Compaq Crimes

  • November 2019
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My offer to all of you still stands- if any of you don’t want to receive my e-mails or want to read what I write that is not a problem- send me a polite e-mail requesting me to take your name of the mailing list and I shall do so immediately. The pleasure is always mine as it also saves me a few Paisa and Rupees for the Bits and Bytes by which I am charged from my Broadband provider.



Hi Charles, Hope you are doing well friend and how is life at THE NEW HP!!!!! Hey Charles changing names and playing games is the ancient art of the WORLD RAPERS isn’t it.

You know how much money my Father- In- Law lost in that Ms. Carlie


Fiorina’s MERGER?

I think he lost track of the money - just like his Ex-Chairman of Anglo Shell Sir. Philip

Watt lost track of how much OIL

there is in


So Charlie where is our good old Carlie? You want to know- she is getting RAPED inside a ROOM day in and day out and paying her WAGES of SINS. Moral: Power gained through SHARE TRANSFER in the BEDROOM is lost to MENSTRUAL TRANSFER in the BOARDROOM. So Charles why am I writing to you?

Do you think that I have nothing better to do with my time? In fact these days 24 hours does not seem to be sufficient for me. The reason I am writing to you is simply because of the many JARGONS we use in MANAGEMENT there is one that is very important that is called as PRINCIPLES. You gave me a good reference and thanks to that I got myself a job at British Gas. Well it is not what the world BELIEVES- but it certainly is my BELIEF that your reference did help me that is all that matters. You advised me that helped me go places in life so now it is my turn to advice you-, as you know it is all up to you whether you want to take it or not. In MANAGEMENT JARGON they define that as a PARADIGM SHIFT. This is what I am telling the 3 Blind Mice of Compaq India-



loosing their COCK who TALK through it.

Sunanda ‘SLUT’

Swaminathan- The men who end up

in a CORPORATE BOARDROOM are the one’s

Ambardar- The women who end up loosing their

CLITORIS in a CORPORATE BOARDROOM are the one’s who THINK through it. When is Ravi going to take his baby on a SATURDAY BANG.

Yateesh ‘Pimp’

Govindan- The men who end up loosing their BALLS

in a CORPORATE BOARDROOM are the ones who NEVER HAD ANY. When was your last visit to a Prostitute Yateesh? Was it in same old THAILAND!!!!

So how does the FACE of a COMPAQ INDIA PRIEST

look like?

So Charles whether you are going to be the Prince Charles of Compaq and reform the RAPISTS or you are going to become a Charles Sobraj and maybe also end up in Tihar Jail in New Delhi is a choice you make- in your case I am sure you won’t go to TIHAR JAIL but your whole WORLD might start looking like one. So Charles any idea how much PROFITS last financial year those 3 Thieves took? What I mean is do they know the difference between PROFIT based BONUS and Performance based Bonus? Can that Indian Institute of Management –Ahmedabad RAPIST answer this question?

Is Mr. Rapist Ravi asking which chapter of the INDIAN COMPANY LAW says that signing a PROFIT based BONUS is a CRIME? He is right that there is no Chapter that says that and even the British Company Laws don’t say that is a CRIME either. Both the Indian and the British Law does not say EXPRESSION of THOUGHT by WRITING is a CRIME either. Nor does any of the Indian Laws say that either- that is why we are still defined as a DEMOCRACY. You see Charles even the LAWS of India do not say that SHOVING a CANDLE up a man’s ARSE to figure out where his ANUS lies is a CRIME. But obviously it is understood that you don’t do that. Are you asking me who would do that? I knew a few guys in my school in India who did that to another guy- all of them got expelled-with the TRANSCRIPT marked as FORCED and ATTEMPTED SODOMY. The ONLOOKER got SUSPENDED for a SEMESTER and he came back one semester later. See if you pass a law like that then the next question might arise- then is it okay to SHOVE a PEN into someone’s arse or can you also use PENCIL? So like that if one passes a LAW saying that taking a PROFIT BASED BONUS is a CRIME- then PEOPLE will ask why do COMPANIES run for PROFITS- we might as well AIM for a LOSS all the time? That is a layman for you- but if you ask the HIGHER MINDS of MANAGEMENT they will tell you why. They will tell you why it is called a WHITE COLLAR CRIME. If you take a GUN and go ROB a Bank that is called a BLUE COLLAR CRIME and you have the POLICE and the LAW involved. But then what do you do if you happen to rob a bank wearing a Suit and a Tie and hiding behind FANCY TITLES and sit in the BOARDROOM? This is what you do- what I am doing now-EDUCATION. Do the Global Emperors in your Corporation know what is meant by the sayingThe Economics of Innocent Fraud as J.K Galbraith put it? The things that they make you BELIEVE but actually the REALITY is not the same. Example: RECALL- The Empowered Presario Program (EPP)

