Coke Contract. Texas A&m College Station

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Sponsorship Agreement

This Sponsorship Agreement (this "Agreement"), which takes effect on September 1, 2003 and expires on August 31, 2010 (the "Term"), is made by and between the following parties: •

THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, a Delaware corporation (the "Company"); and

TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY, an institution of higher education and an agency of the State of Texas ("University").

For other definitions, see Exhibit A.



Company will be the exclusive Beverage sponsor of University, with Campus-wide Beverage availability rights, and on and off-Campus marketing rights, on the terms and conditions -- and subject to the limitations and exceptions -- described below. Company and its designated subcontractors will have the exclusive right to operate full service Beverage vending and snack vending on Campus.


Fees and Other Payments


Sponsorship Fees. In exchange for the rights granted under this Agreement, Company agrees to pay University the "Sponsorship Fees" described below: Year One (9/1/2003 - 8/31/2004) Year Two (9/1/2004 - 8/31/2005) Year Three (9/1/2005 - 8/31/2006) Year Four (9/1/2006 - 8/31/2007) Year Five (9/1/2007 - 8/31/2008) Year Six (9/1/2008 - 8/31/2009) Year Seven (9/1/2009 - 8/31/2010)

$2,320,000 $670,000 $670,000 $670,000 $670,000 $670,000 $670,000



The Sponsorship Fees will be paid as follows: Payment for Year One will be paid within 30 days of the date that this Agreement is fully executed; payments for Year Two through Year Seven will be paid at the beginning of each Agreement Year. University will provide an invoice to Company at least thirty (30) days prior to the due date for payments for Agreement Years Two through Seven. 2.2

Commissions. Company will pay, or will cause its subcontractors to pay, to University a Guaranteed Commission of Three Million Seven Hundred Twenty-Three Thousand,

Seven Hundred Twenty Dollars ($3,723,720) over the Term of this Agreement for Company Beverages and DP Drinks (defined below) sold through Company's full service Beverage vending machines on Campus as described in Exhibit B. The Guaranteed Commission shall be paid as follows: the actual commissions earned by University will be paid monthly in accordance with Exhibit B. If at the end of any Agreement Year the actual commissions earned and paid for such Agreement Year are less than Five Hundred Thirty-One Thousand, Nine Hundred Sixty Dollars ($531,960), then Company will pay, or will cause its subcontractors to pay, the difference within thirty (30) business days following the end of such Agreement Year. In addition, Company, by way of its Beverage subcontractor, will provide an incentive

commission on the sale of vended Beverage products to the University as follows: (A) "Minimum Vend Sales Threshold' shall mean sales volume of 90,000 cases (24 ct) of 12 ounce containers of Company Beverages and DP Drinks, or the equivalent in fluid ounces during an Agreement Year. (B) On all sales of Company Beverages and DP Drinks in excess of the Minimum Vend Sales Threshold each Agreement Year, Company, by way if its Beverage subcontractor, shall pay to University an incentive commission equal to I% of the sales price in Exhibit B on such sales. 2.3

Company will pay, or will cause its subcontractors to pay, to University a commission for snacks sold through Company's vending machines on Campus as described in Exhibit B. The commission will be paid as earned in monthly payments. Funds credited to University through vendin~ machine sales using the debit card system shall be processed by University as of the 1S t and last day of the month and payments mailed to Company within two (2) weeks of the end of each such reporting period.


Marketing Expenditures. Company will allocate Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($350,000) over the Term of the Agreement to support an annual Marketing Calendar. Company will implement a Marketing Calendar that will be mutually agreed to by Company and University at the beginning of each Agreement Year, such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld by either party. This fund will be allocated in increments of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) by the Company for each Agreement Year. University agrees that Company may use money from this fund to purchase the tickets and hospitality rights described in Section 7.7 below. Should expenditures or other value-added items delivered or provided by Company fall short of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) in value in any Agreement Year, Company will pay University the remaining balance at the end of the Agreement Year.

Company will also allocate Twenty-One Thousand Dollars ($21,000) over the Term of the Agreement to support marketing through snack vending machines. The fund will be allocated in increments of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) by the Company for each Agreement Year. Should expenditures or other value-added items delivered or provided by Company and/or its subcontractor fall short of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) in


value in any Agreement Year, Company and/or its subcontractor will pay University the remaining balance at the end ofthe Agreement Year. 2.5

Product Donations. Company and/or its subcontractor will allocate Twenty-Eight Thousand Dollars ($28,000) over the Tenn of the Agreement to support an annual Product Donation budget. Company will implement a Product Donation budget that will be mutually agreed to by Company and University at the beginning of each Agreement Year. The budget will be allocated in increments of up to Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000) for each Agreement Year. University's Department of Contract Administration will be responsible for submitting Product Donation requests to Company for approval and submission to its subcontractor. Product Donations will be valued at the prices listed in Exhibit C.


Payments Exclusive Consideration. University agrees that the payments and other consideration described in paragraphs 2.1 through 2.4 and the commissions earned as described in Exhibit B are the sole consideration due for the rights granted to Company under this Agreement, and no other fees or other consideration will be charged.


Company and Company's subcontractors shall maintain complete and accurate records of all operations under this Agreement in accordance with accepted industry standards and shall keep such records for a period of not less than five (5) years after the tennination of this Agreement. University reserves the right to conduct reasonable audits of operations at any time during the tenn of this Agreement, including gross sales and shall have open access upon reasonable notice and during regular business hours to all records of Company and Company's subcontractors which relate to this Agreement and its perfonnance upon request.


Beverage Pricing


Prices to University. University will purchase from Company or Company's designated subcontractor, and Company or Company's designated subcontractor will sell to University, all of University's requirements (100%) for Beverages and Approved Cups, lids and carbon dioxide at the prices listed in Exhibit C. The prices in Exhibit C have been offered to University in reliance on University's representations set forth in 11.1 (D).


Prices to Concessionaire. If, during the Tenn, University elects to contract with a third party to manage or operate Beverage services (a "Concessionaire") on any portion of the Campus, then the Beverage prices in Exhibit C will not apply to such Concessionaire but will remain in effect for services operated by University. Company will then negotiate prices for Beverages with such Concessionaire. University must cause such Concessionaire to purchase all of such Concessionaire's requirements (100%) for Beverages and Approved Cups, lids and carbon dioxide on Campus from Company or Company's designated subcontractor.


Airport venue. Pricing for Sully's Landing, operating at Easterwood Airport, for postmix products will be Company's then current national "agency pricing" and for bottles/cans will be in accordance with Exhibit C.





Loan of Beverage Post-Mix Equipment. Company will lend University Food Services, The Faculty Club and Athletics, at no charge, the following equipment: (A) post-mix dispensing equipment in the types and amounts Company and University mutually determine is reasonable to serve Company Beverages and DP Drinks on Campus; and (B)

any additional post-mix dispensing equipment reasonably needed to replace defective or worn-out equipment or to equip new Campus locations mutually agreed to by Company and University.

No ice makers or water filters will be provided to University by Company. equipment provided by Company will at all times remain the property of Company.



