Collapse Of Atheism

  • June 2020
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Hi, I am representing a very few details about the collapse of Atheism. It will take at least millions of pages to write about the collapse of Atheism logically and scientifically.

Introduction: You will notice that everything in the room is made: the walls, the upholstery, the ceiling, the chair where you sit, the book you hold in your hand, the glass on the table and countless other details. None of them happen to exist in your room of their own accord. Even the simple loops of the carpet were made by someone: they did not appear spontaneously or by chance. If, one day, somebody came forward and said that raw iron and coal came together to form steel by chance, which in turn constructed the Eiffel Tower again by chance, would not he and those who believed him be regarded as insane? The claim of the theory of evolution, the unique method of denying the existence of Almighty God, is no different than this. According to the theory, inorganic molecules formed amino acids by chance, amino acids formed proteins by chance, and finally proteins formed living creatures again by chance, would not he and those who believed him be regarded as insane? The claim of the theory of evolution, the unique method of denying the existence of God, is no different than this. According to the theory, inorganic molecules formed amino acids by chance, amino acids formed proteins by chance, and finally proteins formed living creatures again by chance.. However, the probability of a living creature being formed by coincidence is less than the probability of the Eiffel Tower being formed in the same manner, because even the simplest human cell is more sophisticated than any man-made structure in the world. Even if you bring all the technologies and scientist in the world they cannot make a single living cell. Then how life formed by chance? This is one of the evidences which show that God is there. No living being has come to exist through its own accord or effort. No coincidental happening can ever result in such complicated systems. Anyone who seeks an answer to the question of how living things, including him, came into existence will encounter two distinct explanations. The first is "creation," the idea that all living things came into existence as a consequence of an intelligent design. The second explanation is the theory of "evolution," which asserts that living things are not the products of an intelligent design, but of coincidental causes and natural processes. As a matter of fact, scientific findings do not support the theory of evolution. Findings from the last two decades in particular openly contradict the basic assumptions of this theory. Many branches of science, such as palaeontology, biochemistry, population genetics, comparative anatomy and biophysics, indicate that natural processes and coincidental effects cannot explain life, as the theory of evolution proposes.

Theory of Evolution or chance or Nature Darwin had maintained that all living species were descended from a common ancestor, and had grown apart from one another in a series of small, progressive changes. He hoped that fossils would provide evidence for that claim. Yet all the fossil research throughout the 20th century presented a totally different picture. Not one "transitional species" that might prove Darwin's theory was found. For example, the phenomenon known as the "Cambrian Explosion" is by itself sufficient to destroy the theory of evolution. Almost all the basic categories in the animal world emerged all of a sudden in that early geological period. Living things from very different classes, such as molluscs, vertebrates, arthropods and echinoderms, with their very different physical characteristics emerged with their exceedingly complicated organs and systems all at once. This fact that emerges from the fossil record demolishes the theory of evolution and is proof of creation instead.

Man Evolved from Ape is an utter stupidity. Stone Age is a Historical lie. Archaeology and Palaeontology shows that people who live today are same even millions of years ago and they are even more intelligent than us. Ape becoming man is an utter stupidity as Human brain is so complicated which cannot be evolved. The problem of walking in two legs exerts more energy for the Apes and why they wanted to walk in two legs when they are more comfortable and efficient with four legs. The way in which apes move is much easier, faster, and more efficient than man's bipedal (an animal which walks on two legs) stride. Man can neither move by jumping from tree to tree without descending to the ground, like a chimpanzee, nor run at a speed of 125 km per hour, like a cheetah. On the contrary, since man walks on two feet, he moves much more slowly on the ground. For the same reason, he is one of the most unprotected of all species in nature in terms of movement and defence. According to the logic of evolution, apes should not have evolved to adopt a bipedal stride; humans should instead have evolved to become quadrupedal (an animal which has four feet) A living being can either walk upright, or on all fours. A type of stride between the two is impossible because it would involve excessive energy consumption. This is why a half-bipedal being cannot exist. The immense gap between man and ape is not limited solely to bipedalism. Many other issues still remain unexplained, such as brain capacity, the ability to talk, and so on. Elaine Morgan, an evolutionary paleoanthropologist, makes the following confession in relation to this matter: Four of the most outstanding mysteries about humans are: 1) why do they walk on two legs? 2) Why have they lost their fur? 3) Why have they developed such large brains? 4) Why did they learn to speak? The orthodox answers to these questions are: 1) 'We do not yet know;' 2) 'We do not yet know;' 3) 'We do not yet know;' 4) 'We do not yet know.' The list of questions could be considerably lengthened without affecting the monotony of the answers. Note: Apes' hands and feet are curled in a manner suited to living in trees. There are No fossil records to support the theory. Logically speaking all these years ape has remained ape and all the creatures has remained in their own forms. In other words all these creatures didn't evolve but created. Our eyes, with which no camera can possibly compare, bird wings that inspired aeronautical technology, the complex and interdependent systems within the living cell, the extraordinary information contained in DNA ... All these are clear "examples of design..." They also leave the theory of evolution, that regards life as the product of blind chance, utterly helpless. Today, atheists have been completely backed into a corner by these scientific truths. Scientists are not eliminating God but they are eliminating the models of God. A little knowledge in science makes a person an Atheist and an in-depth knowledge in science makes a person to believe in God. I just wanted to remind you people that this theory of evolution is just a theory and not a fact. Many scientists disproved the theory of evolution and I just wanted to share a few of their findings.

