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A Layered Software Architecture for Quantum Computing Design Tools Krysta M. Svore, Alfred V. Aho Columbia University

Andrew W. Cross, Isaac Chuang Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Igor L. Markov University of Michigan

Compilers and computer-aided design tools are essential for fine-grained control of nanoscale quantum-mechanical systems. A proposed four-phase design flow assists with computations by transforming a quantum algorithm from a high-level language program into precisely scheduled physical actions.


uantum computers have the potential to solve certain computational problems—for example, factoring composite numbers or comparing an unknown image against a large database— more efficiently than modern computers. They are also useful in controlling quantum-mechanical systems in emergent nanotechnology applications, such as secure optical communication, in which modern computers cannot natively operate on quantum data. Despite convincing laboratory demonstrations of quantum information processing, as the “Ongoing Research in Quantum Computing” sidebar describes, it remains difficult to scale because it relies on inherently noisy components. Adequate use of quantum error correction and fault tolerance theoretically should enable much better scaling, but the sheer complexity of the techniques involved limits what is doable today. Large quantum computations must also achieve a high degree of parallelism to complete before quantum states decohere. As candidate quantum technologies mature, the feasibility of quantum computation will increasingly depend on software tools, especially compilers, that translate quantum algorithms into low-level, technology-specific instructions and circuits with added fault tolerance and sufficient parallelism. We propose a layered software architecture consisting of a four-phase computer-aided design flow that



assists with such computations by mapping a high-level language source program representing a quantum algorithm onto a quantum device. By weighing different optimization and error-correction procedures at appropriate phases of the design flow, researchers, algorithm designers, and tool builders can trade off performance and accuracy.

QUANTUM COMPUTATION The quantum circuit,1 a commonly used computation model similar to a modern digital circuit, provides a representation of a quantum algorithm. Digital circuits capture both mathematical algorithms, such as for sorting and searching, and methods for real-world control and measurement, as in cellular phones and automobiles. Quantum circuits likewise describe methods for control of quantum systems, such as atomic clocks and optical communication links, that cannot be fully controlled with conventional binary digital circuits alone. A quantum circuit consists of quantum bits (qubits), quantum gates, quantum wires, and qubit measurements. A qubit is analogous to a classical bit but can be in a wave-like superposition of the symbolic bit values 0 and 1, written a|0〉 + b|1〉, where a and b are complex numbers. Mathematically, a qubit can be written as a vector of complex numbers. When measured, a qubit

Published by the IEEE Computer Society

0018-9162/06/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE

Ongoing Research in Quantum Computing Researchers in industry and government labs are exploring various aspects of quantum design and automation with a wide range of applications. In addition to the examples described below, universities in the US, Canada, Europe, Japan, and China are carrying out much broader efforts.

BBN Technologies Based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, BBN Technologies ( developed the world’s first quantum key distribution (QKD) network with funding from the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.The fiber-optical DARPA Quantum Network offers 24x7 quantum cryptography to secure standard Internet traffic such as Web browsing, e-commerce, and streaming video.

D-Wave Systems

Id Quantique Based in Geneva, Switzerland, id Quantique (www. is a leading provider of quantum cryptography solutions,including wire-speed link encryptors,QKD appliances, a turnkey service for securing communication transfers, and quantum random number generators.The company’s optical instrumentation product portfolio includes single-photon counters and short-pulse laser sources.

Los Alamos National Lab The Los Alamos National Lab ( in New Mexico is studying quantum-optical long-distance secure communications and QKD for satellite communications. It has also conducted groundbreaking work on quantum error correction, decoherence, quantum teleportation, and the adaptation of NMR technology to quantum information processing.

Located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, D-Wave Systems ( builds superconductor-based software-programmable custom integrated circuits for quantum optimization algorithms and quantum-physical simulations. These ICs form the heart of a quantum computing system designed to deliver massively more powerful and faster performance for cryptanalysis,logistics,bioinformatics,and other applications.

MagiQ Technologies (, headquartered in New York City, launched the world’s first commercial quantum cryptography device in 2003. MagiQ Quantum Private Network systems incorporate QKD over metro-area fiberoptic links to protect against both cryptographic deciphering and industrial espionage.


