CSE-307-C MaximwlI Marks: 100
resolution is 1280 x 1024 and aspect ratio is 1, what is
JJompuo::> hJepuooq dlfJ .. ~Z' I = 1 01 do I = x 'V ~Up{e1
display processor. Explain its various'
2. (a) Make the basic architecture of a raster graphic system with
of 50 frames per second. 4
a raster system of resolution 680 x 420 and a refresh rate
(c) Calculate the time spent in scanning each row of pixels in
diameter of each screen pt. 4
(b) A video monitor has 12" x 9.6" display area. If the
__ .\dix}npUl~ a = (0 'x) 1n'0 = (1 '~) 0 = (l'0) n
(iii) Joy stick.
(ii) Light Pen
1. (a) Explain in brief about following devices (i)
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions ... cany equal marks.
Time allowed: 3 hours
B. E. (Computer Science) Vth Semester Examination, .
overcome it.
(b) Describe aliasing. Describe the methods used to
explain with example.
(a) Describe spline curves. How these curves are useful,
5 .
(iv) tex!.c1i
(iii) curve clipping
(ii) area clipping
line clipping
(b) Describe the following types of clipping: (i)
viewport with suitable example.
(a) Describe the difference between a window and
(c) Rotate a line (4, 8) - (8, 6) about the pt. (6,2) by 60°. 6
rectangle. (shear force is applied in X direction).
(b) Explain the application of shear transformation on a
rotation in 2D). 6
(R (8) is the transformation matrix for anticlockwise
R (8,) . R (82) = R (8., + 82)
to obtain
concatinating the matrix representation R (8,) and R (8)
4. (a) Show that the composition of two rotations is additive by
(2 )
formed with polygon surfaces.
(b) Describe anyone method for illuminating an object
with example. 10
steps involved in computer animation design? Explain
8. (:1) Write a short note on computer animation. What are various
(b) Describe area subdivision method for hidden surface
and write their equ. in parametric form. 10 7. (a) Define BSP tree (Binary Space Partitioning tree) for determining object visi bili ty.
(b) Describe quadric surfaces. Take any two quadric surfaces
xy plane (z = 0).
(iii) to see the parallel projection 0{ an object in
.. (ii) scale z to ~, x by hand y by 3.
(i) shift 4 unit in x, 6 units in y,..,... 4 units in z direction
matrix for the following transformations:
6. (a) Write the three dimensional homogeneous transformation