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Campus Highlights Robinson Cruises to Adventure

Sports Baseball Players Seek Relief Page 15


Page 12 Los Angeles

The Student Voice of Los Angeles City College Since 1929 Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Volume 160, Number 5

Paper Trail May Lead to Problems for Men’s Basketball

Diving Toward the Future

Information on student athlete eligibility forms might have saved the cost of non-resident tuition for a handful of players, but could now cost City College, South Coast Conference Champs, the entire basketball season’s wins and possibly more. By Mars Melnicoff

Walter Ramirez executes a perfect line in the campus pool for "Physical Education 102: Swimming Skills" with instructor Jan McEveety. Students will soon bid farewell to the current pool which dates back to the 1920s. Construction of a new pool could begin as early as November. (See full story: Waves of Change, page 15)

Math Club First in Nation, Again By Daniel Akers and Esther Hirzel


tudents from Los Angeles City College (LACC) won first place in the American Mathematics Association of Two Year Colleges (AMATYC) student mathematics league competition held last month. More than 11,000 students from 190 community

colleges participated in the competition held during the fall and spring semesters. The school has placed in the top 10, eight of the last 10 years. The department is proud about the accomplishment, but also believes students need to continue to improve their math skills. “We are (LACC) the best math department in the country,” said Roger Wolf, chair of the department. “We are interested in the developmental aspect and

Marijuana Controversy Smolders on Melrose, Heliotrope By Frank Elaridi Members of the community are concerned that Los Angeles City College and its bordering streets have become a sanctuary for drug dealers and users. They complain that students from Los Angeles City College stand on Melrose and Heliotrope smoking marijuana. The owner of a small business who has lived in the area for more than 45 years says that drug dealers sit on benches in front of the campus on Vermont and wait for students to buy their marijuana. The business owner did not want to be named, but he said that he is bothered by the increase in drug use over the past

Photo by Jorge Ponce/LA Collegian

The corner of Melrose and Heliotrope is questioned as a home for drug dealers and users.


“This is going to be a big problem for these kids in the future," the business owner said referring to LACC students. He has numerous police officers as customers, and says that they too are aware of the problem. “The police know, but there are just too many people." Business owners remember

the ability for the student to solve the problem.” City College has won the national competition four times and has placed in the top 10 nationally for eight of the 10 years City has participated. Anatoliy Nikolaychuk who became the adviser nine years ago, says he gets the best and brightest students in

Photo by Jordan Angulo/LA Collegian

Administrators, Instructors, Lost in ESL Translation By Theresa Adams

the former medical marijuana store on the corner of Melrose and Heliotrope that the feds closed down earlier this year, because they were allegedly selling marijuana to people who did not need it. The store is now a tattoo shop. The former medical marijuana store and street benches are not the only places believed to be associated with drug deals. There are other links to drug use around the neighborhood. "I’ve seen people selling drugs [outside] the Guatemalan Bakery,” radiology major, Karen Santiago said. “I don't know about marijuana, because I don't smoke. I think whatever you do in private is cool, but not out in public." Not everyone shares that same view about drug use in the community. For years, there have been discussions about legalizing marijuana in the state, but a public official is openly considering the possibility for the first time. Governor

Wilshire Center’s ESL lab designed to assist 1300 students in the first three phases of the ESL program has remained unused for more than a year. Faculty members from the department say they have been unable to open the lab because they cannot hire fulltime staff or security for the center. Los Angeles City College’s English department received a First Basic Skills Grant from the state of California for $600,000 last year. They received the same amount of funding this year. The department used $200,000 to purchase new computer equipment and reading supplies for the lab located at 3020 Wilshire Blvd. “This is an offense to the California taxpayers that we have spent this money and can’t use the facility,” said Ronald Lapp, English/ESL Instructor. Lapp and three other English instructors along with the department chair, Dr. Tammy Robinson submitted a proposal to a committee headed by Kathleen Burke-Kelly, Vice President of Academic Affairs requesting staff for the ESL Lab. The proposal was vetoed. The reason given was that the Basic Skills funds should not be used to hire employees for a program where the funding may not be forthcoming in the future.

Marijuana on page 4

ESL on page 4

Math Club on page 4

Information student athletes wrote on college eligibility reports shows that five members of the 2008-2009 Los Angeles City College (LACC) men's basketball team attended a campus of Stoneridge Preparatory School, but the prep school's director doubts they were ever there. Stoneridge draws basketball players from around the world. The small private prep school currently has a single campus located in Simi Valley. A second campus located in Tarzana closed down in 2004. The eligibility reports for three of the students

state they attended the Stoneridge Campus in Tarzana, in 2006 and 2007. “The names we do not recognize at all,” Luisa Arnold, the director of Stoneridge Preparatory School said. “I myself do not recognize any of those names, any. I get students from 30 years ago who want their records, and I remember these names. If they say ‘did they graduate?’ then I have to check. But I remember the names. These are five boys! Why so many I don’t recognize? It’s not like one or two. It’s five.” Each athlete filled out a form by hand and the form shows the coach, the athletic director,

Basketball on page 15

L.A. Times Now Endorses Pearlman By Jamie Hong Nancy Pearlman has been a member of the Los Angeles Community College District Board of Trustees for two terms and is now running for a third. However, this is the first time the Los Angeles Times has endorsed her. In a May 4 article, the Los Angeles Times states that they now endorse Pearlman in the May 19 election. “Pearlman is the stronger

Nancy Pearlman candidate of the two,” while her opponent, Robert Nakahiro “has yet to develop a deep understanding of the community colleges,” the Times wrote. However they

Budget on page 8

Students Say Free Press Denied at City By Matthew Lopes On the afternoon of Wednesday, April 29 the Collegian Wired Broadcast Team believes that they were prevented by Dr. Jamillah Moore from conducting an on-camera interview with Harris & Associates Project Director, Chris Dunne for a Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) video contest. The Green Video Contest challenged current students of any of the nine LACCD schools, to create a video encouraging presidents and chancellors of higher education institutions to support the American College & University Presidents Climate Commitment by showing what steps each campus takes to limit its impact on the environment. Press Rights on page 4

Index Section A Overcoming math anxiety Page 4 Sasha Baron Cohen pushes boundaries in his latest film “Bruno.” Page 5 Learn how to get the that designer look without the price. Page 5

Index Section B Explore the City College playground: Los Angeles Page 12 Summer class registration begins with fewer classes. Page 13 Students learn self defense and get a “kick” out of Kung Fu. Page 15



Los Angeles Collegian Wednesday, May 13, 2009


To Speak or Not to Speak


he four Founding Fathers of the United States left us with a priceless gift, worth more than all of the precious jewels on Earth. As the rich ink from their feathered pens dried, the “Bill of Rights” was born and with it, the First Amendment which grants us the freedom of speech. George Washington said, “If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” It is the duty of journalists, reporters and writers to inform society of everything that is happening in the community, mainly with government: Without them, there would be no one to keep the government in line. Los Angeles City College President, Dr. Jamillah Moore, recently attempted to discontinue the filming of campus reporters, insisting that they get permission before shooting. The reality is that the Constitution protects these reporters from the need to ask permission before covering a story on campus. The second part of President Washington’s quote refers to people like Dr. Moore, who attempt to halt the press from reporting. Washington said, “It will be found an unjust and unwise jealousy to deprive a man of his natural liberty upon the supposition he may abuse it.” Take note, Ms. President. Another subject of controversy was a cartoon created by one of our talented cartoonists, which portrayed the recent victory for gay couples to get married in Iowa. Ladies and gentlemen, the whole point of the First Amendment is to protect the press when we publish articles and cartoons; If all of our stories were happy and ordinary, there would be no need for the amendment at all. The

First Amendment was composed centuries ago to defend people like our cartoonist, from people who try to prevent them from expressing their thoughts on a piece of paper. Like the “Los Angeles Times,” the “Associated Press” and even the “Bible,” there are writings and cartoons between our glossy pages that people will learn from and agree with, and others that people will disagree with; We are no different. Rest assured, the “Collegian” will never publish the three things we do not believe in: pornography, obscenity, and something that would directly cause the community to pick up their pitchforks and torches and revolt in violence. This is America. Would you rather live in Mexico, where the government pays to keep the newspapers alive as long as they only publish what officials tell them to write? Or Cuba, where negative writings about Castro do not exist, because people fear they will lose their lives? Perhaps you would prefer to live in Iran, where numerous journalists are jailed for their thoughts. This includes Zahra Kazemi, a Canadian-Iranian who attempted to photograph a controversial prison in Iran. She was detained, reportedly raped, and died in prison of a fatal head wound. No, ladies and gentleman, we think it is far better living here, in a nation where you do not have to choose between your speech and your life. You can all sleep sound in your cozy beds tonight, and let the words of Benjamin Franklin echo through your minds. “Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom; and no such thing as public liberty, without freedom of speech.”

Get "Wired"

Media Arts Department, Chemistry 208 Los Angeles City College 855 N. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90029 Editor-in-Chief: Theresa Adams Managing Editor: Jamie Hong News Editors: Hugo Alvarez, Willie Williams Opinion Editor: Frank Elaridi Sports Editor: Mars Melnicoff Photo Editor: Jordan Angulo Arts & Entertainment Editor: Monica Olofsson Distribution Manager: Tim Carpenter Advertising: Theresa Adams, Tim Carpenter Graphics: Beatrice Alcala, Lilit Atshemyan, Ester Castanho, Ashley Gonzalez, Derek Villanueva Reporters Theresa Adams, Lisette Alvarez, Virginia Bulacio, Frank Elaridi, Marc Escanuelas, LaTijera Griffith, Jamie Hong, Matthew Lopes, Mars Melnicoff, Monica Olofsson, Veronica Reynolds, Abimael Rivera, Jessica Rivera, Victoria Safarian, Anthony Suncin Photographers Jordan Angulo, Virginia Bulacio, Salvador Chavez, Jesse Gantt, Jorge Ponce Cartoonists Lilit Atshemyan, Tercius Bufete, Ester Castanho, Ashley Gonzalez, Derek Villanueva Faculty Adviser: Rhonda Guess

Next Issue:

Email: [email protected] Editorial / Advertising offices: (323) 953-4000, ext. 2831 (Mon. and Wed., 1-4 p.m.)

Editorial deadline:

Fall 2009

Fall 2009

For all submissions including letters to the editor and publicity releases. The college newspaper is published as a learning experience, offered under the college journalism instructional program. The editorial and advertising materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, are the responsibility of the student newspaper staff. Under appropriate state and federal court decisions, these materials are free from prior restraint by virtue of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Accordingly, materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted as the position of the Los Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles City College, or any officer or employee thereof. © 2003 Collegian. No material may be reprinted without the express written permission of the Collegian.

Advertising deadline: Fall 2009

Send materials to Collegian office: Chemistry 208 Email: [email protected]

Los Angeles Collegian Wednesday, May 13, 2009



A Case of Chepidemic

By Ashley Gonzalez


do not think I would make a lot of new friends if I walked around in a Heinrich Himmler T-shirt. Not many decent people would wear anything that glorifies hate, intolerance and mass murder. Why, then, walk around with Che Guevara merchandise? This is a campus built on diversity and I still have to look at the face of man who called for people to "keep our hatred alive and fan it to a paroxysm," a man who murdered so many, who sent thousands of men, women and children to the firing squad? But hey, at least he had a philosophy about it: "(T)o execute a man we don't need proof of his guilt.