BPCL (Bharath Petroleum Corporation Limited) IOCL (Indian Oil Corporation Limited) HPCL (Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited) One deceit was greater than the other deceit. Selling Presario machines to innocent staff of BPCL saying that it is a MULTI NATIONAL PRODUCT and a BRAND with a GREAT QUALITY- Presario 4010 CELERON? The REALITY was different- it was hardly a BRAND- as even the LABEL was a STICKER. It was a BOX with some COMPUTING PARTS. It was not made in Singapore or Scotland- it was from a 3rd World Factory in a 4th World Region of Yeswanthpur or DIGIPARK in Bangalore. Not one client had anything good to say from Mr.Rahul Tandon to the last man who was a Director who bought a Compaq- in fact the day it was delivered and the day it was installed was a Year apart. Guess what the MACHINE did not BOOT!!!!!!!!! DEAD ON ARRIVAL Or is this the greater Deceit? Making some COSMETIC CHANGES in the Box and selling Hundreds of machines to IOCL staff? You see Charles even Jeffrey Skilling and Kenneth Lay of ENRON would not have believed that they would be facing PRISON TERMS. The TRUTH is ENRON didn’t really do such FRAUD as COMPAQ INDIA did. They BELIEVED in something and unfortunately in the American Corporate Accounting System there was no SUSPENCE ACCOUNT. So the GENERALS didn’t have any time to do a MARKET CORRECTION. But I give it to both Mr. Skilling and Mr. Lay that in the TRUE AMERICAN SPIRIT they stood through the whole TRIAL and did not try and abscond or try and hide behind LAWS. Unlike the SCUMBAGS and SCOUNDRELS in your COMPAQ INDIA. By the way my father in law lost about $US 250,000 of his BELIEF during the ENRON

COLLAPSE. That is why he goes on a SKODA OCTAVIA


not his favorite Mercedez Benz . Generally he is a man who does not bow down so easily to even EUROPEAN RAPIST in EUROPEAN SHELL.

Do you recognize the above picture Charles? It is not from a screen shot of the movie SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION- it looks like a PRISON alright- it is SHAWSHANK OF SCOTLAND that is one of the most NOTORIOUS PRISONS in Scotland-Barlinnie You know what is the greatest CRIME for which Men and Women find a place there?

DECEIT. In the INSTITUTION where I work British Gas- my supervisor she told me that Sir. Roy Gardiner (OWNER) wants me to communicate this to you. He wants you to break the EUROPEAN BLOCK so that we can see ahead. You know why he said that? He said although you don’t deceive but sometimes in life even INDIVIDUALS who BELIEVE can end up in such places. If you BELIEVED the wrong people and go and do business with them- without knowing their TRUE COLORS-this is what happens.

You see the above picture- it is Mikhail Khodorkovsky- the Chief of YUKOS. Richest man in RUSSIA and a Jew who created one of the best RUSSIAN ENERGY CORPORATION –YUKOS Although he did believe that he wanted to build a better world for the Russians unfortunately he got the word European’s wrong.

He was HIJACKED at GUN POINT from his CORPORATE JET in Siberia. Found himself in a METAL CAGE in a MOSCOW COURT along with his banker Anton Lebedev.