NEC Labs

The Quantum Science Research Group at HP Labs in Palo Alto,California,is exploring nanoscale quantum optics for information-processing applications ( In addition, the Quantum Information Processing Group at the company’s research facility in Bristol, UK, is studying quantum computation, cryptography, and teleportation and communication (

Scientists at NEC’s Fundamental and Environmental Research Laboratories in Japan, in collaboration with the Riken Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, have demonstrated a basic quantum circuit in a solid-state quantum device ( Recently, NEC researchers have also been involved in realizing the fastest fortnight-long, continuous quantum cryptography final-key generation.



Located in Elmsford, New York, Hypres Inc. (www. is the leading developer of superconducting digital circuits for wireless and optical communication.Based on rapid single-flux quantum logic, these circuits have achieved gate speeds up to 770 GHz in the laboratory.

The Quantum Information Program at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology ( is building a prototype 10-qubit quantum processor as a proof-in-principle of quantum information processing. Potential applications include ultraprecise measurement (atomic clocks, optical metrology, and so on), control of dynamic processes, and nanotechnology. Researchers at the program’s facilities in Boulder,Colorado,and Gaithersburg, Maryland, are also optimizing the speed of freespace quantum cryptography systems.

IBM Research Scientists at IBM’s Almaden Research Center in California and the T.J.Watson Research Center’s Yorktown office in New York developed a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) quantum computer that factored 15 into 3 × 5 ( 2000/TECH/computing/08/15/quantum.reut). Researchers at the Watson facility and the Zurich Research Lab are also developing Josephson junction quantum devices ( ss_computing) as well as studying quantum information theory (

MagiQ Technologies

NTT Basic Research Labs NTT’s Superconducting Quantum Physics Research Group in Japan focuses on the development of quantum cryptography protocols ( In particular, they have exhibited quantum cryptography using a single photon realized in a photonic network of optical fibers.

January 2006


A sufficiently transparent architecture facilitates tool interTechnology operability, focused point-tool Technology- QASM Technology- QPOL QIR Quantum simulator independent dependent Front end development, and incremental program or quantum optimizer optimizer device improvements. Quantum algorithm designers and those develAbstraction oping quantum circuit optimiMachine Quantum Quantum Quantum zations can explore new algoinstructions algorithm circuit circuit rithms and error-correction procedures in more realistic settings involving actual noise and physFigure 1. Proposed design flow.The first three phases are part of the quantum computer ical resource constraints. Recompiler, while the last phase implements the quantum algorithm on a quantum device or searchers can also simulate imsimulator. portant quantum algorithms on proposed new technologies beassumes either the value 0 or the value 1, with proba- fore doing expensive lab experiments. bility |a|2 and |b|2, respectively. Our four-phase design flow, shown in Figure 1, maps An n-qubit quantum state is written as a vector rep- a high-level program representing a quantum algorithm resenting a superposition of 2n different bit strings. The into a low-level set of machine instructions to be implestate remains in a superposition for the computation’s mented on a physical device. The high-level quantum duration, and the final sequence of measurements col- programming language encapsulates the mathematical lapses the state onto the bit string that gives the result of abstractions of quantum mechanics and linear algebra.1 the computation. This result will not be affected if all The design flow’s first three phases are part of the quanbit strings in a given state are multiplied by a constant, tum computer compiler (QCC). The last phase implecalled a global phase, before measurement. However, ments the algorithm on a quantum device or simulator. the ratios of coefficients of different bit strings are sigIn addition to providing support for the abstractions nificant and determine relative phases. used to specify quantum algorithms, the programming A quantum gate is a reversible transformation of a languages and compilers at the top level of our tool suite quantum state that preserves total probability—for accommodate optimization improvements as our underexample, for a single qubit |a|2 + |b|2 = 1. Quantum gates standing of new quantum technologies matures. The are represented by unitary matrices that act on quan- simulation and layout tools at the bottom level incortum state vectors by left multiplication. Gates are con- porate details of the emerging quantum technologies nected by quantum wires that transport qubits forward that would ultimately implement the algorithms in time or space. Quantum wires cannot fan out—that described in the high-level language. The tools balance is, qubits with unknown state cannot be duplicated. tradeoffs involving performance, qubit minimization, Matrix multiplication models composition of gates in and fault-tolerant implementations. series; the Kronecker, or tensor, product models comThe representations of the quantum algorithm position of gates in parallel. between the phases are the key to an interoperable tools Inaccurate gates and uncontrolled environmental cou- hierarchy. In the first phase, the compiler front end maps plings introduce data errors. Uncontrolled coupling results a high-level specification of a quantum algorithm into a in decoherence, which causes qubits to collapse to states quantum intermediate representation (QIR)—a quanthat behave probabilistically, like (possibly biased) classi- tum circuit with gates drawn from some universal set. cal coins. Such states have no phase information and can- Compared to traditional logic circuits, quantum circuits not perform quantum computation. These effects compli- are more structured and typically have intrinsic sequencate quantum information processing, but researchers can tial semantics, wherein gates modify globally maintained address them using tools that perform optimizations and state qubits in parallel. automatically add error correction. In the second phase, a technology-independent optimizer maps the QIR into an equivalent lower-level cirFOUR-PHASE DESIGN FLOW cuit representation of single-qubit and controlled-NOT We envision a hierarchy of design tools with simple (CNOT) gates. The compiler optimizes this Quantum interfaces between layers that include programming lan- Assembly Language (QASM) according to a cost funcguages, compilers, optimizers, simulators, and layout tion such as circuit size, circuit depth, or accuracy. Since tools. Such an architecture appears necessary because limiting quantum computing to a fixed set of registers no single entity can afford the huge investments required and fixed word size would significantly restrict its to develop all necessary tools. To this end, open source power, QASM does not have such limitations, unlike software encourages wider community participation. traditional assembly languages. Therefore, parallelism Design flow



