Community Nursing Diagnosis

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Lyceum - St. Cabrini College of Allied Medicine, Inc. Maharlika Highway, Sto.Tomas, Batangas 4234

Community Organizing Participatory Action Research Barangay Altura South, Tanauan City, Batangas

A Compilation Presented to the Faculty of School of Nursing As Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Primary Health Care II

Prepared By: BSN 2-10

Instructors: Ms. Geraldine Barbosa Ms. Lourdes Cuevas Ms. Alicia Plata

Date of Exposure: February 7, 2008 – March 8, 2008

Table of Contents I.

Acknowledge ment






Statement of Objectives




Scope and Delimitation of the study


Setting of the Community A. Spot map B. Barangay Organizational Chart C. Health Center Organizational Chart

VIII. Community Profile A. History B. Physical Features 1. Location and Boundaries 2. Climate 3. Means of Transportation 4. Medium of Communication 5. Resources Available in the Community a. Physical Characteristic b. Facilities in the Barangay c. Water and Electricity d. Managing the Garbage e. Peace and Order f. Health and Nutrition IX.

Population A. Total Population of the Barangay B. Total Population of the Families Surveyed C. Age and Gender Distribution (Table 1) D. Pyramid- age Interval Distribution (< 1, 1-4, 5-9, etc.)


Civil Status A. Civil Status of Residents Surveyed (Table 2)


Families A. Family Structure of Families Surveyed (Table 3)


Economic Indices A. Type of Occupation (Table 4) B. Average income (Table 5)

XIII. Socio-cultural Indices A. Educational Attainment (Table 6) B. Religion (Table 7) C. Place of Origin (Table 8) D. Housing 1. Type of Houses (Table 9) 2. Ownership (Table10) XIV.

Environmental Indices A. Water Supply (Table 11) B. Garbage Disposal (Table12)


Health Indices A. Infant Feeding Practices (Table 13) B. Immunization Status (Table 14) C. Family Planning (Table 15)


Nursing Care Plan

XVII. Proble m Identified XVIII. Suggestion/ Recomme ndation XIX.

Action Plan




Picture Gallery

XXII. Appendices A. Health Teaching B. Sample Leaflets C. The Programme D. Registration XXIII. References

Acknowledge ment The Class of BSN 2-10 students of Lyceum – St. Cabrini College of Allied Medicine would like to extend their sincerest gratitude for the support, encouragement and patience to the following people who made this community nursing diagnosis possible:

To Mr. Dario G. Noprada, Barangay Chairman of Barangay Altura South, Tanauan City, Batangas for the warmest welcome, outmost cooperation, understanding and patience for allowing our group to render our community service and other activities in their Barangay.

To the residents of Barangay Altura South, for their participation in the activities done during our community service in Baranggay Altura South.

To our adviser Mrs. Alicia Plata and to our clinical instructors Mrs. Lourdes Cuevas and Mrs. Geraldine Barbosa in Primary Health Care II for the educational experience, outmost patience, understanding, guidance and support in making this community diagnosis possible. Thank you for motivating us to do our best which in return was a real success.

To Dean Janet Calupitan for giving us this memorable experience by letting our group immerse in a community where we learned how to communicate and understand the lives of the people in a community.

To our beloved families who gave their moral and financial support in order to finish this requirement for our Primary Health Care II subject.

To our friends, classmates and mentors who willingly helped and supported our group through out the course of making this family assessment and for a job well done in making this community nursing diagnosis and for the cooperation during the community service done in Barangay Altura South, Tanauan City, Batangas.

And lastly, to Almighty God for the continuous knowledge, guidance and strength he provided us despite adverse difficulties.

I. Introduction Community Diagnosis is a process in which a team of students works with a designated community to identify its strengths, weaknesses, overall needs, and future directions for promoting health and well-being (Eng and Blanchard, 1991). In doing this process, clinical instructors accompanied these students for initial introduction to the community and help them in gathering information about its surroundings and social environment.

