Concept Of Islam And Muslim Ummah

  • October 2019
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Challenges Faced by Muslim Ummah and Their Solution

Concept of Islam and Muslim Ummah Islam is an Arabic word and connotes submission, surrender and obedience. As a religion, Islam stands for complete submission and obedience to Allah. Every religion of the world has been named either after the name of its founder or after the community and nation in which that religion took its birth. For instance, Christianity takes its appellation from the name of its prophet Jesus Christ; Buddhism from its founder Gautama Buddha etc. Similar is the case with other religions but not so with Islam. This religion enjoys he unique distinction of having no such association with any particular person or people. The word Islam does not covey any such relationship for it does not belong to any particular person, people or country. It is neither the product of any human mind nor is it confined to any particular community. It is a Universal Religion and its objective is to create and cultivate in man the quality and attitude of ISLAM. Now we will understand what is Muslim Ummah or Community, the word community has acquired certain connotations, some of which are romantic and nostalgic, some derogatory and reactions’. In one basic sense, the concept community means “all forms of relationship that are characterized by a high degree of personal intimacy, emotional depth, moral commitment, social cohesion, and nation, race, occupation, or (common cause). Its archetype is the family. The Community in Islam is not founded on race, nationality, locality, occupation, kinship, or special interests. It does not take its name after the name of a leader or a founder or an event. It transcends national borders and political boundaries. The foundation of the community in Islam is the principle which designates submission to the will of Allah, obedience to His law and commitment to His cause. In short, an Islamic community is present only when it is nourished and fostered by Islam. The Islamic community has a historic mission far beyond mere survival, sheer power, breeding, or psychological continuity. Such a mission is described in the Holy Quran as follows:

“Let there be a community (or Ummah) among you, advocating what is good, demanding what is right, and eradicating what is wrong. These are indeed the successful (3:104)”

“You are the best community ever raised, you enforce what is right, fight what is wrong, and belie in Allah (3:110)” 1

Challenges Faced by Muslim Ummah and Their Solution

Challenges of Muslim Ummah Muslim Ummah is facing the following challenges in the present

1. Terrorism and Muslims 2. Lack of Unity Among Muslims 3. Attacks on the Muslim World.

4. Fitna

Terrorism and Muslims "There are so many acts of terrorism in the history of Islam!... when the Muslims feel they can't win a war they do terrorism, the last one today, September 11, 2001, in the two Towers of the World Trade Center in New York and in the Pentagon in Washington, nobody in their right mind could ever believe that this could ever happened" Copied from a website: There are more than 1.8 Billion muslins in the world and because of some extremists from others religions who are giving a bad view of Muslims and Islam to the world this is the reason Muslims are now known in the third world countries as Terrorists. Islam is the religion of peace, Love and forbids the killing of innocent. These are self made stories which are made in order to get benefits, these kind of religious extremists/organizations first try to poison the minds of people so that they can make the world go against Islam and Muslims. This is one of the biggest challenges of Muslim Ummah because as in our daily life we can see that if someone makes up his mind that something is wrong and people/media tells him/her that it is wrong they stop avoiding that particular thing. Same is the case with Islam, Muslims in the world which were previously seen as tolerant and there are countless examples of deeds of forgiving their enemies not of promoting terrorisom, a biggest example of which is given below Wahshi, an Ethiopian warrior, was the slave of Jabir Mut'am and an uncle of Jibir, who had also been killed in the Battle of Badr. Wahshi had been appointed by Hind 2

