Combat Daggers

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 29
Combat Daggers Spreadsheet Version 1.14 By: Valar and Chalon, Rogues of Eternal Reign, Lightbringer


Thanks to: Rogues of ER, Kalman, Wodin, and the EJ forums



This spreadsheet simulates the theoretical DPS output of Combat Daggers in a raid setting, based on the inputs of gear, encha It must be noted that theoretical DPS output and actual DPS output will vary for many reasons, often dependant on the fight in The DPS output is what would happen over a long duration in a fight where you can consistently and indefinitely attack from be The main goal of this spreadsheet is to be a tool to help see how various gear choices will affect your overall DPS. 本表乃模擬戰鬥匕首賊在出團情形中之輸出理論值,輸出理論值的基礎決定於其裝備、附魔、buff等選項的輸入。 注意! 理論上的輸出值和實際輸出值會因各種不同情況而產生很大的差異,通常差異決定於不同的戰鬥狀況(換言之,不需移動的 本表之主要用意在於幫助賊眾有一個工具,此工具可衡量不同裝備對你總傷害值產生的差異 我沒有很精確的翻譯成真正的物品名稱,如Bloodfang pants 我只翻成血牙褲,總之看得懂就好:Q


This spreadsheet has been tested to both work in recent versions of Excel and OpenOffice. Older versions and/or other packag


We've made it a goal to setup the spreadsheet in an easy-to-use manner. 1. Click on the Gear & Buffs tab, and select your current gear, enchants, and what temp weapon enchants you will be using. 1、按住往下拉的選擇鈕,選擇你現在的裝備、附魔、毒藥或磨刀石等 2. Next, select your race, and whatever buffs you will have for the "buffed" calculations. 2、選擇你的種族以及你現在身上有啥buff 3. The "Unbuffed DPS" and "Buffed DPS" will show the in-depth calculations for that gear setup. 3、buff前dps表 及 buff後dps表 會依你輸入的裝備計算各種數值 4. Additionally, these two sheets will show what the estimated value of agi/crit/hit/ap is for your current gear. (Note, currently the hit value is *slightly* lower than it actually is due to not calculating slightly higher proc rates at the momen 4、另外,buff前、後這兩張表,會依你輸入的裝備秀出你的敏/爆擊/命中/攻擊強度 等數值 (備註,目前的命中數值會比實際的數值稍為小一些…….) 5. Repeat steps 1 & 2 for your "Dream Gear" set. 6. The "Current vs. Dream" tab will show how much of a DPS gain you would get if you had your dream gear/buff setup. 6、


Q: How do I add new items to the gear drop-down lists? A: If you happen to be using an item that doesn't show up on the dropdown list, you have to unhide the sheet for that particular to unhide a sheet, go to Format>Sheet>Unhide… (in Excel), and select the item slot you wish to add the item to. Then add in the name and stats to one of the blank rows, and it will now show up on the dropdown list.

Q: What do I do about set bonuses? A: For the 3-piece and 8-piece Bloodfang Set bonuses, we provided checkboxes under the buffs section to select these bonuse For some of the other sets, the way it's setup is you can select the item from the dropdown to include the set bonus (for insta

Q: Does the spreadsheet correctly detect the Human +sword skill bonus and/or Maladath in the off-hand? A: Yes, although it's a bit hacky how it's done at the moment. We'll probably add in support for that +4 mace skills mace in the o Q: What about other finishers like Rupture/Eviscerate? Why aren't they modeled? A: We had these in a pre-release version, but saw little point in keeping them in, since SnD for combat daggers gives you 2-3x

Q: OMG nerf rogues, if I select the best gear and every single buff I can hit almost 1000 DPS! A: Yes, 'cause we all know it's possible to have Windfury, Grace of Air, Strength of Earth, Might, Kings, and every other buff on To see big numbers, you could keep in mind stuff like the Berserker, Sayge's 10% damage boost, Songflower Serenade, an Q: Is there a combat swords version of this spreadsheet in the works? A: Yes, however it is not ready for release just yet.

Q: I'm 16/25/10, with 1 extra point in Dagger Spec, and only 2/3 Imp. SnD. Is there any way to change the spreadsheet f A: Yes, if you assume you're still 100% keeping with 5 pt SnDs, you can adjust the "talent" row on your gear/buffs to list it as 4% Q: How do you calculate the 4-piece Bonescythe bonus? A: We assume that all extra energy from this bonus is utilized for an increased number of backstabs.