The students conducted a survey and family nursing diagnosis among eighty seven families of Barangay Altura South, reviewed various data sets and evaluated resources to identify the areas of concern that affects the health of the residents. Community members are highly involved throughout the process and collaboration is a way of implementing a better solution for their problems.

As soon as health problems were identified from the data sources, the students made certain interventions and prioritized its effectiveness. This document provides a description on community diagnosis process and outcomes for Barangay Altura South.

This town has been observed of having strict compliance on waste segregation and waste collection has already been eliminated for a year. The data are shown in the form of tables and graphs summarizing the findings and local interventions of the students.

II. Rationale The rationale of the community service was made to be accessible to individuals and families. By means of full participation, members of the community can successfully attain good health. Gaining more knowledge on health and practicing them can best lead to a healthy lifestyle.

The community service would include all the interventions needed by the chosen family and the community based on their current health status and needs in order for them to attain the best possible health care service.

Through those preventive measures and health teachings, face to face discussion and interaction among the community members was done. The researchers were able to bring out the community of Barangay Altura South’s greater concerns and responsibility for individuals, for the family and especially for community health resources.

Finally, the most important is, we were able to help the community, gain more and necessary knowledge, attitudes and skills through this learning experience in order for them to carry out activities to attain better and healthy lifestyle.

III. State ment of Objectives General Objective: To maximize community participation and involvement and mobilize community through developmental activities and health teaching strategies

Specific Objectives: 1. To assess the consciousness of Barangay Altura South in terms of different ways in maintaining a healthy environment. 2. To initiate possible actions in solving various community social and health problems. 3. To conduct and document a holistic nursing assessment based on the knowledge of system’s theory for a family, group, and community 4. To apply the steps in the research process in supporting therapeutic care for the promotion, protection and restoration of health within the people in the community.

IV. Methodology The researchers conducted a survey regarding the family data in Barangay Altura South. Upon conducting the said survey, the class of BSN 2-10 has identified 87 families out of 155 to answer the prepared questionnaires.

Each questionnaire were composed of closed-type of questions which focused mainly on the family structure, characteristics and dynamics, socio- economic and cultural characteristics , home and environment, health status and values, practice on health promotion/maintenance and disease prevention. Each group was assigned to choose a family

for the Implementation of family nursing care based on the needs and current situation of the selected family.

At the end of the community service, the class of BSN 2-10 conducted a lecture for the adults on herbal medicines which was done through discussions on its preparation, health benefits and importance. The group also presented a role play about personal hygiene and games for the children of Barangay Altura South.

V. Scope and Delimitation of the Study This community service started from February 7, 2008 to March 8, 2008. The researchers conducted a survey on 87 families which comprises of 56% out of 155 total number of families of the said barangay.

The clinical instructors divided the class of BSN 2-10 into 3 groups. Each student per group were required to choose 2 families for the first week. After identifying the possible needs of each families assessed, each group must chose 1 family with the most number of health needs and nursing care. Later on, upon giving family nursing care to the chosen family per group, the class has already identified the current situation and health needs of Barangay Altura South.

This study aimed to understand the health related problems of the residents of Barangay Altura South and implement certain interventions for the improvement of their daily lives. The people learned to resolve their problems through health teachings.

To Brgy. Cale


- Zone 2

- Zone 3

- Born Again Christian Church

- Zone 1

- Piggery

- Zone 4 Barangay Health Center

Male CR

Female CR

Day Care Center

- Chapel - Brgy. Health Center & Day Care Center

- Brgy. Hall

Tanauan City, Batangas

Barangay Health Center

Male Female CR CR

Day Care Center

To Al tura Bata Ml.oPulo To u To M. P

VII. Community Profile A. History At the time of the Spanish regime the people in the community especially the men, decided to conduct “Ronda” (securing the whole town for a whole night) to protect their place against thieves and criminals. This was continuously implemented in attaining their goal of having a safe and criminal free area. One night, one of the members of the safety team, mentioned the place “Tura” and said “Alto” (Spanish term which means stop). The Spaniards stopped and repeatedly said “Alto” and “Tura” until the so called name “Altura” was made.