has a greater impact and must be extracted by the constructs. This would make learning how to write, compiler. debug, and run a quantum program easier than using a The third phase consists of optimizations suited to the totally new environment. quantum computing technology and outputs Quantum The quantum programming environment also should Physical Operations Language (QPOL), a physical-lan- allow easy separation of classical and quantum compuguage representation with technology-specific parameters. tations. Because a quantum computer has noise and limQPOL includes two subphases: The first maps the repre- ited coherence time, this separation can limit computasentation of single-qubit and CNOT gates into a QASM tion time on the quantum device. The compiler for a representation using a fault-tolerant discrete universal set quantum programming language should be able to transof gates; the second maps these gates into a QPOL repre- late a source program into an efficient and robust quansentation containing the physical instructions for the fault- tum circuit or physical implementation; it should be easy tolerant operations scheduled in parallel, including the to translate into different gate sets or optimize with required movements of physical parrespect to a desired cost function. ticles. Knowledge of the physical layFurther, the high-level programout and architectural limitations ming language should be hardwareThe quantum programming enters no later than at this step. independent and compile onto difenvironment should allow The final phase utilizes technologyferent quantum technologies. Howdependent tools such as layout modever, the language and environment easy separation of classical ules, circuit and physical simulators, should allow the inclusion of techand quantum computations. or interfaces to actual quantum nology-specific modules. devices. If at this point certain techA language that supports highnology constraints or objectives have level abstractions would facilitate not been met, algorithm and device designers can repeat development of new quantum algorithms and applicasome earlier phases. In addition, it is possible to add fault tions. Researchers have proposed many quantum protolerance and error correction at multiple phases of the gramming languages based on the quantum circuit design process. model,2,3 but a language that provides further insights The “Sample Design Flow: EPR Pair Creation” side- on quantum information processing is needed. We also bar provides a concrete example of how our proposed seek a language that simplifies creation of robust, optidesign flow automates the process of transforming mized target programs. mathematical models into software for controlling a live quantum-mechanical system. QUANTUM COMPUTER COMPILER A generic compiler for a classical language on a clasPROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT sical machine consists of a sequence of phases that AND LANGUAGE transform the source program from one representation Designing a quantum programming environment is into another.4 This partitioning of the compilation difficult given the currently limited repertoire of quan- process has led to the development of efficient algotum algorithms. However, this situation is likely to rithms and tools for each phase. Because the front-end improve as the demand for nanoscale control increases. processes for QCCs are similar to those of classical The programming model is also uncertain because compilers, researchers can use the algorithms and tools researchers can design a quantum computer as either an to build lexical, syntactic, and semantic analyzers for application-specific integrated circuit or a general-pur- QCCs. However, the intermediate representations, the pose processor. However, it is safe to assume that clas- optimization phase, and the code-generation phase of sical computers will monitor quantum devices through QCCs differ greatly from classical compilers and a bidirectional communication link.2 require novel approaches, such as a way to insert errorA quantum programming environment should pos- correction operations into the target language program. sess several key characteristics.2 First, it needs a highlevel quantum programming language that offers the Quantum intermediate representation necessary abstractions to perform useful quantum operOther popular quantum computation models, such as ations. It should support complex numbers, quantum adiabatic quantum computing, can be converted to unitary transforms (quantum gates), and measurements quantum circuits. Therefore, in our design flow’s first as well as classical pre- and postprocessing. Support for phase, the QCC’s front end maps a high-level specificareusable subroutines and gate libraries is also required. tion of a quantum algorithm into a QIR based on the However, the exact modularization of a quantum pro- quantum circuit model.1 gramming environment remains an open question. Provisions must be made in the QIR for classical and In addition, the environment as well as the program- quantum control flows as well as data flows. In particming language should be based on familiar concepts and ular, quantum-to-classical conversions are accomplished January 2006