Vending Equipment. Company and/or its subcontractor will provide Beverage vending machines and Snack vending machines, collectively referred to as "vending machines," for use on Campus and will provide maintenance/repair service for such equipment as follows: The initial placement for Beverage vending machines will be an additional 49 machines, for a minimum total of 350 machines. Additional Beverage and snack vending machines will be placed, relocated, or moved following Company surveys and a mutual agreement between Company and University on locations. Company and University agree to continue reviewing outdoor vending options. Machines will have debit card readers as mutually agreed upon by Company and University; Company will bear the cost of the readers and the installation of the readers and University will bear the cost of wiring and the internal system and will be responsible for servicing the readers. Company will be responsible for all damage or loss to vending equipment, so long as University provides security appropriate to the location, except that University will be responsible for intentional misuse by an employee of University and agrees to pay up to twenty-five percent (25%) of damage or loss directly caused by vandalism. University will be responsible for the cost of all necessary electricity, plumbing and related construction costs. Company will integrate energy saving measures during the Term of this Agreement as follows: (A) light timers will be placed on Beverage vending machines as mutually agreed by Company or Company's designated subcontractor and University; and (B)

snack vending machines will be equipped with timers which may be activated as needed.



University's Equipment Obligations. With respect to the equipment described in this section, University will: (A) upon the owner's request, execute UCC financing statements or other documents evidencing proper ownership of the equipment; (B)

refrain from removing equipment from its location on Campus unless University receives written consent of the equipment's owner;

(C) refrain from encumbering the equipment or permit any attachment to it, unless authorized to do so by the equipment's owner; and (D) reimburse Company for any loss or damage to the post-mix equipment, reasonable

wear and tear and loss or damage caused by Company excepted. 4.4

Post-Mix Equipment Service. Company or its agent will provide University with service for the post-mix equipment as follows: Mechanical repair service will be available 7 days per week, 24 hours per day. Company will make repairs and provide replacement parts free of charge, up to three (3) times per Agreement year for each piece of post-mix equipment. If a piece of equipment requires more than three (3) repairs per Agreement year, Company will review to determine whether the equipment needs to be replaced. Company will provide unlimited free telephone assistance to University to resolve equipment problems in lieu of or in addition to University requesting a service technician. But no free repair service or free parts will be provided for intentional misuse or damage to the equipment by University's employees. Company will invoice University, at Company's cost, for repair calls and parts for such intentional misuse or damage. Company will provide free routine maintenance periodically. Company will provide Service Technicians for athletic events as mutually agreed between Company and University. Parking passes will be provided by University to ensure Service Technician access.


Vending Service. Company will be responsible for selecting Beverages and Snacks for vending, stocking its vending machines, providing refunds, collecting proceeds from vending sales and paying commissions. Company or Company's designated subcontractor will keep its vending machines neat, sanitary and in good working order, and will clear the immediate areas of vending related debris whenever onsite to stock or repair the machines. If a vending machine regularly malfunctions, University may require replacement. Repairs will be made during Company's normal business hours. University will provide Company authorization as required to permit Company's vehicles to operate and park on campus, at no additional charge. Company's vehicles will comply with safety and parking regulations while on campus. University agrees to provide Company copies of University safety and parking regulations.


Limitation. Company will not be liable to University for damages of any kind arising out of delays in providing service to equipment on Campus. University agrees to this

limitation of liability to the extent authorized by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas. 4.7

Concessionaires. If at any time during the tenn University retains a third party to manage or operate any of University's Beverage outlets on Campus, then Company will tenninate its equipment loan and service to University for only that portion of Beverage outlets operated by third party, and provide equipment and service to that third party on tenns separately agreed between Company and that third party.


Beverage Rights

University grants Company the following Beverage availability rights and Beverage merchandising rights: 5.1

Beverage Availability. Except as provided by 5.3, only Company Beverages can be sold, dispensed, or served on Campus. All Company Beverages and DP Drinks sold, dispensed, or served on Campus must be bought from Company or Company's designated subcontractor. University will make Company Beverages available for sale on Campus in all package fonns, through fountain dispensing, hawking during athletic events, vending or any other means agreed upon by Company and University. University will use its reasonable, good faith efforts to maximize the sale and distribution of Company Beverages on Campus. University agrees that if and when Company introduces a milk-based product, Company may make such product available on Campus on a non-exclusive basis.


Beverage Merchandising. Company has the right to merchandise Company Beverages on Campus, including the following specific rights: (A) Point-or-Sale Advertising. Materials promoting Company Beverages at the point of sale must be clearly visible to the purchasing public and must be displayed in a manner and location mutually acceptable to Company and University. (B)

Concession and Menuboard Advertising. Trademarks of Company Beverages must be prominently listed on the menuboards of all food and refreshment outlets. If University's menuboards have photo translites (which will be provided at Company expense or may be included in Marketing Expenditures described in Section 2.3), University will ensure that advertising provided by Company and depicting Company Beverages in Approved Cups appears in at least one translite in each menuboard.

(C) Approved Cups; Beverage Hawking. All Company Beverages served, sold, or dispensed on Campus must be served in Approved Cups (except as provided in 5.3 below), in Company's packaging or in promotional containers designed or approved in writing by Company. The Faculty Club may serve, sell or dispense Company Beverages in glassware or other containers appropriate for the venue. Company or its designated subcontractor may hawk Company Beverages in the stands during all


athletic events and during all other events at which items of any sort are hawked in the stands as mutually agreed to by University and Company. (D) Alternative Distribution. University will sell Company Beverages using Company-trademarked materials, such as hawking trays, kiosks, mobile/push carts and themed umbrellas, if and to the extent provided by Company. 5.3

Permitted Exception for Other Beverages. University may serve, sell or dispense the following Competitive Products on Campus: (A) University may serve, sell or dispense hot coffee or hot tea -- fresh brewed on the premises -- even if those Beverages are not Company Beverages. Those coffee and tea Beverages must be made available in cups other than Approved Cups. (B)

Dr Pepper and Diet Dr Pepper brand carbonated soft drinks ("DP Drinks") will be provided by Company and sold on Campus in accordance with the following provisions: 1.

DP Drinks will be available in post-mix fountain, with no more than one valve per piece of equipment. DP Drinks cannot be served in cups with Dr Pepper or Diet Dr Pepper branding.


Bottle/can DP Drinks will be available only as follows: no more than two buttons per vending machine may dispense DP Drinks and no Dr. Pepper identified vending machines will be placed on Campus.


University may display trademarks for DP Drinks on menuboards, dispensing equipment and coolers to indicate availability. DP Drinks must not otherwise be marketed, advertised, promoted or sampled on Campus or in association with University, the Campus or the University Marks.

In the event that Company's designated subcontractor's franchise agreement with Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc. is terminated, Company or its designated subcontractor will contract with a distributor ofDP Drinks that has, or can secure, authorization to service the Campus. (C) Competitive Products in each of the following categories may be sold on Campus: juices, water, carbonated beverages and non-carbonated beverages, but only in accordance with the following provisions: 1.