We only need proof that it's necessary to execute him. It's that simple." He drove my family and thousands more who were lucky enough to get away from their country and sunk Cuba into an economic depression so bad that the government resorted to selling blood drained from condemned prisoners before their death. Somehow a guy who wore a Rolex until the day he died, who lived in a palatial estate near Havana with a ten-foot television (with remote control, a massive technology in 1959) and a private beach, somehow this guy is a martyr for the Socialist system. The perfect image of poverty and the anti-bourgeoisie, plastered on Socialism Conference posters across campus. Not to say that Che did not enjoy the little things, like his favorite place to relax: an office at La Cabana Prison where he had a wall removed so that he could watch executions all day long. Che once said "The blacks, those magnificent examples of the African race who have conserved their racial purity by a lack of affinity with washing ... the black is indolent and fanciful,

he spends his money on frivolity and drink; the European comes from a tradition of working and saving which follows him to this corner of America and drives him to get ahead." He said that "Mexicans are a band of illiterate Indians." He tried on numerous occasions to plant bombs at New York's most prominent monuments. Still, the largest image hanging in the Alpha Mu Gamma National Foreign Language Society's headquarters is that of Che Guevara. Che failed at most everything he did, he was notoriously cowardly unless in front of a bound and gagged man ("Don't shoot! I'm Che, I'm worth more to you alive than dead."), he was selfadmittedly clueless about the military, and he was bumbling and epically stupid. If people do not want to believe me, or the thousands of Cuban refugees in this country, or the hardcopy evidence records of victims and footage of executions, well, then El Chacal de La Cabana will go on being a hero and people will go on looking revolution-chic in their "I'm a citizen of the world" Che shirts. Tragic.

Students Suffer Because of Insufficient Staffing

By Arnold Rivas


hat I am writing on today is the one thing that most of the students here at LACC, the drivers at the DMV and even the ordinary people like myself who wait in line at Admissions have in common; That is inefficiency. Here at LACC, it is quite apparent that there are not enough workers to help out the students on the first week of a new semester. Especially those who have to pay off their enrollment fees, health fees, parking fees and paying a very steep price for an I-Tap card for students with less

than 12 units ($150) at the Business Office. Oh but wait, how can I forget the joy of waiting at the Admissions Office? How can anyone stand the machine calling out letters and numbers with a tone that is frighteningly similar to the one found at the DMV? With the Admissions Office, there are not enough computers in order to add/or remove classes (only five) and at the waiting area where there are four window stations. The average number of ‘tellers’ to help out the students is two, sometimes one. The question that comes to mind is, where are the other workers that are supposed to be there? It reminds me of waiting at the Central Library where when there is a huge line of people waiting, only two people are there to help out while the other four stations are mysteriously vacant. Speaking from past experi-

ence, a friend and I were waiting in line for the I-Tap card during the first week of Winter Session, the process itself took 2.5 hours, from the back of the line to the front. During that time while we talked on issues such as the current economic crisis, and how people are becoming more aware of the pressing issues around us (climate change, religious fanaticism, public transport just to name a few) he and two other students shouted from the line in order to tell the people working at the windows to hurry up and get a second person to help the one trying to handle our line. They did eventually, the line did move a little faster; my friend told me that if people do not speak up, things that we really need will never get done. I can say without a doubt, he is right. I know it is never that simple, but he is right nonetheless.

Artistic Arrogance Incites Competition By Jordan Angulo


fter taking several classes in photography at Los Angeles City College and hearing responses from my friend in other art majors such as cinema and music, there is a definite type of student that exists in these classes. I am aware that to pursue a career in any of these fields would involve a lot of subjective opinions and competition, but I would not expect such a hostile environment from a classroom setting. No, the teachers are not biting students’ heads off with critique or calling them failures. It is the fellow classmates that provide a sense of inferiority to newcomers. In

several classes, snickers or murmurs can be heard when a student’s work is showcased. Sure, they may be talking about something else entirely, but when you can hear words that relate to your piece and when their eyes meet yours, they quickly look away in ignorance. Even outside of classes, the egos from certain fledgling filmmakers or photographers can be heard. Screenplays that are being “tossed around in the industry” and full-page spreads in a high profile magazine whose name cannot be said “for legal purposes” are some of the many topics discussed. The worst subject would be when you hear a group of students taking a drag from their hand rolled cigarettes filled with more than tobacco- because you are only cool if you custom build your cigs- laugh and yell

Campus, a Place for Lovers, Not Loners

By Paula V. Neri


love my privacy and a little private space in LACC would be a gift from God (or Allah, Buddha, what have you). A place disconnected from the banging of ongoing construction on campus, passed the boisterous groups of people on the Quad and the endless cloud of smoke from cancer sticks. Yes, that would be Heaven. I spent last Thursday trying to find a place of solitude where I could practice my speech for

Speech 101 and I went all over campus just to find that perfect space. Of course, there has to be a few conditions: this place has to be safe, I have to be able to talk out loud, and I should be able to call out for help if need be. This was my (not so) awesome adventure. I began my trek toward the steps of the Learning Skills Center where I thought little ole’ me would not be interrupted while I was in my constant thoughts of worry and panic over my informative speech. I was wrong; within ten minutes of sitting there I was approached by a group of LACC hopefuls asking if whether this was the place to take the assessment exam. Yes, this was the place, but it obviously was not a good place to be alone. I then walked toward neighboring Holmes Hall; that is

where I could find solitude, I thought. However, I soon discovered that the secret rooftop deck obviously is not secret anymore for it is now mostly frequented by sweethearts hoping to steal some precious moments. Feeling like an extra wheel in a packed parking lot, I quickly left to look for a vacant classroom I could practice in. Nope. Those were occupied by couples as well. I ran out as fast as I could, because you know, it is rude to interrupt. Next stop was Clausen Hall, on the second floor. It would have been perfect if it weren't for the stream of sounds emanating from various musical instruments in each reserved room that lined the hall. My head was already stuffed with worry and I did not need Beethoven’s “5th” adding any more anxiety. Determined not to fail, I

marched toward Jefferson Hall. On the way there, I had dreams of finding an empty classroom, or yet, an empty hallway. It was actually the latter that saved the day. Like a light from the heavens directing me, I sat on the vacant steps of the staircase next to where my speech class is held. Ah, solitude. Except for a few people busy chatting away on their cell phones, everyone else was in their classrooms while I was left to my thoughts. Of course, minutes later, students started to pour out of their classrooms, because it was close to dismissal time. What awesome timing. I thought, maybe I could still practice without being bothered. No, dead wrong. As I dived into my speech, I felt confused stares burrowing into my skull. Maybe it was the fact that I was talking

with a low voice to an invisible audience. Yes, that was probably it. Or maybe it was the hand gestures. Oh, but how I love using hand gestures when I speak. It was then that I realized that LACC has just gotten so packed. Gone were the days in 2006 where the Quad seemed like a deserted town – everyone was always on the go and construction had not started. At first I embraced the recent newfound vibrancy of the college, but sometimes I could use a place for quiet alone time and during these three years, LACC lost that quality. So what is the moral of the story? Practice your speech at home or better yet, if you are in school, practice with your Speech 101 classmates. At least you will not look like a fool if you are with a group of other people talking to an invisible audience.

over each other about how crappy a fellow classmates’ work was, and immediately hush up when one of their victims walks by. I admit I have judged a person’s work based on my standards, but I can honestly say that I have never found anything hilarious about another artist or would attack them without their knowledge. I may not be the most arrogant person, but I find my self-esteem in working hard on my photos and hoping that my professors see the effort I put into them. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but it is a sad day when someone has to mark down someone else for not being as amazing as they think they are. School is for filling your head with knowledge, not with ego.

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Los Angeles Collegian Wednesday, May 13, 2009

From page 1

Math Club Does it Again 10



1st place students

Lacc math club won 1st place

190 11,000 Colleges compete




students gather per week to practice

years old

Students per year transfer to ucla

8 placed top 10

3 mentors

team in the nation

Math from page 1

the program and they transfer to some of the most prestigious universities in the country. “Most of my students do well during these competitions and are able to get into some of the best schools in the U.S.,” Nikolaychuk said. Students transfer to schools like UCLA, USC, UC Berkeley, Stanford and New York University. Tedrick Leung a former student and math club member won the contest four times, transferred to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Because of the success of the program, other students will enroll at City to be a part of the club. “We have a good program

Marijuana from page 1

Schwarzenegger recently said that he does not necessarily support legalizing marijuana in California, but he does want to study the affects and the happiness and progress of other countries that have legalized the substance. He said that he is always open to debates on ways of increasing the state revenue and taxes. "This is a low-income area, a lot of people here smoke pot; I don’t think it's a recent phenomenon," said Sophia, an employee at ‘Pure Luck,’ a vegan restaurant on Heliotrope and Melrose. When asked how she felt about possible drug use in the area, she replied, "I don't care." An employee who did not want to be named, at “Puff N Stuff,” a smoke shop on the corner of Melrose and Heliotrope, confirmed that he is aware of people smoking marijuana. However he is nonchalant about drug use in the community. "I've seen it, but it's not hurting me, it's hurting them— as long as they come in and buy cigarettes," the smoke shop employee said. "It's a free country. ‘Puff N Stuff‘ supports the community and the school." Public Information Officer Mary E. Grady of the L.A.P.D. was unavailable for a comment. Rampart Detectives Kearney and Ling were also out of the office. Officer Rosario Herrera in the Media

while most other programs do not,” said Hanna Go a civil engineering major. Go is not the only one who has done well in the competition. Haykaz Stephanyan a sophomore at L.A. City finished third in the women’s competition and has earned other awards form the school. “It feels awesome,” Stephanyan said. “It is not first place, but it is still good. I am happier that we (LACC) finished first in the team competition.” The math club meets Fridays at 9:30 a.m. in Jefferson Hall Room 119. For more information call the math department at (323)-953-4000 ext. 2810.

Photo by Salvador Chavez/LA Collegian

Haykaz Stephanyan placed third in the nationial individuals competition for math. He shares his love for numbers above.

Tips for Overcoming Math Anxiety

What do you think about math anxiety? Ever find yourself stressing out about an upcoming math test? Although Los Angeles City College's Math Department is said to be one of the best in the country, students are still having a hard time with their classes. Here are some tips from some of LACC's professors. 4 “Frequently test yourself as you would in class. Have a classmate help you pick out problems from the math book. Don’t just focus on the hard problems. Give them all equal attention. When you test yourself, do it under a time limit as if it were a test you would take in class. You then will know what your study plan should be,” said Roger Wolf, the math department chair at LACC. 4 “You don’t want to study until 2 a.m. or 3 a.m. on the night before a test. You need a good night's rest. You have to plan ahead to make sure you have time to study. You also have to believe in yourself. If you go in willing to take on a challenge, it will affect the way you perform on your test,” said Iris Magee, a Math Professor at LACC.

Press Rights from page 1

Harris & Associates is the project manager for City College and thus oversees all renovation and construction on campus. Project Directors, Chris Dunne and Charles Wren are the company’s contacts for all media inquiries regarding operations on campus. The issue arose when Collegian broadcast reporters Tercius Bufete, Salvador Chavez, Jamie Hong, Abimael Rivera and Jessica Rivera attempted to videotape an interview with Dunne about the solar energy system on the roof of the Science and Technology Center. “I have no problem being interviewed on camera,” Dunne said. Despite having an appointment, the broadcast team members contend that when they arrived with camera equipment, the air of openness that the Harris & Associates employees initially exhibited changed. “On Monday, April 27 we went to record Dunne on video,” Chavez said. “We were told by Charles Wren that we needed approval from President Moore.” The reporters then went to Moore, who was not available to speak to them at the time. The broadcast team felt like Relations office said that drug related questions and information could only be answered through email, which would take 10 days for a reply.

they were getting the run around by the president’s office. “They told us to wait until 2:30…We called back at 2:30, she wasn’t there,” Bufete said. “We were told to wait some more. At 3:00 we were instead told to talk to Earic Peters.” Chavez says that by the next morning he had received a voicemail from Moore, in which she sounded confused as to why the Collegian was asking for permission. “As far as interviewing Harris & Associates, it is fine with me; I don’t see why it would be a problem,” said Moore in a voice message to the Collegian. Jamie Hong contends that when the broadcast team returned to the Harris & Associates trailer on Wednesday, April 29 with the president’s voicemail, Wren told them that since the voicemail did not mention anything specifically about videotaping, only audio recording would be allowed. “When we first talked to Chris and Charles they were more than happy to be interviewed, Hong said.” “But for some reason when we went back with permission the second time, Charles said that he was okay with it but we needed permission from the president.” When asked why the broadcast team was not able to get a video recording of Harris & Associates officials, Moore told the Collegian that she didn’t know what was going on. “I don’t know what you are talking about,” Moore said. “You can videotape them but only if they want to be recorded.”

