Computer Syllabus

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 275
  • Pages: 1
Co mpute r S yllabu s Mrs. Loria Computer Lab Room 307 September 2009

Course Description This is an introductory class to computers; the computer curriculum consists of learning Keyboarding, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access. Students will also learn how to use various aspects of the Internet. Grading Student’s grades will be based on computer projects, written work, quizzes and tests. There will be a number of assignments and quizzes given in each content area (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access) as well as a unit test at the completion of each unit. A cumulative midterm and final exam will also be given. Grading 97-100 94-96 90-93 87-89 84-86

Scale A+ A AB+ B

80-83 77-79 74-76 70-73 67-69


64-66 D 60-63 D59 F

Classroom Rules Students are expected to follow the following classroom rules: 1. Show respect to other students, the teacher and the equipment. 2. Use appropriate language at all times. 3. Stay in assigned seat and use only your assigned computer. 4. Students may only access the Internet after they have turned in all assignments. 5. Inappropriate websites are not allowed and will be monitored by the teacher. When you are not here If you are absent you are expected to make up the work that you have missed. All of my assignments will be posted on my blog: it is your responsibility to go to the blog and see what you missed. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at 791-6300 ext. 2307, my planning period is 4th hour. I look for to a successful and productive year with you.

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