
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 890
  • Pages: 4

CN I - Olfactory

CN II – Optic Ophthalmoscope Dark room (to maintain large pupil)! Start negative (ppl w myopia) and move to positive Med intense, med size Start 15 deg lat, once see optic disk, ask pt to look into light – this will change view to their macula/fovea Your left/their left Pt look up and straight


Smell  Different aromas (Pts eyes closed) Patency Septum  Check both nostrils Visual acuity (hand held card @ 14”) Visual Fields by confrontation (peripheral vision) Red reflex Retina

Optic disc (should be creamy yellow/orange and round or oval) Margins  distinct Blood vessels

Macula, fovea centralis

Cover one nostril, breathe in with other

ABNORMALITY Absence of smell  aging, smoking, nasal disease Absence of sniff = obstruction

Mucosa slightly redder than oral mucosa

Perforation – trauma, cocaine use; Deviation, Epistaxis

20/20  20/40 – person sees at 20 feet what’s normally seen at 40 N = 50° upward, 90° temporal, 70° down, 60° nasal N= blind spot at 15 deg Retina should appear to be red. “Orange glow” Red / orange

Myopia: nearsighted; Hyperopia: farsighted; Presbiopia: aging

Follow blood vessels to optic disc

Veins - bigger, darker ones Arteries -smaller, brighter red structures Macula - lateral to the optic disc, looks somewhat darker then the rest of the retina fovea centralis – center of macula

Pituitary tumor - Peripheral field lost Glaucoma, optic neuritis, papilledema - enlarged blind spot Opaque black areas with cataracts or detached retina Hypertension - flame shaped hemorrhages Diabetes – deep retinal hemorrhage (red blots) Papilledema—blurred margins & elevation of disc (inflammation) Glaucoma – looks very white & atrophy may be seen Hypertension - Copperwire and narrow arteries Clumped pigment with retinal detachment

Glaucoma—optic nerve atrophy Neovascularization—cancer


Eyelids for drooping Pupil size for equality Direct & Consensual response to light

Symmetry – both sides Pupil reactions should be equal. A) Direct light reflex Pupil constricts to direct light

Accommodation – follow finger to bridge of nose

Converge (cross eyed)

H test: CN III • upward/out movt: superior rectus • upward/in: inferior oblique • inward: medial rectus • downward/out: inferior rectus

CN VI (6)- Abducens

H test: Downward/inward eye movement H test: Lateral eye movement

• •

Inspect for muscle atrophy, tremors Palpate jaw mms: temporal & masseter for tone & strength on clenching teeth

Facial sensation in each branch: o Forehead: ophthalmic o Cheeks: maxillary o Chin: mandibular

Corneal reflex: Whisp test: tearing & blinking

CN V – Trigeminal

CN VII – Facial

Aniscoria – unequal pupil constriction

B)Consensual light reflex Pupil constricts to light shining on opposite pupil

CN III – Oculomotor

CN IV - Trochlear

Ptosis— droopy eyelids (CN III damage) seen in Myastenia gravis and Horner’s syndrome Glaucoma – fixed dilation

Inspect symmetry of facial features: • Smiling • Frowning • Closes eyes tightly

Failure of convergence with CN damage

H Test: - Extraocular muscle movements Nystigmus - eye tremor seen is MS, brain lesion, CN palsy - Lateral & vertical mov’t disorder (look at magnitude & direction)

Superior Oblique (SO4) Lateral Rectus (LR6) ABN = weak or absent contraction suggests lesion of CN 5 Equal muscle bulk, tone & strength

Equal sensation on both sides

Afferent: CN V Efferent: CN VII

Blinking and tearing

Trigeminal nerve palsy - unable to feel touch of cotton wool (no blinking) Facial nerve palsy - patient can feel the touch of the cotton wool no reflex blink & tear (CN7) Bell’s Palsy – Asymmetry of face.

Symmetry of patient’s face.


• • •

w/ Drs attempt to open Shows teeth Puffs cheeks w/ resistance Wrinkles forehead Lifts eyebrows

Whisper test: Hearing Weber: Lateralization

N = patient can repeat back whispered word N = sound is heard midline, or equally in both ears.

CN VIII – Acoustic Rinne: Air & Bone

Normal AC>BC

conduction Otoscopic:

Tympanic membrane

CN IX – Glossopharyngeal

CN X – Vagus

Oral inspection: (tongue depressor)

CN XI – Spinal Accessory

TM is pinkish grey, oblique membrane held inward at its centre by the handle of the malleus. should point toward jaw

Cone of light Swallowing Gag reflex (don’t need to do) Taste post 1/3 tongue sour & bitter (just explain) Inspect palate for symmetry Patients says “ahhhh” – note rise of soft palate (say AH) (symmetry and uvula Uvula rise

ABN = unable to repeat word CHL: sound lateralizes to impaired ear (causes are acute OM, perforation, obstruction, otosclerosis) SHL: sound lateralizes to good ear (long-term exposure to loud noises, drugs, infections of the inner ear, trauma, tumours…) CHL: AC=BC or BC>AC SHL: AC>BC Otitis media: inflamed/red TM Perforation of TM

CN 10 paralysis – soft palate fails to rise and uvula deviates to opposite side (good side)

centered) & gag reflex elicited

Swallowing Speech sounds

ABN = dysphagia

Sternocleidomastoid mms strength • Pt turns head to each side against resistance Trapezius mms strength • Pt shrugs shoulders against resistance

ABN = pain or difficulty performing actions  paralysis of muscle

Talking: note Hoarseness, Nasal sounds


CN XII Hypoglossal

Inspection • Tongue in mouth & while protruding • Tongue mvt toward nose & chin Test Strength • Test index finger when tongue is pressed against cheek Evaluate Quality of lingual speech

- Tremor - Atrophy - Deviation towards affected side

- Presence of lisp