via quantum measurements, while quantum conditionals and entangled switch statements are implemented using quantum multiplexer gates.5 High-level optimizations may involve simultaneous changes to quantum and classical control flows and to data flows. We also consider fault-tolerant constructions at various phases in the design flow and incorporate circuit synthesis and optimization techniques in both the technology-independent and technology-dependent phases.

Circuit synthesis and optimization During the second and third phases, the QCC synthesizes and optimizes a QASM representation of a quantum circuit using procedures similar to those currently used for digital circuits. Algorithms for classical logic circuit synthesis map a Boolean function into a circuit using gates from a given gate library. Similarly, quantum circuit synthesis creates a circuit that performs a given unitary transform up to an irrelevant global phase or a prescribed quantum measurement. A digital logic designer can immediately construct a

two-level circuit of a Boolean function, linear in the size of the function’s truth table, and then use various techniques to optimize it. In contrast, finding a good quantum circuit to implement a 2n × 2n unitary matrix is difficult. Only very recently have constructive algorithms become available that yield an asymptotically optimal circuit with O(4n) gates. Because CNOT gates are typically most expensive, their counts have been pushed down to only a factor of two away from lower bounds.5 Remaining gates operate on single qubits at a time, but unlike CNOT gates their functionality can be tuned using continuous parameters. When developing reusable software for automating quantum circuit design, reducing technological dependence is desirable. Today, the NAND gate is easier to implement than the AND gate in CMOS-based integrated circuits. Commercial circuit synthesis tools address this by decoupling libraryless logic synthesis from technology mapping. The former step uses an abstract gate library, such as AND-OR-NOT, and emphasizes the scalability of synthesis algorithms that capture the given

Sample Design Flow: EPR Pair Creation Accurately capturing quantum-mechanical systems using traditional 0s and 1s is inherently difficult. Quantum information must therefore be processed directly—without converting it to bits—during state transformation and teleportation, communication, measurements, and other common tasks. Figure A illustrates how our proposed four-phase design flow automates the transformation of mathematical models into software for controlling a live physical system. An algorithm designer, researcher, or engineer initially expresses a mathematical specification of a quantum algorithm in a high-level quantum programming language, automatically creating a quantum circuit that encapsulates the mathematical abstractions of quantum mechanics and linear algebra. In the design flow’s first phase, the quantum computer compiler abstracts the quantum circuit as a quantum intermediate representation (QIR). Next, the QCC translates the circuit into Quantum Assembly Language (QASM) that captures a universal set of quantum gates. In the third phase, the QCC translates QASM instructions into Quantum Physical Operations Language using software tools. QPOL has knowledge of particulars of the quantum device, including layout and a technology-specific gate library.Finally,technology-dependent software tools translate QPOL into machine instructions. In this example, we demonstrate how to produce EinsteinPodolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs1 for implementation on a trappedion computer.Trapped-ion systems have shown considerable potential as a future quantum computing technology.2 These computers use charged, electromagnetically trapped atoms as qubit carriers and the internal state of single ionized atoms as qubits. Ions can be shuttled in and out of ion traps to increase



