Co-operation Games Plan

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,939
  • Pages: 9
Bahareh, Maya, Haylie & Adriana

SP2 - 2008

Physical Education – Co-operation Games Lesson outcome(s) Year level:

Students will be able to understand their own individual contribution to a team or the class and comprehend the concepts of relationships and working cooperatively as a team.



Class size:

30 students

Length of lesson:

30 mins

Hoops, CD Player, Cones

Specific objectives


Teaching points

Class organisation

Give clear instructions about the purpose and directions of the game.

Emphasize that the game is about cooperation and communication

Encourage and praise effort.

In this game, height is a disadvantage, so have the class line up from tallest to shortest. Go down the line and give each person the number 1,2 or 3. Group students with same numbers. This way, all 3 groups have similar height dynamics.

Note students who try to dominate inappropriately and step in if necessary with a quiet warning.

Provide appropriate help if the activity proves too difficult. (allowing an unclasp-reclasp)

Make sure everyone is participating in the challenge.


Introduction Ice-breaker activity- Knots: To practise cooperation, communication and team work revised in previous lessons, while working to achieve a goal.

In groups, students stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder. Students close their eyes, place one hand in the middle of the circle and gasp another students’ hand. Repeat this with the other hand. From here, students try to untangle the ‘knot’ they have created with their arms, into a circle. Students are not allowed to let go of each other’s hands throughout the game.

6 mins

Bahareh, Maya, Haylie & Adriana

SP2 - 2008

Skill development To further emphasize teamwork, cooperation, communication while working to achieve a goal. Build bodily awareness, coordination and use a variety of body parts and movements

Activity- Loop the hoop: In groups, students stand in a circle holding hands. Two students unclasp hands, and reclasp through a hoop. On teachers signal, the group is to pass the hoop around the circle without letting any hands go. The task is finished when the hoop returns to its initial position. Increase difficulty by adding another hoop to the link. Pass hoops around in same direction from opposite ends of the circle, without breaking hands apart.

To understand the concept of inclusion and develop social skills, by working as a whole class to achieve a goal. Demonstrate body and space awareness.

Communicate instructions of the lesson clearly

Encourage students to try different techniques and strategies.

Give feedback to the group about how well they are cooperating or not cooperating

Encourage students to voice out loud different strategies to help their team members.

Equipment needed: two hoops per group Ask students to line up in order of height in their groups. Give each team member a 1, 2 or 3 number. Group students with same numbers. As each student is different, these new groups allow students the experience of working with different personalities.

Equipment: CD player, small and larger, different coloured hoops. Activity- Musical hoops 10 hoops of different sizes and colours are placed on the ground, spaced safely throughout the playing area. When music starts, students move as instructed (walk, skip, gallop etc.) throughout the general space avoiding the hoops. When the music stops, students get into a hoop as quickly as possible. Students must help each other to stand in a hoop. Hoops must stay on the ground at all times, and must not be stood on. Aim of the game is that all students are in a hoop by the start of the next round. Increase difficulty by taking a certain amount of hoops away after each round. Increase difficulty by only allowing students get in a hoop of a certain colour.

Encourage children to help each other out and work together to keep all students in hoops

Keep an eye out and stop any misbehaviour such as pushing, shoving, etc by giving quiet warnings.

Emphasize the importance of participation of all class members.

6-7 mins

15 mins

Bahareh, Maya, Haylie & Adriana

SP2 - 2008

Conclusion To review what the students have learnt during the lesson, and to evaluate their individual and peers contribution to the team.

Quick hand-signal survey of feelings about the lesson (thumbs up, thumb on the side, thumbs down)

Students have an oral self- reflection discussion about the lesson and working in groups. They discuss different strategies or skills that were used throughout the activities to achieve the group/class goal. Teacher explains that next week’s lesson will build off this week’s lesson, but will involve more teamwork as a whole class to achieve the overall goal.

Slap chart (up high –great, middle – alright, low – not good)

Class sits in a semi-circle during discussion.

Re-emphasise the importance of cooperation and communication in team work

Praise students who were helpful and cooperative

Summary of skills used throughout the lesson

Single file out of gym – take turns to slap (on the chart next to the door) how you feel

3 mins

Bahareh, Maya, Haylie & Adriana

SP2 - 2008

PE and Health Unit Planner Developmental sequence of teaching/learning Term






Unit/topic outcome description Students are able to demonstrate body and space awareness when performing cooperative game skill activities, and use a variety of body parts and movements. Students will discover different strategies, critical thinking, and problem solving skills to solve cooperative games. Through the practise of cooperative games, children will gain interpersonal skills such as respect, cooperation, communication and courtesy. Essential learnings

 Futures  Identity  Interdependence  Thinking  Communication


Thinking skills/ processes, for example, Bloom’s, Gardner’s or key competencies  Remembering  Understanding  Applying  Analysing  Evaluating  Creating


 Digital camera  Computer/printer  Video camera  Internet  CD player  Email  Stopwatch

Key ideas

Resources/ equipment

 Hoops  Blindfolds  Whistle  Ropes  Mats  

SACSA outcomes (verbatim)

Physical activity

Students individually, in

2.1: Confidently performs and

and participation

groups or teams enhance

repeats movement sequences

their self-awareness through

with control balance and

developing, refining and

coordination that in turn

expanding their movement

enhance their ability to plan for

abilities and strategies within

and participate in a wide range

an appropriate context of

of physical activities

physical activities.