1. For now, the spreadsheet is only completely accurate for the 17/24/10 combat daggers variety. That means 3/3 Imp SnD, Re However, there are variables in that regard which can be adjusted to fit similar specs, but the accuracy may be *slightly* off. 2. The calculations are done assuming a level 63 opponent, as in raid bosses. Weapon skill would have less of an impact on yo 3. We assume your CPs are entirely spent on 5 CP SnD 100% of the time. 4. Spending all the CPs on SnD does mean that you will occasionally have spare energy for an extra backstab. We assume 5 C 5. This being all about sustained DPS, we don't look at opening efficiency or anything, it's just the sustained cycle you will hit. 6. The "armor factor" of 0.80 basically is an approximation of the physical mitigation of most raid bosses when they have a 5x s FF/CoR would bring the factor closer to 1. 7. We assume you are 100% attacking from behind the whole fight, and thus cannot be parried/blocked. It is possible to someti but not actually be attacking from behind, in which cases your attacks can be parried and blocked.

Contact Information

If you have any further questions about the spreadsheet, and want to give feedback/bug reports etc., please post about it in the (The feedback thread will be on the WoW Rogue forums once the spreadsheet is released).


v1.14 - 7/20/2006 Changed crusader uptime table to instead use a calculated uptime (thanks to Deathwing for the formula); note it doe Made Windfury actually use the talent assumed…uh oops Added Warblade of the Hakkari as an off-hand option, due to popular request! Added off-hand Thunderfury as an option, though the loss of dagger spec seems to hurt it too much :( Fixed Attack Per Minute calculations on the enchant sheets to take into account non-static seconds per backstab, b v1.13 - 7/18/2006 Fixed issue with OH weapons w/ procs grabbing proc DPS from the MH weapon v1.12 - 7/14/2006 Fixed small bug with haste table on dream buffed DPS Fixed the madcap bonus not adding 20 AP to the buffed stats Added Vile and Improved Poisons, since some Combat Dagger builds potentially will have those in 1.12 Added a rough version of Badge of the Swarmguard -- need more info on proc rate, for now just assuming that you Fixed +dagger nextstat on buffed DPS v1.11 - 7/14/2006 Fixed nextstat breaking when selecting either Murder or Undead Slayer set bonus (oops).

Added Seal of the Gurubashi Berserker, Bracers of Subterfuge, Leggings of Apocalypse, Sadist's Collar, Medallion Removed Wormhide Boots, since they don't exist :( v1.10 - 7/13/2006 Added new 1.12 talent options as per the "second look" - Yay for Adrenaline Rush?! Added Opportunity as a talent option as opposed to being hard-coded Fixed Ground Skorpok Assay to only give 25 Agi as the new nerfed version :( Changed Windfury and GoA/SoE to assume they are talented Added Undead Slaying Set v1.08 - 6/27/2006 Added Larvae of the Great Worm Added Jom Gabber trinket Updated Madcap stats, added 2-piece bonus. v1.07 - 6/19/2006 Fixed 3-piece Veiled Shadows bonus to be 40 energy every 2 minutes, as opposed to only 10 v1.06 - 6/16/2006 Added Cloak of the Scourge Fixed damage range on Keris of Zul'Serak Added Renataki's Charm of Trickery Fixed issue with Kiss of the Spider haste detection in the 2nd trinket slot not working (whoops) Additional haste effects such as Blade Flurry and Kiss of the Spider show up as "Other DPS" now, instead of being Updated Veiled Shadows stats to 1.11 amounts Added 3-piece Veiled Shadows bonus v1.05 - 6/13/2006 Moved/revamped the set bonus box so it's a little more obvious where it is Fixed Lethality dropdown actually being used in backstab DPS calculations (whoops) Added new R8-10 PvP sets Added 1% haste gloves enchant v1.04 - 6/12/2006 Fixed bug with BS crit using the OH weapon skill instead of the MH skill Renamed "SnD Factor" to "Haste Factor" to be more accurate Added 1% haste libram Fixed Warchief's Blessing to use the new Haste Factor table Added Might of the Scourge enchant

v1.03 - 6/12/2006 Fixed data entry issue with Maladath's stats (max damage is 162, not 152) Added in The Thunderwood Poker as an option for the main hand Fixed the proc DPS on some weapons Updated R12/13 PvP gear to new stats; added set bonuses Added a simple but functional "haste table" calculation; so we now we can see Blade Flurry DPS Added rudimentary Talent Point selector. If Blade Flurry is selected, Blade Flurry will be modelled (and thus the bac Fixed Counterattack Lodestone Stats (whoops) Added Four Horseman Bow Added Kiss of the Spider (haste is modeled!) v1.02 - 6/5/2006