the quantum computer’s effective size. An important physical resource for quantum computing and communication,EPR pairs are entangled quantum states that cannot be decomposed into (tensor products of) single-qubit states. They represent quantum nonlocality and have applications in quantum state teleportation,ultraprecise measurement,and lithography as well as in a number of quantum computing algorithms. For EPR pair creation, we abstract the mathematical representation in a quantum circuit composed of a Hadamard (H) and CNOT gate.The figure shows sample QASM and QPOL representations. Determining the phase in which to insert fault tolerance and error correction is an open research question;here we show how to replace a CNOT gate with a circuit for a fault-tolerant encoded CNOT operation limited to local interactions. QPOL instructions for creating an EPR pair can be translated into a sequence of laser pulses—in this case, for performing a CNOT gate on an ion-trap device.The machine instructions are as follows: 1. Alternately raise and lower the potentials of electrodes A, 1, 2, and 3 to move ions from trap A to trap B. 2. Apply a laser to the “green” ion to cool the ion chain that may have heated during movement. 3. Apply π-pulse on the first red sideband of the x ion. 4. Apply pulse on carrier of the y ion. 5. Apply π-pulse on the first red sideband of the x ion. 6. Split the “green” ion and the x ion away from the y ion and move them back to trap A. The six-step process could take around 10-100 µs.

computation’s global structure. The latter step converts all gates of a logic circuit to gates from a technology-specific gate library, often supplied by a chip manufacturer, and is based on local optimizations. We expect the distinction between technology-independent circuit synthesis and technology mapping to carry over to quantum circuits.6 This is precisely why the QCC maps the quantum algorithm into a QASM representation consisting of single-qubit and CNOT gates in the second phase of our design flow. In addition, temporary decompositions into elementary gates could help optimize pulse sequences and reduce systematic inaccuracies in physical implementations. For example, a CNOT gate can be mapped onto a specific technology by appropriately timing pulses that couple two qubits, with pre- and postprocessing by less sophisticated pulses that affect single qubits.6 Technology-mapped circuits could potentially be optimized further via automatic instantiation of error correction, efficient handling of universal gate libraries without tunable gates, and identification of reusable

quantum logic blocks and their efficient implementation.

Quantum Assembly Language During the technology-independent phase of our design flow, the QCC maps a representation of the quantum algorithm into an equivalent set of Quantum Assembly Language instructions. QASM is a classical reduced-instruction-set computing assembly language extended by a set of quantum instructions based on the quantum circuit model. It uses qubits and registers of classical bits (cbits) as static units of information that must be declared at the program’s beginning. Quantum instructions in QASM consist solely of single-qubit unitary gates, CNOT gates, and measurements. Any quantum circuit can be constructed using these instructions.

Quantum Physical Operations Language QPOL precisely describes the execution of a given quantum algorithm expressed as a QASM program on a particular technology, like trapped-ion systems. QPOL includes physical operations as well as technology-

References 1. A. Einstein, B. Podolsky, and N. Rosen,“Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?” Physical Rev., vol. 47, no. 10, 1935, pp. 777-780.

Computational formulation: Quantum bits, gates, and circuits

Mathematical model: Quantum mechanics, unitary operators, and tensor products

EPR pair creation (❘0,y〉 +

(–1)x √2

Quantum circuit model

❘1,y ⊕1〉 , for x,y∈{0,1}

❘x 〉


❘y 〉

Fault tolerance and error correction (QEC)

❘a 〉 ❘b 〉

❘a 1 〉 ❘a 2 〉 ❘a 3 〉 ❘b 1 〉 ❘b 2 〉 ❘b 3 〉



2. D.J.Wineland et al.,“Experimental Issues in Coherent QuantumState Manipulation of Trapped Atomic Ions,” J. Research of NIST, vol. 103, no. 3, 1998, pp. 259-328.

Quantum computer compiler: QIR, QASM

QIR ➝ QASM qubit x,y; gate h; gate cx; h x; cx x,y;

Physical system: Laser pulses applied to ions in traps

Software: QPOL

QPOL grid (3,1) empty (1,1) – (3,1) gate "H", (x) move x, (2,1) …

Machine instructions ➝ Physical device A 1 2 3 B A 1 2 3 B

QASM = Quantum Assembly Language QIR = Quantum intermediate representation QPOL = Quantum Physical Operations Language

Figure A. Using quantum information processing to control live physical systems. Proposed four-phase design flow, detailed for EPR pair creation on a trapped-ion computer with machine instructions translated into a sequence of laser pulses that perform a CNOT gate. A feedback loop allows for repetition of earlier phases.

