Cmmi Implementation

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  • July 2020
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  • Words: 977
  • Pages: 20
Process Implementation Process Definitions and SEPG Activities

Agenda • • • • • • • • • 

Quality Definition What is Process? SDLC processes What is CMMi? Five maturity levels of CMMi What is QMS VLS QMS Structure SEPG Activities What is OSSP?

Quality Definition • Producer’s view of quality- Philip Crosby –Quality means conformance to requirements

• Customer’s view of quality – Joseph Juran –Quality is fitness for use

What is Process? Process - A set of activities, methods, practices and transformations that people use to develop and maintain software and associated products - A sequence of steps performed for a given purpose

Software Quality -Software product/service which meets the requirements documented in specifications -Software with less number of defects (Low Defect Density)

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) The Capability Maturity Model Integration for Software (CMMI) is a framework that describes the key elements of an effective software process. The CMMI describes an evolutionary improvement path from an ad hoc, immature process to a mature, disciplined process. KPA Each Key Process Area identifies a cluster of related activities that, when performed collectively, achieve a set of goals considered important for establishing process capability at that maturity level.

SDLC processes 

Software Development Life Cycle Process

Project Mgmt.

Peer Review







Project Initiation Project Kick off

Project Plan

SCM Plan


I s s u e

R i s k

M a n a g e m e n t

M a n a g e m e n t

P r o j e c t R e v i e w s


P e e r R e v i e w s

R e v i e w s & A u d i t s

BRS V e r s i o n

C h a n g e

C o n t r o l

C o n t r o l

Release Process

Metrics Project Closure


Test Plan Intgr. Test Cases Unit Test Cases Coding

Pre Acp.Test Cases

Unit Testing

System Test Cases Integration Testing System Testing Pre Acp. Testing Test Closure

S Q A R e v i e w

CMMI Framework 5

Focus on continuous process improvement

Optimizing Process measured and controlled

4 Managed

Process characterized, fairly well understood

3 Defined

Projects can repeat previously mastered tasks

2 Repeatable

Process unpredictable & poorly controlled

1 Initial

Process Areas •

Maturity Level 2 - Managed

CM - Configuration Management

MA - Measurement and Analysis

PMC - Project Monitoring and Control

PP - Project Planning

PPQA - Process and Product Quality Assurance

REQM - Requirements Management

SAM - Supplier Agreement Management

Maturity Level 3 - Defined

DAR - Decision Analysis and Resolution

IPM - Integrated Project Management +IPPD

OPD - Organizational Process Definition +IPPD

OPF - Organizational Process Focus

OT - Organizational Training

PI - Product Integration

RD - Requirements Development

RSKM - Risk Management

TS - Technical Solution

VAL - Validation

Process Areas Optimizing Managed


Repeatable Initial

Understanding CMMI Representations • There are two types of representations in the CMMI models: ▫ staged ▫ continuous 

• A representation allows an organization to pursue different improvement objectives 

• The organization and presentation of the data are different in each representation. However, the content is the same. 

Staged Representation • Provides a proven sequence of improvements, each serving as a foundation for the next • Permits comparisons across and among organizations by the use of maturity levels • Provides an easy migration from the SW-CMM to CMMI • Provides a single rating that summarizes appraisal results and allows comparisons among

Quality Management System • A quality management system (QMS) is a policy, set of processes and procedures (Templates) required for planning and execution in the core business area of an organization

V.L.S. System QMS Structure

SEPG Activities • The SEPG must perform two main tasks: ▫ Establish and Maintain QMS ▫ Coordinating and sustaining process change and ▫ Monitoring Software Engineering activities • The SEPG should ensure that all changes to the process are documented and performed in a manner that will maintain consistency and CMMI compliance     

Refer Process Improvement process and SEPG plan 

OSSP (Organisation Standard Software Process) A set of Organization wide Process Description, Guidelines, Templates, Standards, Tailoring Guidelines, Analysis Reports, Metrics form the OSSP ØDefined and Approved by SEPG (Software Engineering Process Gr.) Ø

ØMonitored by SQAG (Software Quality Assurance Gr.)

Project Mgmt.

Peer Review







Project Initiation Project Kick off

Project Plan

SCM Plan


I s s u e

R i s k

M a n a g e m e n t

M a n a g e m e n t

P r o j e c t R e v i e w s


P e e r R e v i e w s

R e v i e w s & A u d i t s

BRS V e r s i o n

C h a n g e

C o n t r o l

C o n t r o l

Release Process

Metrics Project Closure


Test Plan Intgr. Test Cases Unit Test Cases Coding

Pre Acp.Test Cases

Unit Testing

System Test Cases Integration Testing System Testing Pre Acp. Testing Test Closure

S Q A R e v i e w

Agenda • • • • • • • • • 

Quality Definition What is Process? SDLC processes What is CMMi? Five maturity levels of CMMi What is QMS VLS QMS Structure SEPG Activities What is OSSP?

 

Any Questions

Thank You

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