Code Of Hammurabi Reaction Paper

  • May 2020
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Pagente, Jessamie Jean T. 2009 BSIT - IV B 9:00am (MWF)

Jun 21, 8:00-

ITE ELECT 2 Business Enterprise and The Codesof Hammurabi The Ancient Babylonian's lived under the assumption that the gods could do anything to humans that they wanted. The Hammurabi Code of Law allowed swift, cut and dry justice. It was created to help keep everyone in line as well as give a quick judgment in cases of dispute or wrongful doing. Hammurabi took every common issue, wrote it down to specific details and listed the consequences for each action Of the several law codes surviving from the ancient Middle East, the most famous after the Hebrew Torah is the Code of Hammurabi, sixth king of the Amorite Dynasty of Old Babylon. It is best known from a beautifully engraved diorite stela now in the Louvre Museum which also depicts the king receiving the law from Shamash, the god of justice. This copy was made long after Hammurabi's time, and it is clear that his was a long-lasting contribution to Mesopotamian civilization. It encodes many laws which had probably evolved over a long period of time, but is interesting to the general reader because of what it tells us about the attitudes and daily lives of the ancient Babylonians. In the following selection, most of the long prologue praising Hammurabi's power and wisdom is omitted Liability 1. If a builder build a house for someone and complete it, he shall give him a fee of two shekels in money for each sar of surface. 2. If it ruin goods, he shall make compensation for all that has been ruined, and in as much as he did not construct properly this house which he built and it fell, he shall re-erect the house from his own means. 3. If it kills a slave of the owner, then he shall pay slave for slave to the owner of the house. As I relate it to business, these 3 codes, talks about liability. In business, there are a little bit differences, as I observed to my parents liability as a laborer of the TADECO; once they have file any a loan,

considered as a liable, it will monthly deducted to their salary until that liability got paid. Fields and Production 1. A woman, merchant or other property holder may sell a field, garden or house. The purchaser shall conduct the business of the field, garden or house which he has purchased. 2. If a man gives his orchard to a gardener to manage, the gardener shall give to the owner of the orchard two-thirds of the produce of the orchard, as long as he is in possession of the orchard; he himself shall take one-third. 3. If the agent be careless and do not take a receipt for the money which he has given to the merchant, the money not receipted for shall not be placed to his account. As I relate to these codes in Fields and Production. O the first number, once that a certain business sells to a certain buyer, the buyer would be the new owner and operate the business he has purchased and the seller rendered all the business to a new buyer. The second number, in business, everyone shall have a part of salary as he work to a property which is been given to him although he is not the owner, but a gardener. Debt 1. If a man be in debt and sell his wife, son, or daughter, or bind them over to service, for three years they shall work in the house of their purchaser or master; in the fourth year they shall be given their freedom. 2. If a man hold a debt of grain or money against a man, and he seize him for debt, and the one seized die in the house of him who seized him, that case has no penalty. As I relate to these codes, once you have debt, it will be paid later. So in the first number, it tells that a man sell either his wife or son to be a worker to someone, once that debt has been paid, the either the wife or the son shall be given a freedom as well as the second number.

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