January 2006


An external classical processor controls the execution of QPOL instructions, stores measurement results, and performs conditional instructions based on stored cbits. System-specific instructions recool ions when they heat due to movement operations. Certain laser pulses also accomplish recooling, but the lasers are applied differently for cooling than for gates, requiring different programming and pulse-sequence optimization.


Figure 2.Trapped-ion simulator. Graphical display shows an H-tree layout. Qubits are electronic states of ions, represented by spheres, and gates are laser pulses, represented by lines. The qubits can move within the black regions but not into the substrate, drawn using light squares.

specific modules. In particular, it organizes physical operations into five instruction types: • Initialization instructions specify how to prepare the initial system state. This can include loading qubits into the quantum computer, initializing auxiliary physical states used in computations, and setting qubits to |0〉. • Computation instructions include quantum gates and measurements. • Movement instructions control the relative distance between qubits to bring them together to undergo simultaneous operations or move them apart. • Classical control instructions provide simple logic operations and allow quantum gates to be applied based on classical bit values stored in classical memory. • System-specific instructions control physical parameters of the system that do not explicitly fall into the other categories. The final QPOL distributes these instructions to the available instruction processing units—highly parallel quantum computers will have many—and by inserting appropriate waiting times. In the case of trapped-ion computers, initialization has three stages: loading of multiple ions into a loading region, laser cooling to reduce ion temperatures, and optical pumping to put all qubits into a known state. Computation is naturally described in terms of singlequbit rotations and a controlled-phase gate between ions in the same trap, both achieved using a laser pulse sequence. Measurement uses another laser pulse that causes ions in the |0〉 state to fluoresce. Electrostatic fields can move ions between multiplexed traps, and they can move multiple ions in and out of the same trap. 80


Quantum-mechanical effects are useful for accelerating certain classical computations, as Lov Grover7 and Peter Shor8 have shown; however, numerical simulation of quantum computers on classical computers remains important for engineering reasons. In classical electronic design automation, chip designers always test independent modules and complete systems by simulating them on test vectors before costly manufacturing. Numerical simulations can also help to evaluate quantum heuristics that defy formal worst-case analysis or only work well for a fraction of inputs. For the numerical simulation phase of our design flow, we again use the quantum circuit formalism. Because mathematical models of quantum states, quantum gates, and measurement involve linear algebra, a key aspect of efficient simulation is exploiting the structure in the matrices and vectors derived from quantum circuits. To this end, researchers have proposed polynomial-time simulation techniques for circuits arising in error correction9 and for “slightly entangled” quantum computation.

QuIDDPro: A generic graph-based simulator George Viamontes and colleagues10 have proposed a generic simulation technique based on data compression using the quantum information decision diagram (QuIDD) data structure. Its worst-case performance is no better than what can be achieved with basic linear algebra, but it can dramatically compress structured vectors and matrices, including all basis states, small gates, and some tensor products. A QuIDD is a directed acyclic graph with one source and multiple sinks, each labeled with a complex number. The graph models matrix and vector elements as directed paths; any given vector or matrix can be encoded as a QuIDD and vice versa. Graph algorithms working on QuIDDs, supplied as a software library, implement all linear-algebraic operations in terms of compressed data representations. Time and memory used by these algorithms to simulate a useful class of quantum circuits scale polynomially with the number of qubits. All components of Grover’s algorithm, except for some application-dependent oracles, fall into this class. QuIDD-based simulation of the algorithm requires time and memory resources that are polynomial in the oracle function’s size. If a compact

QuIDD can represent a particular oracle function for some search problem, then classical simulation of the algorithm runs nearly as fast as an ideal quantum circuit. QuIDDs can also simulate density matrices by implementing several additional operations, such as traceovers, in terms of graph traversals.10 Straightforward modeling of any 16-qubit density matrix would require 64 Tbytes of memory. In contrast, for a reversible 16qubit adder circuit using CNOT and Toffoli gates, the QuIDDPro package ( quantum/qp) requires less than 5 Mbytes.

Trapped-ion simulator Numerical simulations of quantum systems are also useful when studying the feasibility or performance of specific physical implementations.9 We have carried out such a simulation for trapped-ion systems with up to 1,000 qubits; this applies to quantum stabilizer circuits, which are central to quantum error correction. The keys to such realistic simulations are the layout of qubits in physical space and the scheduling of operations. Our layout tool maps circuits onto an H-tree, a recursively constructed fractal layout. This reduces movement operations required per gate by keeping qubits in inner codes near one another within concatenated quantum codes, which also have a self-similar structure. Our scheduler tool uses implicitly specified paths to optimize for minimal distances, expanding QASM instructions to include movements. The simulator output includes the final quantum state (for circuit verification), measurement and failure histories, total execution time, and, in the case of a faulttolerant circuit, validity of the final output. As Figure 2 shows, output also is a graphical display of QPOL instructions as they are simulated.

