Conclusion Of The Novena Of Dominic Savio

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 254
  • Pages: 2
INTRODUCTION. Good evening dear friends, and welcome to this Eucharistic celebration of peace, joy and love. As we conclude the Novena of St. Dominic Savio, let us ask God to fill us with the grace of wisdom and courage. Wisdom to know what is right and to follow the commandments of the Lord. Courage to stand for Him be a torch bearer and guiding light in this world.

OFFERTORY PROCESSION. Statue of St. Dominic Savio : Lord we offer up to you the statue of saint Dominic Savio. Help us Lord, to imitate him in all our actions and words. May we have the wisdom and courage to place the salvation of our souls above everything else. Flowers :

These flowers not only give a festive tone to our celebration, but also are a sign of the joy we experience in receiving Gods word from our dear priests.

A bowl of Water :

Lord we offer you this bowl of water, a symbol of purity and calmness. Just like this water, help us Lord to be pure and calm so that we may always be able to walk in your holy path and live a good Christian life.

Bread and wine :

Lord we offer to you this Bread and Wine, which will soon be transformed into the body and blood of your only Son. Just as you transform this Bread and Wine into spiritual food and drink, transform and change our lives also, that we may live a good, holy, and pious life.

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