Comic Strip Reading Comprehension

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  • Words: 329
  • Pages: 4
Titre du livre:

Ta tâche est de démontrer ta compréhension d’un texte lu en écrivant une bande dessinée.

Voici les critères de succès:

Critères de succès -

Compléter le résumé et les événements importants.


Ta bande dessinée doit avoir au moins 8 cases.


Tu dois capturer l'idée principale du texte.


Ta bande dessinée doit raconter l’événement le plus important du texte lu.


Tu dois appliquer les conventions linguistiques étudiées en classe.


Ton texte doit être facile à lire.

Écriture Applying language conventions

Lecture Determine meaning in the text






Applies and transfers limited knowledge of grammar concepts to their own writing.

Applies and transfers some knowledge of grammar concepts to their own writing.

Applies and transfers their knowledge of most grammar concepts to their own writing.

Effectively and consistently applies and transfers their knowledge of grammar conventions to their own writing.

Communicates message with limited clarity.

Communicates message with some clarity.

Communicates message with considerable clarity.

Communicates message with exceptional clarity.

Comic strip partially highlights an event from the text read.

Comic strip highlights an event from the text read.

Comic strip highlights the most important event of the text read with considerable effectiveness.

Comic strip effectively highlights the most important events of the text read.

The main idea of the text read is difficult to identify.

The main idea of the text read is somewhat identifiable.

The main idea of the text read is considerably easy to identify.

The main idea of the text read is very easy to identify.

Demonstrates limited understanding of the text read

Demonstrates some understanding of the text read

Demonstrates general understanding of the text read

Demonstrates thorough understanding of the text read

En lisant les bandes dessinées, que remarques-tu?

Quelles idées as-tu pour le style de ta bande dessinée?

Le lie u:

La conclusion

Les événements

Les personnages




lèm prob

Mes idées

Quel évènement choisiras-tu pour ta bande dessinée? Pourquoi?

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