Codex Rebellion; Third Draft

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 13
Codex; Rebellion (Third Draft) Contents Codex; Rebellion (Third Draft)....................................................................................1 Background;............................................................................................................2 Introduction..........................................................................................................2 Tactics, Stratagems and Weaponry......................................................................2 History..................................................................................................................3 Special Rules;..........................................................................................................4 Rag-Tag:...............................................................................................................4 Individuality:........................................................................................................4 Power in Numbers:...............................................................................................5 Cells:....................................................................................................................5 Units;.......................................................................................................................5 HQ........................................................................................................................5 Elites....................................................................................................................6 Troops:.................................................................................................................7 Fast Attack:..........................................................................................................8 Transports:...........................................................................................................8 Weapons..............................................................................................................9 Weapon

Background; Introduction As hard as the Imperium tries to maintain their grip upon all of the planets contained within their massive empire, there were, are and will always be rebellions. Many are brought down by the local Planetary Defence Forces; however some are large enough to break through. Most planets will send out a distress call back to Terra, but with all the bureaucracy that takes place, it is almost impossible to imagine help coming at any relevant time. However, help eventually does come, and in the sledgehammer that is the Imperial Guard, not many rebellions live. However, there are few that battle their way out, destroying the guard. At this point, there is not much the Imperium can do; they cannot afford to waste resources on a single planet. It is unlikely that they will be able to gain ships and so leave on a journey of conquest, and so they are ignored. For those rebels, they have achieved their goal; complete abandonment of the Imperium. They will be forever hated, and will probably be brought down at some point, but until then, they live on their own. Rebellions contain a large variety of troops, and they may differ in their numbers, training or even race, depending on their home planet. Major rebellions have been known to have taken place on all kinds of planets, such as Hive Worlds, Feral Worlds, and even, in rare cases, Military Worlds. The latter will often be unsuccessful; the world will have more than enough soldiers to stifle the rebellion. However, if the governor is particularly tyrannical, the guardsmen themselves may help to take over. In most cases, the loyalists will fight the rebellion as expected, but if the rebellion shows promise, they will often switch sides with the rebels so as to prevent themselves from dying in battle against the victorious rebellion. Rebellions may be caused for several reasons. The first and most common is when a governor is tyrannical, and the civilian population has had enough. They usually gain access to weapons from soldiers from the PDF who are part of the early rebellion, and due to the element of surprise, they may be able to quickly take down a PDF battalion or two via subversive means. This gains them more weapons, and also possibly some experienced soldiers to train their own troops (under duress, of course). After this, they are usually noted. The remaining PDF will fight them, however they may, with the massed support of civilians, be able to defeat them and eventually dethrone and execute the governor. Other, rarer examples include heretical witches stirring up rebellion, daemonic possession causing mass hysteria and berserk assaults, and Tyranid Genestealer cults for the ultimate purpose of bringing a Hive Fleet to the planet. Tactics, Stratagems and Weaponry The tactics of a rebellion again may vary largely. Early stages often involve simple ideas, and simpler weapons. It would be hard to use their limited amount of