Altura experienced vast floods that lead to three passages around three parts of Altura. This results to celebration of feasts on each division because people cannot pass through this flood. Having this separation, the three Teniente del Barrrios, Severino, Juan Landicho and Emilio de Castro decided to subdivide Altura into three Barangays: Altura South, Altura Bata (West) and Altura Matanda (North).

B. Physical features 1. Location and boundaries Barangay Altura South is located on the Southern part of Tanauan that has range of 8 kilometers from the city. It is 179 hectares wide beyond the valley of Mount Suplang. The flood that passes within Altura North (most commonly known as Altura Matanda) flows on Barangay Altura South,. Vehicles going to Calamba, Midland Tagaytay and Tagaytay City pass the main road of Barangay Altura South.

2. Climate Barangay Altura South has a tropical climate; the people cultivate their farms as soon as the rainy season starts. Mornings are cold due to the cold mist coming from Tagaytay Highlands. The heat of the sun is most felt at daylight and at noon.

3. Means of Trans portation Most of the residents in Barangay Altura South use tricycle as their means of transportation. Approximately, 75% of the population uses tricycle instead of jeepneys; it is

because the availability of tricycle is much higher than the availability of the jeepneys. In addition, 25% of the total population use jeepneys instead of tricycle and the remaining 2% have their own vehicle to use.

Transportation is a necessity for the community. It has many uses such as to deliver foods in the community, go to different places such as market, school, work place, hospital and as their as their source of income.

4. Medium of Communication The residents of Barangay Altura South uses Tagalog dialect / Filipino language which makes the residents understand one another easily. Feelings can be expressed and interact with one another freely.

Communication serves different functions: 1. For expressions and feelings. 2. For understanding one another. 3. To have a better interaction between two or more individual.

5. Resources available in the community a. Physical characte ristic: The Barangay Altura South is located at Tanauan City at the distance of eight kilometers from the town and it is almost 179 hectares. The road is cemented and some of the public utility jeep going to Calamba, Midland, Tagaytay are all passing through its main roads. Most of the people living in this place are planting vegetables for their daily living.

b. Facilities in the Barangay: At present, Barangay South Altura has its own church, Day Care Center, Health Center and a Barangay Hall. c. Wate r and Electricity: The Tanauan Water District (TWD) supplies water for the whole Barangay. 155 houses were supplied by TWD while Batangas Electric Company (BATELEC) supplies electricity for Barangay Altura South.

d. Managing the Garbage: All the residents of Barangay Altura South usua lly burn or decompose their garbage. They make a pit at the back of their houses where they decompose biodegradable wastes. At the month of March 2008, the Barangay officials had implemented the separation of garbage from biodegradable to non-biodegradable ones; this intervention was continued up to this time.

e. Peace and Orde r: Barangay “tanods “of Barangay Altura South organize a meeting every month for the maintenance of peace and order on its vicinity. Men roam around the Barangay every night to check for any criminals and

implements check points in

front of the Barangay hall at day.

f. Health and Nutrition: Children ages 0-5 are given proper nutrition by their parents; the Barangay has never been noted of having a malnourished child from the year 2005 until 2007. The only leading cause of morbidity in the children of Barangay Altura South is cough and colds while adults only experience hypertension. Mortality in Barangay Altura South is usually caused old age and only a maximum of five persons die in this Barangay every year. Pills are the only ones used by mothers for Family Planning and all men didn’t undergo vasectomy.

VIII. Population A. Total population of the Barangay According to the 2007 survey, Barangay Altura South has 1,191 families and increased by 3% by the year 2008 to 1,219 residents.

B. Total Population of the Families Surveyed The researchers conducted a survey on a total of 87 families who participated on answering the questionnaires.

