Coco's Grimoire

  • April 2020
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You are a deeply spiritual individual who often displays a deep interest in religion or the occult at a very early age. In fact many nines grow up to be psychics, healers, priests and nuns. You probably feel responsible for keeping up the morality or spirit of mankind in some way, or even responsible for their very souls. This is why many nines also end up working for the law as policemen or judges or in some aspect of spiritual or psychological counseling. The emphasis of your life path is on finding ways to communicate the divinity of man in a practical context. As many nines are also very artistic, this connection with the higher powers might also be expressed through a talent such as writing, music or painting. At some point in your life you have probably sworn to yourself to make this world a better place. You are extremely compassionate and feel above the matters that you feel causes factions of society to be divided. You are very aware of feeling as insignificant as a grain of sand in the Universe and believe that materialism, prejudice and lust just don't matter in the long run. You have a charismatic and very open personality that attracts you a lot of friends. You are very social, sometimes at the expense of your other responsibilities. Sometimes a number nine might take too much time out during the day "to smell the flowers" and incur the resentment of those that are left to pick up the slack. Your attitude towards life in general is very selfless and you usually have a good connection with God or a higher power. However often the number 9 faces a unique challenge at some point in his or her life that seems to be a test of faith. Usually this incident takes the form of a devastating personal loss, disease or some sort of tragedy. This triggers a period of time that lasts a few years that is often called the "dark night of the soul." It is usually during this period of your life that you find the extreme courage and strength to become what is called a wounded healer. Your life may seem too tough to handle at times which makes you vulnerable to finding substitutes for the family unit. As you are naturally very lonely and insecure, you are particularly vulnerable to joining a cult or becoming fanatical in the religious sense. If you are a number nine you may find your life seems more difficult than others. This is because it is common human nature to take advantage of your compassion, empathy and generosity. It may seem unfair to you that others do not appreciate the spiritual gifts that you have to offer, especially when you demand so little materially from the world. This is part of the problematic path of the number 9 who is often fated to learn that the path of true compassionate does not necessarily result in spiritual rewards for the healer either. Although you may feel quite clear about your divine purpose and goals in life, others may perceive you as weird or spacey. This is why it is often difficult for a number 9 to keep a job for long. Relationships might also be very difficult for a 9 to sustain, as this particular path is a rather lonely one. Part of the 9's spiritual development is usually being presented with situations that force them to let go of emotional situations and connections that might interfere with the higher purpose that the cosmos has in store for them. Your Expression NumberYour Expression - which describes your potential natural talents and abilities - works out to be a 4. How Is Your Expression Calculated?

What we are going to do now is turn all the letters in your name at birth into numbers, using the following chart : In practice I put the vowels above the name and the consonants underneath. This is because your Soul Urge is derived from the vowels alone, so it makes it easier at the next step to do it this way. Again there is one exception to the rule and this is with the letter �Y�. acts as a consonant and is pronounced it is classed as being a consonant. not pronounced or acts as a vowel it is classed as being a vowel. The �Y� Yolande, for instance, would be classed as being a consonant, but the �Y� would be classed as being a vowel as it acts as a vowel.

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Let�s work out your Expression number, Janine : Using the above chart we would put a 1 below the 'J' of your first name. We would follow this with a 1 placed above the 'a', then a 5 below the 'n', a 9 above the 'i', and so on ... We then carry on in the same manner with the rest of your name. When you are finished, you should end up with a chart like this: 1 9 5 6 5 5 1 9 J a n i n e C o z e t t e 1 5 5 3 8 2 2 8 4

H a v i n s 5 1

Now we simply add up the numbers in each row. The top row: Adding 1 + 9 + 5 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 9 gives us 41. Adding 4 + 1 gives us 5. The bottom row: Adding 1 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 8 + 2 + 2 + 8 + 4 + 5 + 1 gives us 44. Adding 4 + 4 gives us 8. . We now add the total of the top and bottom rows, which gives us 5+8=13. Adding 1 + 3 gives us 4. And so, Janine, your Expression is 4. What a Number '4' Expression Says About YouYou are creative, intelligent and have an attentiveness to detail that can border on obsession.... Janine, your Expression of 4 ... Your Potential Natural Talents and Abilities The height of self-expression for you is when you are caught up on all of your work, the house is clean, the bills are paid and everything is in perfect order. You are the number that covets civilization and all of its contents the most. If life could be defined as a machine you are the nuts and bolts that holds everything together. You believe that action speaks volumes more than words and express your respect and love for others by using a practical down-to-earth approach. You believe the greatest path to your own personal truth is to live by your personal convictions. For this reason, you are often very concerned with taking care of yourself,