Added 2 new naxx daggers Added 2 new naxx rings Updated Bonescythe stats to new stats Updated DD shoulders to 1.11 stats v1.01 - 5/23/2006 Fixed Slayer's Crest stats Added some new Naxxramas drops Added Seal of the Dawn Added Conscecrated Sharpening Stones Kiss of the Spider is not in, pending trying to find out the cooldown v1.0 - 5/15/2006 Updated to release version 1.0! Fixed Dream Gear/Buffs sheet to calculate the Bloodfang 8-piece bonus Fixed Orc base stats (they had 1 str too much) Added a couple more questions to the FAQ. Fixed issue with the defense penalty for crit being applied outside the MIN expression, instead of inside Fixed inverted Strength/Agility on Qiraji Execution Bracers RC 6.2 - 5/13/2006 Fixed Kings/Might not being checked by default on Dream Gear/Buffs sheet Fixed Naxxramas Necklace of pwnage, I put it as 16str instead of 16sta RC 6.1 - 5/13/2006 Fixed issue with Windfury change not interacting well with NextStat RC 6 - 5/12/2006 Fixed multiple issues with Windfury calculations Fixed issue with +dagger NextStat not working properly RC 5.1 - 5/11/2006 Added Slayer's Crest and 16 sta/2% crit/28 AP neck (codename Naxxramas Necklace of Pwnage) RC 5 - 5/11/2006 Updated all weapon proc dps to be dynamic, with the partial exception of Felstriker. The Bloodfang 8-piece dps is also dynamically calculated now. The weapons list has been split into main and off hand lists to lower the clutter and restrict some invalid choices. Partial spell (poisons/procs) resists have been temporarily removed to work on a better implementation. Corrected an error with instant poison dps in the "Dream Buffed DPS" sheet. Wielding a sword in the offhand will now correctly remove the dagger spec crit on all of the DPS sheets. Added the Bonescythe armor pieces and the dagger/sword shown at E3. Removed a duplicate armor entry. Added 4-piece Bonescythe set bonus RC4 - 5/5/2006 Fixed issue with HoJ breaking the stat values on the DPS pages. Added Leader of the Pack to raid buffs. Adjusted several group buffs to include the talented versions which are generally available.

on the inputs of gear, enchant, and buff choices. n dependant on the fight in question. d indefinitely attack from behind. ur overall DPS. 選項的輸入。 鬥狀況(換言之,不需移動的boss 戰,會很接近理論值,但不斷移動的戰鬥則會有非常大的差異)

ersions and/or other packages may or may not work.

chants you will be using.

her proc rates at the moment).

eam gear/buff setup.

the sheet for that particular slot. add the item to.

ction to select these bonuses. ude the set bonus (for instance the Band of Jin w/ Set Bonus).

he off-hand? +4 mace skills mace in the off-hand, too.

bat daggers gives you 2-3x the damage per CP as those other two.

gs, and every other buff on you at the same time! If you really want t, Songflower Serenade, and Bloodlust?!

change the spreadsheet for this? our gear/buffs to list it as 4% crit instead of 3%.

hat means 3/3 Imp SnD, Relentless/Ruthlessness, 5/5 DW, and 3/5 Dagger Spec. uracy may be *slightly* off. ave less of an impact on your overall DPS vs. enemies below level 63.

a backstab. We assume 5 CP (free SnDs), thus a backstab rate of 10/minute. ustained cycle you will hit. sses when they have a 5x stack of Sunder.

ked. It is possible to sometimes be able to backstab,

, please post about it in the feedback thread.

for the formula); note it doesn't consider HoJ extra attacks but w/ever

it too much :( ic seconds per backstab, based on energy usage

ve those in 1.12 ow just assuming that you average -800 AC over the 30s. I'd say it's better than Earthstrike, not as good as DFT/Slayer's/Kiss.

Sadist's Collar, Medallion of the Dawn, Might of Cenarius

DPS" now, instead of being in "Finisher DPS"

modelled (and thus the backstab frequency will very slightly decrease)

stead of inside

ct some invalid choices. mplementation.

he DPS sheets.