Louis Pasteur: (French Chemist and Microbiologist) Spontaneous Generation: the theory that nonliving matter could come together to form living organisms, had been widely accepted. It was believed that insects came into existence from leftover bits of food. It was further imagined that mice came into being from wheat. Five years after the publication of Darwin's book Origin of Species, Louis Pasteur announced his results after long studies and experiments, which disproved spontaneous generation, a cornerstone of Darwin's

theory. In his triumphal lecture at the Sorbonne in 1864, Pasteur said, "Never will the doctrine of spontaneous generation recover from the mortal blow struck by this simple experiment." The fact that maggots appeared in meat was believed to be evidence for spontaneous generation. However, it was only realized some time later that maggots did not appear in meat spontaneously, but were carried by flies in the form of larvae, invisible to the naked eye.

Gregor Mendel:(Father of Genetics) Darwin embraced the Lamarckian theory, that is, "the inheritance of acquired traits." However, Lamarck's thesis, was disproved by the laws of genetic inheritance discovered by the Austrian monk and botanist, Gregor Mendel. The concept of "useful traits" was therefore left unsupported. Genetic laws showed that acquired traits are not passed on, and that genetic inheritance takes place according to certain unchanging laws. These laws supported the view that species remain unchanged. No matter how many the cows that Darwin saw in England's animal fairs bred, the species itself would never change: cows would always remain cows. Gregor Mendel announced the laws of genetic inheritance that he discovered as a result of long experiment and observation in a scientific paper published in 1865. By the beginning of the twentieth century, the truth of these laws had been accepted by the whole scientific community. This was a serious dead-end for Darwin's theory, which tried to base the concept of "useful traits" on Lamarck. The laws discovered by Mendel put Darwinism in a very difficult position.

Neo Darwinism The Geological Society of America group named this new theory, which was formulated by adding the concept of mutation to Darwin's natural selection thesis, the "synthetic theory of evolution" or the "modern synthesis." In a short time, this theory came to be known as "neo-Darwinism" and its supporters as "neoDarwinists." Failure of Neo Darwinism: All mutations ended up with disfigured, weak, or diseased individuals and, sometimes, led to the death of the organism.. This is a big blow for the Neo Darwinists. Another failure for neo-Darwinists came from the fossil record. However, despite all the palaeontologist’s efforts, the fossil record continued to remain a serious obstacle to the theory. One by one, concepts such as "vestigial organs," "embryological recapitulation" and "homology" lost all significance in the light of new scientific findings.

Second Law of Thermodynamics The Second Law of Thermodynamics, which is accepted as one of the basic laws of physics, holds that under normal conditions all systems left on their own tend to become disordered, dispersed, and corrupted in direct relation to the amount of time that passes. Evolutionary theory ignores this fundamental law of physics. The mechanism offered by evolution totally contradicts the second law. According to the theory of evolution, this supposed process—which yields a more planned, more ordered, more complex and more organized structure at each stage—was formed all by itself under natural conditions. (Read the above Para and find the theory of evolution going against Second Law of Thermodynamics) The law of entropy (In physics, entropy is the measure of the disorder of a system.) makes it clear that this so-called natural process utterly contradicts the laws of physics.

