Common Maternal Breastfeeding Problems

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  • Words: 1,383
  • Pages: 49
“Breastfeeding difficulties” and

Common Maternal

‘Not enough milk’ One of commonest reasons for stopping breastfeeding 

Mother thinks she does not have enough breast milk (can produce for twins)

Baby does not get enough breast milk. (ineffective suckling. mother cannot produce enough )

Reasons why a baby may not get enough breast milk 1. Breastfeeding factors     

Delayed start Feeding at fixed time Infrequent feeds No night feeds Short feeds 2. Baby’s condition :

   

Poor attachment Bottles, pacifiers Other foods Other fluids

Illness Abnormality

Reasons why a baby may not get enough breast milk

3. Mother: Psychological factors     

Lack of confidence Worry, stress Dislike of breastfeeding Rejection of baby Tiredness

4. Mother: Physical Condition       

Contraceptive pills Pregnancy Severe malnutrition Alcohol Smoking Retained piece of placenta Poor breast development

Reliable signs that a baby is not getting enough milk 

Poor weight gain < than 500 grams per month check growth chart

Small amount of concentrated urine < than 6 times per day strong smelling dark orange in color

The Crying Baby Possible reasons: 

Discomfort – dirty / cold / hot

Tiredness – too many visitors

Illness / pain- changed pattern of crying

Hunger – not getting enough milk / growth spurt (2 weeks ,6 weeks , 3mos )

The Crying Baby reasons

Mother’s food – some food substance pass into her milk

Drug mother takes – caffeine , cigarette etc

Colic – may have very active gut … lessen after 3 mo old

“high needs” babies – “KSP”/ needs to be carried more

The Crying Baby

m a y

Unnecessary introduction of food / fluids Can upset relationship between mother & baby

Some Different Ways to Hold a Colicky Baby

Babies refuse to breastfeed Reasons

1. Baby ill, sedated or in pain  Infection  Brain

damage  Pain from bruise (forceps / vacuum)  Blocked nose  Sore mouth (thrust / teething)

Reasons why babies refuse to breastfeed

2. Difficulty with breastfeeding technique  Use of bottles, pacifiers whilst breastfeeding  Poor attachment  Pressure on back of head  Mother shaking breast  Restricting length of feeds  Difficulty co-ordinating suckle

Reasons why babies refuse to breastfeed 3.

Change which upsets the baby (especially aged 3-12 mos) 

Separation from mother (work)

New carer or too many carers

Change in family routines

Mother ill / breast problem (mastitis)

Mother menstruating

Change in smell of mother

Reasons why babies refuse to breastfeed

4. Apparent refusal  Newborn

– rooting  Age 4-8 mos – distraction  Above 1 year – self weaning

Helping a mother & baby to breastfeed again Help her do these things:    

Keep her baby close to her Offer breast whenever baby is willing Feed by cup Help baby to take your breast

How to help mother 

Listening & learning skills

Good counseling skills


Confidence & support skills

Praise when relevant


Assessing a breastfeed

Helping mother to position & attach her baby

Give relevant information

Give practical help

Taking a detailed feeding history

Establish the

the confidence of mother that



Nipple / Breast Forms 

Large / small breasts various positions

Flat / inverted / retracted nipple syringe / pump / cup feeding EBM

Baby sucks from breast not from

Long or big nipples use football hold , C position / cup feeding using expressed breastmilk (EBM) 

Reassure mother… baby’s mouth will grow, nipples will not

What do you think of the nipple ?

What breast condition do you see ?

Sy ri nge meth od f or retr act ed ni pple

Pull plunger to maintain steady gentle pressure Do it for 30 sec to 1 min several x a day Push plunger back to reduce suction – if there is pain

Causes of sore nipple    

Poor attachment Candidiasis Not properly positioned pump Too much stretching of nipple caused by the pump / wrong position

Management of sore nipple    

Observe feeding session Reassure mother Help improve attachment / positioning Treat skin condition … fungal ? Soreness ? Big /small lesion ? Short frenulum ?

What conditions are shown here ?

Full Breast

Full breast Milk has “come in” Hot heavy and hard Milk flowing well Sometimes feels lumpy

Normal fullness

Treatment : frequent feeds

   

  

 

  

Breast is OVERFULL Engorged breast Partly filled with milk Partly with tissue fluid and blood Interferes with milk flow Breast shinny – edematous Painful Milk does not flow well Nipple – stretched tight

Causes and Prevention of Engorgement Causes


Plenty of milk Delay starting to BF

Start BF soon after delivery

Poor attachment to breast

Ensure good attachment

Infrequent removal of milk Restriction of length of feeds

Encourage on demand feeding

 

Management of engorged breast General procedure: Stimulate her oxytocin reflex  Warm compress  Massage back / breast / nipple skin  Make her relax  Warm shower / bath  After feed put cold compress to help reduce edema  Built mother’s confidence

Engorgement in an HIV infected woman who is stopping breastfeeding 

SHOULD express milk ONLY to relieve congestion and not to increase production

Express ONLY when breast are OVERFULL to make her comfortable

May give analgesic to relieve inflammation and discomfort (ibuprofen or paracetamol)

What condition is this ?

Causes of blocked duct and mastitis 

Poor drainage of whole breast: • infrequent feeds / ineffective suckling • pressure from clothes • pressure from fingers during feeds • (Scissors’ hold ) • Large breast draining poorly

Stress, overworked

Trauma to breast Cracked nipple

reduces frequency of feeds damages to tissue allows bacteria to enter

Treatment of blocked duct and mastitis   

Most important – improve drainage of milk Look for cause and correct Suggest:  FREQUENT feeds / rest with baby  gentle breast massage towards nipple  warm compress between feeds  Start feed on unaffected side IF in pain  Express if necessary  vary feeding position Antibiotics, analgesics, rest (flucloxacillin, erythro)

Mastitis in an HIV infected mother  

Mastitis Abscess ON SIDE



Mastitis in an HIV infected mother 

SHOULD AVOID breastfeeding on the AFFECTED side

Express the milk effectively to ensure adequate removal  to help prevent condition from becoming worst  to help breast recover n maintain production 

Can feed from the Unaffected side Frequent and longer feeding increase production

Mastitis in an HIV infected mother 

Discuss feeding options • • •

heat treat expressed breastmilk home-prepared formula feed by cup

Give antibiotics 10-14 days to avoid relapse / pain reliever if needed / rest

If decided to stop BF, cont to express just enough until production ceases

What do you notice about the breasts ?

What condition is this ?

Candida Infection 

Shiny red area skin sore

flaky / itcy / whitish

Burning / stinging sensation

which continues after a feed / pain that shoots deep into her breast

Check baby for thrust inside the mouth or rash at his bottom

Treat BF dyad

  

Nystatin cream Nystatin Suspension Stop using pacifiers, teats, nipple shields

IN HIV infected women, treat breast thrush and infant oral thrush PROMPTLY

Reminder s

Ensure privacy Explain what you want to do

Ask permission before breast is exposed Talk with mother and look at breast without touching

Explain what you found  


Highlight the positive signs Don’t sound critical about her breast Build her confidence in her ability to breastfeed. Thank her for her cooperation

Summary   

Not enough milk Crying baby Refusal to feed Nipple & breast forms Sore nipple


Blocked duct / mastitis

Breast abscess


Unequal breast



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