Coffee Bean

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 7
SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTH Recruitment, training and recognition program The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf has established a regional office in Singapore to provide training and recruitment support for the region. The previous owner provides no assistance in recruitment of key managers. They were recruited with the assistance of a local consultant. Then each outlet of The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf can lead and control by the manager who is suitable enough and have knowledge and experience about the region. Then they always have the greatest ability to find suitable adaptable strategies. In additional, special training is provided to staff to be more forward in greeting and helping the customers. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf has managed to maintain several traditions as secrets of their success, one of which is having their Team Members provide each customer with a Total Quality Experience inspired from the company’s Core Values, F.R.O.T.H: Friendly, Respect, Ownership, Teamwork and Honesty. When The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf (The Coffee Bean) stores open their doors, they aren’t just opening them to customers—they are opening them to new Team Members, too. Company’s marketing strategy All the stores of The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf were located at high traffic, high visible locations in each Asian market. That the market entry strategies have found to be used by The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf in managing their foreign franchisees when expanding into Asia include master franchising and company owned-stores. The marketing approach is essential to gain a competitive advantage for The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf in the foreign market. The construct included market entry, site location, and market positioning. The reason for The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf to choose master franchise as its form of franchising is because of that the master franchising was the most popular mode of entry into distant and cultural dissimilar market such as Asia. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf found that the sale of a master franchise as a quick “off the peg” method of establishing a franchise operation has often encountered problems related to differences in the social, economical and cultural environment of the two countries which have necessitated substantial adaptations and modifications to the original product, systems and marketing. Instead of sub-franchising the units, the master franchisees prefer to own and run the entire unit. When the CEO of The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf was asked why, he said: “The reason is attributed largely to be limited size of the marketplace as the products are targeted at specific niche rather than the general public…coupled with the high cost of rent, franchisees will not to be financially viable if the ownership is limited to one or two stores.” It entered Singapore, Malaysia, and Taiwan by master franchising. In the other hand, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf prefers to use company-owned stores in Hong Kong, Australia and United States. Whereas for complex markets such as Japan, Philippines and the Middle East, franchising is more favored. Company’s franchise practice

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf encourage information exchange

between franchisor and franchisee to get a better understanding about the environment and problems which

faced by the franchisee. Regular communications were made between the franchisor and franchisees during early stages of expansion into a region. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf also provides franchise training to the franchisees and key manager. For example, the first master franchisee and key managers spent 6 weeks training in the United States. Overall The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf appears to be making few modifications for their international franchise agreement, which is the template used for domestic franchising. These small firms rely heavily on the professional expertise and advice of their solicitors who specialize in domestic and international franchising. Therefore, having an appropriate solicitor who specializes in international franchising will compensate for the lack of the ability to negotiate the contractual modifications and handle contract enforcement to help The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf build a good and long-term relationship with its franchisees. Intelligence of the leader

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf was established by Hyman

in 1963 opening its first store in Brentwood, California which continues to operate today as one of our highest volume and highest profile stores. This achievement comes from the intelligence of the franchisor; Hyman awarded Sunvic the master franchise rights for Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and Australia for 20 years. Over the next three months, a six-weeks training was provided in the U.S. to key managers in product knowledge such as coffee and tea but nothing management in stores. The decision of Hyman to identify the master franchisee characteristics that is required for success in Asia. However, no research has hitherto been done, especially in Asia, in determining desired master franchisee characteristics. The master franchisee characteristics associated with success in Asia are financial strength, entrepreneurial and like-mindedness. The master franchisee owns a highly successful luxury watch distributorship and regional entertainment company in Asia, owns and operates 63 outlets in Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan. Hyman came to Singapore for a couple of weeks to assist in the opening of the inaugural store. This was the first time they had ever set foot in Singapore. Victor recalled that early battles that were fought the Hyman over changing menu and operational procedures. As Victor’s recalled: “I wanted to expand the menu to include sandwiches as Singaporeans need to have food with their coffee. I felt the drinks were too sweet for Asians, so I proposed some change. The negotiations were not easy because to tell them it was like an insult- ‘You are a franchisee and you’re telling me what to do?’”For the current owner, Victor undertakes evaluation of government policies on an ad hoc manner because he believes in unsolicited enquires only. He has extensive knowledge of operating in Asia. Victor cautions that although the Asian youth market is highly brand conscious, they are very perceptive when it comes to food. Victor admits that those The

Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf outlets in suburbs of middle to high socio economic groups are performing financially better than those of low socio economic groups.In July 1999, Sunvic acquired a substantial stake in the California-based International Coffee and Tea LLC, which own the global franchise. This move has effectively transformed the former master franchisee to franchisor. According to Victor, the move to buy over the business was logical one (Koh 2000). “I’ve watch many other businesses were the principals take back the franchisee after you’ve spent all your effort in building up the business. You’re at their mercy, and as your contract gets closer with the expiry date, things will get harder for you,” Victor said. Company’s business strategy

For the concept of standardization of The Coffee

Bean & Tea Leaf, branding and image are consistent in host markets with that of home market. Despite the expectation that cultural differences may affect the demand for their products and services, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf felt that maintaining standardization was more important than adaptation. Standardization is enforced by The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf on branding to ensure that the brand image and value is being perceived consistently by its target customers in all markets. Adaptation has also applied to the product offering by The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. In its home country The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf have a limited range of food and beverage items in their outlets. However, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf had included a wider range of hot food items in Asia as Asians need to have food with their coffees Outstanding quality of input and output

Both the good quality of input and output has

brings a big achievement for The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. The foundation of The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf is a commitment to quality. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf produces and serves only the finest coffees and teas from around the world. Each year The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf search out the best harvests from Sumatra to Costa Rica to bring to their tasting room for inspection and sampling and accept only the highest grades of green coffee and full leaf tea.

