Cns Tumors And Infections Part1

  • December 2019
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More details

  • Words: 317
  • Pages: 2


Where is the lesion 

Extra-axial (external to the pia)

Intra-axial (beneath the pia)



Scwhannoma Meningioma Epidermoid Metastases

EXTRA-AXIAL TUMORS:Meningioma Pituitary adenoma

How old is the patient 



Craniopharyngioma Schwannoma


Narrows CSF space Displaces cortex toward periphery Gray matter stretched over lesion


Widens CSF space Displaces brain; deeper lesion has a broad base toward dura

Gray-white “buckling”


INTRA-AXIAL Location • • • •

Cortex Gray-white junction Deep white matter intraventricular

1. MENINGIOMA • Common locations convexity, interhemispheric, tent. Classically iso to GM on all sequences. •

Most common extraaxial neoplasm of adults

15 % of primary intracranial neoplasms,

Peak 50-60 y.o., F 2:1 intracranial, 4:1 intraspinal


Differential Diagnosis • • • •

Glioma Medulloblastoma Hemangioblastoma Metastases

EXTRA-AXIAL Location • • • • • •

Subarachnoid Subdural Epidural Calvarium Subgaleal Scalp (soft-tissues)

Differential Diagnosis • • • • • • •

Meningioma Pituitary adenoma Craniopharyngioma Schwanomma Chordoma Dermoid/epidermoid, cyst, lipoma Metastasis

BRAIN TUMORS IN CHILDREN Supratentorial (52%) • •

Low grade astrocytoma Craniopharyngiomas


Variable edema (possibly extensive),

Intense enhancement

Dural tail (60%) – nonspecific,

+/- cysts, +/- fat

 Vascular supply: ECA 85%, ICA 63%- “mother in law sign”- comes early, stays late •


Distinguishing features: lens shaped/ plaque-like appearance, hypo T2

Meningiomas typically hypo T2 due to fibrous content or calcification,

Strongly enhance, iso noncom T1. Broad dural base, extraaxial, +/- dural tail

Infratentorial (48%) • • • •

Cerebellar astrocytoma Brainstem gliomas Medulloblastomas Ependymomas

BRAIN TUMORS IN ADULTS Supratentorial (80-85%) Intraaxial Astrocytoma Oligodendroglioma Extraaxial Meningioma Pituitary adenoma Infratentorial (uncommon)

***A 63 y.o. M with mild dementia and decreased vision left eye


On MRI: T1 – similar to brain parenchyma, min. CSF cleft, buckling cortex, homogenous enhancement, dural tail

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