experienced soldiers to train all civilians participating. Instead, tactics are used quite simply. Firing at whatever is closest is often accepted as the norm. Later on, civilians gain experience, and as many fights take place in cities, will be able to move through difficult terrain quite well. However, many troops never have to go through that sort of experience in the rebellion, and some are no better trained then your average citizen. At the top of the rebellion is usually an influential leader capable of speeches and in general rallying the rebellious population into attacking. Indeed, many Zealots are made, who go berserk on the enemies of the rebels. Later on in the rebellion, prisoners may be released to fight alongside the rebels, and so more experienced troops enter the battle. However, what separates rebels from any other army in the galaxy is their individuality and their resourcefulness. Many of their weapons are improvised, and much of their armour is as well, taken and strapped on from the corpses of dead enemies and allies. Of course, this comes with the obvious downside of less reliable equipment, but early on, when they lack access to any new weaponry, it is an invaluable skill to have, and all of the freedom fighters know it. Much of the time, the rebels will rely on guerrilla warfare to assault the PDF, who will have superior firepower and numbers. After a while, when they have enough, they may escalate to open warfare, but they always must make sure the battle is on their terms. History This is a short description of major and successful rebellions that have taken place. It lists their location, their battles, and the current status of their planet. Jactuan IV This hive planet was known for its production of plasteel for use in fortifications. Its new governor had just been chosen, and his first act was to altogether remove most workers from their jobs, replacing many of them with the mindless and cheaply maintained robots. Naturally, many of these workers were angry, they had just lost their livelihood. In a series of riots, they obtained weaponry, and more importantly, a leader; James Avanhood. He was a former Imperial Guard sergeant and he used his training to effectively wage a war on the unsuspecting PDF. They were enjoying major victories in their first battles, and it looked like the PDF was going to lose. However, a fleet carrying guardsmen back to the Markane system after a long and gruelling campaign noticed their plight, and joined the fray. All of a sudden, the rebels were beset by an army much more well organized, trained and armed then they were. However, what they had on their side was the massive amount of extremely good-quality plasteel the planet was famous for. In a move that may go down in history as the most extreme civilian fortification ever, they built a massive plasteel wall around the largest hive city on the planet, and held off all guard troops for more then three years. Eventually, in a final battle of massive proportions, they were able to target all of their enemy’s leadership, and in a massive demoralizing blow, killed them all. At this point, the already tired guardsmen and PDF soldiers surrendered, knowing that victory without leadership would be impossible. The

planet is currently still alive and well. The civilians have torn down several hives in favour of more conventional sprawling cities, and have forgone military production for farming and other more essential products. They have held off three separate attacks in the same manner as in their first battles, including one by the Orks during the aftermath of a WAAAGH! Carrion II This was an ocean world, with all of it’s land covered by vast expanses of freshwater except for one small island, around ten kilometres square. The population was relatively low, and most of the PDF was contained off planet, on an orbiting space station. The rebellion occurred for reasons unknown, however those low-ranking enough to study it have suspected a Tyranid Genestealer cult to be the primary cause of rebellion. In the days leading up to the actual riots, various law keepers had noted a variety of murders with no apparent motive, no known witnesses or suspects, and whose only link to each other was that they all shared the exact same murder weapon: four large blades, used in a stab and rip method, positioned as three fingers and a thumb on a very large hand. Also, the civilians later on used weapons only sparingly, and instead many of them were classified as Zealots, viciously ripping apart their opponents in hand-to-hand combat. Eventually, the small amount of PDF troops was defeated or demoralized, and the governor and his personal bodyguard took refuge in the space station. As for some reason, no psykers reported back to the Imperium, the only reason these records are here is because the governor and his bodyguard escaped in a small merchant ship. Carrion II was eventually known to be directly in the path of the Tyranid Hive Fleet Kraken, and it’s current status is unknown. The Kollarando System This was one of the most daring, successful and powerful rebellions ever taken. The Kollarando System is a grouping of five inhabitable planets along with their appropriate moons, located on the Eastern Fringe, dangerously close to the Tau Empire. As such, many psykers exist in the system, constantly reporting back to Terra. The Tau had recently launched a minor campaign, the “Guon-Larin” campaign, in honour of its Shas’o, Shas’o Guon-Larin. The PDF made several major mistakes on the third planet in the system, and civilians who were already mildly unsettled by the constant Tau transmissions, progressed into full-blown rebellion. Eventually, they were victorious, as the troops there had many larger worries to take care of. Imperial Guard divisions and Space Marines showed up to slow the Tau’s advance; while the rebels took over the planet rather hush. They made an alliance of circumstances with the Tau, taking weapons in exchange for their assistance to the Tau, and in a massive push, took over all but one of the planets in the Kollarando system. The last planet was being held by the second and third companies of the Dark Guardians, a Space Marine chapter with a nearby training planet, and countless guardsmen. In a siege that went on for ten and a half years, the guardsmen all starved, as the planet was covered in cities, leaving very little

food, and even the Emperor’s Finest were looking lethargic. Of course, the siege took its toll on the rebel’s too. Several breakout attempts had been made, none successful, but by this point, there were only five ships of reasonable size holding the two-hundred Space Marines in. However, they knew they had no chance, and so managed to entice the Tau and Rebels into attacking. They had already buried all of their bombs and anything explosive, including warp drives and volatile jet-engines at various points in the planet’s crust, however, and when the time came, they detonated all of them. The remainder of the Tau and Rebel troops, along with the Space Marines themselves, were blown to dust, and the planet was cracked into three separate moons, which have each at their own time, crashed into the second planet in the system, causing massive damage. The system currently has an unknown status, but it is suspected that the Tau turned on the humans, and either assimilated or destroyed them.