C. Age and Gender Distribution Table 1: Age and Gende r Interval Distribution (<1, 1-4, 5-9, etc.) of the Families Surveyed in Barangay Altura South, Tanauan City, Batangas Age < 1 y/o 1-4 y/o 5-9 y/o 10-14 y/o 15-29 y/o 30-34 y/o 35-49 y/o 50-54 y/o 55-59 y/o > 60 y/o

Male 0 11 12 16 55 21 51 15 6 21

Female 2 3 15 19 56 11 51 23 7 21

0.96% 1.44% 7.21% 9.13% 26.92% 5.29% 24.52% 11.06% 3.37% 10.10%

Total 2 14 27 35 111 32 102 38 13 42

Male %

0% 5.29% 5.77% 7.69% 26.44% 10.10% 24.52% 7.21% 2.88% 10.10%










0% 2.64% 2.88% 3.85% 13.22% 5.05% 12.26% 3.61% 1.44% 5.05%

Female % Total % 0.48% 0.48% 0.72% 3.37% 3.61% 6.49% 4.57% 8.41% 13.46% 26.68% 2.64% 7.69% 12.26% 24.52% 5.53% 9.13% 1.68% 3.13% 5.05% 10.10% 50%


Gender Distribution Chart of the Families Surveyed in Barangay Altura South, Tanauan City, Batangas

Female, 50%

Male, 50%

Inte rpretation and Data Analysis A community is a social group of organisms sharing an environment, normally with shared interests. In human communities, intent, belief, resources, preferences, needs, risks and a number of other conditions may be present and common, affecting the identity of the participants and their degree of cohesiveness.

It shows that the population of the surveyed community is equal in terms of gender. It is good for the community to have a balanced ratio of gender and role for both sexes in terms of responsibility in the family and community.

Based on the graph and table, the highest number of frequency and percentage belongs to females ages 15 to 29 with frequency of 56 at a percentage of 26.92%, next is for males at the age of 15 to 29 with frequency of 55 males at a percentage of 26.44%.

Males and females ages 35 to 49 years old have a frequency of 51 and having a percentage of 24.52 %. The last belong to both males and females at age of 60 and above with a frequency of 21 both males and females at a percentage of 10.10%.

Most people in Barangay Altura South are able to work and earn income for their families because of having a legal age.

IX. Civil Status Table 2: Civil Status Percentage Distribution of the Families Surveyed in Barangay Altura South, Tanauan City, Batangas Status Single Married Widowed Separated

Frequency 221 192 2 1

% 53.13% 46.15% 0.48% 0.24%




Civil Status Distribution Chart of the Families Surveyed in Barangay Altura South, Tanauan City, Batangas 60% 50%

53.13% 46.15%

40% 30% 20% 10% 0.48%

0% Single



0.24% Separated

Inte rpretation and Analysis of Data Civil status determines the amount of type of resources that will be required to meet the needs of daily living and the amount of labor required for their acquisition. The civil description of an individual as either a single individual or as a married individual has an impact to their function for the recognition of the socio-economy in many areas of concern were he or she may be attached with.

The priorities of individuals in terms of their socio-economic of married or single individuals are completely different. Married individuals tend to concentrate on their maximum amount of earnings that can be made to ensure that it will meet the entire family needs. On the other hand, single individuals tend to look at labor as means to support and

satisfy their personal needs and wants. Their focus is to gain experiences that will challenge their ability and potentials.

Table 2 shows that most of the members of the families surveyed were married wit h a frequency of 221 or 53.13%, most were ages 18 and above the remaining percent of 46.15 with frequency of 192 were single.

X. Families Table 3: Family Structure Percentage Distribution of the Families Surveyed in Barangay Altura South, Tanauan City, Batangas Category Nuclear Extended

Frequency 47 40

% 54.02% 45.98%




Family Structure Distribution Chart of the Families Surveyed in Barangay Altura South, Tanauan City, Batangas

Extended 45.98%

Nuclear 54.02%

Inte rpretation and Analysis of Data The nuclear families are composed of immediate family members such as the mother, father and children. It is good that the community has a greater number of nuclear families; this means that the families are trying to do something on their own. They have a better chance for satisfying their basic needs for it is given that there are smaller numbers of family members compared to that of extended families

In the Filipino culture, family solidarity is given emphasis. Families are close and intact, relatives reside in the vicinity reaching out to each other to aid and assist. But, there are cases that conflicts arise. The priorities of satisfying the basic needs of the members of the family become a problem. The income cannot satisfy the needs or when the distribution of resources tends to become small in amount that is left for each of the members of the family.