裝備與附魔 死亡之釘 十字軍 速效毒藥V 神聖其拉短劍 Agility (+15 Agility) Instant Poison VI 速射強弓 死亡執行者頭巾 Death's Embrace 奧妮克希亞龍牙墜飾 死亡執行者肩甲

力量 敏捷 耐力 爆擊 命中 10 31.19

攻擊強度 38





1% 1%



武器技能 3






9 15



12 27

1% 1%

19 4

37 4

28 4 20 25



1% 1%



Zandalar Signet of Might 死亡執行者胸甲 Greater Stats (+4 All Stats) 無盡痛苦腰帶 死亡執行者長褲



Death's Embrace 死亡執行者長靴




26 7 26

64 28

Greater Agility (+7 Agility) 骨鎌護腕 Superior Strength (+9 Strength) 骨鎌手套 Superior Agility (+15 Agility) 強烈仇恨披風 Lesser Agility (+3 Agility) 屠龍大師之戒 青銅龍徽記之戒-崇拜 黑手飾物 龍牙飾物










15 16 3 24





14 13

1% 1%





地精 天賦



未buff前的總和 Raid Buffs 真言術:韌 野性印記 戰鬥怒吼 強擊光環 Leader of the Pack 消費性食物、藥水 神聖太陽果 巨人藥劑 貓鼬藥劑 烤魷魚 沙蟲丸子 冬泉火酒 聯盟 buff



312 20% 19%




70 16

10% 5%

✘ ### ✘ ### ✘ ### ### ### ✘ ### ### ✘ ### ### ### ✘ ###


290 0 0% 10 0 25 0



0 35





王者 力量 部落 buff 風之優雅圖騰 大地之力圖騰 魂能之力

✘ ### ✘ ###

### ### ✘ ### Warchief's Blessing (+15% haste) ### Other Buffs Ground Scorpok Assay ### 屠龍者的咆哮 ### 贊達拉之魂 ###

Raid & 藥水 buff後



40 222

0 0 30 0 0 0% 0






438 22% 19%





最小傷 95

最大傷 144

平均傷 120

速度 1.8





未buff前 普攻 DPS 背刺 DPS

生命值 4463 爆擊率

245.42 168.37 73.63 34.21% finisher指把x星用掉的技能,如剔骨、割裂等 41.68 閃躲率 529.10 34.41%

finisher DPS 其他 DPS 總 DPS BUFF後 普攻 DPS 背刺 DPS Finisher DPS 其他 DPS 總 DPS 天賦 刺殺天賦 強化剔骨 惡意 強化切割 致命偷襲 謀殺 (Not vs. All) 無情 無情打擊 強化毒藥 惡性毒藥 戰鬥天賦 閃電反射 精確 雙武器專精 匕首專精 劍刃亂舞 武器專精 衝動 敏銳天賦 伺機而動

種類 特效 DPS Dagger Enchant Enchant 18.58 Dagger Enchant Enchant 15.13

生命值 345.93 5725 211.67 爆擊率 103.78 39.19% 44.95 閃躲率 706.34 40.38%

點數 0 5 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 Points 3 5 5 5 1 2 1 Points 5

套裝效果 血牙三件效果 (+5% 毒藥) 血牙八件效果 (血牙發動) 骨鎌四件效果 (-5 能量)

Value 100% 5% 145% 230% 100% N/A 0% 100% Value 3% 5% 75% 5% N/A 5 N/A Value 1.2


0 0

戰場元帥2件 (+20 耐力) 戰場元帥四件 (+40 攻擊強度) 籠罩陰影三件 (-10切割) 狂妄者二件(+20 攻擊強度) 弒妖 (+2% vs. 不死族) 死亡執行者五件 (+15% 剔骨)


0 0 0 1

平均傷害 無爆擊 主手 副手 背刺 切割 主手-毒藥or磨刀石 副手-毒藥or磨刀石 其他 dps 總計

最小傷害 最大傷害 平均傷害 無爆擊 無爆擊 爆擊

265 181 733

241 157 689

290 204 777

Hit Table - 主手 miss % 5.28% 閃躲 % 5.28% 擦過攻擊 % 40.00% 爆擊率 % 33.93% 命中率+ % 15.51% 下一個增加的 攻擊強度= 力量= 敏捷= 爆擊= 命中= 加匕首技能=