Molecular Biology: A living cell—which cannot be produced even when all the power of the human intellect, knowledge and Technology is brought together. How come it could have formed millions of years ago by chance? The molecular biologist Michael Denton discusses the complex structure of the cell:

To grasp the reality of life as it has been revealed by molecular biology, we must magnify a cell a thousand million times until it is twenty kilometres in diameter and resembles a giant airship large enough to cover a great city like London or New York. What we would then see would be an object of unparalleled complexity and adaptive design. On the surface of the cell we would see millions of openings, like the port holes of a vast space ship, opening and closing to allow a continual stream of materials to flow in and out. If we were to enter one of these openings we would find ourselves in a world of supreme technology and bewildering complexity... Is it really credible that random processes could have constructed a reality, the smallest element of which—a functional protein or gene—is complex beyond our own creative capacities, a reality which is the very antithesis of chance, which excels in every sense anything produced by the intelligence of man? A cell is so complex that even the high level of technology attained today cannot produce one. No effort to create an artificial cell has ever met with success. Indeed, all attempts to do so have been abandoned. The theory of evolution claims that this system—which mankind, with all the intelligence, knowledge and technology at its disposal, cannot succeed in reproducing—came into existence "by chance" under the conditions of the primordial earth. Actually, the probability of forming a cell by chance is about the same as that of producing a perfect copy of a book following an explosion in a printing house. An average-sized protein molecule composed of 288 amino acids, and contains twelve different types of amino acids can be arranged in 10300 different ways. (This is an astronomically huge number, consisting of 1 followed by 300 zeros.) Of all of these possible sequences, only one forms the desired protein molecule. The rest of them are amino acid chains that are either totally useless, or else potentially harmful to living things. In other words, the probability of the formation of only one protein. molecule is "1 in 10300." The probability of this "1" actually occurring is practically nil. (In practice, probabilities smaller than 1 over 1050 are thought of as "zero probability"). Furthermore, a protein molecule of 288 amino acids is a rather modest one compared with some giant protein molecules consisting of thousands of amino acids. When we apply similar probability calculations to these giant protein molecules, we see that even the word "impossible" is insufficient to describe the true situation. Is it wise to think that unconscious cells gained consciousness-requiring functions such as seeing and hearing by their own desire and effort. It is very clear that this is impossible. Who is the creator of this?

Big Bang Theory: Big Bang theory is another big blow for atheist as it says the Universe is created from Nothing because there was no matter or energy or time was present and all these came only after the Universe formed and the Universe is constantly expanding and everyday the size of the Universe is increasing and if we go back we can find the Universe was in the size of a Volley ball then a cricket ball and finally its size is zero. This is the discovery of the Big Bang theory which is an established scientific fact. Who can create something out of nothing? Moreover, laws were formed called the laws of physics, which are uniform throughout the whole universe and do not change. All these indicate that a perfect order is maintained in this Universe. Did this perfection happened by chance? It is stupid to even think like that. The laws of physics that emerged together with the Big Bang did not change at all over a period of 15 billion years. Furthermore, these laws stand on calculations so scrupulous that even a millimetres variation from their current values can result in the destruction of the whole structure and configuration of the universe.

Miracle of Atom: Everything you see around you: your body, the chair you sit on, the book you hold in your hand, the sky seen through the window, the soil, the concrete, the fruits, the plants, all living things and everything that you can imagine have come to life with the gathering of atoms. What then is the atom, the building block

of everything, made of and what kind of a structure does it have? When we examine the structure of atoms, we see that all of them have an outstanding design and order. Every atom has a nucleus in which there are certain numbers of protons and neutrons. In addition to these, there are electrons which move around the nucleus in a constant orbit with a speed of 1,000 kms per second. Electrons and protons of an atom are equal in number, because positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons always balance each other. If one of these numbers were different, there would be no atom, since its electromagnetic balance would be disturbed. An atoms nucleus, the protons and the neutrons in it, and the electrons around it are always in motion. These revolve both around themselves and each other unerringly at certain speeds. Those speeds are always proportionate to each other and provide the subsistence of the atom. No disorder, disparity, or change ever occurs. It is very remarkable that such highly ordered and determined entities could come into being after a great explosion that took place in non-being. If the Big Bang were an uncontrolled, coincidental explosion, then it ought to have been followed by random events and everything that formed subsequently to have been dispersed in a great chaos. Just think is the order and design would have happened by chance? Complexity of an eye: The eye is one of the most manifest pieces of evidence that living creatures are created. All sight organs, including animal eyes and the human eye, are extremely striking examples of a perfect design. This exceptional organ is so overwhelmingly complex that it surpasses even the most sophisticated devices in the world. In order for an eye to see, all of its parts have to co-exist and work in harmony. For instance, if an eye happened to have lost its eyelid, but still had all the other parts such as the cornea, conjunctiva, iris, pupil, eye lenses, retina, choroid, eye muscles, and tear glands, it would still be greatly damaged and soon lose its seeing function. In the same manner, even if all its organelles were present, if the tear production were stopped, the eye would soon dry out and become blind... The eye has a multi-sectioned complex system and, as discussed above, all of these individual sections had to come into existence at the same time. It is impossible for a half-developed eye to function at half capacity. we again face that very important question: who created all of the components of the eye all at once?

