Comments From Steve's Colleagues

  • May 2020
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On 6/27/09 1:45 PM, "Gary Maartens" wrote: Steve Andrews died in his sleep last night. We have lost a great HIV champion. He was the most caring person I know, a gifted teacher, wonderful clinician and a great friend. I am broken

Sorry to hear this untimely news. Gary and the rest of you who worked so closely with Steve: I'm truly sorry to hear that you all have lost a great friend and a partner in the work. You will miss Steve. During my few days with Steve in Paris last December, he told me how close Gary, you and he had become. He described it to me almost as an older-brother, younger-brother, relationship. He clearly loved you for the friendship that you gave him. Thanks Gary. While my thoughts are with Steve's immediately Paris we spent our two evenings hunting down gifts for his wife and daughter and he talked continuously about them, my thoughts are also with you guys in the Cape who will be left with some unfilled space in your lives. Steve's was a good life spent purposefully and often with a good deal of merriment and with irrepressible enthusiasm. Strength to you. Particularly to you Gary: you've lost a brother and nothing in medicine prepares one for such losses. Steve has gone but we are still here. And he and us remain focused on the job that he and we have been given. Getting to the other side of this epidemic..and making sure that many thousands get there safely with us. That was Steve's calling and it is much the same for you Gary and for the rest of us. And the work has not been completed yet. Strength to all of you. Dave Spencer

Mark Cotton Dear Gary Thanks for letting me know. I share your sentiments. Regards mark

Marc Blockman Dear Gary This is absolutely heartbreaking news This is a great loss to us all, a true gentleman, colleague and caring clinician A real Mensch! I am shattered by this horrific news

Graeme Meintjes Gary I am devastated ... My thoughts and feelings are with Lynn and Sarah I am going to miss him so much... the laughs, his razor sharp mind, the AfA weekends when he talked from Friday morning to Sunday evening non-stop, his stories, his raging against bureacracy to get what his patient needed, his passion and dedication, his gentleness in interacting with other people, his PI-induced diarrhoea remedy, the twinkle of excitement in his eye as he grabbed a genotype to interpret, the ethics debates that he drummed up into a frenzy when everyone was tired on a Saturday afternoon, his defence of hydroxyurea and that little grin .. He was a real gem and my life is richer for having known him. Do you have his address: Cecile and I want to send some flowers to Lynn. Graeme

I am absolutely devastated by this news. Our relationship goes back to the very birth of the Clinicians' Society. Rest in peace dear friend Des Martin

Dear Gary,

Very sorry to read this terrible news from a suddenly far away Brussels. Steve represented for us a unique mix of knowledge, passion and political commitment in the fight against HIV. We learned a lot from him when he volunteered in the initial days of Khayelitsha. Always available for advise or to refer difficult cases, he kept us all on our toes with challenging debates. A GP with "very" special interest in HIV as mentioned on his card. Our deepest sympathy to his family. We have lost a great mentor and a friend. Eric (eric goemaere, head of MSF South Africa) Dear Gary, I have only just picked up your email. I am devastated and so terribly sad for Steve's family. I know how close you were to Steve and I share your profound sense of loss. He was quite simply, one of the nicest, sincerest people I have ever, or will ever have the privilege to know. Marc Mendelson.

I am absolutely devastated. He was one of the most amazing, generous and committed doctors I know. Francois Venter

Dear Gary Thanks for the sad news. We are so shocked, just last week he was so full of life. Kind regards. Peter, Tim and all of us at SEAD

Dear Colleagues It is with incredible disbelief and sadness that I inform you of the passing of Dr Steve Andrew at age 39. Steve died in his sleep on Friday night. To all who knew him he was an amazing clinician, a warm and loving friend who had a fantastic sense of humour. Or deepest condolences go out to Dr Steve Andrew’s family and friends. He will be sorely missed. Kindest regards Fatima Shaik on behalf of the Southern African HIV Clinicians Society It is with deep sadness that I have to forward this message to you. Steve was a wonderful human being, a true leader in our field and a fierce friend to so many of us. Our thoughts are with his family at this terrible time. BW Marc Mendelson (cancelling the HIV Clin Soc meeting)

Dear colleagues It is my sad duty to inform you that Steve Andrews passed away in his sleep on Friday night. Steve was a leading voice in HIV/AIDS care and his sudden absence leaves our field much poorer. Our thoughts and condolences go out to his family and many friends kind regards David Pienaar

Dear Colleagues and Friends, It is a great shock for all of us to learn of the sudden and untimely death of Dr. Steve Andrews. Steve was a good friend to all of us. We were together at the AHSG Core Group Meeting in Nairobi a week earlier. He made valuable contributions at the meeting. He also made our Group Dinner cheerful with his jokes and happy personality. It is a terrible loss for our association and for the Southern Africa HIV physicians’ community in general. We are all in disbelief and shock. On behalf of colleagues and friends, I would like to send our condolences to colleagues in South Africa and to Gary in particular. May his soul rest in eternal peace. Dr Tesfa


Dear colleagues, It's a terrible new and we are all shocked. I sent him an email this morning to say hi before this dramatic new.As Dr Tesfa said we were together in Nairobi last week.I would like to send condolences to his colleagues and his familly. Sincerely Dr Slama Laurence

>>> Solomon Benatar 6/29/2009 4:45 PM >>> Dear Gary What a tragedy. I had not heard. Was he ill before this or was it out of the blue? I am in Canada at present so will not be able to go to his funeral or memorial service.