ESL from page 1

Wilshire Center ESL Lab Closed for Now Peter Sotiriou, professor of English, Ronald Lapp, English ESL Instructor and Evan Kendall, English/ESL Vice Chair disagree. They say the cost to enroll in ESL classes is $10 for one half unit. If you multiply this amount by 1300 students, the cost to hire a full-time employee would be absorbed by the enrollment fees. “You would think that the vice president would be more understanding and try to find a way to resolve this issue,” Sotiriou said. The vice president contends that the basic skills money was not intended for the purpose of hiring permanent employees. She also says that because of the current economic conditions, future budget cuts could have a negative affect on staffing. “If funding goes away [basis skills funds] some other job would get lost somewhere along the line. The instructors contend that the lab would assist ESL students with the most needs and allow them access to guided instruction materials that would help them to improve their reading and

speaking skills. Dr. Tammy Robinson, English Department Chair says that in the past the population, which is made up mostly of older students “has been under-serviced.” The level four, five and six ESL students go to the Writing Center for help with essays and other coursework. The level one, two and three students have traditionally received assistance from in-class instruction and one on one work with instructors. “In the 20 years I have been here we have never served our ESL students,” Lapp said. Tahamina Hosain is currently at level 6 in the ESL program. She came to LACC in 2007. “I started with English 2A but dropped out because of medical problems,” Hosain said. “When I returned I took a series of classes four semesters in a row in order to catch up. I went to the Learning Center for assistance because they have tutors there.” The satellite campus has a five year contract but the ESL Lab will be empty if they cannot hire security to watch over the lab while it is open or employ qualified personnel to assist the students with instruction materials. “It is not that Academic Affairs does not care,”Burke-Kelly

For The Record: On April 15, the Collegian reported that Coach Selwyn Young was fired, but he was simply not re-hired. In the same story the Collegian reported that there were three players on the first day of practice, but in fact there were three players

said. “It was the perfect storm to not have everything come out well. There were false assumptions on both sides. They believed that staff would come with the facility and we thought staff was already in place.” Burke-Kelly went on to say this was a lesson for everyone. She also said that after the first meeting there was some follow up discussion between the department chair and the administrators on the Academic Affairs Committee. The department received money from another fund to hire tutors and student workers. The amount of the fund was not disclosed and the details about staffing have not been worked out. Dr. Robinson believes they will be able to open the facility in time for the fall semester and that this will allow them to more effectively address the needs of the basis skills population. “As a department we are trying to move forward,” Dr. Robinson said. We have continuity, state of the art equipment for the students. It was a compromise. It does not give us what we want but it allows us to open the doors.”

on the baseball team class roster as of Oct. 24, 2007. This was head coach George Hinshaw's first day as baseball coach. The staff regrets the error.

Los Angeles Collegian Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Arts & Entertainment


Summer ‘09 Fashion Trend: Uproarious Vulgarity by BRÜNO By Lisette Alvarez


he hot-list for this summer’s must see movies keeps getting bigger and bigger. Aside from the quintessential action soonto-be blockbusters such as "Star Trek," "X-Men Origins" and "Terminator Salvation," a little movie by the name "Bruno" might be a contender for fashionable ticket in town. Bruno, the comedy about the fictional character made famous from the "Da Ali G Show" and created by actor/writer Sasha Baron Cohen, centers around the gay Austrian fashionista (Cohen) and his wacky adventures around Hollywood as he attempts to gain his 15 minutes of fame. The film’s original title, as reported by Hollywood Blog Defamer was "Bruno: Delicious Journeys Through America for the Purpose of Making Heterosexual Males Visibly Uncomfortable in the Presence of a Gay Foreigner in a Mesh T-Shirt," and from the looks of the film’s trailer streaming online, it appears to be side-splitting, if not outrageous. The trailer can be seen on Myspace and other entertainment sites. Given a red band graphic for its risqué content, the trailer highlights a montage of clips that astonish and put Borat’s exploits to shame. "Bruno" goes from crashing Milan Fashion Week, to a swingers’ party gone wild with Ru Paul walking out of a hotel room, to a bizarre martial arts lesson on how to avoid someone with a prosthetic member. In what could be the most shocking setup of a scene is one where Bruno waits for his newly adopted son via the baggage claim at the airport and then appears on a Jerry Springer-like talk show where he introduces him to everyone as "O.J." The movie, distributed by Universal Pictures, will be released July 10, 2009 and has received an NC-17 by the Motion Picture Association of America. Hopefully a couple of hours in the edit room will make "Bruno" more viewer appealing, but it would appear that its crudeness is what makes it fashion friendly. Photo courtesy of

Local Artist Spotlight

Photos by Monica Olofsson/LA Collegian

Andrew Gates shoots photos for a class assignment.

By Monica Olofsson


ndrew Gates, a photography major from Toluca Lake, took a break from a photo assignment and talked to the Collegian about his artistic aspirations. Why did you choose to study at Los Angeles City College? I came here first time in 2004 and I really liked the campus, so I knew that this is what I want when I started studying again this year. I thought, ‘What better way to do in my spare time than go to school’ and here I am. What are your goals? I want to be a better photographer and writer. I started up my own online magazine,, and I’m taking classes to secure an A.A in photography. This will help me with my magazine. I’ve been working as a photographer before, but I knew there was something bigger out there. That’s why I started my magazine. I designed the website, I wrote and I photographed – it’s a one-man band. What inspired you? Taking pictures always inspires me. But I was broke and despite everybody loving my portfolio, I couldn’t get a job [because] the economy bites. I just decided that I could do it on my own. What do you see in your future? I hope [that] my magazine is being printed as well as on-line. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t do this. Somebody once said,’ If you do something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” I don’t know who said it, but I liked it!

Photo courtesy of /LACC Theatre Academy

'Bloody Red Heart' OK with theater goers during its run at Camino Theatre.

'Bloody Red Heart,' Better Than 'OK' By Monica Olofsson


ight girls sit on chairs or lie down on stage as if waiting for class to start. On a screen behind them, “Are you OK?” is written. A haunting question continuously asked throughout the production. “Bloody Red Heart” is based on the book Red, edited by Amy Goldwasser, directed by Leslie Ferreira and performed by the Theatre Academy of Los Angeles City College. It is a heartwarming production with a talented all-female cast, that takes on real issues with words that have mean-

ing for the young audience; perhaps because the play is based on a book written by “real teenage girls” as the playbill announced. Subjects as weighty as suicide, insecurity and bisexual love are discussed. Nothing is too sacred to talk about. The acting is wonderful; the entire ensemble. Each actress plays her part with honesty. The play is divided into small stories and some are sadder than others, but they all have a message and attempt to answer the question, “Are you OK?” Yes ladies, you are OK, in fact you are brilliant.



Los Angeles Collegian Wednesday, May 13, 2009



Dear Editor:


s an alumnus of LA City College, I am writing to express my disappointment in the LA Collegian. Your decision to publish a cartoon lampooning the landmark Iowa gay marriage decision (April 25, 2009) was insensitive, incendiary, and in extremely poor taste. Derek Villanueva's "humorous" cartoon is in fact little more than a thinly veiled homophobic comment. It demeans the gay community by portraying married gay couples as little more than "corn holing" caricatures rather than the loving, dedicated couples they are. It is insulting to the straight community who recognize that gays and lesbians are equal citizens and deserving of equal treatment. And it is far below what I know the Collegian and LACC are capable of. I am proud of my time at LA City College. It gave me the strength of character to graduate Occidental College and continue on to a Master's Degree, all the while knowing that I was as good as anyone else. I have always believed that LACC is an exceptional school on multiple levels. This incident tarnishes that reputation, and I encourage you to correct the issue. Derek may believe this is merely humor. If so, educate him. Help him and others understand how words hurt people and communities. Your own campus recently honored the Day of Silence to show how injurious derogatory words can be to the gay and lesbian community; it is shameful to see such words printed in your paper the same week as that observance. I hope to see a retraction and public apology by the Collegian. I hope even more to see a submission by Derek Villanueva showing how he has learned from this incident. Gay and lesbian couples have struggled long and hard to win the rights mocked by this cartoon. They deserve better, and I know the Collegian can give them that.

Editor and Staff:


ast Thursday the Rainbow Alliance of LACC sponsored a day of silence protesting people's constant use of homophobic remarks and their effects on the gay community. So imagine how shocked and angered I was by Derek Villanueva's cartoon equating gay marriage with "cornholeing". I brought this cartoon to a gay organization I belong to and the response was the same ... disgust and anger. If Mr. Villanueva has personal prejudices against the gay community, he should keep them to himself. Gay marriage is a civil rights issue. Period! I realize that the opinions of the Collegian are the responsibility of the newspaper staff and advisor. I suggest they read Board rule 9803.21 in the Standards of Student Conduct. I also suggest the staff and adviser take a sensitivity class at the Gay/Lesbian Center in Hollywood. I know you would never publish a racist cartoon ... guess what? This is the same thing. I hope to never see something like this again.

friend of mine is currently a student at LACC - an institution which by the way I hold in high regard. He passed me a recent copy of the Collegian, in which I found an editorial cartoon referring to the Iowa Supreme Court's recent decision to permit legal marriage between people of the same sex. The image shows two ears of corn (refering to a prime crop of the state); they're getting married and one of the "ears" says "Finally in "CornHOLY matrimony." Now, in a world rife with offenses to one's dignity, this might seem to be a minor abrasion of your readers' sensibilities. And yet, I wanted to ask you a question: if changes were made in the law regarding marriage between males and females, would you have published a cartoon referring in vulgar language to the genital facts of their sexual relations? I won't in this letter give an example of what I mean, out of respect. I don't think you would either. The joke is made because gay people are second class citizens - and jokes in the newspaper about their intimate sex relations are fair game. Respectfuly, Bill Haugse

Harry Hart

Dear Collegian,


ot only was the cartoon not even remotely funny, it is extremely offensive. Mr. Villanueva has poor taste as does the Collegian for publishing his cartoon.

Thanks, Carrie Stauber

Sincerely, Brett VanBenschoten, ‘04 Dear Editor,


he National Day of Silence our club hosted in April brought attention to the negative effects of stereotypes, jokes, and general harassment waged at the LGBT community in schools. The focus was that words are powerful and even those that are not intended to harm can hurt. Members of the Rainbow Alliance club found your cartoon about the legalization of gay marriage offensive. It attached a tasteless sexual reference to what is truly a milestone for the LGBT community. This took the focus away from an important victory for our families and made it a crass sexual joke. We believe in free speech and appreciate that a diverse campus must embrace different forms of thought and expression. But we also feel that the [Collegian] attempt at sexual humor is not a constructive way to address our struggle for equality. Allow us to celebrate in this momentous occasion and leave the [cornHOLY Matrimony] jokes for the locker room where we’re already used to hearing them. Ruben Rivera, President Rainbow Alliance of Los Angeles City College

Isn't someone offended by that Rihanna cartoon? Seriously? No one is offended by domestic violence?

Los Angeles Collegian Wednesday, May 13, 2009


What are some ways students can be more environmentally or “green” friendly on and off campus, and why is it important?