Was sentenced to a STALINIST PRISON in Siberia.

Khodorkovsky was not a RAPIST like Ravi and Lebedev was not a PIMP like Yateesh and they never hung around with SLUTS like Sunanda. That is why he is still considered as the most handsome man in RUSSIA and also the successor to this man.

President. Vladimir Putin.

7/7- LONDON BOMBINGS-AN ACT OF TERROR and not THE ART OF WAR. That is if you get the word ISLAM and MUSLIM mixed up- you don’t have any chance because there is NO COMEBACKS when you are BLOWN to BITS.

Unless you happen to be under the category of the pictures of the RACE shown below then it does not matter whether you believe you are a MUSLIM or BELIEVE in ISLAM.

Like those TWO TOWERS that stand to SYMBOLISE the 2 MOST ANCIENT CIVILISATIONS and the BRIDGE that SEPERATES them and also KEEPS them TOGETHER. But there is always the BUMI (means SOIL in SANSKRIT) of the PUTRAS (means CITIZENS) on which it standsBUMIPUTRAS are the MALAYS then you always have it easy in LIFE through all BARRIERS like PASSPORT, IMMIGRATION, SECURITY, POLICE etc..and OSE (ONE STOP ENERGY) Debt Control Managers. When you extend CLIENTS CREDIT they say you are like a TAJ MAHAL in AGRA and if you STOP they think that you are like a GREAT WALL of CHINA. But then there is always the SILENCE- that is called a SUSPENCE ACCOUNT- where they think it is like a MARCO POLO BRIDGE feeling- BEHEAD or NOT TO BEHEAD!!!! Why does all this concern COMPAQ INDIA or THE NEW HP as it is known now. Just because you take the OLD WINE and put in a NEW BOTTLE it is till the OLD WINE isn’t it? Charles you guys never called yourself as a LOCAL COMPANY you all consider yourselves as GLOBAL CONQUERERS. So naturally you should be aware of what is happening around the GLOBE and try and find SOLUTIONS. You should be committed 200% to the GLOBALISATION cause-if not your whole life to it. Among the many SOCIAL EVILS that plague this world- you could say WAR is one of them. But again WAR becomes a NECESSARY SOCIAL EVIL as George Bush-II put it-just to eradicate other UNNECESSARY SOCIAL EVILS.

The MOTHER OF ALL WARS Gulf War-II was not about Fathers but about the SON’s and the WOMEN who MOTHERED them and the VIRGIN GIRLS who had to become WHORES to satisfy their LUST- Uday and Quasay that is all. They lived like RAPISTS they died like SCUMS-that was an ANGLO- AMERICAN finish. CREATIVE DESTRUCTION is what Donald Rumsfeld calls it… CREATIVE DELUSION DESTRUCTION is what Jack Straw calls it…. One man was Born a King with a Right to his Throne- George Bush-II One man was Born to become a King and Write to his Throne- Tony Blair One man was Born in a Kingdom to stab his way to the Throne-Saddam Hussein The greater of the EVILS is the EVIL of NOT BELIEVING and the GREATEST of all is the EVIL OF DECEIVING. The difference between a British and an American is this? If an American finds out that you have indulged in DECEIT then what he does he takes a MARMALADE DIPPED ROPE and then HANGS you. But the BRITISH do things with even more sophistication. They HANG you with your own SILK TIE for the same crime. In that the Scottish will hang you with your TIE and his HANDS. Whereas the ENGLISH does it with even more CLASS- they HANG you with your OWN TIE and WITH YOUR OWN HANDS- they give HEADLINES as SUICIDE in the LONDON FINANCIAL TIMES. You see there is a newspaper called the SUN. Although it has about 40 pages I think the only page that matters is the PAGE 3. It always has a TOPLESS WOMEN in it- that is their claim to fame. There was a guy who was working with me. He said Vikram you cannot be so serious about life and money. All LONDON FINANCIAL TIMES and no PAGE 3 of THE SUN makes Jack an IMPOTENT BOY. I said I agree with what you say. But also remember all Page 3 of THE SUN and no London Financial Times makes Jack not look like a Ripper but like a Rapist. Before we discuss about these GLOBAL ISSUES let us discuss about the LOCAL ISSUES.

