Computer Systems & Programming

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  • Pages: 21
Computer Systems & Programming

(Using C) Credit Hours: Instructor:

3:1 Mr Muhammad Yousaf

Agenda       

Computer Basics I/O Devices CPU Memory Storage Software MS-Office

Computer Basics 

A computer is an electronic data processing device. It reads data, processes it and produces results accurately at a very high speed. It executes the instructions in a program.

What makes a computer powerful? 

Speed A computer can do billions of actions per second. Reliability Failures are usually due to human error, one way or another. Storage A computer can keep huge amounts of data.

Components of a Computer The two components of the computer are :  

Hardware Software

Hardware    

The physical part of the computer is called hardware. It is any part of the computer that we can touch. Hardware describes all the electronic and mechanical elements of the computer. Hardware consists of the following devices

1- Input 2- Processor 3- Memory 4- Output

1-Input Devices 

    

The devices through which user enter the data or instruction into computer is called input devices. The computer accepts data from some source such as the user or program for processing. Keyboard Mouse Scanner Digital camera Microphone

2-Central Processing Unit (Processor)  

 

The CPU is the brain behind your computer. The CPU is responsible for performing calculations and tasks that make programs work. The faster the CPU, the quicker programs can process computations. The speed of processor is measured in Mega Hertz (MHz) or Giga Hertz (Ghz)

Parts of CPU 

CPU is divided into two main parts.

i- Control Unit (CU): This unit controls the over all operation of the computer. It coordinates the activities of all other components of computer. ii- Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): This unit of computer performs the arithmetic and logical operation. e.g. sum = x + y, is an arithmetic operation performed by ALU.

3-Output Devices  The device used to produce or display the

  

result of the processing is called output device. The results may appear as text, numbers or graphics on the computers screen or as sounds from its speakers. Monitor Printer Speakers

Types of Output 

Hard copy: printed on paper or other permanent media

Soft copy: displayed on screen or by other nonpermanent means

4-Memory         (i) (ii)

The computer memory can hold programs and data for current and future use. It is also called primary memory or main memory. Main memory of a computer is its internal memory . The capacity of a storage device is generally expressed in bytes. One byte is a group of eight bits. Bit is a smallest memory unit that represents a binary digit. A bit has value either 0 or 1. Main memory can be divided into RAM ROM

Random Access Memory (RAM)   

 

A fast CPU is useless without an adequate amount of RAM. RAM stores information that is used by running programs and applications. More memory lets you run more applications at the same time without degrading your system's performance. When a program is launched , it is loaded first into memory and then performs the operation. RAM is temporary, because it loses the data when the computer is shut down. So it is also known as volatile memory. RAM has a tremendous impact on the speed and performance of the computer.

Read Only Memory (ROM) 

It permanently stores its data even when computer is shut down. Therefore, it is called non-volatile memory, because it never loses its data. It handles many important tasks. One is to provide instructions to CPU during start-up or booting process whenever the computer is turned on.

Storage 

     

It is also called backing storage or external memory and is used to supplement the capacity of main memory. The devices which is used to permanently store the data into computer is called storage devices. Hard Disk (HDD) Floppy Disk CD (Compact disc) It can store a bulk of data/information. The data in secondary storage is first brought into the main memory before processing.

Software It is the general term used to describe all the various programs that may be used on a computer system.  A computer program is a set of instructions to solve a particular problem.  A set of instructions that drive a computer to perform specific tasks is called a program.  When a computer uses a particular program it is said to be running or executing that program.  Software falls into two major categories. i- System Software ii- Application Software 

System Software 

It is any program that controls the computers hardware or that can be used to maintain the computer in some way so that it runs more efficiently. There are 3 basic type of system software.


Operating System: A system software which is used to control the over all operation of computer is called operating system. e.g. windows, Unix, Linux, DOS etc.


Network Operating System: Network operating system allows computer to communicates and share data across a network. It also controls the network operation and security.

(iii) Utility:

Utility is a program that makes computer system easier to use or perform high specialized function. Utilities are used to managed disk, trouble shooting, hardware problems. e.g Partition Magic

Application Software 

It is divided into two categories.


Specialized Application: An Application that are using for special purpose is called Specialized Application. ( Banking, Payroll, Online System)


General Purpose Application: An Application that are using for general purpose is called general purpose application.( Word processor, Spreadsheets, Excel, Computer programming languages).

Word Processor: it is used for creating text-based documents such as newsletters e.g. MSWord Spread Sheet: It is used for numeric-based documents such as budgets or balance sheets. e.g. excel. Database Management Software: it is used for building and manipulating database. e.g. MS-Access, SQL-Server, Oracle, etc Presentation Software: It is used for creating presenting electronic slide. e.g. power point

Graphics Software: It is used for designing and manipulating images, movies or animations. e.g. Photoshop, Flash etc

Programming Languages: It is used for developing computer programming. Different type of computer programming languages are available today such C, C++, Java, C#, VB.NET etc.

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