Challenges Faced by Muslim Ummah and Their Solution to help achieve her revenge. She asked him to kill one of the three persons (Muhammad, Ali ibn Abi Talib or Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib) so that she might avenge her father's death. Wahshi, the slave, says: "On the Day of Uhud I was pursuing Hamza ibn Abd alMuttalib. He was attacking the centre of the army like a ferocious lion. He killed every one whom he could approach. I hid myself behind the trees and stones, so that he could not see me. He was too busy in fighting. I came out of ambush. Being an Ethiopian, I used to throw my weapon like Ethiopians and it seldom missed the target. I, therefore, threw my javelin towards him from a specific distance after moving it in a particular manner. The weapon fell on his flank and came out from between his two legs. He wanted to attack me but severe pain prevented him from doing so. He remained in the same condition till his soul departed from his body. Then I approached him very carefully and having taken out my weapon from his body returned to the army of Quraish and waited for my freedom." After the rout of Muslims, Hind and the other harpies she had brought with her from Mecca, mutilated the bodies of the slain Muslims. Hind cut open Hamza's abdomen, plucked out his liver and chewed it up. Muhammad bin Umar Waqidi, the historian, says that she made a fire in the battlefield, roasted Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib's heart and liver and ate them. Not satisfied with this, she cut the limbs, the ears and the nose of Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib, strung them into a "necklace," and entered Mecca wearing it as a "trophy" of victory. Muhammad, was deeply aggrieved at the death and at the mutilation of the body of such a stalwart of Islam as Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib. He bestowed upon him the titles of the "Lion of Heaven," and the "Chief of the Martyrs." Wahshi relates his story of conversion: “ After the Battle of Uhud, I continued to live in Mecca for quite a long time until the Muslims conquered Mecca. I then ran away to Taif, but soon Islam reached that area as well. I heard that however grave the crime of a person might be, Muhammad forgave him. I, therefore, reached him with Shahadatayn on my lips. Muhammad saw me and said "Are you the same Wahshi, the Ethiopian?" I replied in the affirmative. Thereupon he said: "How did you kill Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib?" I gave an account of the matter. He was moved and said: "I should not see your face until you are resurrected, because the heart-rending calamity fell upon my uncle at your hands. This is what Islam is; our Prophet (S.A.W) even forgave the person who killed his uncle and how can anyone say that Islam is a kind of religion promoting terrorism. Islam is all about forgiving not about killing innocents and terrorizing people. So in order to cope with this challenge Muslims need to provide information about Islam to the people of world so that they know what the real message of Islam is and they stop thinking of Muslims as terrorists. 3

Challenges Faced by Muslim Ummah and Their Solution Lack of Unity Among Muslims Solidarity, cooperation, and standing by one another are important and basic elements for constructing a sound, united Islamic society. Solidarity, cooperation, and standing by one another are important and basic elements for constructing a sound, united Islamic society. If the sincere Muslim was to take a brief look at the situations of Muslims at large throughout different parts of the world, it would be enough to make him active in establishing unity among Muslims. If the sincere Muslim was to take a brief look at the situations of Muslims at large throughout different parts of the world, it would be enough to make him active in establishing unity among Muslims. Moreover, a quick glance at the situation prior to and after the renewal of the call to Islam by Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) would shed bright light on the sound foundation for unity among Muslims. What was the result when the Prophet established his call? The people united and their hearts and hands joined together. Those who immigrated from Makkah to alMadinah were graciously received by the Ansar (the people of al-Madinah.) The bonds of brotherhood were established to such an extent that a member of the Ansar would offer to split his wealth and his belongings with a Muslim brother from Makkah. Brother from Makkah. They united together; and they sacrificed their money, wealth, and efforts. They united together; and they sacrificed their money, wealth, and efforts. They accepted many hardships for the purpose of raising the banner of Islam--the message the Prophet brought to them. They accepted many hardships for the purpose of raising the banner of Islam -- the message the Prophet brought to them. Within a few years they had become one body expressing solidarity. Within a few years they had become one body expressing solidarity. As a result, they became united in the Arabian peninsula; they opened Makkah; and they went far beyond the Arabian peninsula teaching about Islam. As a result, they became united in the Arabian Peninsula; they opened Makkah; and they went far beyond the Arabian Peninsula teaching about Islam. Allah said in Surat Al-Imran: "Adhere to the true Religion of Allah and do not disunite. Recall the endowment of Allah upon you that you were enemies and Allah mended your hearts together. Hence, they became one nation which did not regard disunity. Hence, they became one nation which did not regard disunity. The lack of adhering to the true Religion of Allah causes disunity. Moreover, adhering to the true Religion of Allah requires one to be knowledgeable about it.”



