QAMAnswer:2.Info rmation capacity is directly proportio nal toa. Bit rate b. Baud ratec. C/Nd. BandwidthAnswer:3 .Which of the following does not makesefficient use
of available bandwidth?a. FSK b. PSK c. QAMd. ASK Answer:
4. Which of the following is usedextensively in high-frequency
radioteletype transmission?a. QAM b. FSK c. PSK d. ASK Answer:5 . Q A M u s e s a. PSK b. ASK c. PCMd. MSK Answer:6.Dig ital amplitude modulation is
calleda. ASK b. FSK c. MSK d. PSK Answer:
7. A system that provides highspeedinternet access using regular telephonelin es.a. ISDN b. DSLc.
WAPd. WiFiAnswer: B
8. Downstream speeds of ADSL typicallyrang e from
64 kbps to 1.5 Mbps b. 56 kbps to 8 Mbps
c. 768 kbps to 9 Mbpsd. 128 kbps to 2 MbpsAnswer:
Upstream speeds of ADSL typicallyrange from
a. 64 kbps to 1.5 Mbps b. 56 kbps to 8 Mbps
768 kbps to 9 Mbpsd. 128 kbps to 2 MbpsAnswer:
10. In DSL technology, it is the proprietarytechn ology trademarked by RockwellInternat ional. ?a. IDSL b.
11. Uses the advanced signal modulationtec hniques of DSL and combines themwith the halfduplex "burst" packetnature of
Ethernet.a. xDSL b. EthernetLoopc. ISDNd. WAPAnswer:12.A type of DSL in which the upstreamand downstream speeds are unequal or uneven.a.
13. Which xDSL generally used as asubstitute for T1/E1?a. HDSL b. SDSLc. IDSLd. RADSLAnswer:14.