Columbus Capt Essay Prompt

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 353
  • Pages: 2
U.S. History I – First Quarter Assessment CAPT Interdisciplinary Writing Test The purpose of this interdisciplinary writing test is to determine how well you can write to persuade others to think as you do about an issue. In the test, you will read two articles about an important issue (Zinn and Bowden), take a position on the issue, and write a first draft of a persuasive letter. You must support your position with information from each of the source materials and your knowledge of the issue. Your response will be read and scored by trained readers. ABOUT THIS TEST In this interdisciplinary writing test, you will think about and take a position on an important issue: should the State of Connecticut continue to celebrate the Columbus Day Holiday, or should we instead celebrate Native Peoples’ Day? While you are working on this test, you will use skills and knowledge you learned in your language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, the arts, and other classes. THE ISSUE The State of Connecticut is reviewing the continued observance of the Columbus Day Holiday. A controversy has arisen about whether to keep this celebration of Christopher Columbus, considering the impact European settlement had on Native American populations. Representative of the Mashantuckett Pequots are asking that this holiday be renamed Native Peoples’ Day to honor the original Americans, who do not have a state holiday of their own. South Dakota has already made this change. On the other side New Haven’s Knights of Columbus are petitioning to keep Columbus Day because it is the only state holiday honoring Italian-American heritage, and it symbolizes the coming of Western culture that has improved the lives of all Americans through better technology, diet, and medicine. YOUR TASK Write a persuasive letter to Governor Jodi Rell, indicating whether you believe the state should continue to observe Columbus Day. Your prior knowledge of history should accompany the evidence you analyze and incorporate into your letter, but don’t forget to use both of the source materials in your essay. Audience:

Governor Jodi Rell

Columbus Holiday should be celebrated

Native Peoples’ Day should be celebrated

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