Challenges Faced by Muslim Ummah and Their Solution Fitna is an Arabic word, generally regarded as very difficult to translate but at the same time is considered to be an all-encompassing word referring to schism, secession, upheaval and anarchy at once. It is often used to refer to civil war, disagreement and division within Islam and specifically alludes to a time involving trials of faith, similar to the Tribulation in Christian eschatology. The term comes originally referred to the refining of metal to remove dross, but became common in apocalyptic writings and is often used to refer to the First Islamic civil war, in 656– 661 CE, a prolonged struggle for the caliphate after the 656 assassination of the caliph Uthman ibn Affan. The Second Fitna, or Second Islamic civil war, is usually identified as the 683–685 CE conflict among the Umayyads for control of the caliphate. The third one refers to the taifas in the end of the Caliph of Córdoba's rule. Variant Qur'anic translations demonstrate some of the confusion this term has engendered: (8:39) "So fight them until there is no more disbelief (fitnah) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone" (8:39) "And fight with them until there is no more persecution (fitnah) and religion should be only for Allah" The meaning of the term is illustrated in the apocalyptic literature by people under extreme moral and psychological stress to compromise an element of their faith in return for worldly gain, and sometimes in return for their lives. They are made to chose, often not knowing exactly what is good and what is evil Now this is one of the challenges Muslim Ummah is facing, we have many examples of this which are well known to Muslims world wide. •

The claims of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

Salman Rushdie

Asra Nomani (Imamat by a women)


Attack on the Muslim World It is a fact, universally acknowledged that current world crises have assumed alarming proportions, leaving everybody in a state of utter awe and fear. The US and its trusted ally, Britain, are seen hell-bent on ensuring world domination through means fair or foul. Yesterday, Sudan and Afghanistan were brutally targeted. Today it is Iraq, which is the victim of their blatant aggression. Who knows 5

Challenges Faced by Muslim Ummah and Their Solution which other Muslim country will be their next victim. Their avaricious eyes are closely riveted on the Muslim World. Chain of events go to prove beyond doubt that protagonists of the New World Order as envisaged by George Bush, have very cleverly planned to undermine, cripple and (if possible) annihilate the Muslims from the planet. These powers are already working in this direction and they have partially succeeded in their nefarious designs as well. Some of the Muslim countries have been rendered totally ineffective and they are seen dancing to the tune set by 'Champions' of the New World Order. On the other hand, those Muslim countries that have seen through their cunning game are being dubbed as fundamentalists. They are denigrated as bigots and reactionaries and listed as rogue states. A strange irony of fate, indeed! Events of recent world history go to prove beyond doubt that Western World is in the grip of a nervous fear with regard to the resurgence of Islam. To subvert this gushing wave of Islamic revivalism, the West has mustered all its resources to destroy all ideological-oriented Muslim countries. As a result, these countries are falling victim to their aggression in quick succession. Iran, Iraq, Bosnia, Chechnya, Kosovo, Malaysia, Sudan and Afghanistan have been subjected to acts of brute aggression. Their only 'Sin' is that they are the followers of a 'faith' which challenges their hegemony in categorical terms! Recent most victim of their aggression is Iraq. Both America and Britain have let loose hell on the helpless Iraqi people and they are persuading France as well to join hands with them for its complete destruction. Sudan, too, is a constant eye-sore for them and for the past many years, they have been working desperately hard to 'teach' the Sudanese people a lesson, but thanks to the heroic struggle of this great nation that their ugly designs have come to a naught. Sudan has fully seen through their clever game and is determined to resist their designs. Here, we may point out that if the West wants to stir up things in Iran, it will do so at its own peril. It may try to use Pakistan against Iran, but we are sure, this strategy won't work. Despite differences of some peripheral nature that exist between the two countries, Pakistan and Iran are tied together in bonds of perennial brotherhood. Surely, Pakistan will not allow itself to be used as a tool for furtherance of American designs. Iran, as we all know, is oil rich. Its Caspian oil is a tantalizing target for the Western World to control its resources. Placed in a difficult situation, Pakistan has to tread very carefully in its dealing with its immediate Muslim neighbors. We need all the support from various Muslim countries in implementation of our agenda. Let us hope that this Muslim World shows its unswerving solidarity with us for frustrating our enemies.