University will ensure that Competitive Products are limited to one shelf for carbonated beverages and one shelf for juices, water and non-carbonated beverages, for a total of two shelves, in each convenience store or retail outlet location operated by University Food Services. If there is a conflict between the parties as to the interpretation or applicability of this section, the parties agree to continue operating as established by their previous working relationship.



University may display trademarks for the Competitive Products listed above on coolers to indicate availability. But those Competitive Products must not otherwise be marketed, advertised, promoted or sampled on Campus or in association with University, the Campus or the University Marks.

(D) Competitive Products in the sports drink/isotonic category may be provided to

University athletes and coaches on the sidelines and in the locker rooms during University athletic events, and such activity shall not be considered a breach of this Agreement or a violation of Sponsor's exclusive rights hereunder. However, any vending machines in the locker rooms shall not include Competitive Products in the sports drink/isotonic category.


Sponsorship and Trademark Rights

University grants Company the following sponsorship and trademark rights: 6.1

General Sponsorship Designation. Company may promote the fact that Company is a sponsor of University and that Company Beverages are available on Campus. This promotion may occur in advertising (including television, radio, print and all other media), on packaging (including cups and containers), and at the point of sale of any Company Beverages. For example, Company may refer to itself in any of Company's marketing, advertising or promotional materials as "sponsor" of the University, and refer to any Company Beverage in any of Company's marketing, advertising or promotional materials as the "official" or "exclusive" Beverage of University or the Campus. However, while Company may promote its sports drink/isotonic brands in connection with University as described below, Company may not refer to itself as the official "Sports Drink" provider of University unless specifically allowed under a separate agreement.


License to Use University Marks. (A) Grant of License. Subject to University's approval rights in 8.2, University grants Company a license to use the University Marks throughout the United States -- on a royalty-free basis -- for the purposes of promoting Company Beverages. The license gives Company the right to use the University Marks in or on all of Company's advertising, promotional and packaging materials and activities, which include -- for all purposes of this Agreement -- point-of-sale materials; cans, bottles, commemorative cans or bottles, can/bottle wraps and all other forms of packaging; broadcast, print, electronic and all other forms of media; and merchandise. (B) Use With Customers. Subject to University's approval rights in 8.2, the license also gives Company the right to use the University Marks in joint advertising and promotions with Company's customers and to display the University Marks with its customers' trademarks, logos and branded products in or on all advertising, promotional and packaging materials and activities, so long as they appear with Company's trademarks and the customer is not depicted as a sponsor of University. University acknowledges that Company's customers operate in all channels of trade,


including secondary schools, grocery stores, mass merchandise stores, convenience stores, oil and gas/petroleum stores; drug stores; quick serve restaurants and all other types of restaurants; institutional foodservice operations; video and music stores; movie theatres and indoor entertainment venues; and theme parks and outdoor attractions. Because they are included in the Sponsorship Fees, no separate royalty or license fee will be charged to Company or its customers for using the University Marks in this manner. Any use by Company of University Marks in association with Company customers does not convey rights of use of any University Marks to Company customers. (e)

Use on Merchandise. Subject to University's approval rights in 8.2, Company may create merchandise bearing trademarks for Company Beverages together with any of the University Marks. Company will not pay any royalties to University for this merchandise, so long as it is distributed in connection with Company Beverages, free of charge or sold at a subsidized price (taking into account Company's overhead costs associated with the relevant promotion). University agrees that royalties will not apply in any circumstances to any of the following that bear University Marks: cups; vessels; cans, bottles, commemorative cans or bottles, canlbottle wraps and all other forms of packaging; vender fronts; and advertising or promotional materials.

(D) Indemnity. To the extent authorized by the laws and Constitution of the State of

Texas, University will defend Company against all claims, and indemnify Company for all losses and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees), related to allegations that any University Marks infringe another's intellectual property, as long as the University Marks have been used in the manner provided or approved by University.


Promotional and Advertising Rights

University grants Company the following promotional and advertising rights: 7.1

Promotional Rights. University grants Company the right to promote Company Beverages with respect to University, the Campus and the University Marks. (A) General. Subject to University's approval rights in 8.2, Company may engage in promotional activities in order to establish and promote Company's sponsorship association with University, the Campus and the University Marks. These promotional activities may include, for example, offering commemorative bottles or cans or souvenir cups with University Marks, for sale at retail outlets on or offCampus. (B)

Activities with Customers. These promotional activities may be conducted jointly with Company's customers, who may be identified in or on advertising, promotional and packaging materials with their respective trademarks, logos, and branded products, as well as generally identified as participants in the promotion, so


long as Company's trademarks are included and the customer is not depicted as a sponsor of University. 7.2

Consumer Surveys. With University's prior approval as to location and time, Company may -- at Company's expense -- conduct on-Campus consumer surveys relating to Company Beverages and advertising. University will not unreasonably withhold its consent.


Signage for Products. Company is entitled to have signage on Campus for Company Beverages, as described in Exhibit D.


Print Advertising. University will provide Company with print advertising, as described in Exhibit D.


Video Advertising. Company is entitled to video advertising, as described in Exhibit D.


Tickets and Hospitality Rights. University will make available for purchase by Company and/or its subcontractors the types and quantities of tickets and other entertainment rights to University functions, athletic events involving University Teams, and other special events associated with University as described in Exhibit D.


Cooperation and Approvals


General Cooperation. University will cooperate with Company's activities -- on and off-Campus -- designed to promote Company's sponsorship association with University, the Campus and the University Marks.


University Approval Rights. (A) Promotions. University has the right to approve in advance the following: (1)

the concept for any promotional activity with respect to University; and


any materials that display any University Marks.

But Company has the right to use the Designations "sponsor of' or the "official" or "exclusive" Beverage of University, the Campus, or the University Teams without University's prior approval. (B) Approval. University will respond to a written submission for approval within ten (10) working days after receiving it. If approval is not received within such ten (l0) working days, then Company may send notice to University that Company has not received University's response. University will then respond within 48 hours of that notice. If approval is still not received, it shall be deemed withheld. (C) Withholding Approval. University will not unreasonably withhold approval of a submission. Withholding approval is considered unreasonable unless it is based on:



University's determination that University Marks have been used incorrectly in a technical sense (such as improper color or other trademark nonconformity); or


University's reasonable determination that Company's proposed promotional activity or use of University Marks will reflect negatively on University.

For example, University agrees that it is unreasonable to withhold approval of a submission that includes one of Company's customers or its Marks, solely because that customer is not also a sponsor of University or because that customer operates in a trade channel where University already has an exclusive sponsor.


Exclusive Association; No Competitive Beverages

Each of the rights and licenses granted to Company under this Agreement is exclusive with respect to Beverages. To protect this exclusivity, University makes the covenants listed below. These covenants are essential to protecting Company's exclusive association with University, the Campus and the University Marks. University understands that it is required to take certain actions -- and refrain from certain actions -- to comply with these covenants. The covenants are as follows, and each is subject to any exception expressly permitted by 5.3 above or as may be required for University compliance with any NCAA directive or NCAA association with Competitive Products: 9.1

No Competitive Products on Campus. University must ensure that no Competitive Products are sold, dispensed, served, or sampled anywhere on Campus. But this provision does not apply to Competitive Products purchased off-Campus by students, faculty or their guests for personal consumption and not for distribution on Campus.