Compiled by


Justin Garrett Psychology

Katherine Metz Fine Arts

Jason Choi Nutrition

Ivory Suber Theater

Jonas Coyoy History

“I see a lot of people littering, especially people who smoke, try to smoke near a trash can. I ride a bike to school, it's good for you and the environment. [It is important because] We're all gonna be here for a while.”

“I believe everyone should stop driving and ride their bikes or use public transportation. I think it's an easy way people can contribute positively to the environment.”

“Global Warming. To conserve our energy, start by taking public transportation, or carpool, walk more. Educate yourself about how to prevent global warming. It's our future, it’s our land, our world.”

“If you clean up after yourself you won't have problems. Even with cigarette butts, put it out and throw it in the trash. Instead of driving ride a bike, carpool, ride a bus or walk if you live close enough. It's important because this is the only planet that we have. It's best that we take care of it for our children and the next generation.”

“Make an effort of driving less, educate young individuals in your life to be more active instead of using electronics, because electricity pollutes our air system.”

Salvador Chavez

Not Enough Slices of Pi at City

Politically Correct Words Censor Reality in Education

By Virginia Bulacio


very day she goes to her junior high classroom and enters a world of fantasy. At home she turns on the television and watches her favorite actors on reality shows have sex, drink excessively and waste time. She changes the channel and watches images of terrorism, racial prejudice, poverty, evolution and even death. Nothing stimulates her. Her mind is used to the “perfect” world her classroom portrays. For a number of years, pressure groups such as Focus on the Family (right-wing Christian) and Council on Interracial Books for Children (left-wing) with the cooperation of the federal and state governments, textbook publishers and testing agencies censor language and topics in children’s educational materi-


als. They limit what children read and assume this provides a better education system. They want to keep reality hidden. This censorship system removes all thought provoking ideas, words and topics in textbooks and testing materials. Anything that might offend, discriminate or sound unfamiliar to a child’s mind or public group are banned. The origins of the censorship were of good intention but quickly became ludicrous and questionable. Diane Ravitch, author of “The Language Police” discusses why past tragedies in human history would be banned in textbooks for students. She explains topics related to religion, abortion and race are removed from books for reasons of “bias” and “sensitivity.” This pattern of secretive censorship denies children in the U.S. a fully balanced version of the world around them. In classrooms they are expected to receive a well researched and truthful educational curriculum, but it is evident that children are denied proper education. Gustavo Mendez researches in the field of comparative international educational systems and believes the blatant sanitization and censorship of educational

Illustration by Lilit Atshemyan/LA Collegian

materials in the U.S. prevents students from learning both current and historical events in proper perspective. “Elementary, middle and high school students are exposed to school curriculums that bore its intended audience, the student, creating an atmosphere where little is learned because all the stimulating and controversial topics are eviscerated from the programs,” Mendez said. These pressure groups remove images of food such as potato chips, salad dressing or mayonnaise, because some people might be allergic to them. They avoid behaviors that will lead to a dangerous situation for students and topics in classes such as Malcolm X because it might be too “controversial.” They remove material on tests that suggest economic, religious, cultural or gender bias. They shun any language, content or context that favors one religion and rejects others. And even in photographs, there are images to avoid such as a rainbow, because it promotes homosexuality and a woman cooking, because it is a stereotype. Mendez believes the censorship is not the teachers fault but must and can be stopped. He blames the federal and state governments, publishers of textbooks and testing agencies for bowing down to pressure groups to create a “safe” curriculum for students. “You can’t talk about people with money because some people do not have money,” Mendez said. “You can’t talk about evolution because some people don’t believe in evolution. You can’t talk about a mother teaching her daughter how to cook because it is a gender problem or some kids might not have a mother. So you can’t talk about any subjects that other people do not know. You can talk about nothing.” If this continues to happen, great literature and the history of humankind will be not allowed in classes. Knowledge and culture are subjects that should be considered part of the student’s own curriculum. Culture cannot be burned. Words cannot be removed and replaced.

By Lisette Alvarez


college student needs as much help as they can get, especially if it is free. So where does one go? The Pi shop, conveniently located in JH 311, offers help to those struggling with math. This semester, I am taking Finite Math, aka Math 230, which in itself is not the hardest math class offered, but I am struggling, so I will take what I can get. I was foolish to believe that if one takes any math class at LACC, tutoring is available, but that is not so. Upon my arrival, I was surprised to find out that there is not an official tutor avail-

able to teach the class. Of all the tutors hired (about ten students), not a single one of them has taken Math 230. As a matter of fact, the Pi Shop mostly tutors students in math 125 and below. After pestering each tutor during their assigned shift, only two of the ten tutors were available to help me. Their knowledge of the material stemmed from their own logic. I was suggested by one of them that if worse comes to worse, I should charge into the Math Department and cry for help. So cry I did, only it was during my midterm. On top of their lack of tutoring for certain classes, then there are the hours of operation. The doors open at 11 a.m. M-F and close at 6 p.m. They are open Saturdays, but only from 11a.m- 2 p.m. Ac-

cording to one of the tutors, their hours and resources have been slashed due to budget cuts. What if one has early morning pre-test jitters and can only benefit from the guidance of one of these math geniuses? I could hire a tutor, but my depleting finances will not allow that. One other recourse is bothering my teacher, who does not have an office of his own, and can only answer my questions in between classes or email. Not to take away from the hard working tutors in the Pi Shop; they do the best they can with what they have. However, that does not negate my anger in that LACC does not prioritize tutoring coverage of all math sections, because if one takes a math class at LACC, one should be able to get tutored.



Section A

Los Angeles Collegian Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Don’t Stress, Get Distressed By Anthony Suncin


rom department stores to magazine layouts, no matter where you look, the 1990s “Grunge” trend is back and has officially taken over L.A.’s fashion scene. TShirts, bags, denim, shoes and even accessories have become victims of the destroy your clothing on purpose look. Designers based out of Los Angeles have taken advantage of the grunge couture epidemic by coming up with imaginative ways of showcasing the worn-in look, only it’s pricier than it was the first go round. If you’re tired of paying way too much for distressed and vintage looking clothes You may already have pieces in your closet that just need a little revamping. Times may be tough but that does not mean your wardrobe has to suffer or that you have to pay an arm and a leg to keep up with the trends. Everyone has the tools they need to keep up with the times in their own wardrobe; it’s just a matter of being creative. If faded jeans are the look you’re after, there a r e

a lot of tricks for this. First, wash the jeans a few times inside out in hot water. Understand they can and will shrink, so keep that in mind in case the size needs to be adjusted. Next use sandpaper on the areas you want lightened. In general, sand anything that is hemmed and places that you want distressed like the thigh and buttocks area. If you want to add frays or holes in places like the knees, a miniature cheese grater will give you that effect. Simply rub the grater over the area until your ideal look is achieved. Do Not Use Bleach Unless Absolutely Necessary! Even then, think very small. You are not wearing whites and if you are, make sure it’s not after Labor Day! All jokes aside, usually the hot water, washing and sanding will do the trick. Leather is one of those materials that

Step 1: Cut off the sleeves directly across the seam.

can look better with age. Sure, brand new leather garments are nice, but sometimes the old beatup pair of boots or worn leather jacket is just plain cool! For items made out of leather, the distressing process will work but it is a little more difficult. The first step is to dampen the leather with rubbing alcohol. Placing some rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle is the best way to go. Spray the garment so that it is damp. Do Not Soak The Garment, as it will then be harder to work with and take longer to dry. Step two is to crumple up the garment, the first thing you do is add unnatural creases and lines to the leather by crumpling it. Do not be afraid to work the leather as if you were kneading a bowl of dough. Step three is to sandpaper your garment. Again, this is all about how “distressed” you want your leather. Remember to start slow, as you can go further if you decide to carry the look to other areas of the material remember it is impossible to reverse the process. We have all heard the expression

Step 2: Cut an inch horizontally into the armpit region of the now sleeveless t-shirt and then shift upwards towards the neck at a 90-degree angle creating a tank top.

“LESS IS MORE” use a fine to medium sandpaper and grind the paper into the leather as desired. Rub some places more than others and leave others untouched. Think of the leather as a canvas you are painting. In step four you brush your leather with a heavy bristled wire brush. Any other type of brush will do serious damage! The brush will do a great deal to create the worn look. The last step is kick the leather around in dirt, just make sure it is not muddy! Try going to a park or a field where dirt is not wet. Kick the garment around until it is nice and dusty, and then pat off the excess dirt. You do not have to attend Parsons or the Fashion Institute of Design Merchandise to create something spectacular. These ideas are provided to get your creative juices going and help you make your own one of a kind masterpieces. Do not be afraid to take risks when redesigning your wardrobe. Remember, looking chic for cheap is in and paying for expensive knockoffs is out!

Step 3: Cut down the sides of the t-shirt vertically until there is an inch left of fabric to create an oversized finish.

Budget on page 8

also wrote, “This isn’t as enthusiastic an endorsement as we’d like to e able to give.” Pearlman was criticized by the Times for putting green construction above academics. “We hope Pearlman will redirect her energies by putting student-related goals at the top of her list.” Regardless of what the Times says Pearlman remains firm on her focus for green construction. “Each Califor-

nia trustee has a focus,” she said. “My focus is green building. It is our platform always to green our campuses and to have sustainable buildings. I’m glad that the Times finally see the work that I’m doing. I am pleased to have all the endorsements I currently hold.” The ballot also includes Proposition 1A otherwise known as the “Budget Stabilization Act” which will appear on the May 19 ballot in California along with

Proposition 1B. Proposition 1A changes the California budget process, limits state spending and increases the “rainy day” stabilization budget. Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown says "Propositions 1A through 1F would end the erratic budget cycles we face year after year and restore accountability to how our tax dollars are spent. Establishing these fiscal policies makes great sense and would prevent devastating

cuts to the valuable services that millions of people depend on in the future." Supporters claim that if Proposition 1A passes it will change California’s flawed budget system to a stable one that will protect taxpayers who are burdened every time the state runs a deficit. Proposition 1B which is part of the 2009 to 2010 California state budget and tax increase agreement will give supplemen-

tal payments of $9.3 billion to community colleges and schools in the 2011 to 2012 fiscal year. However, the LA Times wrote in a April 30 article stating that “The school funding measure could lock the state into even more budget-busting spending … The proposition threatens to ratchet up the auto-pilot budgeting that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger says he’s trying to stop.” It appears both ballots will force the state to put away mon-

ey instead of spending all the taxpayer dollars. The goal of Proposition 1A and 1B is to force the government to move faster to implement a new budget and allow schools budgets and employee salaries to remain unaffected. Voters will decide on May 19 if both propositions will help the state to resolve the budget issue.


