord High School

Richard Organisciak, superintendent Alternative, Adult and Continuing Education, Schools and Programs 2002-3 Funding support from The New York State Council on the Arts and New York City Department of Cultural Affairs

Marilyn Velez 9-11-01

We will always remember 9-11. It was the day friends and families went to heaven. Because of what happened, we’d like to forget some parts, but we will always remember 9-11 in our hearts.

Marilyn Velez Bad Birthday

It was October 29, 2002. I thought it was going to be a good day that day because it was my birthday. I woke up and did my hair. It came out really good. Then I got my little sister ready for school. We wore the same shirt (but in different colors) and the same black pants. She was happy to wear the same things as me because she thinks we look like twins. Then off she went to school. I was finally ready, had make-up on, some perfume all dressed up, afterall it was my birthday. I then went to go visit my little brother in jail. That was the main thing I had planned to do that day. So off I went to take the S74 bus to the ferry. Then I got to the ferry and rode the ferry to the Manhattan side which is called the South Ferry. I then got on the 4 train and then I found out when I got to 125th Street the tracks were being worked on. So I had to wait 3 hours for them to finish. I was so upset because I was cold, freezing, and just wanted to see my brother. By the time I got to my brother visiting hours were over. So I went to my boyfriend’s house to go hangout with him for a while. He was going out on a boat

fishing and wanted me to go. But, I could not, because I was supposed to be home in time for dinner. So I only spent an hour with him. Finally I left his house. I had to take the shuttle train to the A train; and then to the 4 or 5 train. After that I got back on the ferry and then took the S74 bus. Then I was home. I was even more upset when I got home because I just missed my mom and my sister by 5 minutes. They had just left to my mother’s boyfriend’s house. So I spend the rest of the night in my room crying and so upset. A while later, my brother called me and told me that they had moved him from Bridges (which is where he was) and they put him in a place called Pyramid. I was then a little more happy because I got to hear from him on my birthday. He was the only one that talked to me to wish me a happy birthday on the phone. The rest of my family forgot and called me the next day. If I would have gotten to my brother that day I would have never seen him. After all that, I went to sleep.

William Griggs killing the pain hurting the heart (NYTEPRODUCTIONS)

How do u tell her you don’t want her no more? How do you not melt from the warm hug at the door and the loving kiss on your cheek? You start to feel weak. It hurts when you speak. You’re in too deep, But it’s just a little past a week and she's so sweet. But I’m an ass and I know I’m a jerk, too. I’m a whore for sure and don’t want to hurt you For you I’d die and I know it be worth it too And since dying once is not enough for u I’d die two deaths And with my last breath tell I love u and you’re the best Ask me again and I’ll tell u yes And it’s like Cupid shot me in the side of my chest Which side? Well, it was the left, the side where I hold my heart under my vest. It felt like this cause I want you, but I also want

a life free of stress. I already know I’m falling for you. At night in my dreams some times I find myself calling for you, crawling for you, Girl, I’d put my all in for you, sticks and stones against gunz brawling for you, with my last dime call myself balling for you. I’d say I’m sorry for getting close but I know it’d be wrong ‘cause I’ve been searching for a lady like you for so long and if I ever hurt you that would be worse, I’d rather be stripped and tossed in a hearse And the truth is I never knew I loved u then, And I never thought about being your lover man, or any thing else but being your friend but now its cotton candy soft dreams of holding your hand, walking thru Candy Land.

Ruth Quinones Me

My LiFe Is GrEaT i HaVe EvErYtHiNg iN ThE WorLd GrEaT fAmILY, gReAt fRienDs, GrEaT mOmMy

and couldn't ask for anything more in the world. I’m a very lucky person. God has given me everything I ever wanted and more. My life is great!!! I wouldn't change it for the world . I couldn't ask for anything better...

Marilyn Velez My First Time I Got Pink Eye

The first time I got pink eye I was scared. My eye was hurting me. I had thick yellow mucus coming out of my eye and my eye was very itchy and dry. It was burning every time I looked to move my eye. Then it spread to my other eye. It felt like it was never going to go away. I had it for a week. I had to take some eye drops for it. Then I found out that the way I got it was from a lady at my job which is at Eger Nursing Home. The people at work did not tell me the resident had pink eye and she kept holding my hand one day at work and then I had rubbed my eye. I wish I would have known she had it because then I wouldn’t have had to worry about it. The lady is a nice little sister (nun). From that day on I am very careful about washing my hands all the time before I touch any part of my body or any one else so no one else can catch anything because I wouldn’t want anyone else to have to go through the same thing I did.