No Competing Trademark Visibility. University must not grant any form of trademark visibility or promotional or advertising rights to Competitive Products. University must ensure that there is no association or appearance of an association between University, the Campus, or the University Marks and Competitive Products.


No Promotion or Advertising of Competitive Products. University must ensure that no permanent or temporary advertising, signage, or trademark visibility for Competitive Products is displayed on Campus.


No Competitive Use of University Marks. University must not grant any advertising or promotional rights -- including use of the University Marks -- to third parties (such as Broadcasters) in a way that permits those third parties to use those rights in association with Competitive Products. But Broadcasters may sell in-game spot advertising for Competitive Products, so long as the spots do not display or refer to the University Marks or otherwise associate the University, the Campus or the University Marks with Competitive Products through on-air mentions or on-screen images or text.


No Third-Party Beverage Promotions. University must not grant any third party the right to conduct promotions involving Beverages or Beverage containers, including


promotions that relate primarily to non-Beverage items but involve a Beverage -- on a branded or unbranded basis -- as a purchase requirement or promotional fulfillment. This provision applies even if the promotion involves a Company Beverage, unless Company participates in the promotion. 9.6

Steps to Stop Ambush Marketing. If any third party tries without Company's consent to associate Competitive Products with University, the Campus or the University Marks - or tries to suggest, by implication or otherwise, that Competitive Products are so associated -- University will take reasonable steps to stop this "ambush marketing" and protect Company's exclusive association. These steps may include the following, as circumstances warrant: (A)

complaining in writing to the violating party and to local media outlets;


issuing private and public cease-and-desist demands; and


cooperating with Company in instituting legal action, where appropriate, including suits for temporary and pennanent injunctive relief.

Any party learning of ambush marketing will promptly notify the other parties of this activity.


Subcontractors (A)

Company recognizes that University prefers to deal with one party in terms of all financial and service obligations under this Agreement. However, Company is not capable of performing directly the various vendor services required by this Agreement, nor is it licensed to distribute DP Drinks. Therefore, it is understood and agreed that Company will have the right to subcontract any of its rights or obligations hereunder to subcontractors, provided Company will nevertheless remain solely liable for all of the financial and other perfonnance obligations hereunder. Subcontractors shall be designated upon the mutual consent of Company and University. University will exercise its reasonable best efforts to work with Company's subcontractors.


Company shall have the right to tenninate a subcontractor without University's consent upon a subcontractor's failure to perfonn its obligations to Company. Company shall have the right to replace a subcontractor with a replacement subcontractor of Company's choosing, subject to University consent. Company shall have at least sixty (60) days from the date of termination to replace a tenninated subcontractor and shall exercise its reasonable best efforts in the interim to continue to provide uninterrupted services to University.


If University detennines that a subcontractor's perfonnance is unacceptable, Company will take all necessary actions to cure such unacceptable performance including tennination. University will not be obligated to pursue a remedy through a subcontractor. In the event of such termination, Company has the right


to continue using the then current subcontractor until a replacement can be agreed upon. So long as Company is exercising its reasonable best efforts to identify a suitable mutually acceptable subcontractor, University will not assert that Company is in breach of this Agreement. (D)

If Company terminates a subcontractor, University will exercise its reasonable best efforts to cooperate with Company's effort to defend itself from any claim or suit that such terminated subcontractor may elect to assert on the basis, at least in part, that University has noticed Company that it deems such subcontractor's performance unacceptable.


Upon entering into this Agreement the following are approved subcontractors for the respective services:



DP Drinks - Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc., d/b/a Bryan Coca-Cola Bottling Co., a Delaware corporation having its principal place of business at 704 Capitol Parkway, Bryan, Texas 77807.


Company Beverage Vending Services - Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc., d/b/a Bryan Coca-Cola Bottling Co., a Delaware corporation having its principal place of business at 704 Capitol Parkway, Bryan, Texas 77807.


Snack Vending Services - Accent Food Services, a Texas corporation having its principal place of business at 16209 Central Commerce, Pflugerville, Texas 78766.

Company, University and each subcontractor shall designate in writing a contract administrator for day-to-day operations under this Agreement.


Representations and Covenants


By University. University represents and covenants to Company the following: (A) Authority. It has full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to grant Company the rights described in it. (B)

Binding Obligation. It has obtained all necessary approvals for its execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement. It has duly executed and delivered this Agreement, which is now its binding legal obligation.

(C) Right to License Marks. It has the exclusive right to license the University Marks to Company. (D) Non-Profit Status. It is a non-profit institution self-operating a food and beverage service on Campus. All Beverages purchased hereunder are solely for University's use and will not be resold or otherwise made available to any third party which sells or distributes Beverages. University will provide Company with prompt written


notice of any third party retained by it to manage or operate a beverage service on Campus. (E)

No Conflicting Agreements. (1)

It has not entered into -- and during this Agreement's Term will not enter into

-- either of the following:



any agreement that would prevent it from complying with this Agreement; or


any agreement granting rights that are in conflict with the rights granted to Company under this Agreement.

It will require third parties (possible examples include concessionaires, third-

party food-service operators, vending companies, licensing agents and Broadcasters) to comply with the relevant provisions of this Agreement. 11.2

By Company. Company represents and covenants to University the following: (A) Authority. It has the full power and authority to enter into this Agreement. (B)

Binding Obligation. It has obtained all necessary approvals for its execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement. It has duly executed and delivered .this Agreement, which is now its binding legal obligation.

(C) No Conflicting Agreements. It has not entered into -- and during this Agreement's Term will not enter into -- any other agreement that would prevent it from complying with this Agreement.


Remedies and Termination

This Agreement takes effect on September 1,2003 and expires on August 31, 2010, but may be terminated earlier under the following circumstances: 12.1

University Termination Rights. In addition to other legal and equitable remedies, University may terminate this Agreement if any of the following events occur: (A) If Company Doesn't Pay. University may terminate if Company fails to make any payment to University under this Agreement and this default continues for 45 days after Company receives written notice of the default. But University may not terminate if the payment failure is due to University's failure to perform, any loss of Company's rights or a bona fide dispute between the parties. (B) If Company Breaches. University may terminate if Company breaches any other material term of this Agreement and Company fails to cure the breach within 45 days of receiving written notice of the breach.


(C) If Company Becomes Insolvent or Bankrupt. University may terminate on 45 days written notice if Company does any of the following:



becomes unable to pay its liabilities when due;


makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors;


files a voluntary petition in bankruptcy or is adjudicated bankrupt or insolvent;


has a receiver appointed for any portion of its business or property; or


has a trustee in bankruptcy or trustee in insolvency appointed for it under federal or state law.

Company's Termination Rights. In addition to other legal and equitable remedies, Company may terminate this Agreement if any of the following events occur:

(A) If University Breaches.