Los Angeles Collegian Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hearing continued as former instructor gets new attorney in murder trial. Page 11

Section B


City writes to publish. Faculty covers gambit of topics. Page 13

Spin Master Turns the Music Up

By Jamie Hong


he travels as one of the top disc jockeys (DJ) in highdemand across the globe from England to Paris to Spain and New York, and then finishes her homework as a humble music student at Los Angeles City College (LACC). Irene Gutierrez Montevello otherwise known in the “DJ-ing” world as the infamous DJ Irene

remains the first female to sell more than six-hundred-thousand CDs playing some of the hardest, dynamic house music. “Some people go to work in a car,” DJ Irene said. “I go to work in a plane. It’s natural now. I’ve been DJ-ing for 24, 25 years.” “I love watching people dance …when you play that song and the people just scream.” Her eyes twinkle as she talks about how much she loves her work. She sips her coffee and stares into the distance as she reminisces about her performances. Life was not always so pleasant. She labels her past as “dysfunctional.” “I had been homeless two years in my life, I had a drug addiction for 15 years, I lost my family, lived in a car for three years,” DJ Irene said. “My faith, my strength, my ambition and my music are what kept me fighting.” After getting clean and sober DJ Irene enrolled as a music student at City College. In 2006 she took a leave of absence when her career started t o take

off. She produced many dance records as well as music for “Sex and the City”, “Punk,” “Queer as Folk” and “A Midsummer Night’s Rave.” DJ Irene also appeared in Latin MTV and works with the Grammy’s dance committee where she reviews selections of dance music. She calls her team the “dream team.” They have helped her with events like New Year’s Eve in New Orleans for Free-Base Society and the Extra Strength Disc Jockey Company (ESDJCO) Jet Set Tour. She is signed with the William Morris Agency, one of the most prestigious talent and literary agencies in the industry. But with all of the great things going on with her career, DJ Irene still chooses to attend school. “Education gives you character.” Irene said. “I think [LACC] is great, very thorough. They encourage students; no one’s going to be disappointed. Everyone has opportunity, they care about the students.” Music department students are fascinated by the DJ and her amazing life. They agree that the fame and attention must be a thrill. “Yea, DJ Irene, she has a pretty crazy story,” said Kevin Polzer, a guitarist studying at LACC. “DJ Irene is one of the few if not only ‘ballers’ left at City College.” She goes on to talk about the courses and the instructors at the college and the motivation she has received that encourages her to keep reaching. Despite her amazing talent to spin electronic music and throw some of the most memorable raves for L.A. party goers, says she

learned a basic skill at LACC that she did not have before. She learned to play the piano and she loves it. “DJ Irene came to the LACC music department as a highly talented performer and producer of dance music,” said Dr. Dan Wanner, Music Department Chair. “She has received a strong foundation in harmony, notation and piano, all the essential elements needed to begin a career in film music. She was a pleasure to work with, a dedicated student with boundless energy and a great sense of humor. We’re looking forward to great things from her as a film composer.” Her musical journey continues at full speed with her in-yourface music and sold out shows. She shows no sign of slowing down any time soon. DJ Irene loves what she does.


City Takes Denim to H.E.A.R.T

Photo by Salvador Chavez/LA Collegian

Kestee Davis, a Radiology major, holds up a black T-shirt in support of Denim Day in the Main Quad.

By Victoria Safarian


olorful T-shirts decorated with protests against sexual violence surrounded the Denim Day booth located at the Los Angeles City College campus on April 22, marking its annual protest. On this day people all across the nation wore jeans to raise awareness about rape and sexual assault. California first established Denim Day in April of 1999. However, it was a particular event at the Italian High Court in 1998 that triggered the denim movement. After allegedly being raped on the side of a road in Italy by her driving instructor, a girl (whose name was not released) decided to press charges and won the case, but the instructor appealed the sentence. After the case went to the Italian High

Court, a judge announced that the victim’s jeans were too tight to be removed by the instructor alone so the girl must have freely participated. Therefore, the conviction was overturned and as a result, women, who were part of the Italian legislature, protested by wearing jeans to work. “One in every five women have been sexually assaulted,” said Earic Peters, Associate Dean of Student Life at LACC. “That lady over there could be one of them, you never know.” H.E.A.R.T is the organization at LACC that was responsible for arranging and promoting Denim Day. Students had the option of painting protests on T-shirts against any form of sexual violence at the denim booth, located in the Quad. Previous students who had fallen victim to some form of sexual assault also had their T-shirts on display

while other shirts offered advice on how to avoid such horrific situations. “I didn’t even know what Denim Day was,” said Claudia Ortiz, a student who is taking classes on campus but has an undecided major. “I honestly never even heard of it but I know someone in this situation and it will be good for her to know she is not alone. It just kills me that I know. I need to tell her about this.” H.E.A.R.T is in partnership with Peace Over Violence, an organization that promotes the prevention and education of sexual violence. According to Peace Over Violence, 20 to 25 percent of college women in the United States experience some form of sexual assault or rape during their college career. Yvette Lozano, Division Manager-Intervention Services at Peace Over Violence indicates how to raise more awareness about rape and sexual assault in a campus community. “In order to prevent and reduce the rate of sexual assaults the issue of sexual violence must be talked about on campuses by providing workshops regarding sexual assault prevention and educating the campus community about the myths and realities of sexual assault. We need to educate ourselves about the issues, for example, knowing that rape can happen to anyone regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status. Remember it is never too late to heal. A victim of sexual violence can always receive services from their local rape crisis center no matter how long ago the assault happened.”

• Peace Over Violence will be holding its next crisis intervention training in the fall of 2009 for anyone interested in volunteering. More information regarding the campaign can be obtained at • Students interested in learning more about the H.E.A.R.T program can contact The Office of Student Life at 323.953.4000 ext. 2450.

Daniel Marlos shows a rocking chair commemorating the Mt. Washington Incline Railway. This piece will be on display at the exhibit.

Susan Lutz, Stereoscopic view of "Former site of the Pacific Electric Railway with succulents, South Pasadena, CA" with reverse commentary.



Wednesday, May 13, 2009



















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Los Angeles Collegian

Los Angeles Collegian Wednesday, May 13, 2009



City Triumphs in Journalism State Competition By Virginia Bulacio


tudents from the Journalism department won eight awards at the Journalism Association of Community Colleges (JACC) State conference for news writing, cartoons, photography and magazine design this semester. The convention took place in Sacramento in March, but students did not attend. Collegian Editor-in-Chief, Theresa Adams, and Arts and Entertainment Editor, Monica Olofsson, took second place in the feature profile news category for their “Custodian Says Goodbye After Three Decades with College” article, published in the Collegian in December 2008. "As a reporter it feels wonderful to win an award for writing," Adams said. "It is great that the JACC Committee rewarded me for doing something that I love." Adams has been part of the Collegian for the last three years. She has been Editor-in-Chief for both the newspaper and magazine and wishes to continue her education at USC or UCLA. However, not only writing was recognized by JACC, cartoonists Derek Villanueva and Tercius Bufete received awards for their work as well. Villanueva took top honors in state for his cartoon "Merrill Lynch, The End of the Bull Run," published during the fall 2009. He remembers the first time he went to his first journalism convention and competed against students from other community

Photo by Virginia Bulacio/LA Collegian

Tercius Bufete, Derek Villanueva, Theresa Adams and Jonathan Velasquez show off their JACC Awards. Photo by Beatrice Alcala/LA Collegian

colleges. "It is clear in its message and striking in its impact," JACC judges said. "This is what an editorial cartoon can do, take a complex idea and show it in an artful way." "Oh, God. I was so nervous, but I loved the pressure,” Villanueva said. “I was such a nerd! I had my art bag filled with pens, pencils, sharpies, erasers, tape. I mean I packed everything because I was so nervous.” Villanueva joined LACC after a short break from school. He was part of Los Angeles Valley College’s Journalism Program but he felt the environment was

“very introverted," and so he left. After 9-11 he decided to go back to school to become an active cartoonist. Villanueva plans to work on a couple of projects this summer and wants to continue to draw until he finds his place in the professional world. “The pen is our microphone and my voice is what I create,” Villanueva said. “Sometimes, people will feel offended by what you draw because it might be offensive to them. As a cartoonist, you have to take the positive feedback as well as the negative.” Cartoonist Tercius Bufete received an honorable mention

in the mail-in editorial cartoon competition. “I'm extremely honored to recieve this award. I am glad that I had the opportunity to represent the LACC journalism program,” Bufete said, an English and journalism major. He currently works with the broadcast team as a producer. When he came to the Collegian newspaper, he was asked by former Editor-in-Chief Ivie Anne Hasagawa if he knew how to draw. "I can draw, I said and she said 'then you are a cartoonist.' It was as simple as that," Bufete said.

His cartoon represented Proposition 8 with a scene from the "Lord of The Rings." Also, work published in the Collegian Times, LACC's annual magazine was awarded by the judges. Jonathan Velasquez, photographer and reporter for both the newspaper and magazine, received a Honorable Mention for magazine line illustration for his poem "I, Dessert" published on the Collegian Times issue of May 2008. "I wanted to include two of the things I like to do: photography and poetry, to create this piece." Velasquez said. "It is always nice to be recognized for your work, especially when you represent your school at a state level." Velasquez arrived at age 15 from Colombia. He did not speak English but was eager to learn the language. After graduating from high school, he enrolled at LACC to pursue an A.A. degree in journalism. He won the Los Angeles

Murder Motive May Remain a Mystery By Theresa Adams


olice arrested Ronald Leroy Berg at his home in Los Angeles on Sept. 26, 2008. He was later charged with the murder of his wife of 20 years, Violeta MonleonBerg. The 72-year-old college instructor taught finance courses at Los Angeles City College and Los Angeles Trade Tech College. Since his arrest in September 2008, Berg has made eight court appearances. In February 2009 he was remanded over to another department in the criminal courts building for pretrial proceedings. The hearing set for March 9 was continued to April 8 when the public defender advised that new counsel would take over the Berg case. Marcia Morrissey of the Law Offices of Marcia Morrissey met for the first in court that day. She told the court that she recently received the assignment and needed more time to review the case. A second continuance was granted. Prior to this time Berg

Photo by Theresa Adams/LA Collegian

Former LACC instructor Ronald L. Berg (seated far right) meets his attorney after 9 months of representation by a public defender. Berg's a ttorney, Marcia Morrissey, addresses the court as presiding judge, Barabara Johnson tells the gallery that once trial begins no cameras will be allowed in the courtroom.

was represented by a public defender. The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) was contacted to find out if they provided counsel to faculty charged in criminal cases. The AFT advised only union members receive the benefit of counsel, under certain circumstances. “We would only represent someone in a case pertaining directly to a contract violation,” said Mattie Moon, Social Sciences Department Chair and Chapter President of the Los Angeles Faculty Guild, Local 1521.”And then only if the person were on the verge of being fired.” As he was classified as an adjunct faculty member Berg was not a part of the union and had no union representative. More than one year ago, Ronald Berg came to class, taught finance and interacted

with his peers at Los Angeles City College. On September 26 Berg’s wife Violeta was killed, the instructor was charged with the crime and in that moment life changed for Berg and the family members who mourn the loss of their loved one. According to Abner Monleon, there was nothing in his bother-in-law’s behavior that would suggest that he should be concerned for his sister’s safety. The Collegian contacted a professional to comment on the possible mental health of Berg. Dr. Joyce Aronsohn a Psycho Therapist with 33 years experience. “There can be 7,000 reasons why this happened,” Aronsohn said. The person could have pent up rage, childhood anger. It is difficult to say. You have to get to know the person in depth and

they have to be willing to open up.” This is not an isolated incident. According to a CBS news report, award-winning teacher Nancy Seaman confessed to killing her husband with a hatchet. She claimed it was self-defense and testified in court that she would do that fateful day over again if she could. Seaman, who met her husband Bob in 1972, testified that she was a battered wife for more than 20 years. Although she said she was defending herself, a jury found her guilty of murder in the first degree. In another case, first grade teacher, Delores Laster, 61 was accused of shooting her husband in 1988. She told police she discovered the body in the garage. Evidence collected indicated the husband was killed in another location and the body was moved

to the garage. She was sent to prison. During the preliminary hearing the lead detective in the Berg case testified that the instructor believed his wife was going to leave him. He also said that Berg was very disturbed about the possibility of losing his job. The public defender asked a number of questions about the defendant’s mental state, which the defective stated he was not qualified to evaluated. “He lost his job a long time ago,” Monleon said. “He got his job back.” Neighbors and family told the Collegian Berg began talking about losing his job last year. However, he never explained why he thought this might happen. “He was an adjunct employee and we heard nothing about

Collegian Journalism Scholarship, second place in the Latino Heritage poetry competition, the Gamma Delta Upsilon scholarship. He also received the Expresion Cultural award presented by the Latino Student Union and a regional JACC Honorable Mention for news photo and now a state JACC Honorable Mention for his contribution to the magazine. He has worked for La Prensa de Los Angeles and plans to transfer to CSUN in the fall to pursue a B.A. degree in Communications. The Collegian staff was also awarded second place in the state presented to Media Arts for East Hollywood Portraits for the magazine photo story/essay, which judges said was very nice work and there was a "good use of different lighting styles." JACC hosts two conventions annually, one regionally and one at the state level. JACC awards community college students for their journalism achievements.

him losing his temporary assignment,” Moon said. The American Federation of Teacher and the Los Angeles Faculty Guild say that mental health services are offered to teachers through a Verizon health plan. The service is available to tenured or probationary faculty members who have four years of service. As Berg’s employment status did not fall into either category, there were no health benefits available to him or his family through the Verizon plan. Dr. Aronsohn explains that in reality we don’t know why something like this happens. There are times when displaced anger can cause acts of violence but so can other things. “We may be angry with the people we work with but we go home and kick the dog,” Aronsohn said. “In the past in our society it was ok for a man to be angry but not hurt or sad. Women cried. They could be miserable or scared but not angry.” She said that sometimes people get caught in old stereotypes. The bottom line is that no one will ever really be able to say they know why this happened. Staff members said Berg seemed frazzled at times and would say from time to time that he hoped he would not get arrested. No one questioned what he meant by those comments or why he made them. “It was a self fulfilling prophecy,” said one office administrator. “It was as if he wished it upon himself.”