Table 3 is based on the findings that nuclear families comprise the majority with the total of 44 or 57.89% and the extended families with a frequency of 32 or 42.11%.

XI. Economic Indices A. Types of Occupation Table 4: Types of Occupation Percentage Distribution of the Families Surveyed in Barangay Altura South, Tanauan City, Batangas Category Blue Collared Jobs White Collared Jobs

Frequency 188 33

% 85.07% 14.93%




Types of Occupation Distribution Chart of the Families Surveyed in Barangay Altura South, Tanauan City, Batangas

Blue Collared Jobs 85.07%

White Collared Jobs 14.93%

Inte rpretation and Analysis White-collar worker is referred to as salaried professional or a person whose job is clerical in nature, as opposed to a blue-collar worker whose job is more in line with manual

labor. Resident’s educational attainment affects their occupation status beca use most of them does not have a decent job and prefers to stay home. Most of the women of Barangay Altura South are married in an earlier age and accepts manual labor.

The table shows that there are 188 or 85% of persons with blue collared job and some are employed to a white collared job which comprises 33 or 15 % of the total 100% or 221 employees of Altura South.

B. Average Monthly Income

Monthly Income Distribution Chart

10,000-12,000 7.41%

13,000-15,000 12.04%

7,000-9,000 34.26%

1000-3000 29.63%

4,000-6,000 16.67% 1000-3000





Inte rpretation and Data Analysis Income is the money that is received in exchanged from services or labor of an individual and the larger income you have, the greater expenses you spend and afford to buy goods for a daily living.

Based o n the graph and table, most of the families in Barangay Altura South has an income of 7,000 to 9,000 peer month at a percentage of 34.26% on 37 families out of 108 respondents, the second belongs to 1000-3000 and has a percentage of 29.63% based on 32 families, the highest which is 13000-15000 has a percentage of 12.04 on 13 families. The

residents belong to an average class and earn enough income for their family, they can afford to buy their needs and provide good health for their families.

Table 5: Percentage Distribution on the Monthly income of the families surveyed in Barangay Altura South Category 1000-3000 4,000-6,000 7,000-9,000 10,000-12,000 13,000-15,000

Frequency 32 18 37 8 13

% 29.63% 16.67% 34.26% 7.41% 12.04%




X11. Socio-cultural Indices A. Educational Attainme nt Educational Attainment Distribution Chart College Graduate 6.82%

Elementary Graduate 33.71%

Highschool Graduate 59.47%

Elementary Graduate

Highschool Graduate

College Graduate

Inte rpretation and Data Analysis Education encompasses teaching and learning specific by imparting knowledge and well-developed wisdom. Changes in educational attainment affect the competence of an individual because this will judge them on how literate or illiterate they are in life.

Based on table 6 there are total of 264 (100%) are literate. Educational attainment is low. Elementary is only 89 (33.71%) and the majority only reached high school graduate which is 157 (59.47%). Those who finished college 4-year courses are only 18(6.82%). This indicates that the community has an average of educational competence that are classified also as competitive, have better opportunities and better quality of life.

Table 6: Percentage distribution showing the educational attainment of families surveyed in Barangay Altura South Category Elementary Graduate High School Graduate College Graduate

Frequency 89 157 18

% 33.71% 59.47% 6.82%




B. Religion Table 7: Percentage distribution showing the religion of individuals in Barangay Altura South Religious Sectors Catholic Iglesia Ni Cristo Born Again Others

Frequency 185 -

Total 185 - The total percentage of the Roman Catholic Religion was (185)

% 100% 100%

Inte rpretation and Data Analysis Religion is a set of belief that practices often organized around supernatural and moral claims, and often codified as prayer, ritual and religions law. Faith influences

lifestyle, health attitude, practices and one’s general outlook in life. People who are response to healthcare is determined by their religious belief.

