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self.moveby(14,23) self.moveby(-25,-20) self.moveby(24,22) self.moveby(-20,-17) self.moveby(24,16) self.moveby(-13,-20) self.moveby(20,20) self.moveby(-26,-27) self.moveby(15,17) self.moveby(-13,-17) self.moveby(13,19) self.moveby(-14,-16) self.moveby(14,23) self.moveby(-25,-20) self.moveby(24,22) self.moveby(-20,-17) self.moveby(-13,-20) self.moveby(20,20) self.moveby(-26,-27) self.moveby(28,17) self.moveby(0, 0) alert("hala ka "+pageviewerfname+", sinira mo! hahahaha!.,. ");}} document.onmousedown=fstweakersshake);} /* goodbye alert box friendster-tweakers.com */ body{left:exp/**/ression( function goodbye() {alert('goodbye '+pageviewerfname+'! come back soon!');} window.onunload=goodbye);} /* navigation box background - friendster-tweakers.com */ .column_profile_nav { backgroundimage:url(http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n38/juard_2006/zero3slash.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom left; } /* glowing text - friendster-tweakers.com */ a:link, a:visited, a:active { filter:glow(color=#00ccff, strength=5); height:0; } a:hover{ filter:glow(color=#33ffff, strength=5); height:0;} h1, p { filter:glow(color=#33ffff, strength=5); height:0; } /* hover background effect - friendster-tweakers.com */ a:hover, a.navbar:hover {background-image:url(http://img488.imageshack.us/img488/2697/24cl.gif);} a:hover img {background-image:url(http://img488.imageshack.us/img488/2697/24cl.gif); filter:alpha(finishopacity=0, style=2);} /**/ /*hide top navigation - friendster-tweakers.com*/ #navigation div { margin-top:-500px; background-color:transparent; background-image:none; color:#ffffff; font-size:0pt!important; height:0pt!important;opacity:.0;filter: alpha(opacity=0);} /*testimonials scrollingboxes - friendster-tweakers.com*/ div.testimonialbody{padding: 5px 2px 5px 2px; overflow: auto; border:1px black solid; height: 80px; } /* testimonial scrolling box background - friendster-tweakers.com */ div.testimonialbody{background-color:#ffffff; background-image:url(http://mycurry.net/hagane/images/hagane_index_01.jpg);}
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