DESIGN FLOW FOR FAULT-TOLERANT ARCHITECTURES The inherently noisy nature of quantum computers requires inserting error-correction routines and replacing gates with their fault-tolerant implementations to achieve scalability. A system architect can apply this process manually, synthesizing and laying out each faulttolerant gate (architecture-driven design), or a compiler can apply it algorithmically (software-driven design). We are currently considering both processes for trapped-ion computing systems, but the principles extend to other physical systems. The central goal of both designs is to guarantee that the final sequence of physical operations will execute fault-tolerantly on the target system—if failures occur infrequently enough, then the resulting errors cannot cause the system to fail.

Fault-tolerant classical components In special applications of modern digital computers, the canonical method for fault-tolerant computation is

Figure 3.TMR fault-tolerant NAND gate at the second level of recursion, constructed from three fault-tolerant NAND (N) gates and three majority (M) gates.

triple modular redundancy.11 TMR involves feeding gate inputs copied three times into three gates that fail with probability O(p). The output lines of these faulty gates fan out into three majority voting gates. The majority gates essentially amplify the correct value of the computation so that the fault-tolerant gate fails only if two or more failures occur. Mathematically, the fault-tolerant gate fails with probability O(p2). Figure 3 shows a TMR fault-tolerant NAND gate at the second level of recursion, constructed from three fault-tolerant NAND gates and three majority gates. All gates are assumed to fail with probability p, such that the highlighted TMR NAND gate fails with probability < 6p2, ignoring input errors. The entire circuit shown fails with probability < 63p4. If p < 1/6, then this circuit is more reliable than a basic gate. Applying TMR recursively k times, as illustrated in Figure 3 for k = 2, fault-tolerant components can be made to fail with probability bounded above by pf(k) = (cp)2k/c. The constant c is determined by the maximum number of fault paths through the highlighted circuit that lead the circuit to fail. In this case, c = 6 because at least two gates or two majority voters must fail. If each basic gate fails with probability p < 1/c, then pf(k) → 0 as k → ∞. This construction exhibits a fault-tolerance threshold pth = 1/c.

Fault-tolerant quantum components We construct fault-tolerant quantum components using procedures similar to classical fault-tolerance techniques. They can encode quantum information using quantum computation codes12 that allow fault-tolerant computation via a discrete universal set of gates. Calderbank-ShorSteane codes are one family of quantum codes that allow a transversal implementation of an encoded CNOT gate. Transversal gates are always fault tolerant because they January 2006