0.211 dps 0.211 dps 0.346 dps 3.905 dps 2.703 dps 3.623 dps

531 361 1686

最小傷害 爆擊

最大傷害 爆擊

482 315 1584

580 408 1787

Hit Table - 副手 Miss % 5.28% Dodge % 5.28% 同 Glancing % 40.00% 左 Crit % Hit %

1爆擊= 1命中= 1敏捷= 1力量=

33.93% 15.51%

18.47 攻擊強度 12.79 攻擊強度 1.64 攻擊強度 1.00 攻擊強度

1爆擊= 1命中= 10攻擊強度= 10力量= 1命中=

調整後之 dps

基礎 dps

321 218 1335

178.31 128.47 210.46 92.03

實際的 dps

609.27 Hit Table - 背刺 Miss % 0.00% Dodge % 5.28% 同 Glancing % 0.00% 左 Crit % Hit %

142.65 102.77 168.37 73.63 18.58 15.13 7.98 529.10

可修正之變數 加速之因素 減傷值(護甲值) 副手傷害

1.33 0.8 75%

裝備後各數值 命中率 % 爆擊率 % 攻擊強度 主手平均攻擊 主手速度 副手平均攻擊 副手速度

19.00% 34.21% 1134.19 119.5 1.8 103 1.7

骨鎌四件 背刺爆擊率 背刺花費能量 背刺增加之dps

63.93% 56.8 1

63.93% 30.79%

11.28 敏捷 7.81 敏捷 6.11 敏捷 6.11 敏捷 0.69 爆擊


其他變數及計算機制 基本miss率% 基本閃躲率 % 擦過攻擊 % Boss 防禦技能(63級) 主手武器技能 副手武器技能 主手擦過因素 副手擦過因數 能量應用效率 額度攻擊 主手每秒打中次數 副手每秒打中次數 背刺每秒打中次數 每秒總打中次數 抵抗所有法術 抵抗部份法術 背刺的時間間隔 二分鐘之總能量


加速之因素 切割 劍刃亂舞 Perm. Haste

1.3 1.56 1

Armor Reduction 護甲值


0.88 0.13

24.60% 5.60% 40.00% 315 8 8 0.94 0.94 1 0.00% 0.66 0.70 0.16 1.52 0.83 1 6.34 1135

Main-hand Off-hand Backstab Slice and Dice MH Temp. Enchant OH Temp. Enchant Other DPS Totals

Average Non-crit 358 246 890

Minimum Maximum Non-crit Non-crit 333 382 223 269 846 934

Hit Table - Main Hand Miss % 5.28% Dodge % 5.28% Glancing % 40.00% Crit % 38.91% Hit % 10.53% The next one ap = str = agi = crit = hit = +dagger =

0.220 dps 0.242 dps 0.436 dps 5.119 dps 3.660 dps 4.898 dps

Average Crit 715 492 2047

Minimum Maximum Crit Crit 666 764 445 538 1945 2148

Hit Table - Off Hand Miss % 5.28% Dodge % 5.28% Glancing % 40.00% Crit % 38.91% Hit % 10.53%

1 crit = 1 hit = 1 agi = 1 str =


23.29 ap 16.65 ap 1.98 ap 1.10 ap

Adjusted Damage 450 310 1678

Hit Table - Backstab Miss % Dodge % Glancing % Crit % Hit %

1 crit = 1 hit = 10 ap = 10 str =

11.74 8.39 5.04 5.55

1 hit =


Base DPS 250.23 182.19 264.59 129.73

826.73 Hit Table - Backstab 0.00% 5.28% 0.00% 68.91% 25.81%

agi agi agi agi crit

Actual DPS 200.18 145.75 211.67 103.78 18.58 15.13 11.24 706.34

Editable Variables Haste Factor Armor Reduction Off-Hand Factor Gear Setup Hit % Crit % Attack Power MH Average MH Speed OH Average OH Speed

1.33 0.8 75%

19.00% 39.19% 1852 119.5 1.8 103 1.7

Other Variables and Mechanics Base Miss % 24.60% Base Dodge % 5.60% Glancing % 40.00% Boss Defense Skill 315 MH Weapon Skill 8 OH Weapon Skill 8 MH Glancing Factor 0.94 OH Glancing Factor 0.94 Energy efficiency 1 Extra Attacks 0.00% MH hits per second 0.66 OH hits per second 0.70 BS hits per second 0.16 Total hits per second 1.52 Full Spell Resists 0.83 Partial Spell Resists 1 Backstab Time 6.34 Energy/2 min 1135