Campus Highlight


Los Angeles Collegian Wednesday, May 13, 2009

City College Playground elas

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doors to give denizens a chance to view their collections and meet the artists. Arrive early for free wine and appetizers. Griffith Park overwhelms the senses with things to do for people of all ages, including the Los Angeles Zoo, amusement park rides for those with children and a golf range that overlooks Los Angeles. The Los Angeles Zoo is only $12 for adults and $7 for children two and up and parking is free. For those with no budget, nature in all its magnanimous beauty stretches as far as the eye can see. Cheapest of all? Grab someone special and fly a kite. Flying a kite is a unique way to spend a sunny afternoon that will stimulate your senses as you run through the grass with the kite string pulled taut. It’s an interesting sensation to be led around by little more than a string and wind resistance as you watch your kite soar above you. Best of all, after that initial investment for the kite, you now have a free source of entertainment that is also earth-friendly. For those of high style and thin wallet, sometimes a little window shopping makes a great afternoon. Start at Third Street and Fairfax Avenue and walk west along Third Street to La Cienega, where you'll turn north. You can either continue north into West Hollywood or turn east onto Beverly. Each of these streets is lined with cafes and shops that run the gamut from upscale to lowbrow. Nearby sits the Page Museum and its extensive collection of artifacts culled from the adjacent

La Brea Tar Pits. Its collection contains a plethora of specimens from the prehistoric era as well as replicas of the saber-toothed cats and wooly mammoths that previously roamed Wilshire Boulevard. The first Tuesday of each month is free for visitors, while all other days are $7 for adults and half price for students and children. Parking is $6 with museum validation. For early birds, start your day at either the Melrose Swap Meet at Fairfax High or the Hollywood Farmer's Market on Ivar on Sunday mornings. Besides shopping, it affords you the opportunity to see L.A. before it wakes up and everyone else stakes a claim to it. For a change of pace, volunteer with a local charity. It is a great way to meet people who care about their community and to forge new friendships with those who share the same interests. “There is a moment in time when each and every one of us needs a helping hand,” said First Lady Michelle Obama when she was spotted by MSNBC recently serving food to the homeless a few blocks from the White House. Project Angel Food is always seeking volunteers to aid them with their goal of delivering meals to the terminally ill. Orientation is easy and you have the choice of volunteering with food preparation in their kitchen on Vine Street or spending an hour or two on a weekday afternoon delivering meals. They run routes throughout the city so chances are there’s one convenient to you.

Photo by Marc Escañuelas/LA Collegian

View of Los Angeles from the Santa Monica Mountains on a "clear day" by L.A. standards.

Supervisor Sets Sail for Adventure By Argelia Hirzel


os Angeles City College Business Office Supervisor Robin Robinson set sail on the Silver Seas Cruise Line in January on a trip to Africa. Robinson visited Kenya, Tanzania and the Seychelles Island on the East Coast of Africa and islands in northwest India located near the Indian Ocean. She also visited the Spice Islands and Nosy Be and Nosy Komba, located off the northwest coast of the Madagascar islands. “We saw water buffalo, hyenas, warthogs, lemur monkeys, tortoises, chameleons and boa constrictors. But we did not get to see any of the big cats,” Robinson said. When the cruise ship had to stop, they had to contact authorities to receive permission to anchor and get a little boat to shore because it looked like a deserted island. They went to a village on

the shore and walked through the jungle where a lemur monkey came to greet Robinson and to eat a banana while sitting on her shoulder. The ship was supposed to continue to its next destination, however the boat did not sail out until the next day because the crew said there was an emergency. “We got to the boat and we were supposed to sail that evening. But, we did not sail that evening,” Robinson said. “And so people began asking why we were still in port, there was not any official notification to us [passengers], but we heard through the grapevine that there might have been pirates.” Robinson was more interested in the ecology and the people. She wanted the trip to be a positive experience. “[I had] no concern about the pirates, I really want to be in touch with the people and the animals,” Robinson said. “On

the small islands you could see that their lives are very simple, they live in little small huts and I would be surprised if they had running water.” Robinson wants to return and bring natives of Africa to come to America to learn. “I would like to go again to see Africa and make a connection to bring more students to Los Angeles City College,” she said. Robinson says she enjoyed her trip and would like others to have the opportunity to have a once in a lifetime experience. “My children are AfricanAmerican and are interested in Africa. I spoke to Dr. Reginald Brady in the International Student Center about the idea of recruiting more students from Africa to Los Angeles City College, but because I was in a cruise I could not make the link. Later, I would like to go back to visit and speak with the people that might help me make that link to Los Angeles City College.”

Photo courtesy of Robin Robinson

Robin Robinson surrounded by children on her adventure to Africa in January.

Los Angeles Collegian Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Campus Highlight

Publish or Perish:

Compiled by Alba M. Solórzano

Author: Ana Lya Sater Published work: “Latin American Studies: An Annotated Bibliography of Core Works” “Latin American Jewish Studies: Annotated Guide to Literature” Librarian Ana Lya Sater wrote two annotated bibliographies, which summarize and de-

scribe main points of a source. Sater earned a M.A. degree in Latin American Studies, because she wanted to learn more about her country and the culture of Chile. “There’s an explosion of information and if you don’t narrow it down, it would be difficult to find what you’re looking for,” Sater said. Sater wanted to write the bibliographies because as she would do some research she no-

ticed how difficult it was to find information, especially with the Internet explosion. Author: Tom Stempel Published work: “Storytellers to the Nation: A History of American Television” “American Audiences on Movies and Movie Going” Framework: A History of Screenwriting in the American Film Screenwriter the Life and Times of Nunnally Johnson Understanding Screenwriting: Learning From Good, Not







Faculty Strikes a "Prose" and Writes to be Read So Good and Bad Screenplays Tom Stempel has written six books all together, five of which are about screenwriting and one biography. Stempel wanted to write about screenwriting because nobody would notice the screenwriters of films during his time and he felt like they should be praised just as much as actors and directors. “When I started nobody wrote about screenwriting, everyone thought that the director thought everything up,” Stempel said. Author: Anderzeh Mejgnski Published work: “An Underground Conference Report in Poland for Solidarity Movement Labor Unions” for “Solidarity Regional Conference” Librarian Anderzeh Mejgnski was against communism in Poland and wanted to find a way

to fight back peacefully through writing illegal publications. “ In spite of all of America’s problems at least you do have freedom of speech, you only recognize the value of it when you lose it,” Mejgnski said. Author: Sena Samuelson Published work: “Love Mizoram” and “Ramah” Sena Samuelson teaches Social Sciences Wrote a controversial book called “Love Mizoram,” which criticizes the politics in the country. She was living in the country during the time she wrote the book and didn’t like how their leader was putting people in prison for very unfair reasons. She also wanted the rest world to know what was going on in her country so that they could have their own independence. The second was called Ramah, which is about the places Samuelson has visited. Samuelson was very interested in going to biblical places and decided to write

1. Sena Samuelson - “Love Mizoram” and “Ramah” 2. Anderzeh Mejgnski - “An Underground Conference Report in Poland for Solidarity Movement Labor Unions” 3. Tom Stempel - "Storytellers to the Nation: A History of American Television” 4. Sam Eisenstein - “Cosmic Cow” 5. Andrew Walzer - “Narritives of Contemporary Male Crisis” The Reproduction of National Discourse” 6. Ana Sater - “Latin American Studies: An Annotated Bibliography of Core Works”

By Marc Escañuelas

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Photo courtesy of Mathew Grimm

A photo of the Soul Consoling Tower at Manzanar.

Japanese tanko bushi dancers and music. Aalto said about 3,000 people attended from schools and colleges all over California. She stressed how important it is that younger generations make themselves aware of this tragedy. A recent Asian Week article by Emily Leach details how the Japanese community has reached out to American Muslims in the wake of Sept. 11, as both groups are all too familiar with the sting of xenophobia and the slippery slope it can lead to. The camp is a shadow of its former self, as fires and strong

winds have destroyed some of the buildings, many of which the National Park Service plans to rebuild. For now, most prominent is the Soul Consoling Tower, a white obelisk that stands on the site of the camp’s cemetery. It memorializes the 146 prisoners who died at the camp, although the majority were reburied by family elsewhere. The trip was a joint effort between the Japanese Club and the LACC Office of Student Life. The club has future plans to bring in an internee to speak to students.

City College winners: Jessica Rivera, Abimael Rivera, Salvador Chavez, Jaime Hong and Tercius Bufete Learn Convergence : Join Journalism 217, 218 and 219 in the fall

Photo by Jordan Angulo/LA Collegian

anzanar rests more than 200 miles north of Los Angeles, a pertinent and timely reminder of when wartime paranoia forced the relocation of approximately 11,000 Japanese and Japanese Americans within its dusty borders during World War II. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed an executive order authorizing the military to sequester those of Japanese descent, regardless of citizenship status, in internment camps in the Western United States. The majority of the more than 120,000 interned at those camps came from the Los Angeles area. "These people survived and they lived and they made the best of what they had,” said Shonna Aalto, president of the Japanese Club, with whom she made the trip to Manzanar in April. “They made it their own little community and they were happy even under those bad circumstances.” Aalto, an international law major at Los Angeles City College (LACC) who plans to transfer to USC, had a family member at Manzanar. She was startled to find the name of her grandfather’s sister, who died at Manzanar, on the wall of the Mess Hall. Aalto was the first in her family to return to the camp, which is now a state park. She hesitated to tell her family about the trip because the topic still makes her grandmother emotional. The 40th Annual Manzanar Pilgrimage included a ceremony that incorporated numerous faiths in its prayers as well as traditional


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a book about where she had been when she finally began traveling. “Write your own truth because nobody can dispute it, if you don’t write it now your life will fade after you’re gone,” Samuelson said. “We have to write down our own history for posterity.” Author: Sam Eisenstein Published work: “Cosmic Cow”, “Merciless Beauty”, “Nudibranchia” English teacher Sam Eisenstein has written many books like “Cosmic Cow”, “Merciless Beauty” and “Nudibranchia” for the last 60 years. Eisenstein’s inspiration from many things, but it all comes down to just having fun while making up his own world for him. “I get a lot of ideas from students but I have to bat them down sometimes,” Eisenstein said. “I have fun when I write; each one of us is making up our own little world all the time.” Author: Andrew Waltzer Published work: “Narratives of Contemporary Male Crisis: The Reproduction of National Discourse” in “The Journal of Men’s Studies” Humanities professors Andrew Waltzer writes about how white males through history have thought themselves to be the “true Americans” and how the Civil Rights movement and women’s rights among other things brought them down. “Equality is a good thing is what it’s about,” Waltzer said. “ I am supportive of changing the dominance of white male power”


