Coalition Resolution

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 554
  • Pages: 1
Bay Area GrassRoots Coalition Against Media Hate Speech and Hate Crimes Resolution: WHEREAS, the media plays a critical role in how the United States Latino, LGBT and other communities are portrayed, including how these groups are presented and portrayed to groups and individuals who may already hold bias, prejudices or phobias and to the broader society in general; WHEREAS, hate speech has been defined as speech which threatens imminent unlawful action, but also, as speech which creates a climate of hate and prejudice, which in turn may foster the commission of hate crimes; and WHEREAS, there has been an increase in hate speech in the media, and in particular, hate speech on television, radio, cable, and on the Internet; and WHEREAS, the increase of hate speech in the media, as well as other aspects of the media --- lack of diversity, media consolidation, and media concentration --- are having a profoundly negative impact on the civil rights of communities, groups and on society as a whole; and WHERAS, there has been a documented increase in hate crimes; and WHEREAS, studies indicate that there is a correlation between hate speech in the media and hate crimes against communities and groups; and WHEREAS, unsubstantiated, inflammatory and inaccurate information is disseminated and promoted in the public sphere about undocumented immigrants and Latinos in general and other communities and groups, causing an escalating life-threatening movement against all Latinos and other communities and groups; and WHEREAS, a recently released FBI report documented that Hispanics comprised 62.8% of victims of crimes motivated by a bias toward the victims' ethnicity or national origin, up 35% between 2003 and 2006. During that same period, more than three hundred anti-immigration groups formed, with half labeled as “nativist extremists.” Moreover, the violence extends to all Latinos, whether undocumented or not, because of the indistinguishable characteristics of Latino subgroups; and WHEREAS, in 2006 alone, as per FBI Hate Crime Statistics, 2,105 law enforcement agencies reported 7,722 hate crime incidents involving 9,080 offenses, the motivation was: 4,737 race, 1,597 religion, 1,415 sexual- orientation, 1,233 ethnicity or national origin and 94 disability bias; and WHEREAS, there are indications of a direct correlation of cause and effect between hate speech and hate crimes in specific incidents. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bay Area GrassRoots Coalition Against Media Hate Speech and Hate Crimes, objects to the increase of hate speech in the media and the increase in hate crimes and demands of the FCC and the NTIA, updated, accurate and fair reports; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bay Area GrassRoots Coalition Against Media Hate Speech and Hate Crimes, demands of the DOJ to initiate criminal investigations on the possible accessory liability on the part or Shock Jocks and Hate Groups on the Shenandoah, Knoxville and Wichita Hate Crime killings; and BE IT ALSO FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bay Area GrassRoots Coalition Against Media Hate Speech and Hate Crimes, demands of the DOJ to direct attorneys at it’s employ, to investigate and asses the possible criminal negligence on the part of the management and owners of Radio ant TV stations and networks, when knowingly, allowed Hate Speech attacks to continue even after repeated requests and demands of the public and organizations, failed to put in place corrective measures in areas under their responsibility, jurisdiction or influence.

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