When I was waiting for my wife since she was in the beauty parlor. I heard a voice call out Vikram- it seemed like an ECHO in my EARS from a not TOO DISTANT TIME. I don’t know whether it was my bad time or his good time- although I didn’t know the name of the man- I sort of knew he is Director at Indian Oil. He asked me do you remember me? I said yes and how are things with you Sir? He said all is fine and enquired about me then he came straight to the point. He said he is planning to file LAW SUIT on behalf of all employees who bought a Compaq during that scheme. As they figured out that those machines were not from Singapore as per the understanding. Where as HP Pavilion’s were from SINGAPORE and performance shows. When you guy’s sold- you thought that COMPAQ was some FORTUNE 500 company and IOCL was some Govt of India undertaking and that they were fools. But today Charles BPCL, IOCL, HPCL are Global Fortune 500 companies and COMPAQ INDIA? I can list 500 companies in Chennai itself have a better MARKET CAP than Compaq India. So you guys are not even LOCAL 500. Well the Director also said that when he says Compaq obviously that Compaq has no MOUTH, LEGS, HANDS or EYES-so he knows what he is talking about. That includes CHANNEL PARTNERS also who were involved in the SCAM. As for me I did what you guys do best- CYA- Cover Your Arse I asked him whether that includes me? He said that he does not hold me responsible for anything. I said if you want me to testify in any court of law Sir- I am willing to TESTIFY in your favor. I do agree what COMPAQ did was complete DECEIT and BREACH of TRUST. Although I am permanent resident of UK Charles- I am fully aware that if I try a fast one on him- he can have me EXTRADITED anytime. He asked me whether in British Gas would they keep quiet if someone is found DECEIVING? Sir- even if I am cheating as little as 1 Pound I can land myself in prison. He asked why do they cheat us here?

I said it is not the British or the Americans who are cheating Sir. He said I know all the guys in Compaq India- I found the names-they are all INDIANS. You know what it is not Mr. Balu Doraisamy who he finds GUILTY- you know why because you guys said that PRESARIO is different from DESKPRO. You recall OFFICE PC and HOME PC- so Mr. Ravi Rapist has lot to answer for. In Britain although GAS is now a LUXURY but I can tell you in Barlinnie Prison there is heating. I know now in India although Air Conditioning does not seem to be a LUXURY- I know TIHAR Jail in New Delhi is not AIR CONDITIONED. I also told him Charles- that although we do try and be as honest as possible mistakes also happen in British Gas. But generally we don’t let the case go to COURT we try and give off court settlements- sometimes even a LIFETIME’s SUPPLY of FREE GAS and ELECTRICITY and the host of other services we offer. Mercedez (I know it is spelt with a S but I like to spell it with a Z) Benz- you see Adolf Hitler said in German you pronounce a KNIVE as K-NIFE and not NIFE and KNUCKLE as K-NUCKLE and not NUCKLE. I think it is a German name still. So when they released the A-Series for about 20,000 Pounds they figured out that it failed a small safety test. As the ZIG-ZAG maneuver failed as the WHEELS lifted. They withdrew all the cars that were sold and took a $2 Billion beating. They redesigned it and released it again- it sold like HOT CAKES. My father used to be a consultant for Daimler Benz for some time during the 70’s. That is why Mercedez Benz is defined as DRIVING AN ENGINEERING DREAM. Let us say Charles Mercedez Benz India comes out with a DTD Program (Drive the Dream Program) like EPP and Compaq gives a car loan to all the MANAGEMENT STAFF as perks. The Benz guys come and sell the car to you at a SPECIAL PRICE SCHEME and try and beat BMW Ultimate Driving Machine out of the BUSINESS. Others might not know anything about MECHANICAL ENGINEERING and DUMB FUCKERS like Yateesh PIMP will be thinking it is a Benz from BAVARIA perhaps. It could well have come from some place called CARNAGAR near KARGIL for all you know. But a guy like you figures out that it is not performing to even MARUTHI SUZUKI standards. Then you decide to ask an AUTO CONSULTANT and he opens the bonnet