maintaining your belongings and property and making sure that your family and children are well cared for. You are a diligent, hard worker who is always willing to lend a helping hand but only if it is for the good of all concerned. You don't have much patience with arrogant people and you openly express your dislike of people you consider to be controlling or pushy. Sometimes this resistance expresses itself as an outright defiance of authority. You are very courageous and almost always right but often your willingness to fall on your own sword for the sake of principle also makes you "dead right." You love nature and especially gardening and landscaping. You may express your love for the earth by participating in ecological and animal preservation causes. Number 4's often also own many pets and many relate to their pets better than they relate to people. As you can be quite rigid in your opinions, you often end up in many arguments. One of your challenges may be to learn to express yourself in a way that does not seem autocratic or bossy to others. You also have very strong likes and dislikes that can seem prejudiced or overly biased to others. This can hold you back both professionally and personally. When it comes to love you is a very attentive and loyal partner. Sometimes to get attention you may play with a lover's insecurities. Among your negative tendencies is creating jealousy or suspicion on purpose or being obsessive or possessive. Your role in society is to create structures that bring fulfillment to the highest of human aspirations. You are a wonderful planner and administrator and you know how to facilitate organizations and services that meet people's needs. Many fours are skilled at carpentry, sewing, horticulture, and interior decoration. Many of you are good with your hands, which make you excellent sculptors and surgeons. You are creative, intelligent and have an attentiveness to detail that can border on obsession. Your self-discipline and willingness to practice until something is perfect also leads fours to careers in performance, especially athletics and music. Your personal style is you wear, as you don't their inner beauty and favorably, however are

casual yet tasteful. Your budget often also determines what believe in spending money foolishly. You judge people by not their outer appearance. The people you judge most those that agree with your opinions.

Your insistence on financial security, charity and the stewardship of the young often makes you a pillar of the community at a very young age. The passing down of wisdom is often how a number four can best express their love of their community. Now, Let's Examine Your Soul Urge (also known as your "Heart's Desire")We have already done all the mathematics necessary to work out this number. It is simply the total of the top row (the vowels) of your full birth name. In your case Janine, this totals 5. Janine, your Soul Urge of 5 ... What You Desire To Be, To Have, and To Do In Your Life

You love change. You live to experience as much as possible in the shortest amount of time possible. You appreciate the fact that life is short and are bound and determined to make the most of every minute you have on this earth. You have an inquisitive mind and a thirst for adventure that is only slaked by the collecting of unusual experiences and plenty of travel. Your adaptable nature puts you at home anywhere. You are also a bit of chameleon that is able to transform its appearance and nature to suit the environment. You are a big believer in the phrase "When in Rome.. Do as the Romans do." Your closet is usually full of many costumes, as part of your soul's satisfaction is to do a bit of \"play acting\" in real life. You also possess the rare gift of detachment. Emotionally this grants you the ability to have a serial number of relationships throughout your life yet not suffer any kind of trauma or nasty consequences when one ends. However your casual attitude towards relationships often devastates others who interpret your adventurous spirit as an unwillingness to settle down and put down roots. This gives you the reputation of being "shallow" or a "heartbreaker" when nothing could be further from the truth. You simply don't connect to others in the same way they do to you and you are frustrated by those who can't seem to get on with their life the same way you are able to. In fact you can't think of a bigger disservice to one's soul than to give up one's right to pursue their heart's desire. You feel smothered by individuals who define love as giving up your heart and soul for another. Your definition of love is more spiritually sophisticated. You believe that an expression of true love for another soul is the courage to let them go to pursue their own path. Another one of your blessings overemotional about things or pick a fight with as you have scenes as beneath you and you likely to take place.

is that it simply does not occur to you to be create dramas. You are a very difficult person to a pacifist nature. You simply see ugly emotional are often long gone before a battle of wills is

You are also very accepting of different cultures and in particular, religious and political points of view. Unfortunately others see this omniscience as procrastination or as two faced as you have a way of "agreeing with everyone." Your refusal to take a stand sometimes costs you dearly professionally. This is often a mystery to you as from your point of view all you were doing is being fair. You intrinsically understand that without change there is no evolution. This is why somehow, many of you end up as being the catalyst for change in many situations. Sometimes the change that your very presence provokes is constructive and good and sometimes you are the culprit that causes complete chaos. However often your motivation for revealing secrets or destroying relationships is to clear out the old and create way for the new. You are also graced with an astounding amount of courage. Like water you have the ability to wear down obstacles like water in a stream wears down a rock over a long period of time. Although you may appear unpredictable or unreliable to others you are actually a very complex individual who often harbors a clear vision of who they want to be and how they want to live in the future.

I hope you are enjoying this brief glimpse into the world of numerology -- the science of numbers, which governs much - if not most - of what happens in your life, your relationships, your health, and your economic future. Please also realize this: What I Have Given You Here Has Barely Scratched the Surface! Janine, what I've shown you so far is just an extremely small fraction of what is possible through numerology ... I've basically shown you three of the ninehundred-plus calculations I do in a typical reading. I've just given you a very general overview. With a full analysis, you can explore your life and personality like a microscope, revealing more about you that you ever dreamed possible. Your personal life, your career, your relationships, your finances, your future ... you'l learn about it all. You'll not only experience the peace of knowing the path you are best to travel in this life ... you'll learn how to capitalize on specific opportunities that might otherwise pass you by, and what pitfalls may befall you if you're not ready for them. I kid you not ... people have both laughed out loud and cried tears of joy when they identify with characteristics they have never shared with a single soul ... when they realize the reason for the struggles they have been going through ... when they learn about the gifts they have in this life that just needed to be pointed out to them. As a valued subscriber, I'd like to make you a very special offer on a full length numerology reading that fully explores virtually all areas of your life (including your career, relationships, specific events and opportunities in your future), leaving no stone unturned! You'll find all the juicy details right here: Thanks for joining me; I hope you enjoy this fascinating journey of discovery ... Peace and light ,

Blair Gorman Master Numerologist

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