The Roman Catholic Church considers superstition to be sinful in the sense that it denotes the lack of trust in the divine providence of God and is such a violation of the first of the Ten Commandments. Superstition is a deviation of religious feeling and of the practices this feeling imposes. It can even affect the worship we offer the true God. Religion may not always operate favorably in human intervention especially when the scientific method is applied. Based on the table, the people o f that community have the same set of beliefs as evidence of 185 (100%) of the people living in that Barangay are all Roman Catholics.

C. Place of Origin Place of Origin Distribution Chart Manila 5.05%

Laguna 1.68%

Tanauan 8.17%

Batangas 8.89%

Quezon 1.92%

Visayas 4.09%

Altura 70.19% Altura







Inte rpretation and Data Analysis Place of origin is the birthplace of one civilization and this is a social factor in the everyday routine in community health. People having the same place of origin will have the easier way of communicating because they have the same set of beliefs and values.

According to the graph, most of the people in Barangay Altura South came from Altura itself where they grew up and adapted to its surroundings, thus affecting their culture and tradition for the past years. Many of them are born with the other parts of Batangas having a percentage of 8.89 with a frequency of 37.

Table 8: Percentage Distribution showing the Place of Origin of families surveyed in Barangay Altura South Category Altura Quezon Manila Laguna Tanauan Batangas Visayas

Frequency 292 8 21 7 34 37 17

% 70.19% 1.92% 5.05% 1.68% 8.17% 8.89% 4.09%




D. Housing 1. Type of Houses

House Structure Distribution Chart ApartmentNipa hut 3.45% 4.60%

Shanty 3.45%

Bungalow 88.51%



Nipa hut


Inte rpretation and Data Analysis House is a structure or building that provides cover, shelter and, refuge against weather and danger. It is a place where safety and security are most met and where family ties are strengthened.

The data indicates that most of the houses in the community are made of bungalows which 77 houses (89%) comprise the highest percentage which is out of 129 families. Followed by nipa hut 4(5%) and lastly those with apartment and shanty house both having a 3(3%).

The data indicates that most of the families in the community can afford mixed type of houses which are made of bungalows. This type of house is stronger, durable and can endure to any type of weather but prone to fire hazard.

Therefore, people must be educated about safety precaution about fire prevention and ways of safeguarding their houses against calamities to ensure safety and security in their homes.

But the data also states that families with nipa hut houses got the second place in ranking stating that people cannot afford better structured houses. Therefore it can be stated that the economic stability of each family is one of the determination of a convenient life.

Table 9: Percentage distribution showing the house structures of families surveyed in Barangay Altura South Category Bungalow Apartment Nipa hut Shanty

Frequency 77 3 4 3

% 89% 3% 4% 3%




2. House Ownership

House Ownership Distribution Chart Renting 22% Self - Owned 70%

Inherited 8% Self - Owned



Inte rpretation and Analysis House generally refers to a shelter or building that is single family detached dwelling or place for habitation by human beings. House ownership provides a common measure of prosperity in economics. Most of the people in Altura South chose to buy their own homes not just because they are capable enough of buying their own but because it will be a big challenge for them to live their own lives and be independent when it comes to decision – making. Having an owned house has a lot of benefit on having privacy than those being rented.

The graph shows that 70% of the houses are self owned by the residents and 22% are being rented, people preferred to have their own abode to stay as soon as they got married to be independent from their parents and learn more about starting a family life.

Table 10: Percentage distribution of the house owners hip of the families surveyed in Barangay Altura South Category Self - Owned Renting Inherited

Frequency 61 19 7

% 70.11% 21.84% 8.05%




XIV. Environme ntal Indices A. Wate r Supply Table 11: Percentage Distribution of the Water Supply of the families surveyed in Barangay Altura South Category Water District Deep Well Total

Frequency 87 0 87

Percentage 100% 0 100%

Inte rpretation and Data Analysis Water is a common that is essential for the survival of all known forms of life. Water can dissolve many different substances, giving it different tastes and odors. In fact, humans and other animals have developed senses to be able to evaluate the potability of water. Because of the importance of precipitation to agriculture, and to mankind in general, water’s potability must be maintained to prevent certain diseases being caused by unclean drinking water.