Bonescythe 4-piece BS Crit % 68.91% BS Cost 56.55 BS DPS increase 1 Windfury DPS


Haste Factor SnD Base Blade Flurry Perm. Haste

1.3 1.56 1

Armor Reduction AC amount


0.88 0.13

裝備與附魔 王者之隕 Crusader Deadly Poison V 死亡之釘 Agility (+15 Agility) Deadly Poison V Four Horsemen Bow 骨鎌頭巾


敏捷 耐力 16

爆擊 1%

命中 1%




30.92 10





Death's Embrace Naxxramas Necklace of Pwnage 骨鐘肩甲


Might of the Scourge 骨鎌胸甲 Greater Stats (+4 All Stats) 無盡痛苦腰帶 骨鎌褲


6 29

1% 2%


16 15

2% 1% 1% 2%





Death's Embrace 骨鎌長靴 Greater Agility (+7 Agility) 骨鎌護腕

7 26

29 4 20 25

16 1% 28 28 1% 1%

26 80

1% 1%

1% 1%




28 64









Superior Strength (+9 Strength) 骨鎌手套 Superior Agility (+15 Agility) 統治披風(暫翻,冰龍掉) Subtlety (No Stats) 骨鎌戒只 Band of Unnatural Forces 蜘蛛之吻 Slayer's Crest(克爾蘇加德)


夜精靈 Talents


未buff前的總和 Raid Buffs 真言術:韌 野性印記 戰鬥怒吼 強擊光環 Leader of the Pack 消費性食物、藥水 神聖太陽果 巨人藥劑 貓鼬藥劑 烤魷魚 沙蟲丸子 冬泉火酒






70 16


64 1%



10 1% 1%

50 1% 1% 1%

52 107

✘ ### ✘ ### ✘ ### ✘ ### ###

### ### ### ### ### ###


74 10%





290 100 0% 0 0 0 0


0 0

1% 0%




聯盟 buff 王者 力量 部落 buff 風之優雅圖騰 大地之力圖騰 魂能之力 Warchief's Blessing (+15% haste) Other Buffs Ground Scorpok Assay 屠龍者的咆哮 贊達拉之魂

Raid & 藥水 buff後

✘ ### ✘ ###

### ### ### ### ### ### ###



39 222

0 0 0 0 0 0% 0






0 0%






最小傷 105

最大傷 158

平均傷 132

速度 1.8





未buff前 普攻 DPS 背刺 DPS Finisher DPS 其他 DPS 總 DPS

種類 Dagger Enchant Enchant Dagger Enchant Enchant

特效 dps



生命值 277.67 4353 211.10 爆擊率 83.30 39.45% 53.69 閃躲率 638.29 25.90%

Buff後 普攻 DPS 背刺 DPS Finisher DPS 其他 DPS 總 DPS

生命值 369.12 5604 255.65 爆擊率 110.74 41.21% 56.66 閃躲率 808.02 29.42%

天賦 刺殺天賦 惡意 強化切割 致命偷襲 謀殺 (Not vs. All) 無情打擊 強化毒藥 惡性毒藥 Combat 閃電反射 精確 雙武器專精 匕首專精 劍刃亂舞 武器專精 衝動 敏銳天賦 伺機而動

點數 Value 5 5% [Not Functional] 4 224% 2 102% 1 N/A 0 0% 0 100% Points Value 0 0% 5 5% 5 75% 5 5% 1 N/A 2 5 1 N/A Points Value 5 1.2

套裝效果 血牙三件效果 (+5% 毒藥) 血牙八件效果 (血牙發動) 骨鎌四件效果 (-5 能量)


0 0

戰場元帥2件 (+20 耐力) 戰場元帥四件 (+40 攻擊強度) 籠罩陰影三件 (-10切割) 狂妄者二件(+20 攻擊強度) 弒妖 (+2% vs. 不死族)


0 0 0 1

Main-hand Off-hand Backstab Slice and Dice MH Temp. Enchant OH Temp. Enchant Other DPS Totals

Average Non-crit 295 212 784

Minimum Maximum Non-crit Non-crit 268 321 194 231 737 832

Hit Table - Main Hand Miss % 8.28% Dodge % 5.28% Glancing % 40.00% Crit % 39.17% Hit % 7.27%