Bahareh, Maya, Haylie & Adriana

SP2 - 2008

Planning Key ideas

Focus of Learning


Through completing

individually, in

this unit of work,

groups or teams

students will focus on

enhance their

improving their body


movement and


interpersonal skills


that are required for

refining and

working as a team.

expanding their

strategies within an appropriate context of physical activities.

Pairs swap roles – blindfolded person becomes the guide


operatively as a team.

foam hoarse, ropes, disks.

Pairs Quick activity – 3-legged-run  non-competitive co-operation game to start the lesson

and comprehend the

working co-

Mats, cones, mat wedges,

team or the class

relationships and

One person of each pair is blindfolded – other person guides and instructs them through the course

to understand their

concepts of


Students will be able

contribution to a

Pairs – go through the obstacle course helping each other

own individual



movement abilities and

Sequence of core teaching events 1. Introduce relationships and the meaning of teams

Main activity – 3-legged obstacle course – partners work together to complete the obstacle course, while still attached to each other.

used as legties •

foam hoarse, skipping

3. Groups Quick Activity – Follow the leader – copying the action of the leader. When leader reaches mats placed throughout the gym, leader and actions change.

Main Activity – Musical Numbers – while music is playing, run, hop, skip or jump as directed in the space. When music stops, form groups of a chosen number by teacher – players not in groups jump on the spot until music stops again.

4. Groups / Whole Class •

Quick Activity – Knots – split the class in three groups. Close eyes and grab the closest hand. Open eyes and try undo the knot.

Quick Activity – Loop the hoop – groups of 6 – initially one hoop, then after twice going around the circle, introduce another hoop.

Mats, cones, mat wedges,

Oral Reflection – “How do you feel about the activities?”

Elastic to be

ropes, disks.


CD Player

Bahareh, Maya, Haylie & Adriana

SP2 - 2008

Main Activity - Musical hoops, place 10 hoops in a space. Students move as instructed by teacher around the hoops. When music stops, students must stand in a hoop, until music starts again. After each round, take a certain amount of hoops away. Students work together to keep everyone in hoop when music is not playing. Oral self- reflection (4 mins) – about the lesson and working in groups


Small and big hoops

CD player


5. Whole Class •

Quick Activity - 1, 2, 3 cross. Class stands in square shape with equal distance between students. When teacher calls ‘1’ students from directed opposite sides move as instructed (walk, skip, gallop) to the opposite side of square, without touching anyone. When teacher calls 2, other sides repeat action. When ‘3’ is called, all try to move to their opposite side without touching anyone.

Main activity: Parachute – class in a circle around the parachute  aim is for everyone to be able to get underneath the parachute after being lifted by class. Vary the activity.

Build on this by placing balls in middle of parachute and work together to bounce the balls, causing a ‘popcorn effect’

6. Whole Class

Quick Activity – Caterpillar walk – class form a line like a long caterpillar. Everyone takes a leg of the player in front of them and holds it in their hand. Then everyone hops at the same time after the leader hops – leaders change every so often, guide the rest of the class in a line across the gym.

Aim to try and tag the person who is the tail.

Main Activity - Snake chasey – start out as pairs, link up progressively to other pairs to form groups / longer snakes –

Bahareh, Maya, Haylie & Adriana

SP2 - 2008 eventually whole class linked.

Bahareh, Maya, Haylie & Adriana

SP2 - 2008

Assessment Criteria for assessment

Assessment strategy

Who will assess?

SACSA outcome

Record of assessment


Student – reflect on how they contributed to achieve their goal.

2.1: Confidently performs and repeats movement sequences with control balance and coordination that in turn enhance their ability to plan for and participate in a wide range of physical activities

Teachers keep records of:

Respect each

Observations of students as they perform in pairs, groups and as a class, in relation to their understanding of co-operating as a team.

other •

Work as a team

Understandin g role of

Peer – discuss how they worked to create a successful team.

individuals in a team •



Body movements

Teacher – assess students cooperation, respects for other students, individual participation level and contribution to partner/team/class

Students interaction

Participatio n level


Team work

Contributio n to the team

Fitness levels

Difficulties students may have with their body coordinatio n



Bahareh, Maya, Haylie & Adriana

SP2 - 2008

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