Challenges Faced by Muslim Ummah and Their Solution Muslim Ummah has passed through many vicissitudes during long history of its existence. Its conflict with the West, has, however, varied dimensions. It is certainly far more significant as compared to other conflicts it has experienced in the past. Western civilization has affected about all aspects of Muslim life. As a result, impact of its ideology and philosophy is more deeply ingrained on the Muslim mind than that of the political domination and military supremacy of the western power over the Muslim World. In fact, the intellectual domination of the West has influenced the thought pattern, culture and even the religious attitude of the Muslims.

To offset the negative influences of the West, our first step must be on shedding off the spirit of 'apology' which is only another name for intellectual defeatism. And the next stage must be our conscious and deliberate effort to follow the footsteps of the Holy Prophet (SAW). We must keep in mind that Sunnah alone mirrors the true teachings of Islam. By applying this as an ultimate test to the requirements of our daily life, we can easily recognize which impulses from Western civilization might be accepted and which might be conveniently rejected. Instead of meekly submitting Islam to foreign intellectual norms, Muslims must learn to regard Islam as the norms by which the world is to be judged. Muslims of the world must realise that only by regaining their lost self-confidence, can they expect to turn their way upwards once again. They must not forget that they will never be able to reach their goals, if they committed the folly of destroying their own social institutions and imitate a foreign civilization - foreign not only in an historical or a geographical sense but also in a spiritual sense. Currently, when the influence of Western civilization is making itself more and more felt in Muslim countries, the attitude of our intelligentsia is quite intriguing in this matter. They are of the opinion that it is impossible for the modern man to simultaneously follow the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet and also follow the Western mode of life. The dilemma of the present generation of Muslims is that they are ready to adore everything that comes from the West. They primarily adore the foreign civilization because of its foreign, powerful and materially brilliant posture. This 'Westernisation' is the strangest reason why the whole structure of basic Islamic fundamentals have become almost redundant today. The tendency on the part of Muslims to imitate a foreign civilization is the direct concomitant of a feeling of inferiority. This, and nothing else, is the matter with the Muslims who imitate Western civilization. They contrast West's power and technical skill with the sad misery of the world of Islam. At this, they start believing that in present times, there is no way but to imitate the western way. They, then, start blaming Islam for their own shortcomings and then adopt the apologetic attitude.


Challenges Faced by Muslim Ummah and Their Solution In order to achieve the regeneration of Islam, it is our considered view that the Muslims must free themselves entirely from the spirit of apology for their religion. Rather, they must live with their heads lifted up. They must realize that they, as Muslims, are markedly different from the rest of the world, and as such, they must be proud of their being different. They should Endeavour to preserve this difference as a precious quality and pronounce it boldly to the world. This does not, however, mean that Muslims should seclude themselves from the voices coming from within. They must always be prepared to receive new, positive influences from a foreign civilization without necessarily destroying their own. An example of this kind was the European Renaissance. There, we see that Europe had accepted Arab influences in the matter and method of learning. But it never imitated the outward appearance and the spirit of Arabian culture. They never sacrificed their own intellectual and aesthetic independence. We must never forget that no civilization can prosper, or even exist, after having lost this pride and the connection with its own past. Regrettably, the world of Islam, with its growing tendency to imitate West and to assimilate Western ideas and ideals, is gradually severing bonds which link it with its past. It is losing therefore, not only the cultural but also its spiritual grounds. It is pertinent to note here that Islam is not only a 'belief of heart', but also a very clearly defined programme of individual and social life. It can be destroyed by being assimilated to a foreign culture which has essentially different moral orientation. Equally, it can be regenerated, the moment it is brought back to its own reality and given the value of a factor determining and shaping our personal and social existence in all its aspects. Under the impact of new ideas and conflicting cultural currents, so characteristic of the period in which we are living, Islam can no longer afford to remain an empty form. We must, therefore, revert to the reality of Islam. It is this road alone which can appeal to those who believe in their past and in the possibility of the transformation into a living future.


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