Average Crit 590 424 1757

Minimum Maximum Crit Crit 537 643 388 461 1650 1864

Hit Table - Off Hand Miss % 8.28% Dodge % 5.28% Glancing % 40.00% Crit % 39.17% Hit % 7.27%

Adjusted Damage 363 261 1450

Hit Table - Backstab Miss % Dodge % Glancing % Crit % Hit %

Base DPS 201.86 145.23 248.67 104.13

699.89 Hit Table - Backstab 0.00% 5.28% 0.00% 69.17% 25.55%

Actual DPS 161.49 116.19 211.10 83.30 28.40 16.26 9.02 638.29

Editable Variables Haste Factor Armor Reduction Off-Hand Factor Gear Setup Hit % Crit % Attack Power MH Average MH Speed OH Average OH Speed

1.33 0.8 75%

16.00% 39.45% 1270.92 131.5 1.8 119.5 1.8

Other Variables and Mechanics Base Miss % 24.60% Base Dodge % 5.60% Glancing % 40.00% Boss Defense Skill 315 MH Weapon Skill 8 OH Weapon Skill 8 MH Glancing Factor 0.94 OH Glancing Factor 0.94 Energy efficiency 1 Extra Attacks 0.00% MH hits per second 0.64 OH hits per second 0.64 BS hits per second 0.17 Total hits per second 1.45 Full Spell Resists 0.83 Partial Spell Resists 1 Backstab Time 5.83 Energy/2 min 1235

Bonescythe 4-piece BS Crit % 69.17% BS Cost 56.54 BS DPS increase 1.06 Windfury DPS


Haste Factor SnD Base Blade Flurry Perm. Haste

1.3 1.56 1

Armor Reduction AC amount


0.88 0.13

Main-hand Off-hand Backstab Slice and Dice MH Temp. Enchant OH Temp. Enchant Other DPS Totals

Average Non-crit 385 280 937

Minimum Maximum Non-crit Non-crit 358 411 261 298 890 985

Hit Table - Main Hand Miss % 8.28% Dodge % 5.28% Glancing % 40.00% Crit % 40.93% Hit % 5.51%


Average Crit 770 559 2100

Minimum Maximum Crit Crit 717 823 523 596 1993 2207

Hit Table - Off Hand Miss % 8.28% Dodge % 5.28% Glancing % 40.00% Crit % 40.93% Hit % 5.51%

Adjusted Damage 481 350 1753

Hit Table - Backstab Miss % Dodge % Glancing % Crit % Hit %

Base DPS 267.23 194.17 300.68 138.42

900.50 Hit Table - Backstab 0.00% 5.28% 0.00% 70.93% 23.79%

Actual DPS 213.78 155.34 255.65 110.74 28.40 16.26 12.00 808.02

Editable Variables Haste Factor Armor Reduction Off-Hand Factor Gear Setup Hit % Crit % Attack Power MH Average MH Speed OH Average OH Speed

1.33 0.8 75%

16.00% 41.21% 1971 131.5 1.8 119.5 1.8

Other Variables and Mechanics Base Miss % 24.60% Base Dodge % 5.60% Glancing % 40.00% Boss Defense Skill 315 MH Weapon Skill 8 OH Weapon Skill 8 MH Glancing Factor 0.94 OH Glancing Factor 0.94 Energy efficiency 1 Extra Attacks 0.00% MH hits per second 0.64 OH hits per second 0.64 BS hits per second 0.17 Total hits per second 1.45 Full Spell Resists 0.83 Partial Spell Resists 1 Backstab Time 5.83 Energy/2 min 1235

Bonescythe 4-piece BS Crit % 70.93% BS Cost 56.45 BS DPS increase 1.06 Windfury DPS


Haste Factor SnD Base Blade Flurry Perm. Haste

1.3 1.56 1

Armor Reduction AC amount


0.88 0.13

未 buff前 普攻 背刺 Finisher 其他 總計

目前 245.42 168.37 73.63 41.68 529.10

夢幻 277.67 211.10 83.30 53.69 638.29

提升 32.25 42.74 9.68 12.01 109.19

增加% 13.14% 25.38% 13.14% 28.80% 20.64%

buff後 普攻 背刺 Finisher 其他 總計

目前 345.93 211.67 103.78 44.95 706.34

夢幻 369.12 255.65 110.74 56.66 808.02

提升 23.19 43.98 6.96 11.71 101.68

增加% 6.70% 20.78% 6.70% 26.05% 14.40%

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