Coffee All of the beans they import are grown at altitudes of up to 6000 feet because the cooler temperatures at the higher altitudes cause the bean to develop more slowly, which results in a more concerned flavor. As the growing conditions in each geographic region have a significant impact on the look, taste and smell of the coffee, they travel to many estates in each growing region to find Simply the Best coffee. Some of the conditions that they judge at each state are geographic









(seasonal/quantity of rainfall, temperature fluctuation), process/tradition (washed/natural processing, central processing/ small-holder processing, technology/methods, storage conditions

and times), agriculture/botany (type-species, variety of trees in use, type/amount/frequency of fertilization, type/use of shade). Once the green coffee reaches the stores, it goes through several quality checks. In the testing lab, they roast small batches if each new shipment to ensure that the quality meets the stringent standards. Then, the coffee is tasted using precise guidelines to compare the coffee to the original samples procured at the growing site. When tasting each batch, the fragrance, aroma, flavor, acidity, body is analyzed to ensure that the ritual of coffee drinking is not compromised. After passing the quality check, the green coffee beans are roasted fresh daily. The coffee is meticulously monitored to ensure the most flavorful coffee. Once the optimal flavor is reached, the coffee is then packaged using state-of-the-art equipment. Because coffee is highly susceptible to oxidation and degradation when exposed to air and moisture, the coffee is sealed in nitrogen-flushed, one-way valved bags in order to maintain freshness until the bag is opened.

Tea teas (black, green, and oolong) originate All from one bush, the camellia sinensis, which is distinguished by its dark green leaves and fragrant cream-colored blossoms. At harvest time, the glossy whole leaves and young new shoots are plucked and processed for optimal freshness by hand. During the steeping process, the leaves unfurl, releasing their flavor into the water. Experience and innovation

For over thirty-seven years, The Coffee Bean & Tea

Leaf has developed the finest resources, roasting techniques, retailing know-how, and innovative trend setting coffee and tea drinks. Its founder Herbert B. Hyman is recognized as the "founding father "of specialty coffee in America and has helped mentor many of the leading coffee executives in the industry. At the same time, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf also continually builds upon vast experience to invent numerous industry firsts. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf invented its trademark Ice Blended ®, the frozen mocha drink that created a new drink category and is the most popular frozen coffee drink in the world. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf also invented the first specialty coffee extract ever produced. Their French Deluxe ™vanilla and Special Dutch ™ Chocolate powders are industry firsts that gives coffee drinks a flavor vastly superior to any other. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf newest innovations were the Chai Latté, a creamy sweet spicy chai tea drink and its juice-based Ice Blended® Drinks, a variety of smoothies blended with French Deluxe ™vanilla powder that have once again set an industry standard. Community


The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf maintains a strong

commitment to the community with numerous programs contributing to local and charitable causes. The company is proud supporters of many schools, charities and institutions both nationally and abroad that benefits our communities, customers and employees. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf can be sure that wherever there is a The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, they are working hard to be a 'good neighbor'. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf has earned its good reputation by maintaining a strong commitment to the community with numerous programs contributing to local and charitable causes and as the premier chain of specialty coffee stores in the world with award-winning drinks that are known across the world. WEAKNESS Target market characteristics The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf is targeted the youth, who are teens and working adults in their twenties. This has become a weakness for the firm. The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf aligns itself with other major brands targeting the youth market. This may lead it to lose some potential market. For example, DOME’s positioning is “expensive and exclusive” as its target market is the professionals, managers, executives and businessmen (PEMBs). But The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf’s target market is the youth and who didn’t have strong consumption power. In the other hand, Mc-Donald’s target market is children and teens. Both of the target market for The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and Mc-Donald’s are sensitive to the price issue. Mc-Donald’s positioned the restaurant well in the target market by a competitive pricing strategy. This pricing strategy likes a threat for The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. The market share and profit for The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf are limited. Franchisee’s policy

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf does not allow its master franchisees to sub-

franchise any of their outlets in the Middle East and Asia. The reason is attributed largely to the limited size of the specialty coffee industry in these market. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf is targeted at specific niche markets rather than the general public. Therefore, coupled with the high cost of rent, franchisees will not able to be financially viable if the ownership is limited to one or two stores.To be a master franchisee of The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, one must possess the following characteristics: it must be a public company; it must demonstrate that it has the fund and infrastructure to open among 30 to 40 outlets and it also must be currently running a successful business. OPPORTUNITY Market potential “With the success of Singapore and Malaysia, we realize there was a great potential in Asia. We knew we had to take it over,” said Victor in his interview with Jordan (1999). Now, the Sassoon has very ambitious plans for the U.S. This is because of the highly potential of growth of the market in U.S. Victor plans to further his market plan and expand the share market of The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf worldwide because the potential of the market. From 60 outlets on Southern California, they plan to open additional outlets in

California, Nevada and Arizona and may be as far as Chicago and New York. The company has consulted investment banker and may try to spin off the Asian operation of The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf in the near future; it may also try to list the U.S. Company later.