Marilyn Velez My Summer of 2002

My summer was a bad one. I had to go to summer school. It was so boring there. The teacher didn’t even teach us anything. He just gave us documents and wrote notes on the board, but he never explained it to us. So when it came for me to take the United States History and Government Exam I failed it. It made me very upset, because I’ve been trying to pass this exam for 2years now and it’s making me madder and madder each time I go and take it. But this time when I take it in January I hope I pass it. I don’t want to be mad. I just want my diploma. This way I can go on to college. I really need to go to college so I can get my degree and move on in my life so hopefully I will now pass.

Gabriella Adams Rainy Day

Tear drops falling from the sky Watching the scary faces go by One by one I see the emotions dropping from the dark sky, I stand silent collecting my tainted thoughts What’s wrong with me? I feel numb inside and stand still as the faces press against my bare flesh As I look into the sky, draining my feelings away Motionless, fearless, I could just jump away into the darkness Hearing the distant voices of kids running around enjoying their time and existence I feel like a window of dreams... anything’s possible Anyone can be seen in my field of openness This is what I feel and this is what I see The moods of existence are somewhat confused on this dreary day My mind is unwinding through time Standing here once again I hear silence, no words only thoughts of brighter day As I stand here with you once again we live for the moment, thirst for life

As we drink from the sky and sigh

Jessemarie Harding Friendship is Love

Friendship is love Let’s keep it like a turtle dove. Let’s keep it way out there So it won’t touch your hair. Love is a good feeling, So let’s keep it up And not down, Where it won’t be found.

Alfredo Quinones Smiles of Heaven

As her smile lights up the room The room fills up with the whisper— Sound of emmmm. Whispers are flowing without her knowing. She is fast to catch on. She spots the fake, But still she got a smile on her face Nothing could faze her, not even a laser So the smile on her face is the light of my day. Knowing I could not capture this light Is burning my face. I could not hide it but I will not fight it. So I will live life a sunshine a day.

Gabriella Adams The End

I’m left confused in a trance, no words are spoken the time has come, no more romance... My love has been put on hold for the time being. Do you see what I’m seeing? I gasp my last breath in fear of what will happen next. The grief and heartache have rested upon my soul once again... Is this the end? or is it only the beginning? I don’t wanna believe it but I feel it coming. The dark demons have risen above the surface to take the pain away and bring us to the other side where there are no feelings, there is no hurt, there is no life it’s just you and yourself, no strings attached... Life is my cryptonite as it is yours, too. The shadows are coming... What do I do? Should I run down this dark road into a new field of existence? This journey through life is too painful for me. It kind of makes me shiver as I move through the experiences my body starts to quiver... No time is left... My secrets are kept

The eyes are watching my thoughts as I continue to run through this hell to the other side. I’m almost there but do I dare to let the darkness take me away? I’m scared but the voices tell me that it will be okay. They say it’s only your destiny to be with us for all eternity... Ok? You’re here to stay.

Therisa Mahmoud Death

Life is death until you find something worth living for.

Toby Greenzang Weep

Weep, for another has been lost; Weep, for his heart has now been stilled; Weep for a life that has been tossed away, A heart yet unfulfilled.

Weep, for his young body’s shattered; Weep, for it lies beneath Earth’s crust; Weep for his blood has now been splattered And is mingled with the dust. Weep, for no longer straight he stands; Weep, for he’ll never more be seen; Weep for his blood is on our hands, And we shall nevermore be clean.

William Griggs when the love dies out (NYTE PRODUCTIONS)

lovers fall apart like the life is lost feeling like they lived Christ’s life on the cross frozen love, hates heat helps melt the frost heart’s the heavy weight champ but the belt is lost spaghetti love hates heat too hot it burns the sauce so the taste of love on your noodle is lost Why Live Therisa Mahmoud

We live in a world of pain and hatred. We live in a world of happiness and love. We live in a world of people who take other people’s lives. We live in a world with no forgiveness. So why should we LIVE?

from Maps of Our Difficult World A Waterways Project Publication 2003

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