and he tells you it looks like an AMBASSADOR ENGINE inside. Then he finds out that even that AMBASSADOR ENGINE looks like it has come from Pudupet where they sell stolen auto parts. Do you think it would be funny or do you think Compaq India would think it is funny? SKU – Semi Knockdown Unit- as Ravi Rapist put it-the JARGONS that FUCKER uses. Saying that the Machine is from Singapore but the Motherboard comes separately because we have to CHEAT the TAXMAN in India to pass on the PRICE BENEFIT to the Customer. Then we put it together and sell it back. Would you accept that logic if Benz told you that the Body and the Engine comes separately and then we put together in our LOCAL 4th World Sweat Shops we run? Or are you telling me Maruthi did that? Well then RAVI and his fuckers were not pitching it against Wipro isn’t it- they compare COMPAQ with IBM, HP and DELL. Azim Premji never called WIPRO as some World No 1 Home Mutimedia PC- the line he uses is APPLYING THOUGHT. You know what the PRESARIO is? A GLORIFIED JUNK -which can be used as a JUKE BOK perhaps. Limited Warranty Clause on the Compaq Presario- basically telling the customer that we only take care of HARDWARE ISSUE if the SOFTWARE goes wrong ask BILL GATES for solutions. This is what the RAVI RAPIST communicated to all staff to tell clients. So Charles could Sir. Roy Gardiner get away if I tell a client who calls me and tells me that the GAS is NOT FLOWING properly. I tell him/her that well British Gas is only involved in supplying the Gas and the PIPE LINE (HARDWARE) is our’s but we don’t MANUFACTURE the GAS (SOFTWARE) and so you can ask the RUSSIAN GAS COMPANY as to why the GAS does not FLOW properly. They ask Sir. Richard Branson as to why the plane from London to New York suddenly lost altitude. He cannot say well I only own Virgin Atlantic Planes but as you know it does not run on Virgin Fuel it is from Shell so go and ask Shell as to why the Fuel was not good. They will CRUCIFY HIM alive and go if he gets up to such con games.

You see Charles in British Gas anyone can write to Sir. Roy Gardiner (OWNER) and he has to reply any question that he has been asked. Even if there is a problem in the toilet that SHIT is floating he has to look into it. If it is found FLOATING for more than 4 HOURS then THERE WILL BE NO MORE BRITISH GAS. The SANITATION BOARD will come and SEAL the INSTITUTION. He has to figure out whether the JANITOR is not working properly. Is there a problem in the PLUMBING and DRAINS in the STATE OF THE ART OFFICE. Is it that some mischief-makers around or some need to be RETRAINED in TOILET HYGIENE? Well that can be easily figured by looking at the CCTV images as to who last used the toilet during that period. Of course we don’t have CCTV inside where we SHIT but certainly outside the cabin door. That is what IBM called as REPORTING to the TOP- once they lost that CULTURE they also lost the Corporation to a Chinese. But in British Gas that practice continues. But in COMPAQ INDIA what is the CULTURE of RAVI RAPIST? I knew an engineer called Albert he used to work with me. He was not the brightest of sparks but then he was a hard worker. He had a good attitude to life. He came from a very poor family and he could not even afford a 3rd meal for a day. Well he got his break when Compaq outsourced him. Then one day we met on the road on the way back from work. He looked depressed and I asked him what was the problem. He told me that he had sent an e-mail to RAVI SWAMINATHAN asking him why he cannot be absorbed as COMPAQ DIRECT EMPLOYEE? Which is a very valid question Charles. As you see COMPAQ is not some RAVI RAPIST’s company or his father’s or his grandfather’s. What did the RAVI RAPIST do? He sent his HENCHMEN and not only sacked him but also the entire team of engineers who Albert had represented. What is the parameter to be employed by Compaq India? That you should have 2 BIG TITS like Sunanda and SLUT around Town or you should look like a PIMP like Yateesh or if you have a nice looking sister then that also can help.