Special Rules; These rules apply to the entire army unless otherwise noted. Rag-Tag: The rebels represent a group of unofficially or very rapidly trained soldiers. As such, they lack much of the professionalism that makes other armies so efficient. Every turn, check if the unit has a model with the rule “Leader” either contained within it or if it has a model within 12” of an allied model with the rule. If it does not, then it must take a leadership check at the beginning of your turn. If it fails, roll on the chart below. Roll 1-2



Effect Where do we go, again? The unit is confused about its orders of where to go. It will scatter d6 inches that turn instead of normal movement, but will stop if it comes too close to an enemy unit or reaches dangerous terrain. Gun-Cruelty The unit forgoes its weapons training. Roll a dice for every model in the unit. On a 1 or 2, they have managed to jam their gun by whatever means they came up with. They may not fire that turn. Roll separately for special weapons, models with different stats etc. Berserk Charge The unit will automatically move its full movement distance towards the nearest enemy unit, it will count as having fleet for that turn as well, and will run during its shooting phase, forgoing shooting, and then will charge the enemy unit. It gains furious charge for that turn.

Individuality: The rebels would often fight within cities, often in small groups or even on their own. As such, they are used to small unit sizes. All rebels, unless otherwise noted,

do not take a penalty for being below 50% unit strength for their morale checks, and when checking for rallying, they may rally despite being below 50% of their unit size. Power in Numbers: Eventually, all successful rebellions become huge affairs, with massive amounts of un-coordinated, zealous rebels throwing themselves at the enemy. If multiple units of rebels are in combat with the same enemy unit at the same time, then they all are fearless. Cells: Every unit of rebels has been trained to work independently. Therefore, they are armed appropriately for the job. Every unit has to be able to do multiple jobs and live through multiple situations. Every troops and elites unit MUST have at least a single special or heavy weapon contained within it. Transports are not covered by this rule.

Units; HQ Rebellious Leader: The man who started it all. The leader of a rebellion in battle can be anyone from the actual initiator of the rebellion to a sergeant replacing his commander, and anything in between. They have access to the best weaponry the rebels have to offer, but it still often isn’t much. He is not as strong as most other leaders of other factions, however, he can hold is own for the most part, as long as he doesn’t face off against a warlord. 60 points WS: 4 BS: 4 S: 3 T: 3 W: 2 I: 4 A: 2 Ld: 9 Sv: 4+ Armaments Bolt Pistol, Close combat weapon. (Can be switched to a Boltgun for free.) Special Rules: Fearless Independent Character Great Leader: Any unit with one model within 18 inches of the leader gains the “Stubborn” universal rule and does not use the “Rag-Tag” special rule. Upgrades: (The leader may take UP TO TWO of the below upgrades, including weapon and war gear upgrades) Plasma Pistol: 30 points (replaces bolt pistol or CC weapon) Sniper Rifle: 15 points (replaces bolter or bolt pistol AND CC weapon) Improvised Flamer: 10 points (replaces bolt pistol or CC weapon) Flamer: 15 points (replaces bolter or bolt pistol AND CC weapon)

