Club Manual Section 1-recruitment And Retention

  • April 2020
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Download & View Club Manual Section 1-recruitment And Retention as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 3,937
  • Pages: 28
club manual

vol. 1: recruitment and retention

the mission

CKI is college and university students who are responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to community service worldwide.




II. Recruitment and Retention A. Why recruit? Benefits 10-11 B. Developing a growth plan 12 1. Club growth assessment form 14 2. Setting a club growth goal 15 3. Club growth goal worksheet 15 4. Creating a recruitment plan 16 5. Recruitment plan worksheet 17 C. Recruitment timeline 18-20 D. Goal setting 21 E. Retention 22 F. Five Basic Steps to Successful Recruitment 24

Remember, this is a GUIDE. Everything enclosed is general. Take these ideas and personalize them to your club. Please make notes throughout the manual that will help future club leadership.

Club Timeline February-March (before taking office)

t Make transition with the previous board.

t Hold additional officer trainers as needed.

t President should appoint committee chairs.

t Meet with your faculty and Kiwanis advisors.

t Set a date for any training sessions with your sponsoring Kiwanis club.

t Inform related university offices about the change in officers.

t Make necessary financial changes regarding bank accounts, etc.

t Submit the incoming board’s contact information to the district secretary.

t Encourage the incoming board members to attend district convention.

t Make sure appropriate officers and chairs attend/register for any district trainers.

t Establish times for meetings, board meetings, and office hours.

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

february 2


Club Timeline


t President should finish any chair appointments.

t This is a good month to sponsor a Key-to-College program for high school students.

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________



t Begin a recruitment plan.

t Inform the club of summer events.


–Promote the Large Scale Service Project and International Convention.

t Create a theme/slogan for next school year.

t Have club members submit ideas for T-shirt designs.

t Hold the end-of-year banquet (sometimes planned by previous board).

t Have a “summer to-do” list for each officer and chairperson.

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________ 3

Club Timeline June-July

t Keep in contact with officers, chairs, and Kiwanis family during the summer.

t Continue to work on the recruitment plan.

t Assist the treasurer in creating a budget.

t Submit awards for International convention (may be done by previous board).

–Awards must be postmarked by June or brought to International convention.

t _____________________________________________________________________



t _____________________________________________________________________ t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t Inform the club about your district’s fall trainer.

t Attend Large Scale Service Project and International Convention!

t Appoint any chairperson positions that may remain vacant.

t Plan service projects and other events for the beginning of the school year.

t Plan fundraisers for club projects and other expenses, such as dues and events.

t Register and plan for your student organization fair.

t Publicize continuously.

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________





october September

t Continue to promote your district’s fall trainer/conference.

t Continue to publicize your club.

t Work to retain members (both new and returning), personal contact is best.

t Appoint any chairperson positions that may remain vacant.

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________


t Dues are payable October 1.

t Continue promoting of your district’s fall trainer/conference.

t Trick or Treat for UNICEF!

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________



Club Timeline


t Kiwanis Family Month.

t Dues must be postmarked by November 30 to CKI.

t Hold new member inductions.

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________




t Create a recruitment plan for after winter break.

t Fill out club awards when available.

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________ 6


club timeline Club Timeline


t Publicize continuously. t Set a date for club officer elections (need to take place before district convention). Start taking nominations two weeks before elections.

t Make sure candidates for district office have their candidate manuals.

t Make sure scrapbook will be finished before district convention.

t Fill out club awards when available.

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

February t Community Service and Awareness Week is the first full week in February, ending with International Service Day on Saturday.

t Hold officer elections (either February or March, before district convention).

t Attend district convention (or in March); send at least two delegates!

t Fill out club awards when available.

t Society of Distinguished Collegians applications are due to CKI February 15.

t Service Recognition Awards are due to CKI February 15.

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________




Club Timeline


t Hold officer elections (either February or March, before district convention).

t Attend District Convention (or in February); send at least two delegates! t Hold joint meeting for outgoing and incoming officers and chairs to ease the transition and for training.

t Write an end-of-term report.

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________



Other notes:

on a successful year!!!

t _____________________________________________________________________

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t _____________________________________________________________________ 8


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leadership t _____________________________________________________________________

t _____________________________________________________________________ t _____________________________________________________________________ t _____________________________________________________________________ t _____________________________________________________________________ t _____________________________________________________________________

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fellowship 9

Recruitment and Retention

Why recruit?

