Colonial Gothic Revised: Conversion Notes

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  • Pages: 11
Colonial Gothic Revised: Conversion Notes

Colonial Gothic Revise d: Conver sion Note s With the release of Colon ia l Go th ic Re vised, fans of the original version should quickly notice a few things have changed. When you factor in the first two supplements, you might be confused to what is playable and what is not. This small guide is designed to help you quickly convert over the first supplements to the new version of the game. If you have bought any of the eBooks – The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The Defeated Dead, and Elizabethtown – they’ll be updated. In addition those who bought them will be getting the updated eBook delivered to them from the site they bought it from.

Changes i n Colo nial Gothic The game you have played since August 2007 (this is when Co lon ia l Go thic was released) is still the same. Some rule tweaks were made, and this has been talked about in depth on our blog Rog ue Dis pat ch es ( There you can read 13 Chap ters in 13 Week s, which discusses the changes to the game chapter by chapter. In addition, uploaded on the Ro gue G am es website (, as well as the Ro g ue G a mes S cribd site ( is the Colon ia l Go thic Primer. The Pr im er, as many of you know, is what we write before we start a game. The Primer is all about telling you what the game is about, what you do as a player, what a GM does, and how the game works. The Prim er also gives you the basics of the rules. If you have not done so already, you should download it now and read it.

© 2009, Rogue Games, Inc.

Colonial Gothic Revised: Conversion Notes

Colonial Gothic: Secret s The first supplement that was released (May 2008) contains has a lot of information and background. Some things have been merged into Colon ial Goth ic Re vised, but for the most part very few changes need to be made. Here is the run down, chapter by chapter.

Chapter 1 

Alche my is now part of the Magic Skill as a specialization.

Multiple Action Rule – Gone and replaced.

Books – Still in play. There will be a small update in a few weeks as to how long it takes to read a book. For now it is up to the GM to decide how long it takes to read a book.

Chapter 2 

No changes.

Chapter 3 

No changes.

Chapter 4 First up, Rituals are now known as spells, and there are two types of spells: Common and Arcane. There are a few slight changes, which are designed to give both the player and the GM more information on how spells function in the game. Here are the only changes to the spells found in Co lonial Goth ic: S ecr ets.

© 2009, Rogue Games, Inc.

Colonial Gothic Revised: Conversion Notes Common Spells Ble ss Actions: 1 Range: Touch Duration: 1 Day Performed On: Objects Sanity: 0

Clear V isio n Actions: 2 Range: Touch Duration: Rounds equal to caster Resolution Performed On: Self, Others Sanity: 0

Cover in g C loud Actions: 4 Range: Feet equal to caster’s Resolution Duration: Rounds equal to caster’s Resolution Performed On: Objects Sanity: 0

Dis cer nin g of Sp irits Actions: 3 Range: Touch Duration: 1 Round Performed On: Others Sanity: 0

© 2009, Rogue Games, Inc.

Colonial Gothic Revised: Conversion Notes

Gif t of Ton gues & Inter preta tion o f Tong ue s Actions: 2 Range: Special Duration: Round’s equal to caster’s resolution Performed On: Self Sanity: 0

Insp irat ion Actions: 1 Range: 20 feet Duration: 1 Day Performed On: Objects Sanity: 0

Shie ld Actions: 1 Range: Sight Duration: Rounds equal to caster’s Resolution Performed On: Self Sanity: 0

Spirit of th e Fire Actions: 2 Range: Touch Duration: Hours equal to caster’s Resolution Performed On: Self, Others Sanity: 0

© 2009, Rogue Games, Inc. .

Colonial Gothic Revised: Conversion Notes Arcane Spells Animat e De ad Actions: 8 Range: Special Duration: Instant Performed On: Others Sanity: 10

Bone D an ce Actions: 6 Range: Special Duration: Instant Performed On: Others Sanity: 8

Gra ce of H ealin g Actions: 5 Range: 1 Person Duration: Instant Performed On: Others Sanity: 4

Form th e C loud Actions: 6 Range: Touch Duration: Rounds equal to caster’s Resolution Performed On: Self Sanity: 6

© 2009, Rogue Games, Inc. .