Power Weapon: 10 points (replaces bolt pistol or CC weapon) Improvised Invulnerability Shield; 5+ invulnerable save: 15 points Looted Invulnerability Shield; 4+ invulnerable save: 30 points If the Rebellious Leader has two ranged weapons, he is able to fire both at the same time. If they are two of the same weapon, then they count as two separate weapons, and may still be fired simultaneously. Unit Additions Retinue: This consists of 3 to 7 Insurgents, which may be equipped as per their unit profile. They are given WS 4. Transport: The leader may be given a Modified Pickup or a Modified Armoured Car as a transport for their respective points values. Elites Insurgents The Insurgents are among the best troops the rebellion has; they are often compared to storm troopers of the Imperium. What they lack in equipment they make up for in ingenuity, training and enthusiasm; it is very hard to shake a determined Insurgent. 10 points Units are of 4 to 12 Insurgents. WS: 3 BS: 3 S: 3 T: 3 W: 1 I: 3 A: 1 Ld: 8 Sv: 5+ Defected Platoon Leader 14 points WS: 4 BS: 4 S: 3 T: 3 W: 1 I: 4 A: 2 Ld: 9 Sv: 4+ Armaments Lasguns Special Insurgents do not suffer from the Rag-Tag special rule. Upgrades (2 maximum of special weapons) Flamer: 10 points Grenade Launcher: 15 points Laspistol/Power weapon: 15 points Melta-gun (Only one may be taken): 20 points Plasma gun (Only one may be taken): 30 points Up to two of the below may be chosen, applies to whole unit. Cost is per model. Carapace Armour (4+ save): 5 points Grav-Chutes (Deep strike): 12 points Frag Grenades: 4 points Krak Grenades: 6 points Hellguns: 10 points

They may take a Modified Pickup or a Modified Armoured Car as a personal transport for the appropriate cost. Zealots The name “Zealot” is a very general term. While it can be used to describe the very over-zealous basic troops of the rebellion, in this case, it means the insanely fanatical troops, the ones who rip their opponents apart, no matter the cost. This may be because they are Genestealer hybrids or because they are merely very excited and hopped up on combat drugs. In any case, they are a force to be reckoned with in any assault. 14 points Units are of 5 to 10 Zealots WS: 5 BS: 0 S: 4 T: 3 W: 1 I: 5 A: 2+1 Ld: 10 Sv: 5+ Armaments Rending weapons, two each. Extra attack included in profile. Special Rules: Stubborn Feel No Pain Upgrades (Cells rule does not apply) Applies to whole unit. Cost is per model. One maximum. Adrenaline Drugs (furious charge): 10 points Heavy armour (4+ save): 15 points Frag Grenades: 7 points They may take a Modified Pickup as a personal transport at the appropriate cost. Troops: Rebels The building blocks of any rebel army, are the rebels. These troops are resourceful, they can work on their own, and they aren’t afraid to fight much of the time. They are the workhorses, and must be treated as such. Do not expend them, as one’s hold over their army in a rebellion is not held by orders, but rather by how much they like you. 4 points Units are of 6 to 20 rebels. WS: 2 BS: 2 S: 3 T: 3 W: 1 I: 3 A: 1 Ld: 7 Sv: 6+ Insurgent 10 points WS: 3 BS: 3 S: 3 T: 3 W: 1 I: 3 A: 2 Ld: 8 Sv: 6+ Only one insurgent per unit may be taken. It has the “Leader” special rule, and all Rebels of his unit may use his leadership instead of their own, as long as he is alive.

Armaments Lasguns Upgrades (2 maximum on special weapons) Flamer: 10 points Combat Shotgun: 5 points Grenade Launcher: 15 points Laspistol/Power weapon: 15 points Melta-gun: 20 points One of the below may be chosen, applies to whole unit. Cost is per model Frag Grenades: 4 points Krak Grenades: 6 points Flak Vests; 5+ save: 2 points Carapace Armour; 4+ save: 5 points Extra Training (WS3 and BS 3 for Rebels): 2 points They may also take a Modified Pickup as a personal transport for the appropriate points cost, but there may be no more than 12 models in the unit. Traitor Guard At any point, when the rebellion becomes huge, there will be professional guardsmen who surrender, and usually the rebels are more than glad to take them in; they provide equipment and manpower. These troops are often viewed lower by other rebels; “the ones who joined in halfway”, but their military usefulness cannot be denied, and they are the more elite of troops. 7 points Units are of 6 to 24 guardsmen WS: 3 BS: 3 S: 3 T: 3 W: 1 I: 3 A: 1 Ld: 7 Sv: 5+ Armaments Lasguns Special Guardsmen, being formally trained “for real”, do not suffer from the Rag-Tag rule, or the Cells rule. Upgrades (4 maximum) Flamer: 10 points Combat Shotgun: 5 points Grenade Launcher: 15 points Laspistol/Power weapon: 15 points Melta-gun: 20 points One of the below may be chosen, applies to whole unit. Cost is per model Frag Grenades: 4 points Krak Grenades: 6 points Carapace Armour; 4+ save: 5 points