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Campus Highlights

More than Half of Disabled Access Doors Repaired Eight months after a Collegian investigation of non-working push-plates on disabled access doors, repairs have been made, but some doors are still in need of attention.


and is a computer engineering major, showed the Collegian that the push plate in the back of the LRC was out of order and he was unable to use the entrance so he could attend classes in the Learning Skills Center. “I saw them [repair crew] fix the push plate and the door at the Learning Resource Center at the beginning of the semester [Feb. 9] and I was able to get in, but it was out of order the next day,” Medina said. “I am frustrated because it makes it tough for me to get into the center because

of equipment that does not work.” Medina is just one of many disabled students who use the wheelchair accessible doors, but visually impaired students may be inconvienced as well. Willie Richmond, former Assistant Vice-President of Facilities initiated the repairs in September of 2008. Bruce Baron, Vice-President of Administrative Services who took over when Richmond left, says the school will look into the matter and take the necessary steps to resolve it. “I was not aware that the disabled entrances at the LRC and Clausen Hall was not working,” Baron said. “We [LACC] will address this problem immedi-

ately and will stay on top of it, to make certain that no [disabled] students has a problem getting to class because of malfunctioning equipment.” Visually impaired and wheelchair students are not the only ones who have a difficult time navigating around City College. Mark Nisgone, a computer science major who uses a cane to get around the school says it is an inconvience because of his condition. “It makes it tough when I have to walk up a flight of stairs because of equipment that is not working,” Nisgore said.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Budget Cuts Strain Tutoring Services for Disabled Students


By Tim Carpenter tudents using disabled access doors at City College may have noticed improvements in several buildings over the past eight months. Wheelchair accessible buttons located in Jefferson Hall, the Chemistry Building, Holmes Hall and the Life Science Building are all functioning properly. However, the disabled doors located at the back entrance of the Learning Resource Center (LRC) and the Vermont Avenue entrance of Clausen Hall, still do not work. Last September, the Collegian documented six out of seven doors and push plates were out of order. A follow up visit in April revealed that four doors have been repaired and three are still out of order. The college attempted to repair the plates at Clausen Hall and the LRC, but they broke down again. Moises Medina, who gets around campus in a wheelchair

Los Angeles Collegian

udget cuts are forcing the Office of Special Services (OSS) to rely on volunteers as they no longer can afford to keep as many paid tutors on staff. The OSS provides individualized tutoring for special needs students who are challenged with any number of disabilities such as blindness, hearing impairment, ADD or learning difficulties. Drawing upon a number of disciplines and techniques, the program’s tutors aspire to be instruments of learning for their tutees to advance in their subjects regardless of whatever impairment they experience. Although the semester is drawing to a close, the program is always on the lookout for new volunteers. The program looks for individuals who are patient, dependable and knowledgeable in their subjects. The program provides services weekdays from its offices in Clausen Hall, Room 109. “Just because someone is blind, doesn’t mean they

should be doing less,” said Susan Matranga, Learning Disabilities Specialist. “It’s our responsibility to make the material accessible.” Many tutees have specialized needs. One such student is blind and enrolled in a geometry class. In order to help the student visualize his schoolwork, the tutor made a tactile graphic so that the tutee could feel the lesson. The OSS tries in earnest to address the needs of everyone to ensure that their tutees have the best opportunity to learn. One example is Kathleen Potter, who has been a student at Los Angeles City College since 1999 and utilized the OSS’s tutoring services for most of that period. Potter is both blind and deaf and communicates using sign language. Potter’s tutoring sessions often include an interpreter, who fingerspells to Potter as her tutor reads from her textbook. Potter is working towards an A.A. in Liberal Arts and expressed how vital the program has been in helping her achieve this goal.

Budget Deficit Means Fewer Summer Classes for Students By Veronica Reynolds “We’re definitely offering less classes this summer,” said William Marmolejo, Dean of Admissions at City College. The college will receive less money from the state this year than in past years because of statewide budget cuts. “We don’t have the same funding from the state to pay for the teachers,” Marmolejo said. City College offers summer classes that have the highest probability of reaching capacity in order to keep their doors open during the ‘off season.’” Courses such as “Mathematics 112,” “English 101” and other core classes that all students are required to take in order to transfer to a university are what fill classrooms during the summer months. “The demand isn’t there,” Marmolejo said. “Few upper division classes are offered during the summer months. Normally we have about 15,000 students in the fall and spring sessions and in the summer we have about 5,000. That’s off the top of my head.” There are three class sessions offered this summer at LACC. The longer summer session gives students enough time to gain a complete understanding of certain subjects that require more time to learn. There are two, five-week summer sessions offered this summer. The first short session begins June 15 and ends on July 18. The second short session begins on July 20 and ends on August 22. Classes offered for the eight-week session start on June 15 and end on August 8. Students can sign up for classes now online at or in the Admissions Office located in the Admissions Building, Room 100.

Los Angeles Collegian Wednesday, May 13, 2009



Paper Trail from page 1

Player: 'I didn't think he would do anything that would jeopardize me or my career.'

Photo courtesy of Mario Villegas

Current South Coast Conference coach of the year, Mack Cleveland, motivates his players at a home game against Compton; Assistant coach James Wilkes listens in.

Waves of Change Emerge for Pool By Abimael Rivera


long Willowbrook Avenue on the north side of the Los Angeles City College (LACC), campus, students swim in a landmark pool that dates back to the 1920s when the school first opened. The pool has no name or title and a floor made of tiles, which is rare to see in any pool today. It is 27 yards long that is two yards longer than regulation, this prohibits LACC from holding competitions on campus. Years of constant maintenance enable instructors like Jan McEveety, chair of the women’s P.E. department, to offer swim classes for students and nearby residents as a community service offered by the school. However, students can look forward to the construction of a new pool that will be built next to the women’s gymnasium building along Heliotrope Drive. “I think building a new [pool] is wonderful,” said business administration major, Guadalupe Salas. She is currently taking “Physical Education 102: Swimming Skills” with McEveety. “The pool is very, very small and sometimes we get like five people per lane,” Salas said. “It’s very hard to swim because we end up crashing into each other. It’s too small.” Plans for the new pool, however, are still in the process of approval at the Division of State Architect (DSA) in Sacramento, CA. The DSA’s function in state government is to guarantee that kindergarten, high schools and community colleges are safe enough to endure earthquakes and is accessible to everyone. This includes reviewing structural safety, fire and life safety accessibility for persons who are disabled.

“The pool doesn’t quite meet current guidelines,” McEveety said. “No diving boards; the deep end is too shallow at 8 feet, regulation requires a minimum of 10 feet; jumping off a diving board could cause injury. It’s just too old really.” Project management of the pool is conducted by Harris & Associates, the same organization that supervises all construction on campus. Aquatic Design Group—the official aquatic consultant for the College Swimming Coaches Association of America prepared the blueprint of the pool. Steinberg Architects is the same company who designed the new Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library. “Aquatic Design constructed two 50 meter pools within a week or two for Olympic tryouts in Long Beach on a parking lot in 2004. So they know what they’re doing,” McEveety said. Once the project is approved by the DSA, Harris & Associates will send the plans out for bidding. The project was submitted on March 4 and could take up to six months for the state to approve it. Construction could start in November, but the pool will not be opened until September 2011. Joel Vindua, a graphic design major, took the class in fall 2007, spring 2008 and fall 2008. McEveety was his instructor.

“The current pool is pretty nice,” Vindua said. “It’s clean. Sometimes there would be problems with the plumbing, it [the pool] wouldn’t be heated, but it wasn’t bad.” The new design will be 25 yards in length and have eight lanes across, each lane being 8 feet wide, which will allow City College to hold competitions. Along with the shorter size, the pool will have a one-meter diving board and a filtration system that classifies the pool as an overflow pool. The system runs along the perimeter of the entire pool. “I’m sure it’s pretty behind compared to newer pools today,” Vindua said about the construction of a new pool. “Seems like a good thing.” It will also contain a touch pad system for score keeping. These pads will be attached to a wall underwater and once a swimmer touches the pad his or her time will register on a scoreboard rather than having someone keep time with a stopwatch. Hjose Penasa an art major also took the swimming class in spring 2008, where he sharpened his freestyle swimming skills. “The [current] pool is nice,” Penasa said. “It’s always clean, [the water] is clear and heated up in the mornings when it’s cold. If they’re going to make a better one I’m all for that.”

the registrar/administrative representative and the athlete signed it. Athletes are signing to the fact that “I understand that there are special rules for student athletes ... Information falsely given … will cause my college’s forfeitures of all games … in which I may compete, and that I may be designated ineligible for further competition ...” The names on the LACC forms that claim Stoneridge Prep as the last high school attended are: Clarence Davis, Cordaryll James Desmond, Jerrett R. Towns, Marvin A. Coats and Antonio Owens. Owens was the star player on the Cubs 2008–2009 men’s basketball team. “I don’t know why coach [Mack Cleveland] wanted to say I went to Stoneridge,” Owens said. “I never asked him why. I knew him, I didn’t think he would do anything that would jeopardize me or my career … I filled it [the student eligibility report] out and gave it to him. And he was like ‘Oh no, no, no do it over’ and he was just giving the answers. We

put it on there. But it wasn’t our information. We just listened.” According to records, Owens graduated from Boyd County High School in Ashland, Kentucky in May 2007. He then attended Ware Prep in Atlanta, Georgia in 2008. His student eligibility report states that the last high school he attended was the Stoneridge Tarzana campus in May 2006. Owens says that finishing his first year of college is important him, but he never got the chance at LACC. When he went home to Kentucky to deal with a family problem, he planned to return to school. Cleveland told him not to come back, mentioning a “personal problem.” Under first year head coach Cleveland, LACC dominated. They were South Coast Conference champs, and Cleveland was voted South Coast Conference Coach of the Year. He spoke with the Collegian by telephone. “How long have you been at LACC?” Cleveland asked the reporter. “If you want to stay here, I

highly recommend that you drop this story. Can’t you find something productive to focus your time on?” Cleveland later said, “Do not ever call me about this story again. I am serious.” Still, the coach later suggested that the Collegian look at the job description of the athletic director, and that of the coach. He said that the “coach has nothing to do with eligibility.” Desmond played both guard and forward, wearing Cubs number 24. An interview with him in the LACC library ended abruptly. He was not eager to answer questions about Stoneridge. “I do not have to tell you anything, no offense, but I am not scared of you,” Desmond said. “I have been on ESPN before. Who are you? What can you do?” Desmond then yelled, “Someone please get this girl away from me, I am just sitting here trying to check my Facebook.” Another player on the team Paper Trail on page 16

Baseball Players Seek Relief By Tim Carpenter


ast month, several Los Angeles City College (LACC) baseball players addressed the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) Board of Trustees at the Faculty and Staff Center, accusing City head baseball coach George Hinshaw of intimidation and abuse. Players who spoke to the Board of Trustees about allegations included Kenny Mickens and his father Ken Mickens Sr., Walt Roberts, Michael Pina, Conrad Cho, Joshua Zuniga, Cameron Jimenez and Tony Manzanares. Roberts who was on the team until April 8, addressed his concerns with the board, “I informed Coach Hinshaw that I was hurt and could not pitch, but he [Hinshaw] put me out to pitch anyway,” Roberts

said. “Right after the game, he cut me from the team.” Ken Mickens Sr. accused Hinshaw of misleading his son when he enrolled for classes at City College. “My son came to LACC from San Diego State because his grades were low and he needed to improve his GPA in order to transfer. However coach Hinshaw had my son take unnecessary classes like weight training, instead of important classes he needed to re-enter a four-year university,” Mickens Sr. said. On April 23, the players boycotted their scheduled contest against El Camino College because they feel Hinshaw has treated the team poorly and that his assistant coaches Freddy Tolliver and Mark Talmo have not done enough to help defuse the situation. A few of the staffers in the athletic department believe the players should have taken a different approach in their attempts to resolve the dispute.