Do you have a family address to whom I can write to express my condolences? Thanks for letting me know Best wishes Solly

Dear Gary... I couldn't believe this when Karen called on Saturday. Steve was so full of life. We'll never be able to fill his shoes. I am out of touch on maternity leave - please could you email me details of his funeral / memorial if you can. I would really like to be there. Take care Catherine Orrell

Treatment Action Campaign

Loss to the country, Saddened by the death of Dr Steve Andrews 30 June, 2009 - 10:49 — moderator Steve Andrews graduated as a medical doctor at the University of Cape Town, and received postgraduate immunology training at Groote Schuur Hospital. He earned postgraduate qualifications in family medicine through the South African College of Medicine and held a Masters degree in bioethics from the University of Cape Town. He had been working in the HIV field since 1995, involved in the design and implementation of many HIV interventions in the public and private sectors. He ran a part time private practice focused on the problems of multidrug resistant antiretroviral patients, as well as consulting to various public and private HIV interventions. He was s a senior medical advisor to the Aid for AIDS disease management program, as well as an HIV bioethics consultant. He was also the HIV clinical consultant to the Council for Health Service Accreditation of Southern Africa, responsible for the design of management standards for HIV at district and Provincial level. Dr Andrews had been principal investigator on more than 25 phase 2 and phase 3 antiretroviral trials, and is widely published in the field. He was a Senior Medical Advisor to various AIDS interventions including the AID for AIDS program, The Open Society Foundation, The Road Freight Association Roadside Clinic Programme and Médecins Sans Frontières Khayelitsha Antiretroviral Programme.; Country of Residence South Africa.

Dr Steve Andrews was the kind of doctor any person who was ill would like to be seen by: his patients' well-being was paramount, he was committed to the principles of family medicine and he was prepared to take on the world for a cause he believed in. In 2001, Dr Andrews defied the Pfizer patent to dispense the life saving drug Biozole to his patients suffering from suffering from Cryptococcus meningitis and various forms of thrush. He supported TAC defiance campaign to put pressure to Pfizer to drop the price of Fluconazole. He was one of the doctors who received the imported Biozole from Thailand. He was a complainant to the competition commission case by TAC against Glaxo Smith Kline’s high prices that were charged on antiretroviral drugs (ARVs: AZT, 3TC, Combivirâ and Nevirapine). He supported the protest against Bristol Myers Squibb to drop the prices of antiretrovirals and he supported the Beat it ( Siyanqoba) programme . He worked at the Brooklyn Medical Centre, Cape Town as a doctor to many of TAC comrades to mention but a few Mkhanyiseli, Zackie, Victor and others. We would to send our condolences to his family, Lala kahle Qabane, Rest in Peace Comrade Steve you will be remembered by your deeds.

SEAD Consulting. We at SEAD consulting have been privileged to work closely with Steve over the last 9 months. We got to know him as a man of deep humanity, compassion, passion and commitment. His love for and appreciation of others – warts and all – was evident in everything he did. He was a shining meteor in our lives, gone much too soon, leaving a gap that cannot be filled. Steve, we will miss your presence, the lively debates and discussions, your kindness, your humour, energy and vitality. We will miss you, dear friend and colleague. From everyone at SEAD

Steve was a really special person who touched everyone during his long association with Aid for AIDS and our many clients companies and medical aids.

A wonderful doctor and superb teacher who inspired all of us with his passion and dedication. We will all really miss him. Clinical training will never be the same without him. Leon Regensberg (medical director Aid for AIDS)

Steve has been a part of my professional journey with HIV management with the AfA programme since it’s inception in 2001 in Botswana. He was an amazing, sensitive and inspiring teacher and I can’t quite imagine the journey further without him. Regards Sandy Sutherland

Leon, this news is surreal. I am shocked. An amazing human being taken at his prime! What an incredible loss! The De Beers Family, send their heartfelt sympathy & prayers to his wife, Lyn and children at this very sad time. Our empathy likewise is extended to you, Leon and all our AfA colleagues. Kind regards, Joy Joy Beckett HIV/AIDS Manager: Operations De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. office: 27 (0) 11 374 7250 fax: 27 (0) 11 374 5857 mobile: 27 (0) 82 551 4898 [email protected] Postal address: Private Bag X01, Southdale, 2135, South Africa.

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