Company may terminate if University breaches any material term or condition of this Agreement and fails to cure the breach within 45 days of receiving written notice of the breach.

(B) If University Loses Authority. Company may terminate if University's authority to convey any of the rights in this Agreement expires or is revoked, in whole or in part.

(C) If Campus Closes. Company may terminate if a portion of the Campus is closed -other than in connection with regularly scheduled breaks, and for any reason, even if beyond the reasonable control of University -- for a period of more than 120 consecutive days, and during that period, sales of Company Beverages and DP Drinks on Campus decrease by more than ten percent (10%), as compared to sales during the same period occurring 12 months earlier. (D) Written Notice Required. Company must give 45 days written notice to University when exercising its termination rights under 12.2(B) and (C).


Repayment of Sponsorship Fees. (A) Prorated Refund. If this Agreement is terminated by Company under Paragraph 12.2, University will refund to Company any Sponsorship Fees paid and allocable to any period after the date of termination, or, if beginning earlier, after the date of University's default.

(B) Allocation of Fees. The Sponsorship Fees for each year (or fraction of a year included in the term) will be allocated on an equal daily basis throughout the year (or fraction ofthe year), without regard to the date oftermination or breach.



Company's Additional Remedies. In addition to Company's other available remedies, Company may seek a reduction of the Sponsorship Fees -- as described in 12.5 -- if: (A) If Campus Closes. A portion of the Campus is closed -- other than in connection with regularly scheduled breaks, and for any reason, even ifbeyond the reasonable control of University -- for a period of more than 90 consecutive days, and during that period, sales of Company Beverages and DP Drinks on Campus decrease by more than ten percent (10%), as compared to sales during the same period occurring 12 months earlier; or

(B) If Rights are Limited. Any of Company's rights is limited, such as by the breach of Company's exclusivity or by ambush marketing (see Section 9); or (C) If Teams Fail to Play. Any of University's Flagship Teams (Football, MIW Basketball and Baseball) does not play all its scheduled home games on Campus for a period of 30 days or more, whether or not the failure to play is due to a cause beyond University's control. 12.5

Fee Reduction. If the circumstances described in 12.4 occur, then University and Company will negotiate in good faith for an appropriate reduction of the remaining Sponsorship Fees payable under this Agreement (and University will pay Company a refund of any prepaid amounts in excess of the reduced Sponsorship Fees). This reduction must fairly reflect the decrease ,in the value of Company's rights. If University and Company have not agreed on the amount of this reduction within 30 days of notice by Company, then Company may immediately terminate the Agreement on written notice to University.


Automatic Extension. If a portion of the Campus is closed -- other than in connection with regularly scheduled breaks, and for any reason, even if beyond the reasonable control of University -- for a period of more than 30 but not more than 90 consecutive days, and during that period, sales of Company Beverages and DP Drinks on Campus decrease by more than ten percent (10%), as compared to sales during the same period occurring 12 months earlier, Company will have the right, at its option, to extend the tenn of the Agreement for a corresponding period.


Confidentiality Confidential information includes any business, marketing, promotional, or technical information provided by one party to another. If information is designated by the offering party as confidential, the information will remain the confidential proprietary information of that party. It will not be disclosed, unless otherwise required by applicable law. If a party determines that disclosure of another party's confidential information appears to be required by law, that party will give the other party prompt written notice, so that it may assert any exemptions from or defenses to disclosure that may be available.


Miscellaneous Provisions


Entire Agreement. This Agreement and any other agreements referenced in it contain all the terms and conditions agreed on by the parties with respect to this Agreement's subject matter. This Agreement does not invalidate or amend any other agreement between University and Company with respect to other subject matter.


Modification. This Agreement can be modified or changed only by a written instrument signed by both parties.


Retained Rights. This Agreement does not give any party any interest in or the right to use the trademarks of another party except as specifically authorized in this Agreement. Even if use of a party's trademarks is specifically authorized, the trademarks remain solely that party's property, and no joint ownership can arise because of the other party's use under this Agreement. This Agreement does not make any party the agent of another party, nor does it create any partnership or joint venture between University and Company.


Insurance Obligations. Each party will maintain sufficient insurance to adequately protect the other party's respective interests and in accordance with good business practices customary in its business. Upon request, each party will provide proof of the required insurance.


Release, Discharge, or Waiver. A party's release, discharge, or waiver of any of this Agreement's terms or conditions is effective only if in writing and signed by that party. A party's specific waiver does not constitute a waiver by that party of any earlier, concurrent or later breach or default. No waiver occurs if a party either fails to insist on strict performance of this Agreement's terms or pays or accepts money under this Agreement with knowledge of a breach.


Severability. If any portion of this Agreement is severed -- that is, held indefinite, invalid, or otherwise unenforceable -- the rest of this Agreement continues in full force. But if the severance of a provision affects a party's rights, the severance does not deprive that party of its available remedies, including the right to terminate this Agreement.


Assignment. (A) By University. Because this Agreement is for rights umque to University, University may not assign any of University's rights or obligations without Company's prior written consent. None of University's rights or obligations may be assigned by operation of law without Company's prior written consent. Any assignment that violates the terms of this provision is void. (B) By Company. In addition to Company's rights to engage subcontractors, as set forth in Section 10 above, with University's prior written consent, which will not be unreasonably withheld, Company may assign all or part of Company's rights and


obligations under this Agreement to any of Company's subsidiaries or to any of its licensed bottlers. 14.8

Survival. A party's obligations (if any) to observe confidentiality and to provide refunds and indemnification survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.


Notice. Any notice or other communication under this Agreement must be in writing and must be sent by registered mail or by an overnight courier service that provides a confirming receipt. A copy of the notice must be sent by fax when the notice is sent by mail or courier. Notice is considered duly given when it is received by the other party through the mail or delivered by courier. Unless otherwise designated by the parties, notice must be sent to the following addresses: (A) Notice to Company. The Coca-Cola Company One Coca-Cola Plaza Atlanta, Georgia 30313 Attention: Director - U.S. Education Channel Business Development Fax: 404/515-0311 Copies to:

Director, Business Affairs Fax: 404/515-3938 Global Marketing Counsel Fax: 404/676-4269 Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. d/b/a Bryan Coca-Cola Bottling Company 704 Capitol Parkway Bryan, Texas 77807 Attention: President and General Manager Fax: 979/778-7292 General Counsel Fax: 770/989-3619


Notice to University. Texas A&M University 1181 TAMU College Station, Texas 77843-1181 Attention: Vice President for Finance and Controller Fax: 979/862-7778 With a copy to: Office of General Counsel 200 Technology Way, Suite 2079 College Station, Texas 77845 Fax: 979/458-6150

14.10 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts.




14.11 Headings. All headings are for reference purposes only and must not affect the interpretation of this Agreement. All references to "days" in this Agreement mean calendar days, unless working days are expressly stated. All references to "including" mean "including without limitation." 14.12 Exhibits. Exhibits A through E are fully incorporated into this Agreement. 14.13 Governing Law. This Agreement is governed by and must be interpreted under the laws of the State of Texas, without giving effect to any applicable conflict or choice-of-Iaw prOVISIons.