Grav-Chutes (Deep strike): 8 points They may take a Modified Pickup, or a Modified Armoured Car as a personal transport for the appropriate points cost, but if so, they may not have more than 12 models in the unit. Fast Attack: Combat Jeep The Combat Jeep is just like any other jeep, except it has a big gun attached to it’s back. It has four-wheel drive, it is light, and it won’t stand up to much damage. These are among the most basic of combat vehicles, a jeep with armour from destroyed tanks attached to the sides. 100 points Front: 10 Side: 10 Back: 10 Special: Open Topped Armaments Heavy Stubber, Upgradable to Heavy Bolter for +10 points, Multi-Laser for +20 points. Upgradable with TWO of the below: Battering Ram (+4 damage when ramming): 15 points Sponson Flamers (1 per side, standard flamer stats): 20 points Dual Engine (18” max movement, but is not fast. If it goes more than 6 inches, it may still not fire): 15 points Shocks and Roll Cage (Re-roll on difficult terrain tests): 15 points ATV Unit ATVs, or All Terrain Vehicles, are very light, small, two person four wheeled buggies with almost no protection for either gunner or driver. They aren’t large enough to hold any gun larger then a mounted bolter or storm bolter, but they are fast enough to quickly attack and retreat before the enemy knows what hit them. 30 points A unit consists of 3 to 6 ATVs. WS: 3 BS: 3 S: 3 T: 4 W: 2 I: 4 A: 1 Ld: 7 Sv: 4+ They are bikers. Armaments: Storm Bolter, upgradable to a twin-linked Storm Bolter for +10 points, must be taken for whole unit. Special: Hit-and-Run: Instead of moving their normal 12 inches or turbo boosting, the biker unit may move 6 inches, fire, and then use their assault move to move another 6”, no matter if they charge or not.

Transports: Modified Pickup The most basic of basic vehicles, the Pickup is extremely modified. It is just like a normal pickup, but extended to be longer, and widened as well, with seats added in three rows on the back, placed for twelve. It is extremely modifiable, and is the basic troop transport of any rebellion in some form or another. 45 points Front: 10 Side: 10 Back: 10 Special: Open-topped, Transport capacity 12 Armaments Storm-Bolter (equivalent), upgradable to Heavy Stubber for +5 points, Heavy Bolter for +15 points Upgradable with ONE of the below: Smoke Launchers: 5 points Closed Top (firing slits for four if taken): 10 points Weighted Down (counts as tank): 10 points Heavy Armour (Front Armour +1): 15 points Nitrous booster: (Fast vehicle): 25 points The pickup may only be taken as a transport. If you give the pickup the “Nitrous Booster” upgrade, and it’s cargo isn’t an HQ choice, then it is moved to the Fast Attack category of the force organization chart. Modified Armoured Car Civilian armoured cars are used for transporting valuable goods around the city, and these modified ones are used for the same thing, but on the battlefield. Because of its greater size, it can have much more armour strapped on its sides, and is heavy enough to be qualified as a very light tank. It is actually quite hard for enemies to break through its front armour, but it still contains the mediocre back armour on any vehicle, and can easily be damaged through there by small arms fire. 75 points Front: 11 Side: 10 Back: 10 Special: Transport capacity 12, Tank Armaments Storm Bolter (equivalent), upgradable to Heavy Stubber for +5 points, Heavy Bolter for +15 points, Multi-laser for +25 points Upgradable with ONE of the below: Smoke Launchers: 5 points Firing Slits (adds four firing slits): 10 points Attack Ramp (can charge after exiting): 15 points

Heavy armour (side armour +1, back armour +1): 30 points Hunter-killer missile (Hellfury missile): 25 points The Modified Armoured Car may be taken as a transport for the appropriate units, or may also be taken on its own as an elites choice. It may still transport units if taken on its own. Weapons Improvised Flamer Rng: Template S: 3 AP: 6 Assault 1. It only takes up one hand, and counts as a CC weapon in assault (like a pistol)

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