Benefits of a larger membership

Membership in CKI is an exciting co-curricular opportunity in which many students on your campus will enjoy becoming involved. Your club’s job is to let the students on your campus know this opportunity exists. As a club, you have a responsibility to support CKI’s mission by involving as many members of your campus community as you can in the service, leadership, and fellowship activities your club offers. 10

Why should our club grow? the imagery:

new ideas,

resources, talents and

varied experiences

Your CKI club involves college or university students in campus and community service while developing quality leaders and citizens. Through the members’ involvement in the club, they learn to confront the issues facing communities today and inspire others to better the world. Not only do more members mean more service, but generating new members enables the club to sustain itself as a dynamic service agency on campus and in the community. As

members graduate, transfer schools, or become more involved in other co-curricular activities, new members will be able to share their enthusiasm, enabling the club to fulfill its mission: service, leadership, and fellowship. Having a healthy, diverse membership is attractive to potential members; therefore, a strong membership makes it easier to recruit new members.

What will new members do for our club? With new members come new ideas, resources, talents and varied experiences to enhance current programs, activities, and promotional strategies… more hands to accomplish your service projects... new friends... a pool of new leaders to sustain the club for many years to come... an expanded commitment to making the world a better place in which to live.


Developing a Growth Plan

create detail

evaluate assess

The growth plan your club develops will chart the course your club should take to achieve successful club growth. In this section, you will: t Evaluate the growth potential for your club.

t Set a new member growth goal.

t Specify strategies to achieve the new member goal.

t Detail a timeline for the implementation of your recruitment program.

Developing a growth plan involves three steps: 1. Assessing club growth needs.

2. Setting a club growth goal.

3. Creating a plan of action to achieve your club’s growth goal.

Use the worksheets included to develop your club’s growth plan. Be sure to share this information with your lieutenant governor and sponsoring Kiwanis club. An important component of the growth plan is the club’s ability to evaluate itself regularly. Use the questions below when creating your plan of action. These questions will help develop techniques needed for membership recruitment “success.” Mid-year, ask these questions again.

t Is your club on the right track? t Are there questions that were not addressed? t Are you satisfied with your recruitment results? t What was the new-member recruitment goal? t Was this goal achieved? t Was the program publicized effectively? t What type of publicity is needed? t How would you rate the success of this recruitment program? t Would you recommend doing this recruitment program again in the future? t What recommendations do you have for this program in the future? 12


Club Growth Assessment Form Complete the following information annually to evaluate your club’s growth needs and potential for future growth. 1. What is the total enrollment for your college or university? _ _______________________ 2. How many other service organizations exist on your campus? _____________________ 3. Will your sponsoring Kiwanis club assist with membership-recruitment efforts? How? _ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Is your club at charter strength of 15 or 20* members? ___________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. How many dues-paid members does your club currently have? ___________________ 6. How many of your current members will graduate this year? ______________________ 7. In the past academic year how many nongraduating members left the club? _____ 8. On an average, how many members typically leave the club annually? _ _________ (Because it is difficult to anticipate exactly how many members may leave the club during the year, you should use an average figure from previous year’s statistics for this computation.)

complete annually

9. How many of your members are freshmen? _____ sophomores? _____

juniors? _____ seniors? _____ graduate students? _____

10. What strategies did your club use to recruit new members during the past year? _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________

11. Which strategies were the most successful? What made these projects successful? _ ______________________________________________________________________________ 12. Does your club offer a formal orientation program for potential members? ______ 13. How much money was spent on membership recruitment this past year? ________ 14. How much money was spent on membership orientation this past year? ________ 15. How much money has been budgeted for membership recruitment and orientation for the upcoming academic year? __________________________________

*Two-year institutions and 4-year universities with an enrollment of less than 1,000 need only 15 members to charter and maintain a club. 14

Setting a Club Growth Goal Now that you have assessed current club growth needs and potential, you have the information necessary to set a realistic growth goal. When setting goals, it is important to remember that a diverse and well-balanced club membership is imperative to attracting new individuals into the club.

Clubs at charter strength of 15 or 20* members or more should experience at least a net increase of one member over the previous year’s total. Not only must your club replace lost members, but your club also must increase last year’s total membership by at least one. Clubs that have fallen below charter strength should work to bring their club to charter strength, so they may maintain their charter and receive full benefits from CKI and the district.

Even with a well-balanced club membership, a club can expect that at least 35 percent of its members will leave the club annually. For this reason, it is important that a club keep this potential loss in mind when setting their new member growth goal.

Club Growth Goal Worksheet Total Membership Goal A. Total number of paid members as of April 15


B. Add one to the above number to determine your total membership goal


C. Total Membership Goal: _________

For clubs under charter strength, your total membership goal should be at least 15 or 20*.