Antibiotic: How many of them are aware that they are surrounded on all sides by microbes that, if unimpeded, would cause them to catch serious illnesses or even die? Indeed, there are many dangerous microbes in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and the surfaces we touch. While one is unaware of all that is going on, the cells in one’s body make strenuous efforts to save one from an illness that may even bring about one’s death.

Digestive System: Breathing, eating, walking, etc, are very natural human functions. But most people do not think how these basic actions take place. For example, when you eat a fruit, you do not think how it will be made useful to your body. The only thing on your mind is eating a healthy meal; at the same time, your body is involved in extremely detailed processes unimaginable to you in order to make this meal a health-giving thing. The digestive system where these detailed processes take place starts to function as soon as a piece of food is taken into the mouth.. Being involved in the system right at the outset, the saliva wets the food and helps it to be ground by the teeth and slide down the oesophagus. The oesophagus helps the food be transported to the stomach where a perfect balance is at work. Here, the food is digested by the hydrochloric acid present in the stomach. This acid is so strong that it has the capacity to dissolve not only the food but also the stomach walls. Of course, such a flaw is not permitted in this perfect system. A secretion called mucus which is secreted during digestion covers all the walls of the stomach and provides a perfect protection against the destructive effect of the hydrochloric acid. Thus the stomach is prevented from destroying itself. The rest of the digestive system is likewise planned. the system in the stomach could in no way have been formed step by step. The absence of even one factor would bring about the death of the organism. How come one can think that everything is created by chance if there are many signs to understand the existence of God?

Termite: When you compare the size of a termite and its nest, you will see that the termite has successfully completed an architectural project about 300 times bigger than itself. But what is even more astonishing is that the termites are blind. A person who has never seen the huge nests built by blind termites would probably think that they are made up of sand piles heaped upon each other. However, a termite nest proves to be of a marvellous design incomprehensible to the human mind: inside there are intersecting tunnels, corridors, ventilation systems, special fungus production yards and safety exits. If you assemble thousands of blind people and give them all kinds of technical tools, you can never make them set up a nest similar to the one made by the termite colony. So, just think: - How could a termite measuring 1-2 cm. in length have learnt the architectural and engineering information needed to make such a subtle design? - How could thousands of blind termites manage to work in harmony to build this construction which is an artistic wonder?

Conclusion: Can the wind form an airplane by coincidence? The famous physicist Sir Fred Hoyle makes a very striking observation about the origin of life. In his book The Intelligent Universe he writes: The chance that higher life forms might have emerged in this way (by coincidence) is comparable with the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein. This comparison of Hoyle's is quite inspiring. The examples that we have discussed above also reveal that both the existence of life and the perfection of its present systems force us to look for the great power making these come into being. Just as a hurricane cannot produce an airplane as a result of coincidences, neither is it possible for the universe to have come into being as a result of unanticipated happenings and moreover to harbour extremely complex structures therein. In truth, the universe is furnished with myriad systems of an infinitely greater complexity than those of an airplane. One who assesses these signs which are so evident as to be undeniable by both reason and conscience can come to only one conclusion: there is no room for coincidence in the universe; the universe was CREATED with all the minutiae contained in it How human beings came in to existence? Why everything in this world is in a perfect order? How the blue whales came in to existence? How elephants and many complex organisms came in to existence? For what? Why? We can talk about many miracles in the Universe which science has no reasons or explanations. Half knowledge in science will make a person atheist and full knowledge in science make him to understand the existence of God. Please think why are we born and why we have to die? Even the rich who has money also has problems and even the poor who are in need of money also has problems. What is the purpose of our Life? why there are sufferings and pain all over the world. Why I have depression and worries in my life? What is the supreme power doing? Not even a single leaf is created without purpose. Nothing came by chance in this world. Everything has purpose in this life. Please wait patiently to find out more truth logically and scientifically. Everything is Created and not evolved by chance or Nature. We basically don’t know all these truth because we don’t find time to think on all these things. Think! Is it a chance? We seek proof for everything but we don’t try to seek proof for the existence of God. We just say ‘I believe in Supreme Power’. Is the God created us just to say this? Do we have time to reflect on the logical aspects of God and religion? God created us with a brain to think and ask why? For what? We human beings don’t accept anything blindly. We can’t program any software or any instruments blindly. We seek for logics. Why are we not searching for the truth with logics? If God wills let us expose the to the truth. Please wait and watch! Please don’t allow your egos to overshadow your sense of logic.

Note: If you want more minute details on the various scientific evidences which disproves Theory of Evolution then please email me. What i have discussed about the existence of God is just infinitesimal and i think i am already overdosing you with proofs.

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