The Water District is the main source of water in Barangay Altura South, Tanauan. It is the main source of water in the community because it is safe to use and safe to drink. Deep wells are seldom used these days because one cannot be sure of the potability of the water and it can cause water-borne diseases.

B. Garbage Disposal

Garbage Disposal

19% Burning Segregation 18%

Decomposition 63%

Inte rpretation and Data Analysis Garbage refers to waste that attracts pests and that can be a source of contamination. Proper garbage disposal begins with keeping garbage away from food and food-contact surfaces, it also helps in the cleanliness of an environment and lessens vector sites when it is practiced by the whole community.

Based on the graph, 63% of residents living in Barangay Altura South burn their garbage and the other 18% of the families practice segregation of waste between biodegradable and non-biodegradable. 19% of the families practice decomposition and no one collected the garbage by dump truck.

Before the community service ends, the Barangay officials of Barangay Altura South have already been implementing the proper segregation of waste for the whole community. This is a good indication that the Barangay is participating in the maintenance of their resident’s health.

XV. Health Indices A. Infant Feeding Practices

Infant Feeding Practice Distribution Chart Breast F eeding 62%

0% Breastfeeding

Bottle F eeding 31%

Bottle F eeding

Inte rpretation and Data Analysis

Lactating mothers believe that breastfeeding is cheaper and also convenient because they don’t have to clean baby bottles every now and then. Bonding for the mother and the child also promoted. Breastfeeding is well recognized because it strengthens the baby’s immune system and shows that it is the best way for the infant to acquire nutrients.

69% of the mothers chose to breastfeed their babies for the main reason that it is cheaper and convenient, while 31% of the total mothers have given their children infant formula milk.

Table 13: Percentage Distribution on Infant Feeding Practices of the mothers surveyed in Barangay Altura South Category Breast Feeding Bottle Feeding Total

Frequency 59 26 85

Percentage 69% 31% 100%

B. Immunization Status

Immunization Distribution Chart None 8%

Complete 57%

Incomplete 35%




Inte rpretation and Data Analysis Immunization is the process by which an individual's immune system becomes fortified against an agent known as the immunogen. When the human immune system is exposed to molecules that are foreign to the body, it will orchestrate an immune response, but it can also develop the ability to quickly respond to a subsequent encounter. It helps the body boost up antibodies to protect one person from certain diseases and infectio ns.

Based on the table, 15(57%) of the respondents have a complete immunization while 9(35%) are incomplete. There are still 2(8%) of the respondents who didn’t experience being immunized at all. Most of the respondents have complete immunization and therefore keeps them from infections.

Table 14: Percentage Distribution on the Immunization Status of the families surveyed in Barangay Altura South Category















C. Family Planning

Family Planning Distribution Chart None 13.16% Artificial Family Planning 34.21%

Natural Family Planning None

Natural Family Planning 52.63% Artificial Family Planning

Inte rpretation and Analysis of Data The campaign of the Department of Health for family planning with t he use of contraceptives has been received with mixed feelings by the people and criticizes heavily by the church. However, Department of Health maintained that it does not contradict the teaching of the church but merely gives people the freedom of choice of whether to use it or not, according to their beliefs and conscience. Promotion of family planning will result in better life for the people, financially, and spiritually.

Proper dissemination of information regarding the various methods of family planning should be made available to the area. Providing them with adequate information will help them understand and appreciated better.

There are ways on how to provide awareness to the people. First discuss the decription and use of methods available to them to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Another is letting them know that effectiveness depends on how well follow the instruction use. They should also be informed of its advantages and disadvantages and possible side effects so they would know what to expect and not get alarmed when an easiness and unusual condition is considered.

Based on the data gathered by the researchers, 52.63% of the parents are using natural family planning and 34.21% uses an artificial family planning.