Ravi rapist looks like a half burnt potato sticking straight out of a monkey’s arse. The RAPIST cannot even give a proper speech leave alone bloody write a few lines of English. What makes this RAPIST think his SHIT and the SHIT of that SLUT and the PIMP smells sweeter than all others. So now let me come to GLOBAL CRIMES of COMPAQ INDIA -which people don’t know. Well people are like Children isn’t it Charles- if you also teach them properly they will also know.

See Dr.Goebbels said: You see if you keep calling a SQUARE a CIRCLE Οand a CIRCLE a SQUARE then people will believe and start calling a Square Οas Circle and a Circle as a Square Οone day.

Adolf Hitler replied: Same way if you teach a Child BLOOD is URINE and URINE is BLOOD then that child will start thinking BLOOD to be URINE and URINE to be BLOOD and start calling BLOOD as URINE and URINE as BLOOD. As a doctor would you accept that? Do I believe you or can I blame the child? Dr. Goebbels replied: It is what the people believe Adolf you cannot change the whole world. Hitler said: So now do you know what the FINAL SOLUTION is all about. People believed that we gave the Jews a chance to come and INTEGRATE with us and they behaved worse than Shylock. But then I also called off the FINAL SOLUTION as I did realize that not all Jews are Shylocks, there are some GOOD and some Bad and Some CONFUSED. You can read this article when and where it all started going wrong for the CHILDREN OF SCOTLAND.

50, 000 children cannot read and write at all in Scotland. Thanks to GLOBAL GREED of 1 RAPIST, 1 SLUT and 1 PIMP-who STUNTED the MENTAL DEVELOPMENT of a NATION. See Charles those children above do not know what the effect of GLOBALISATION is all about. But I know and now you know and some Men and Women in the TOP MANAGEMENT of the INSTITUTION called BRITISH GAS always knew. Compaq Global Contract does not say that making sure children can read and write is part of the job. Trying to build better communities is also part of the job. But all GLOBAL EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS that are signed including mine say one thing. I can be called anytime and relocated to any part of the GLOBE without any reason given. The British Gas Institution’s motto is - DOING THE RIGHT THING The Compaq India motto is-Who do you want to RAPE TODAY………. Why do you think Charles that Ravi Rapist decided to screw both Scotland and Singapore over and decided to stop TRADE LINKS? He thought labor was CHEAP in India and that would give him more PROFITS to RAPE and so him and Sunanda can go on even more LUXURIOUS SEXCAPADES and perhaps Yateesh PIMP Govindan can go this time to TAHITI to see how the PROSTITUTES are there???? You see Ravi Rapist, Slut Sunanda and Pimp Yateesh- You raped the children of Scotland, then you molested Singapore and then you RAPED your own people and then your customers and then your colleagues and then your own family and then you thought you could RAPE the whole world- but now you have the THORN in your FLESH.

You see RAVI RAPIST SWAMINATHAN Gen TOJO never thought in his worst nightmares a man called Gen Douglas McArthur

would come crossing the PACIFIC and do a TQM on JAPAN he would give him the DEATH PENALTY and HANG HIM

and he would complete the ZDM put this man

Hirohito on the THRONE


you never thought this man

Balu Doraisamy will continue to sit in his CORPORATE THRONE

and the 3 of you might as well end up here

Tihar Jail in

New Delhi or

Her Majesty’s Prison BARLINNIE SCOTLAND or

HOUSTON STATE PRISON the HOME of COMPAQ You will know what is the definition of HUMAN GREATNESS and what is the POWER that LIES BEYOND INFINITY……

ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD…and all GIRLS who look GLAMOROUS don’t make GOOD WIVES or MOTHERS they just become SLUTS and WHORES. Now you know what is a Joke!!!!!

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