specific components using a combination of replacement rules, heurisS1 S2 … Sm C tic methods, and device models, then a1, a2, … Ancilla P D publishes the library together with V Verification Syndrome design rules for connecting the comClassical register qubit bit Restart? posite components. (a) (b) A software-driven design process inserts fault-tolerant gates during Figure 4. Fault-tolerant quantum computation. (a) Recovery operation. (b) Single technology-independent code genersyndrome bit extraction. ation using replacement rules based on quantum circuits. Sophisticated are implemented in a bitwise fashion—a gate between a schedulers and layout tools insert QPOL instructions to pair of encoded qubits is implemented by applying the gate preserve fault tolerance. Algorithmic optimizations from bit 1 of the first encoded qubit to bit 1 of the second make fine-grained replacements, and compilers can use encoded qubit, and so on. feedback from simulators to focus the optimizers on the However, there are no known computation codes for circuit’s critical regions. Our software architecture which a universal set of encoded operations can be imple- allows such insertion and testing of error-correction and mented transversally. In practice, performing quantum fault-tolerance techniques at multiple stages in the gates requires fault-tolerant preparation of several kinds design flow. of ancillas, or scratch qubits. After each gate, we insert on each qubit a recovery operation that consumes a syndrome extraction ancilla to acquire syndrome bits. Syndrome ur work has thus far focused on the languages, extraction ancillas must be available in great supply and transformations, and fault-tolerance procedures may need to be checked for critical errors using verificaneeded along the design flow to produce robust tion ancillas. All of these operations must remain fault tol- implementations. However, many important challenges erant when qubits can only interact locally.13 remain to be solved before researchers can build or even Figure 4 illustrates key aspects of this process. A recov- realistically design a scalable quantum computer. ery operation, shown in Figure 4a, interacts fault-tolerTo effectively use available quantum resources, we antly with the data via syndrome bit extraction networks must be able to schedule and synchronize parallel quanS1,S2, … Sm. This involves using a syndrome extraction tum computations. We also need efficient technologyancilla (a1,a2, …) to measure each syndrome bit, possi- independent optimization algorithms for realistic classes bly several times, and storing the results to a classical of quantum circuits as well as strategies for adapting register. A classical computer processes the register and generic circuits to specific architectural constraints and applies the appropriate error correction R to the data. implementation technologies. Recovery operations follow every fault-tolerant gate to Identifying and evaluating meaningful architectural correct errors potentially introduced by that gate. design blocks will necessitate further development of As Figure 4b shows, extracting a single syndrome bit simulation techniques for quantum circuits and highfault-tolerantly first requires an ancilla state. The high- level programs. lighted network prepares (P)and verifies (V) the ancilla; Achieving robust, scalable quantum computation will a verification qubit indicates if the ancilla failed the ver- require both fault-tolerant architectural strategies comification network V. Upon successful preparation of an patible with emerging quantum device technologies and ancilla, the C network interacts with the data fault-tol- optimization algorithms that minimize the number of erantly to collect a syndrome bit. The quantum network fault paths, code size, or number of gates in fault-tolerD then decodes and measures the bit. Some classical ant circuits. postprocessing may take the place of D. It will also be necessary to match tools to experimental implementations as well as develop methodologies Fault-tolerant architectures for design verification and test such as quantum state A quantum computation code conceptually separates tomography, circuit-equivalence checking, and test-vecthe logical and physical machine. Both architecture-dri- tor generation. ven and software-driven designs exploit this fact to yield The grandest challenge of all is to design a high-level two different processes within the framework of our programming language that encapsulates the principles design flow. of quantum mechanics in a natural way so that physicists An architecture-driven design process inserts fault-tol- and programmers can develop and evaluate more quanerant gates from a predesigned library during technol- tum algorithms. ogy-dependent code generation. A design team creates Design and verification tools for robust quantum the library of universal, fault-tolerant, technology- circuits are vital to the future of quantum informaData






tion processing systems, and their development will be a natural evolutionary step as such machines graduate from the laboratory to engineering design. ■

Acknowledgments We are grateful to Stephen Edwards for many helpful comments on computer-aided design flows. Krysta Svore acknowledges support from an NPSC fellowship, Andrew Cross acknowledges support from an NDSEG fellowship, and Igor Markov acknowledges funding from the DARPA QuIST program and the NSF.

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Krysta M. Svore is a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at Columbia University. Her research interests include quantum computation, particularly quantum fault tolerance and error correction, as well as data mining and intrusion detection. Svore received an MS in computer science from Columbia University. Contact her at [email protected].

Alfred V. Aho is Lawrence Gussman Professor of Computer Science and vice chair for undergraduate education in the Department of Computer Science at Columbia University. His research interests include quantum computing, programming languages, compilers, and algorithms. Aho received a PhD in electrical engineering and computer science from Princeton University. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the ACM, and the IEEE. Contact him at [email protected].

Andrew W. Cross is a PhD candidate in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a research assistant in the Quanta Group at MIT Media Lab’s Center for Bits and Atoms. His research focuses on fault-tolerant quantum computing. Cross received an MS in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT. Contact him at awcross@

Isaac Chuang is an associate professor with joint appointments in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Department of Physics at MIT, where he also leads the Quanta Group at MIT Media Lab’s Center for Bits and Atoms. His research interests include quantum information science, AMO implementations of quantum computers, quantum algorithms, and architectures for quantum information systems. Chuang received a PhD in electrical engineering from Stanford University. Contact him at [email protected].

Igor L. Markov is an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan. His research interests include physical design and physical synthesis for VLSI, synthesis and simulation of quantum circuits, and artificial intelligence. Markov received a PhD in computer science from the University of California, Los Angeles. He is a member of the ACM and the IEEE Computer Society, and a senior member of the IEEE. Contact him at [email protected]. January 2006


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