Commented Letter2

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 335
  • Pages: 2
September 21st, 2006 Yang Mulia Awang Haji Abdullah bin Metassim Director of Administration and Services, Ministry Of Education, 2nd & 3rd Floor, Block B Ministry of Education Old Airport Road Berakas BB3510 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Assalammuailakum, RE: PROVISION OF SCHOOL BUS SERVICES We are final year undergraduates at Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) and currently taking a course on Multidisciplinary Approach for Sustainable Development, PS3403,. In this course, we are conducting a Community problem Solving project on “Transportation of school children to and from schools and home”. As part of the course, we would like to share with you our findings from our project so far and ask for some response from the Ministry of Education on this matter. We have researched the use of privately-owned cars for picking up and sending their children to schools. Some of the main findings that we have found are that most parents are using privately-own cars to send and pick up their children to and from schools and (1) this could be contributing to high car ownerships and high car fuel use in Brunei Darussalam; (2) they are not very aware of the problems they may cause to environment and people living near the schools (3) other means of transportations will be convenient for parents especially the working ones where they do not have to leave their workplace early and come to work late. With this letter, we attached our report if you need more details on the project. We hope your department would take consideration the suggestions that we have highlighted that could be fulfilled by the Ministry of Education on this matter. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation n this matter. Sincerely,

Hajah Suraini binte Haji Shahir (03B4883)

B A Education Email: [email protected]

Dk Tuty Shahrina binte Pg. Hj Mat Said B Ed General science Email: [email protected] Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education University Brunei Darussalam Cc: Head of Vehicle and Transport Unit, Ministry of Education Lecturer of PS3403 Dean SHBIE, UBD Registrar & Secretary, UBD Enc.

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