Computer Networking

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 212
  • Pages: 11
Computer Networking

Submitted by: Name :Richa Sharma PRN:060341044

Agenda… 1.Definition 2.Categorizing  By scale.  By connection method.  By functional relationship.  By network topology. 3.Protocol Stacks 4.Communication theory 5.References

Computer Networking  Definition

: is the scientific & engineering discipline concerned with communication & sharing of resources between computers:  Min 2 computers are involved.  There is a protocol.  There is a connection between the devices.

Categorization  By

scale:  LAN  MAN  WAN

By Connection Method…  Ethernet  Wi-fi

By Functional Relationship…  Client-Server  Peer

to Peer(P2P)

By Network Topology  Bus  Star  Ring  Mesh

PROTOCOL STACK         

Protocols ATM Bluetooth Ethernet FDDI Frame relay TCP/IP UDP X.25

       

Standards 802.1:higher lan protocals 802.2:logical link control 802.3:ethernet 802.5:token bus 802.5:token ring 802.11:wi-fi 802.15.1:bluetooth

Communication Theory-Data Transmission Wired  Public switched telephone n/w-modems & dialups  Leased lines  Ethernet  Optical fibre transmission: -SONET -FDDI 

Wireless  Extreme short range -zigbee  Short -bluetooth  Medium -wifi  Long -satellite -mobile phone data transmission 

References…  Larry

Peterson “Computer Networking”  Andrew S Tanenbaum “Computer Networks”  Mark Sportack “Networking Essentials”

Thank you…

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