~ ?,q,,/

By: "W'illitlm 1;;). LEwisay 1\"'\ ~.;Senior Vice President, Customer and Alliance Marketing

Date Signed:_ _"-----:.----=.~


TE _ err r

By:-+--t-"----'-f-----Ro rt M. Gates President

Date Signed:_-:.1_-_Y __ - _03


Approved as to form


Exhibit A

Definitions "Agreement Year" means each twelve-month period beginning with the first day of the Term of this Agreement and each anniversary thereof. "Approved Cups" means disposable cups (21-oz., 32~oz. and 44-oz, minimum sizes) approved by Company. These cups must prominently bear the trademarks of Coca-Cola® or other Company Beverages on 100% of the exterior cup surface. From time to time, Company may also approve non-disposable souvenir cups or other customized cups for use on Campus, provided that such cups prominently feature trademark(s) for Company Beverages. The Company's current Approved Cup is shown in Exhibit E. "Beverages" means all non-alcoholic beverages of any kind or form, and all beverage bases from which these can be prepared. "Beverages" does not include: milk, flavored milk, fresh brewed coffee and tea, fresh squeezed juices and tap water. "Beverages" does not include any isotonic product provided to University athletics and coaches during a University athletic event. "Blockage" means the alteration, dimming, or obscuring of advertising for whatever reason, including by electronic manipulation or the electronic insertion of virtual signage for Competitive Products. "Blocked" has a corresponding meaning. Blockage and Blocked shall not include any dimming as a result of energy conservation measures implemented by University nor shall it mean the covering of signage during University sanctioned events including, but not limited to, graduation and Muster, so long as all signage is covered for these events. "Broadcaster" means any person or entity that for any business purpose broadcasts, distributes, prints, syndicates, televises, or publishes by any means (including electronically via the Internet) any photograph, film, videotape, or other recording or rendering of all or part of the Campus, any Team game, or any other Campus event. "Broadcast" has a corresponding meaning. "Campus" means all buildings and grounds located in College Station, Texas owned or operated by the University during the Term, whether currently existing or built or acquired during the Term, including all branded or unbranded food service outlets, vending locations, athletic facilities (including press boxes, but excluding sidelines subject to a separate sideline agreement for sports drinks), auditoriums, theatres, housing and medical facilities, and retail outlets. Those buildings which are under the control of parties other than University, including but not limited to, The George Bush Library, Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center, Food Safety Inspection Service Building and other non-University owned buildings in the Research Park and the Texas A&M University Development Foundation are exempt from this Agreement; however, should University acquire the vending rights in such facilities they are hereby granted to Company. This Agreement does not apply to the following: the University Bookstore located in the Memorial Student Center, the branch campus of University located in Galveston, Texas or any other current or future branch campus of University.

"Company Beverages" mean Beverages marketed under trademarks or brand names owned or controlled by or licensed for use to Company. "Competitive Product" means (1) any Beverage that is not a Company Beverage, and (2) any product -- whether or not a Beverage -- marketed under Beverage trademarks that are not Company trademarks, or any associated or related trademarks. "Designations" means (1) "Official Soft Drink [or Juice, Tea, etc.] of Texas A&M University"; and (2) "Official Soft Drink [or Juice, Tea, etc.] of the Texas Aggies." "Mark" means -- with respect to any party -- any trademark, trade name, service mark, design, logo, slogan, symbol, mascot, character, identification, or other proprietary design now or in the future owned, licensed, or otherwise controlled by that party. Examples of University Marks include the Designations; the University's name, logo and emblems; the Teams' names, uniforms, logos and emblems. "Team" means any intercollegiate athletic team associated with University. "University Food Services" means any University self-operated entity serving food and/or beverages, such as, but not limited to, The Faculty Club, dining halls and cafeterias.

Exhibit B

Vending Commissions Beverages: Product 12 oz. CSD cans 20 oz. CSD bottles NCB's Water 120z/200z

Initial Vend Prices

Commission %

$ .65 $1.00 $1.00 $.65/$1.00

45% 45% 15% 37%

Snacks: Product Chips SS Chips L SS Chips XL SS Crackers Small Cookies Large Cookies Nuts Candy King Size Candy Popcorn Pastry Healthy Snacks Premium Snacks LSS Premium Snacks Gum Lifesavers

Initial Vend Prices

Commission %

$ .55 $ .80 $1.00 $ .55 $ .65 $ .75 $ .75 $ .85 $1.25 $ .75 $1.00 $ .75 $ .75 $1.25 $ .50 $ .60

22% 22% 22% 22% 22% 22% 22% 22% 22% 22% 22% 22% 22% 22% 22% 22%

Commissions will be based on cash collected, net of sales tax and any other government mandated deposits, taxes or fees, if any.

Commissions will be paid on a monthly basis by the 20 of each month.

In Agreement Year Five of this Agreement, if supported by a market analysis, the parties will mutually consider a price increase. Any price increase must be mutually agreed to by the parties, and such agreement will not be unreasonably withheld.


Exhibit C

Product Pricing Price to University Food Service, Faculty Club and Athletics: Post-Mix Products:


BIB Packa2e

Invoice Price Per Gallon

Fountain Syrups

5 gallon


2.5 gallon


5 gallon


2.5 gallon


5 gallon


2.5 gallon


Nestea Unsweet


Cost per gallon will increase annually based upon Company's National Price List (not to exceed a 3% increase in any Agreement Year) and such increases will be communicated to University no later than sixty (60) days prior to the effective date ofthe increase.

Minute Maid Orchard's Best:


BIB Package

Price Per Gallon

Premium Blend Orange Juice

2.5 gallon


Apple Juice

2.5 gallon


Cranberry Juice

2.5 gallon


Grape Juice Beverage

2.5 gallon


Grapefruit Juice

2.5 gallon


Pineapple Juice Beverage

2.5 gallon


Kiwi Strawberry

2.5 gallon


Apple Berry

2.5 gallon


Blue Cooler

2.5 gallon


Cost Per Gallon will increase annually based upon Company's National Price List and such increases will be communicated to University no later than sixty (60) days prior to the effective date of the increase.

Bottle/Can Pricing:



Bottle 80z Carbonated Soft Drink


Bottle 10 oz Carbonated Soft Drink


Bottle I-Liter Carbonated Soft Drink


Bottle 2-Liter Carbonated Soft Drink


Bottle 20 oz Carbonated Soft Drink


Cans 12 oz Carbonated Soft Drink Regular


Cans 12 oz Carbonated Soft Drink Diet


Dasani Y2Itr


Dasani 12 oz


Dasani 20 oz


Dasani Iltr


Dasani 1Y2 Itr


Evian Iltr


Evian Y2ltr


Evian 1Y2 Itr


Evian 700 mil.


Fruitopia 20 oz




Mad River 17.6 oz / 24 ct.