“The players should have gone through a chain of command, like they do in the business world,” said Robert Horowitz, the athletic trainer for the sports programs at City. Players and parents hope that the district will address the situation soon. “We [LACCD] investigate these allegations and if we find evidence that there was negligence on the part of the baseball program, we will take action,” said Kelly Candaele, President of the Board of Trustees. This is the second time in the past three seasons that the athletic department and the team had come under fire. Selwyn Young, who coached the Cubs baseball program in 2006 and 2007, was dismissed after the school said his contract was not renewed. Hinshaw was unavailable for comment.

Students Center Punch with Kung Fu By Jessica Rivera


p on the roof of the Men’s Gym as the sun sets, students of all ages challenge themselves. They practice kick and punch moves to protect themselves and defend loved ones. Kung fu is offered to people of all ages at Los Angeles City College (LACC) every Monday from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. for only $50 per month through the community service classes. The Kung Fu program is designed for anyone interested in self-defense techniques. It stresses straight and angu-

lar fist and hand motions, and ancient traditional kick combinations. It also consists of body mechanics and defending techniques. Professor Nan Schwartz, a fifth generation black belt professional who started martial arts at the age of 17 teaches the Kung Fu class. She is internationally recognized and has studied with masters of the art in Singapore; she has taught this class at LACC for the past 10 years. “My students enjoy it very much,” said Schwartz who is also known as the “Iron Lady of U.S.A.” by journalists who saw her performance in Singapore. “They are very dedicated to

learning.” The program improves physical health, strength and stamina and with focus, it is said to improve the ability to analyze. “I find Kung Fu to be very graceful, very artistic, yet very effective in self-defense,” said Moti Buchboot who has had an interest in martial arts since he was a little boy, and has been in the program for four years. The program also relieves stress and improves self-confidence for those who are afraid of the outside world or think that they are not capable of defending themselves. “It gives me confidence,”

said Oscar Echeveria, a John Marshall High School student who has been in the program for three years. “I used to be scared to go to school because I was afraid that someone would try to jump me, but now with kung fu I am confident everywhere I go.” Schwartz also teaches 10-year-old children as their parents watch the program and if they like it, she has them all work together. Schwartz also encourages students to come, for a small extra charge, on Thursdays from 7 to 8:15 p.m. “I like the beginning students to come Monday,” Schwartz said. “I usually like to teach them new

things on those days.” Schwartz believes that one night is not enough for practice. On Thursdays she integrates weapons like the double knife, or the bench. She does not offer black belts, but prepares students to become better at the sport. “I have a good relationship with my students, and I hope they make it a good experience in their lives and carry something positive along the way,” Schwartz said. For more information call (323) 654-0760 or e-mail [email protected].


16 Sports Bin

Runners Do Not Appear Out of Thin Air

By Mars Melnicoff


oaching a team is a challenge that takes skill, sweat and tears … blood too. But you can not coach a team that you don not have. I feel that, in the light of the basketball story, it would be nice to focus a bit on a positive recruiting story also. Her recruiting has been very determined, very hands on. Sylvia Mosqueda is the current head coach of both Cubs track and field and cross country, for which Los Angeles City College (LACC) at this time has only women’s teams. Now, Mosqueda is looking for ways to attract the most attention possible to build up her LACC cross country program. Mosqueda has been running in big races, such as the Carlsbad 5,000, where she earned a Runner’s World write up for winning the masters division. She has also been making rounds doing clinics at high schools that are within the recruiting area. “Young athletes see me and come up to me and ask questions,” Mosqueda said. “’How do I run fast? How can I be like you?’ And so then I let them know that I am a head coach at LACC and I motivate them to come and compete for LACC.” There are obstacles in the way at City College when it comes to recruiting runners. “There is … no transportation [for daily practices], and no facilities to train,” Mosqueda said. The new track will no doubt be a great aid to her once it is completed, but that is more for track and field than for cross country. When she arrived as head coach in 2007, she took to the streets and recruited joggers from Griffith Park. She took them right over and enrolled them into classes. Mosqueda was not green to LACC in 2007. In fact, she was assistant to track and field coach Gary Manzanoti in 1996, and also women’s cross country coach. In order to make the team back then, she recruited seven joggers on campus, and made them into competitive runners. She took these runners as a team to state championships. From jogging on the sidewalks to state in one season, not bad. When Mosqueda left the program in 1996 it was to pursue her career, and her dream of making the U.S. Olympic team. She missed the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta by one place, as she placed fourth 10,000 meters in trials. The top three are taken to represent the U.S. She tried again in 2000 and 2004, and was almost as close. She has her work cut out, but she is an experienced coach who feeds on challenge, and on molding young athletes.

Los Angeles Collegian Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Paper Trail from page 15

Forms May Cause Cubs to Forfeit Games from Last Season had questions. Charles Sneed, who sat out the season in order to extend eligibility and develop his skills—known as a redshirt— found out about the issue and says he confronted the coach. “I asked him [Cleveland] if he knew about Stoneridge being closed,” Sneed said. “And he said ‘yeah.’… it’s not the player’s fault. The players just want to do what they love. The coach just wants players to play. He is who they trust, since their high school years.” The Collegian verified that the Tarzana Campus—where three players claim in writing they attended—no longer exists. “The Stoneridge School used to be here,” Reverend George Bet-Rasho of the Assyrian American Christian School said. “They left years ago … Now we have the Assyrian American Christian School here. Could you bring some flyers to your school about this festival we are having this weekend?” Some feel that tuition was the motivation. In-state tuition at LACC is $20 per unit, while non-residents paid $181 per unit in the 2008–2009 semester. California Community College COA constitution committee member and South Coast Conference Commissioner Rich Kollen says that he would be surprised if this happened at LACC. “Because the program there is so successful, they have stayed very clean,” Kollen said. “A lot of eyes are on them. I have never had any report of violation from that program.” The state Legislature empowers the Community College League of California’s Commission on Athletics (COA) to establish the rules and regulations that govern athletics throughout the state. The Collegian contacted the executive director Carlyle Carter via email to understand the implications. “If any individual associ-

Photo courtesy of The Independent, Ashland, KY

Boyd County's Antonio Owens drives for a shot during a game in 2006, which is the season his eligibility report shows he was at StoneridgePrep.

ated in any way with the institution,” Carter wrote, “did what you explained, it is a violation of not only our rules, it is fraud and a felony because of implications for financial aid both state and federal. The A.D. [athletic director] also signs the form so they also [have] the responsibility to review the info and investigate anything that looks suspicious.”

In the past 15 years, 59 LACC players have gone on to Division One teams, many seeing floor time in the NCAA championships. LACC players go on to play at schools including the University of Kansas, the University of Oklahoma, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), Louisiana State University (LSU), the University of

Georgia and the University of Miami. Kollen knows the former LACC basketball head coach who is currently athletic director, Michael Miller. He considers Miller on top of regulations. Article in the COA/California Community College Commission on Athletics (CCCAA) Constitution and Bylaws states “violations shall be reported to the conference commissioner within two (2) working days after discovery ...” Kollen confirms that Miller made an announcement at the South Coast Conference meeting on May 4. Miller reported misrepresentations on five student eligibility reports from the LACC men’s basketball team. Miller said that he could not comment. The president of LACC, Dr. Jahmillah Moore, did not want to comment either. “I can’t give you anything on that because of an ongoing investigation,” Moore said. “The minimum punishment would be the forfeiture of all games,” Kollen said. “The issues here are a lot bigger than that. There is tuition owed. There will need to be restitution financially. And there could be serious sanctions against the program. I requested the report in writing. The future of the athlete’s eligibility will also be decided.” COA Constitution Committee member and athletic director at Saddleback College Tony Lipold says that juggling the myriad of tasks that being an athletic director requires makes it almost impossible to catch everything. More checks and balances are soon to be in place. “It is a major concern throughout the state at this time,” Lipold said. “Effective July 1, 2010, student athletes will be required to show high school transcripts ... It’s really tough as ath-

letic director to catch everything … if a kid flat out lied there’s no way I’d know.” Currently, Former Ventura College men’s basketball coach Greg Winslow is being charged with grand theft for falsifying admissions applications for four athletes, which allowed the students to obtain in-state tuition. He is also being separately charged with smaller counts. Senior Deputy District Attorney (D.A.) Wendy McFarlane, who is on the case, echoes Lipold. “It goes on everywhere,” McFarlane said. “There are so many people that are so upset more isn’t being done at the state level. The college is the victim but the college is owned by the State of California, which is ultimately taxpayers’ money. Technically both him [Winslow] and the students are guilty of theft. But it comes down to who do you think is the more responsible party. And the player can’t do this without the coach.” McFarlane explains, a coach who is involved in this type of situation is usually vague, saying something along the lines of “don’t worry, I’ll take care of things.” If he doesn’t explain, no one will be there to “tell on” him. The players don’t usually think to ask questions, they just want to play ball and get an education. Joseph Taylor, a former LACC basketball player who went on to play at the University of Wyoming, and then professionally in Sweden, lived with the five players when they moved to L.A. “They didn’t know nothing about it,” Taylor said. “They just kids. Those kids don’t have no one. They have nothing ... As a player you are taught your coach is always right no matter what. He’s not worried about them. He don’t care if they graduate or nothing like that.”

Cubs Overcome Obstacles to Defeat Pasadena Lancers By Hamza Utman


n front of a small crowd on a sunny, windy afternoon at Pote Field in Griffith Park, the Los Angeles City College (LACC) Cubs defeated Pasadena City College to end their nine game losing-streak last month. Despite injuries, team turmoil and five errors, the Cubs had one of their best offensive games of the season as they pounded 13 hits in route to an 11-5 win over the Lancers. City took an early 2-0 lead when Kenny Mickens blasted a two-run homer off Pasadena starter Jeff Stirling. After a rough start, Cubs starter Brandon Kolpac settled down and pitched a complete game that propelled LACC to the win. Kolpac struck out five and walked only three batters. The Lancers briefly tied the game at three in the fifth inning before City came back with a vengeance as Eric Smalling’s two run RBI took the Cubs back into the lead, never to look back. City prevailed again in the sixth with a three run triple RBI by Juan Benabou to make it an

Kenny Mickens, Cubs outfielder, hits a pop fly for a triple base hit against Pasadena City College Lancers. Cubs pawed the Lancers 11-5.

8-3 game in favor of the Cubs. The Lancer’s scored in the eighth but not enough to close the gap before City scored two more runs on base hits by Benabou and Lorenzo Benetti and the final score 11-5. Head coach George Hinshaw congratulated the team after the game and said, "We’re pretty proud of the guys, the way they got up off the floor. We’ve had a tough time. We’ve had some injuries and lost some key guys, but the guys for the most part have battled,” Hinshaw said. “We’ve been short a few players, but today we battled all the way through and I’m always proud of the effort like that.” The players were enthusiastic about the long awaited win. “It was a good game, we fought hard in the beginning we got on the board quick and we just kept on the lead. We were never down at all, we were either up or we were tied, and we just

kept fighting throughout the whole time. We never gave in. Our pitcher never gave in. The guys on the field never gave in. The defense stepped up big time, seriously. We had a little crucial errors you know but we licked our wounds and we got back up and we turned out the victory today,” said Tony Manzanares, a Cubs outfielder Even though the Cubs came out on top, one of the players said he was not happy with the team’s performance. “I want to win. I want to go out there every game, battle and get these Ws because that’s all that it is We can have players on the team with incredible stats but if we don’t win then there’s no fun in that,” Bernetti said. The Cubs had a record of 5 wins and 35 losses overall and 2-21 in the South Coast Conference and tied for last place along with Pasadena. Now that the season is over, Hinshaw looks forward to help the ballclub with new players and hopes to improve on what was a terrible season for the program.

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