Colonial Gothic Revised: Conversion Notes Healin g Wind Actions: 3 Range: Touch Duration: Instant Performed On: Others Sanity: 5

Invo ca tio n of the S tone Actions: 2 Range: Touch Duration: Rounds equal to caster’s Resolution Performed On: Self, Others Sanity: 3

Mark Actions: 1 Range: Special Duration: Instant Performed On: Object Sanity: 2

Rais in g of th e De ad Actions: 10 Range: Touch Duration: Instant Performed On: Others Sanity: 12

© 2009, Rogue Games, Inc.

Colonial Gothic Revised: Conversion Notes Spirit of th e Wood Actions: 2 Range: Touch Duration: Rounds equal to caster’s Resolution Performed On: Objects Sanity: 4

Streng th of th e Ear th Actions: 2 Range: Touch Duration: Rounds equal to caster’s Resolution Performed On: Self, Others Sanity: 2

Alchemy 

Alchemy is now found in the Co lon ia l Go thic Rule book .

Chapter 5 

No changes.

Chapter 6 

Monsters are now found in the Colo nia l Goth ic R ule boo k.

© 2009, Rogue Games, Inc. .

Colonial Gothic Revised: Conversion Notes

Colonial Gothic: Poor Wizard’s Grimoire The second supplement that was released (August 2008) and added to the background as well gave new magical options. Here is the run down, chapter by chapter of any changes that need to be made.

Chapter 1 First up, as pointed out above, Rituals are now known as spells, and there are two types of spells: Common and Arcane. All spells for the most part are unchanged. There are a few slight changes, which are designed to give both the player and the GM more information on how spells function in the game. Here are the only changes to the spells found in Colonial Gothic: Poor Wizard’s Grimoire.

Common Spells Bea uty’ s Fa ce Actions: 2 Range: Touch Duration: Rounds equal to caster’s Resolution Performed On: Others, Self Sanity: 0

Cele stial M usic Actions: 3 Range: 20-foot radius Duration: Rounds equal to caster’s Resolution Performed On: Self Sanity: 0

© 2009, Rogue Games, Inc.

Colonial Gothic Revised: Conversion Notes

Dis pe l Actions: 2 Range: Touch Duration: Instant Performed On: Others, Self Sanity: 0

Fish ’s Bre ath Actions: 1 Range: Touch Duration: Rounds equal to caster’s Resolution Performed On: Others, Self Sanity: 0

Insigh t Actions: 3 Range: Touch Duration: Instant Performed On: Other Sanity: 0

Revea l Actions: 2 Range: Feet equal to caster’s Resolution Duration: Instant Performed On: Self Sanity: 0

© 2009, Rogue Games, Inc. .

Colonial Gothic Revised: Conversion Notes Shadow of t he Moo n Actions: 1 Range: Touch Duration: Rounds equal to caster’s Resolution Performed On: Others, Self Sanity: 0

Arcane Spells Dis tant Eye Actions: 4 Range: Special Duration: Rounds equal to caster’s Resolution ÷ 2 Performed On: Self Sanity: 4

Prayer to Th e Twelve Actions: 2 Range: Touch Duration: 1 Hour Performed On: Self, Others Sanity: 3

Pla g ue Actions: 3 Range: Touch Duration: Instant Performed On: Others Sanity: 6

© 2009, Rogue Games, Inc. .

Colonial Gothic Revised: Conversion Notes Qua ke Actions: 4 Range: Eyesight Duration: Instant Performed On: Others Sanity: 7

Thun der Actions: 2 Range: 50-foot radius Duration: Instant Performed On: Others Sanity: 3

Transport Actions: 5 Range: Miles equal to caster’s Resolution x2 Duration: Instant Performed On: Self, Others Sanity: 9

Chapters 2 to 4 

No changes.

Appendix 

Now found in the Colonia l Goth ic R ule book.

© 2009, Rogue Games, Inc.

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