Total New Member Recruitment Goal D. Number of members who will graduate this year (#6 on Club Assessment Form) E. Average number of nongraduating members who leave the club annually (#8 Club Assessment) _________ F. Minimum number of new members your club should recruit this year (D + E) _________

You have just set your growth goals for the year. The next step is to outline the plan to achieve that growth. *Two-year institutions and 4-year universities with an enrollment of less than 1,000 need only 15 members to charter and maintain a club. 15

Step 1.

Creating a Recruitment Plan

Identify Recruitment Targets and Strategies t Identify the types of students you want to recruit into the club. t Strive for a balanced membership, meaning a variety of members between classes, members with different qualities and strengths.

When writing your growth plan you will:

t Review past recruitment efforts, then specify on the Recruitment Plan Worksheet those recruitment strategies your club will use.

t Determine who you want to recruit. t Evaluate past recruitment practices to determine which recruitment strategies will best enable your club to achieve its new member goal.

For example, perhaps the club really wants to improve its public relations. To meet that need, your club might recruit marketing, communication, and event planning majors. Or maybe your club really looks forward to focusing its service on education this year; the club may work to recruit some education majors. If your club is able to recruit members who fit into a niche within the club those members will be more satisfied because they can use specific talents to help the club and help themselves.

t Identify the resources necessary for each recruitment program. t Specify a timeline for the completion of each component of the recruitment program.

**You should plan three weeks of recruitment programming for each semester/quarter**

Your club should plan recruitment drives two or three times per year during the first three weeks of each semester or quarter. Members will learn to expect that during the first three weeks of the quarter or semester their energy should focus on the recruitment of new members to share in the spirit of CKI. The chairperson of membership recruitment and his or her committee must begin plans for these recruitment programs well in advance of the start of each term. Sponsoring a variety of programs will best enable your club to achieve its club growth goal.

Step 2.

Developing a Timeline On the Program Planning Form you should specify deadlines for each component of the program as well as the individual responsible for coordinating that aspect of the program. Create and use a special CKI calendar of events to determine dates and deadlines for the various components of your recruitment programs (see the Club Manual, Volume 2, for Club Events). Use the recruitment timeline in this manual and personalize it to your club.

Step 3.

Identifying Resources


On the Recruitment Program Planning Form (in the Club Manual, Volume 2, for Club Events) specify what you will need to accomplish the program. For example, you may need materials, such as nametags, recruitment brochures, and streamers. If you need materials or need a deposit for a room you also will need money. Also specify if there are certain individuals who need to be in attendance at the event, such as your sponsoring Kiwanis club president or a special speaker. And finally, on this planning form specify publicity strategies you will utilize.

Recruitment Plan Worksheet 1. What club needs can a new member help meet?

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

2. What types of students will help meet the above described needs?

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

3. What recruitment strategies will best target the above students?

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

4. What resources and recruitment programs does the college/university offer (examples: student organization fairs, Web sites, calendars, etc.)?

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 17

Recruitment Timeline

April-May (Before leaving for summer) • Designate a publicity leader (PR/publicity chairperson, membership development and education chairperson, vice-president, or other). • Designate a recruitment program leader (membership development and education chairperson, recruitment program chairperson, or other). • Choose a date for the recruitment program. • Reserve a room.


• Begin outlining a public relations plan. • Determine club membership goal.

• Obtain a list of incoming students (especially those involved in Key Club or interested in community service). •







• Send postcards to interested students. • Design fliers and table tents.

• Review past recruitment program programs. • Outline a new recruitment program. • Send postcards to club board members soliciting new ideas. •






Recruitment Timeline

Two weeks before recruitment program • Finalize recruitment program (with club/board approval). • Contact possible guests (including students, current CKI members–both from the club and from the district and Kiwanians). • Inform members of recruitment program responsibilities. • Choose speakers/speaking order. • Reserve AV equipment. • Plan service and social projects (if have not already). • Begin publicizing (if have not already).

confirm • Confirm room reservation.

• Compile an packet with club information. •





One week before recruitment program • Continue publicizing. • Finalize refreshment orders. • Send reminders to any guests.


• Finalize recruitment program agenda. •






Recruitment Timeline

Recruitment program • Pick up refreshments. • Ask club or Kiwanians for volunteers to:


o pass out packets;

o make nametags for prospective members;

o greet prospective members at the door;

o gather address/telephone information from prospective members;

o speak about service projects and other events;

• Confirm meeting times/dates for projects.