Minute Maid Lemonade 12 oz


Minute Maid Fruit Punch 12 oz


Minute Maid Lemonade 20 oz


Minute Maid Fruit Punch 20 oz


Minute Maid Juice 16 oz


Nestea 16 oz PET


Minute Maid 11.5 oz




Bottle/Can Pricing (continued): Description






Bottle/Can pricing will increase by 3% in Agreement Year 3 and another 3% in Agreement Year Six; such increases will be communicated to University no later than thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the increase.

Description Premix Tanks 4.75 gallons

Price/Case $13.39

Premix Tank Deposit


C02 20# cylinder


C02 35# cylinder


Wax Cups /16 oz -1000 ct.


Wax Cups / 22 oz - 1000 ct.


Wax Cups /32 oz - 480 ct.


Lids 16 / 22 oz - 2000 ct.


Lids 32 oz - 960 ct.


Exhibit D

Signage, Advertising, and Tickets 1.

Signage. (A)

Locations. Company will maintain current percentage of scoreboard advertising panels on existing and new scoreboards. Current signage and assigned value for purposes of Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT) includes the following: Location



Kyle Field (football)

8' x 10'

Coca-Cola Classic


Reed Arena ea. (basketball)


Coca-Cola Classic








Olsen Field (baseball)

To be mutually determined by the parties

G. Rollie White Coliseum

Backlit Scorer's Table




Appearance. The text, graphics, and artwork for such signage will be developed, created and produced by Company, at Company's sole cost.


No Obstruction of Signage. (1)

Company's signage on Campus must not be Blocked by University or any third party. This includes Blockage during the Broadcast of any Team game or other Campus event except as defined in Exhibit A and University may also cover Company's signage to the extent expressly required by the constitution and by-laws of the National Collegiate Athletic Association ("NCAA") during NCAA championship events so long as signage for all other University sponsors is also covered.


To protect Company's rights in (C)(l), University will cause third parties to agree to comply with (C)(l) in all new or renewed agreements involving rights to Broadcast Team games or other Campus events, or otherwise photograph the Campus.



Obligation to Maintain Signage. University will install and maintain all materials used for the sign panels described in (A) and for the structures supporting the panels. University will repair any malfunction, damage, or destruction to the panels or supporting structures within a commercially reasonable period. All installation, maintenance and repair will be at University's expense, except that Company will pay the cost of installing any replacement panels used to modify Company's initial advertising message or graphics.


Illuminated Signage. University will supply the required electricity for all lighted signs and advertising panels -- including lighted concession advertising -that advertise or promote Company Beverages. All these signs and panels must be fully illuminated at all events during which any signs in the same facility are illuminated.


Access to Signage. At all reasonable times, University will provide Company access to its signage to replace, remove, or modify it.

Print Advertising. (A) Company will receive one full-page four-color ad in each Team game program and schedule cards. (B)


The text, graphics and artwork for such print advertising will be developed, created and produced by Company, at Company's sole cost.

Video Advertising. [7.6] The parties agree to review video advertising opportunities on University's video screen upon the expiration of the University's agreement with Action Sports Media. Mutually agreed upon video advertising will be incorporated into this Agreement by a written addendum signed by both parties. University agrees to continue Company's existing spots on the coaches programs.


Tickets. Company will have the right to purchase the following tickets at face value during each Agreement Year: Twelve (12) tickets to all University Flagship Team athletic events, to include four (4) parking passes


Approved Cup

Temporary Concessions Addendum This addendum to the Sponsorship Agreement between The Coca-Cola Company (Company) and Texas A&M University (University) outlines the understanding for the provision of athletic concession services to be provided by Company's subcontractor, ARAMARK, on a temporary basis effective from September 1, 2003 and ending on May 31, 2004 (Concessions Period) DEFINITIONS: "ARAMARK" shall mean ARAMARK SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES OF TEXAS, INC., a Texas corporation. "Athletic Facilities" shall mean the athletic stadiums and arenas located on University's campus together with such other athletic facilities on University's campus as may be mutually agreed upon by University and ARAMARK.. "Commissions" shall mean the amounts payable to University by ARAMARK. "Concession Premises" shall mean the areas, improvements, personal property and facilities within the Athletic Facilities made available by University to ARAMARK. for the provision of the Concession Services. "Concession Services" shall mean the sale of such items and the provision of such services necessary to sell snack food and non-alcoholic beverages, at any and all events held at the Athletic Facilities. "Gross Receipts" shall mean all receipts received by ARAMARK from the Concession Services, less only retail sales taxes and other direct taxes imposed on upon receipts collected from the consumer. "Interest Rate" shall be the rate of uprime" published in The Wall Street Journal under a heading presently entitled "Money Rates," such rate to be adjusted at the end of each calendar quarter, plus two percentage points. "Minimum Annual Guarantee" shall mean the minimum amount of Commissions payable to University during the Concessions Period, which minimum amount shall be Two Hundred Eighty Thousand Dollars ($280,000). CONCESSION RIGHTS GRANTED TO ARAMARK: Other than packaged meals and certain services provided by University's food services and food and beverages served in stadium boxes leased to third parties, Company, through its subcontractor ARAMARK., has the sole and exclusive right to provide Concession Services at all events held at the Athletic Facilities. The sole and exclusive right granted to ARAMARK shall extend to all areas inside the Athletic Facilities and the areas which immediately surround them, including, without limitation, grounds, parking areas and ~~---=..:.~------------walkways.

COMMISSIONS: In further consideration of the rights granted to ARAMARK. as set forth in this addendum, ARAMARK shall pay to University Commissions equal to 39% of Gross Receipts obtained by ARAMARK from providing the Concession Services. REPORTING. ACCOUNTING AND PAYMENT OBLIGATIONS OF ARAMARK.: Statement of Gross Receipts; Payment: Within twenty (20) days following the end of each Accounting Period, ARAMARK. shall provide University with a statement of Gross Receipts for such Accounting Period, together with payment of Commissions due University with respect to such period. Each statement of Gross Receipts shall include an allocation of Gross Receipts by product category. A.

B. Annual Statement: Within twenty (20) days following the end of the Concessions Period, ARAMARK shall provide to University a statement of Gross Receipts for such Concessions Period, together with payment of the amount, if any, by which the Minimum Annual Guarantee exceeds the Commissions paid by ARAMARK. directly to University for such Concessions Period. C. Books and Records: ARAMARK. shall maintain accurate books and records in connection with its Concession Services and shall retain such records for a period of at least five (5) years following the expiration of the Concessions Period. University shall have the right, upon reasonable notice being given to ARAMARK., to review and to audit ARAMARK.'s records of Gross Receipts. D. Record Keeping: ARAMARK. shall use such cash registers, sales slips, invoicing machines and other automatic counting equipment as it deems necessary to properly and accurately record all Gross Receipts from the Concession Services. Such equipment and records shall be subject to the reasonable approval and inspection of University during regular business hours.