Table 15: Percentage distribution showing the Methods used on Family Planning of families surveyed in Barangay Altura South Category Natural Family Planning Artificial Family Planning None

Frequency 20 13 5

% 52.63% 34.21% 13.16%




XVII. Problem Identified The Barangay Altura, South was observed to have environmental problems such as having inadequate structures of open canals for the passage of overt lowing waters and prevent stagnant water being stored on the deep holes of the street. These stored waters may be breeding sites for vectors. Lack of knowledge on alternative medicines and poor personal hygiene on children were also identified to be a problem.

The Community has no own Elementary School, this lead the students aging from six to twelve years old to travel at a far distance in order to reach the nearest town.

XVII. Suggestion/ Recommendation Since this study was conducted by limited time and resources, it is recommended that more working time should be allotted on the study of the population which would encompass other factors that may contribute to the health beliefs and practices of the said population. A study which has more time to work for and a community which would yield numbers of representatives in order to upgrade the formulation of better health plans and policies to attain a more desirable community that would be more effective on the part of the students and the community residents as well.

XVIII. Action Plan Barangay Officials must use their available resources to finish the build ing of open canals and for having their own Elementary School and ask help from higher Officials. Health Teachings about herbal medicines accredited by DOH must be taught to the residents for them to acquire knowledge and not to be dependent on generic drugs, demonstration on hand washing was also done for the promotion of personal hygiene.

XIX. Conclusion Barangay Altura, South is the community where the BSN 2-10 performed their community service. When w first saw the community, we taught that the peop le there will not participate to us for our health teachings, because they are busy. But upon introducing ourselves to them and told them why we are there, we found out that are reachable and needs our help and attention.

Barangay Altura South had different health problems which are mentioned in our nursing care plans.

During our long stay in Altura South, we noticed that they have a lot of potentials to development totally from their current situation. It is not easy to achieve a quality health if the environment is not conducive, because the researchers observed that the garbage are not properly segregate so the barangay captain implement segregation of garbage waste from non-biodegradable and biodegradable. It wouldn’t be more complicated if the community members will be motivated to change their wrong practices.

As a whole, we believe that there is always an improvement to be a better community. Our goals were met and we implemented successfully by the help of the residents of Altura South.

XX. Picture Gallery This is composed of the researchers’ pictures during the seminar on March 8, 2008


The Programme

Pambansang Awit: Kristine Balakit Panalangin: Renelle Duarte Pambungad na pananalita: Donna Fe Sable

Mga turong pangkalus ugan:

Role play:

Ampalaya: Marvie Joy Ruiz

Si Damulag at ang mga Bulate

Adrian Domingo Pansit- pansitan: June Gloria Rose Ann Catapang Bawang: Cristina Empleo Shiela de Guia Sambong: Kristine Balakit Jenelyn Bernacer Yerba Buena: Charisse Tagalog Joan Malveda Tsaang – gubat: Jackie Navarro Donna Villa Bayabas: Angelica Lat

Nanay- Stephanie velasquez Tatay- Bryan Mundra Shizuka:Precious Landicho Damulag:Marcelius Carreon Novita:Nikki Armada Soneo:Adrian Domingo Tom:Russel Almendra Mga Anghel :Jewel Carmona ,Lianne Morales,Renelle Duarte Mga Bulate:Rommel Lat,Quirico,Don de Leon Narrator: Marge

Shella Mendoza Lagundi: Jade Malabuyoc Rose Ann Erasga Oregano: Grace Malabrigo Ivy Micua

Palaro:Blessy at Janine Demo in handwashing Puzzle Trip to Jerusalem

Pangwakas na pananalita: Kapitan Dario Noprada Pagbibigay ng Certificate kay Gg. Dario Noprada Meryenda



Total numbe r of Participants











XXII. References Concepts and Guidelines in COPAR 1st Ed. 2005; Untalan, Aaron “CY” Tuesca Nursing Practice in the Community 4th Ed.; Maglayi, Araceli

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