• Make sure all members are familiar with recruitment program. • RELAX AND SMILE! •





After recruitment program • Follow up with postcards/phone calls. • Plan plenty of projects and personally invite new members to attend. • Plan new members inductions. • Plan CKI 101 program. • Educate about dues.

follow up

• Take time and effort to become acquainted with new members.

• Submit article to district bulletin to help other clubs in their program. •







Goal Setting

“Goal: a method for accomplishing a task; an aim or objective, something shouted very loudly at a Mexican soccer game”

Guidelines for Goal Setting 1. A Goal Must Be:

a. Conceivable: Conceptualize the goal, make it understandable.

b. Believable: Believe you can reach the goal.

c. Achievable: Set your goals in relation to your strengths and abilities–be optimistic but realistic.

d. Controllable: Decide who will be involved in achieving the goal.

e. Measurable: State a time and quantity.

f. Desirable: Make it something you want to do.

2. Think outside of the box:


a. Have a positive attitude.

b. Explore ideas.

c. Change things.

d. Take risks.

e. Approach a problem in new ways.

f. Ask questions.

g. Have fun.

Please keep these in mind when setting club goals. It’s important to have tangible goals; and these guidelines help to build those. It is also good to keep these guidelines in mind when you are planning other things, besides goals, such as events. 21


After weeks of hard work you finally have inducted some new members. Now what do you do? How can you ensure these new members will remain active and committed to the mission of CKI? Outlined below are some things your club should consider when planning programs to promote membership retention. Involved members will be happy members. The key is to get these new members involved in club activities from the start.

Provide What New Members Need

Committee Involvement

Through the course of your club’s recruitment and orientation programs your club has gathered information about your new members’ interests and skills. Now it is time to fulfill your promise to them by providing opportunities that match new members’ interests and needs. Your club doesn’t need to create anything new for this purpose; rather, it should utilize the information you already have and the resources already available. Review the interest surveys completed by all new members when they were first recruited. See the Club Manual, Volume 2, for Club Events for a copy of the Interest Survey. Identify skills and interests the club can tap into. If there is a particular area of service this new member is highly interested in pursuing, place him or her on a committee to help plan a project related to that area of interest. If there is a skill a new member wants to develop or apply, place him or her on a committee that will put that skill to work. It is critical that new members feel they are making a worthwhile contribution to the club. To meet new members’ needs, your club must plan service projects and programs that match member interests and needs. Review the new members’ interest survey to learn what type of educational programs they are interested in having. Invite a speaker to speak about the new members’ topic of interest. Better yet, ask new members to coordinate programs on their topic of interest. Be sure you provide them with the resources to plan the program successfully. If there is a district or division event coming up, encourage new members to attend. They will make many new CKI friends and they will come back to the club with many new ideas. Their involvement in International, district, and division events will ignite their enthusiasm for CKI even further.

One method of getting new members active is to place them on committees from the start. From the interest form and what you know about new member’s skills, place him/her on a committee that will be fun and interesting. The committee chairpersons should be encouraged to put new committee members to work on a project immediately.

Membership Development Programming

new members to work on a project immediately Ongoing membership development is the key to retaining successful, active members. Not only must members experience a variety of CKI opportunities, they also must continue to grow personally and professionally. Utilize the CKI Club Manual to plan a program of ongoing membership development. As mentioned earlier, involvement is the key to retention. Get members involved, and keep them involved by planning activities that meet their needs and interests.


to grow personally

and professionally

y match member

interests and needs 23

Five Basic Steps to Successful Recruitment

1. Ask questions

a. Ask open-ended questions rather than yes/no responses.

b. Listen carefully.

c. Show an interest in the person with whom you are talking.

d. Pretend you are a talk show and try to get the person to give his or her story.

2. Be brief

a. Avoid details that will bore those listening to you.

b. Be as short and concise as possible so as to not lose the attention of your audience.

3. Be courteous

a. Never leave a recruitment prospect alone.

b. Always introduce your prospect to those around you.

c. Learn names!

d. Smile!

e. End sentences with exclamation points!

f. Never ever make private or inside jokes.

g. Allow no cliques!

4. Be direct

a. Make eye contact.

b. Don’t get distracted by what’s going on around you.

c. Be genuine.

5. Be enthusiastic

a. People echo and feed off what you do so be positive and energetic.

b. Avoid sore topics.

c. Take an active role in your clubs recruitment.

d. Nothing great was accomplished with out enthusiasm. 24

a Kiwanis-family member 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 USA

1-317- 875- 8755 • US AND CANADA: 1- 800-KIWANIS

E-MAIL: [email protected]

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