Changing of lifestyle Despite major economic recessions, terrorist attacks and two wars over the past two decades, the specialty coffee industry has grown every year. One industry observer said, "When times are good the coffeehouse industry is great. And when times are bad the coffeehouse industry is great." Lifestyle factors converge to make the coffee industry strong at all times. The stimulant effect of coffee is an important reason why many hard-working, fast-paced Malaysian consider a stop at their local coffeehouse a necessary part of their day. Conversely, coffeehouses provide calm, inviting environment for people to socialize, relax or catch up on work. Young people under the legal drinking age are one of the fastestgrowing segments of the coffee drinking market. Coffeehouses provide them with a much-needed place to meet with their friends. Besides, entertainment on weekend nights draws a young group of enthusiastic customers. The surge in interest in coffee drinking among young people assures a diverse, receptive, sophisticated customer base now and in the future. Older adults also enjoy the fact that for the relatively modest price of a cup of coffee and snack, they can meet with their friends, relax or work. Instead of going to a bar and paying for an alcoholic drink or a restaurant where a meal usually comes with a hefty price tag, the coffeehouse is an intimate yet inexpensive venue. THREAT Competition The global coffee market is a very competitive sector and The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf must compete against the likes of restaurants such as McDonald, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) and coffee shops such as Starbucks, Dome and Old Town Café. A major competitor with substantially greater financial, marketing and operating resources than The Coffee Beans & Tea Leaf could enter this market at any time and compete directly against the company. Besides Coffee manufacturers including Starbucks Corporation, The Proctor & Gamble Company, and Nestle USA, Inc. distribute premium coffee products nationally in supermarkets and convenience stores. Many of these products may be substitutes for The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf’s coffees and coffee drinks. So The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf must be aware of competition on all levels and maintain its operational performance if it is to retain its status as the world’s leading specialty coffee retailer. Host country risk management

Risk management issues such as government policies,

regulations, macroeconomic variations and monetary uncertainties are important to The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf on its international franchising. In recent years, the greatest growth in international franchising occurred in Asia, South America, Central America and Mexico. This is because the markets of most of the developed countries became increasingly in saturated and competitive.

Therefore, as more and more foreign

franchisors expand to culturally diverse countries such as East Asia, host country policy evaluation and foreign exchange management are fundamental capabilities that are important for The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf to develop. Understanding host country government policies concerning to the transfer and repatriation of dividends, fees and royalties has been found to be an important capability for The Coffee Bean & Tea

Leaf. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf conducts a very little host government policy evaluation. The reason for this could be attributed to a lack of resources and reactive approach to market expansion. Culture environmental aspects The need for The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf to adapt its concept, business format, and products to the culture of host country comes to be a threat for The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf if it failed to meet the culture of host country. The cultural environment adds complexity to franchising in a foreign country. Culture impacts the negotiation of contracts, the daily operations, the hiring of personnel, as well as the format of the franchise. The very strengths of the franchise format, its standardization, make its successful of replication in foreign markets difficult to The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. Franchising requires a high degree of standardization to be effective; however, in foreign markets the pressure to adapt the product or service is frequently high to The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. Enthusiasm of health consciousness

New age beverages have experienced a rebirth as

manufactures have capitalized on consumers’ growing interest in herbal remedies such as Tongkat Ali and Kacip Fatimah. People are cutting down on caffeine but the consumption of decaffeinated coffee has not seen an increase. Consumer attitude to health care are changing and more people are taking responsibility for their health rather than passively accepting medical decisions. Within this desire to exercise individual decision, many consumers are looking outside the traditional realm pharmaceuticals to herbal remedies and supplements. As a result, demand for coffee from The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf will decline because consumer changing their lifestyle and they are more concern about their health care and they also believe that drinking coffee will harm their health.

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf was founded by Mona and Herbert Hyman in September 1963. They opened the first store in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Brentwood. This original location still exists and operates today.Founded in 1963, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf is the oldest and largest privately held chain of specialty coffee and tea stores in the United States. With a reputation for excellence, the company is a leader in product innovations, having developed the Original Ice Blended, a drink that today is much copied by others, but never perfected. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf serves more than 120 million coffee and tea beverages annually worldwide – providing the highest quality coffees and teas for forty years. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf currently has more than 260 stores in California, Arizona, Nevada, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, Brunei, Indonesia, UAE, Israel, Australia, China and the Philippines and continues to expand both domestically and internationally.

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