E. Accounting Periods: The accounting periods within each quarter shall consist of two (2) periods of twenty-eight (28) days each and one (1) period of thirty-five (35) days. F. Audit: If, upon independent examination of ARAMARK's records and the data provided to University by ARAMARK, University discovers that the sums due pursuant to this Agreement have been understated, University shall notify ARAMARK. of the deficiency, and ARAMARK. shall pay to University the amount of such deficiency plus interest thereon at the Interest Rate from the date payment of such sums was due until the date paid. If there is any such deficiency for the period audited, ARAMARK shall reimburse University, as appropriate, for any and all costs incurred in conducting the independent examination, whether by a certified public accountant or otherwise. If an independent examination of the data reveals an overpayment by ARAMARK, University immediately shall reimburse ARAMARK for the amount of the overpayment.

Temporary Concessions Addendum Page 2 0[6

PERSONNEL: A. Employment: ARAMARK shall employ and supervise such personnel as shall be necessary for the efficient perfonnance of its obligations under this Addendum. ARAMARK shall assign to the Athletic Facilities only employees reasonably acceptable to University. ARAMARK's General Manager: ARAMARK shall conduct the Concession Services under the supervision of a general manager. University shall have the right to approve ARAMARK's general manager prior to his or her assignment to the Athletic Facilities, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. B.

C. Non-Solicitation: University agrees that during the Concessions Period and for a period of two (2) years following the tennination of the Concessions Period that it will not directly or indirectly solicit, hire, offer to hire or employ any current salaried or managementlevel employee of ARAMARK to work in or in connection with University-provided Concessions Services, without ARAMARK's prior written approval. D. Third-Party Staffing: ARAMARK may, at its expense, adopt a program to enter into subcontract arrangements with various local community service clubs and other non-profit organizations which will be allowed to staff certain locations in the Athletic Facilities. ARAMARK will ensure that any representatives of such clubs and organizations will be suitably unifonned, trained and supervised in accordance with the requirements otherwise imposed hereunder on ARAMARK with regard to its employees. ARAMARK will indemnify and hold University hannless with respect to any and all claims for loss or damage and attorney's fees, arising directly or indirectly out of the activities attributable to such clubs or organizations, and any and all claims asserted by such clubs and organizations, including the members thereof, which arise under such subcontract arrangements with ARAMARK, except such damages or liability, arising from or attributable to University's negligence. CLEANING: ARAMARK. shall keep the Concession Premises clean and neat at all times.

ARAMARK further agrees that it shall pick up and remove all trash, garbage, litter and refuse within a radius of ten feet from each concession stand and other location from which ARAMARK provides the Concession Services. At the end of each day during which ARAMARK has provided Concession Services, it shall deliver all trash, garbage, litter and refuse to a central point designated for disposal by University. REPAIR, REPLACEMENT AND MAINTENANCE: ARAMARK shall maintain the facilities, furniture, fixtures and equipment which are furnished by ARAMARK, and shall, repair and replace such facilities, furniture, fixtures and equipment as needed. ARAMARK shall not be responsible for maintaining, repairing or replacing any other facilities, furniture, fixtures or equipment unless ARAMARK's negligence shall have been the cause necessitating such maintenance, repair or replacement.

Temporary Concessions Addendum Page 3 of6

ARAMARK'S OPERATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES: A. Periods of Operations: ARAMARK shall provide the Concession Services prior to and during each event held at the Athletic Facilities and at such other times as shall be reasonably necessary to serve patrons of the Athletic Facilities. The number of stands and their respective hours of operation shall be appropriate to enable ARAMARK to efficiently meet anticipated customer demand.

B. Serving Materials: ARAMARK shall offer for sale food and beverages which are served in paper or pasteboard cups, trays and wrappers, as appropriate. With the exception of unsweetened and unflavored bottled water and certain products of University which may be sold or served in their original containers, no food and beverages shall be served in bottles, cans, plastic containers or packages. C. Ouality: All food and beverage items and merchandise offered for sale by ARAMARK shall be of high quality. ARAMARK shall not offer for sale any food or beverage items which are spoiled, of poor quality or otherwise unfit for consumption and any such items immediately shall be removed by ARAMARK from any food preparation or service area. D. Prices: At least thirty days prior to the beginning of the Concession Period, ARAMARK shall submit to University for its approval the prices to be charged for each item to be sold by ARAMARK. University shall exercise a good faith effort to cause University to exercise in a reasonable and timely manner its right to approve changes in such prices as may be periodically requested by ARAMARK. It is understood and agreed by University and ARAMARK that the prices charged for Concession Services shall be comparable to those found in other similar facilities. ARAMARK shall post prices on approved menu boards which shall be attached permanently to all stands and portable carts.

E. University's Product Designation Rights: Prior to the start of the Concession Period, ARAMARK shall submit to University, for its approval, those items which ARAMARK intends to offer for sale at the Athletic Facilities. ARAMARK shall sell only those items approved by University. In addition, when so requested by University and to the extent applicable law permits ARAMARK to do so, the products of University's sponsors including, but not limited to, the Coca-Cola Company and advertisers shall be featured and sold by ARAMARK provided such products are available to ARAMARK at equivalent prices, terms, quality and quantity as are generally available to ARAMARK from suppliers of similar products. At University's request and to the extent applicable law permits ARAMARK to do so, ARAMARK shall purchase those products and utilize those suppliers designated by University; provided, however, that such products are comparable to those preferred by ARAMARK with respect to prices, terms, quality, quantity and customer acceptance. If ARAMARK desires to offer for sale any product not included in the approved menu and price schedule, written approval of the additional items must be obtained from University, and written approval of the prices at which they may be offered for sale must be obtained from University. If ARAMARK desires to substitute any item for another listed item, or make any change in quality or portion size of the items set forth herein, written approval must first be obtained from University.

Temporary Concessions Addendum Page 4 0[6



University shall provide without charge to ARAMARK water and

B. Removal of Trash and Garbage: University shall establish a central location to which ARAMARK shall deliver all trash and garbage produced by ARAMARK's Concession Services. University shall, at its sole expense, remove all trash and garbage placed by ARAMARK at such location.

C. Repairs: University shall timely make and pay for all repairs to all utilities systems within the Athletic Facilities and all structural areas and improvements provided by University, except when such repairs are necessitated by ARAMARK's negligence.

LICENSES, PERMITS AND TAXES: A. Licenses, Pennits and Taxes: ARAMARK, at its expense, shall obtain and maintain in good standing at all times all legally required licenses and pennits necessary to provide the Concession Services. University shall cooperate with ARAMARK in obtaining such licenses and pennits. B. Payment for pennits and Licenses; Collection: ARAMARK shall pay for all Federal, state and local licenses and pennits and collect and pay for all sales, use and excise taxes relating to the provision of the Concession Services.

Notices to ARAMARK: All notices required to be given by University to ARAMARK pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and personally delivered, sent by telefax, telegram or overnight courier or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested to: ARAMARK Sports and Entertainment Services, Inc. 1101 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 Attn: President with a required copy to: ARAMARK Corporation 1101 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 Attn: Executive Vice President and General Counsel or to such other person or place as ARAMARK may designate in writing.

Temporary Concessions Addendum Page 5 0/6




) Accepted and Agreed:

Date Signed: Q,ll.1-03

Date Signed:

J- 8-



Approved as to form

BY~~<~ Texas A&M U ersity System Office of General Counsel


Temporary Concessions Addendum Page 60/6

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