Cloud Programming Language Overview

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 816
  • Pages: 5
Cloud Programming Language Official Specification Overview ©2008 CloudNine Web Services 1) Overview a) Introduction to Cloud b) About this document c) Note for programmers coming from C# and Java d) Note for programmers coming from PHP and Perl e) Introduction to Cloud structure 2) Language Overview

Overview Introduction to the Cloud Programming Language Cloud is a multi-purpose programming language developed by CloudNine Web Services. It was designed to operate as both an improved C# and an improved PHP, as well as a functional transition language between the two. Cloud can be scripted and run as an interpreted language on the web, or compiled and run as a clientside application on the desktop, will full support for GTK# and other C# packages. Compilers are currently working on Linux, BSD and Mac OS X, and a Windows compiler is nearing completion. Interpreters are available for Linux and BSD, with OS X / Windows going into development shortly. About this document This is a partial, basic overview at the Cloud programming language, which is still actively in development. For more information, refer to the online documentation at This document expects the reader to be proficient in either C# or Java as well as PHP or Perl, and as such, gives only example code, without explanation. Note for C# and Java Programmers If you’re proficient in C# or Java, writing clientside Cloud should be exceedingly easy, as it’s structured very similarly, with some much-needed missing functionality added – though it’s condensed like a more modern scripting language. Note for PHP and Perl Programmers Cloud on the web is very much like PHP or Perl – it can be written in a procedural or object oriented format, or Cloud-style, as it can be clientside. Introduction to Cloud Structure Cloud is programmable both procedurally and like standard object-oriented code, but also maintains a custom structuring method, simply named Cloud Structure. Cloud Structure can best be defined as a combination or half-way point of Procedural and Object Oriented – its use will become apparent throughout the documentation.

Basic Language Overview Hello World <> print “Hello, World!”; <> Basic Syntax // This is a comment in Cloud. // Variables can be assigned a hard type or left as a dynamic/typeless block. $a = 1; declare $b; //Create dynamic variable a and assign it to 1 and initialize dynamic variable B double a = 1.0; long b; //Create static type variables – these must be initialized like in C# or Java Working with Types in Cloud <> string foo = “5”; foo++; This code will fail with the error: (Cloud) Error interpreting on line 2, position 1: Incompatible types. To get around this, we can either typecast: foo->int; Or, we can convert foo into a dynamic type: $foo; Now we can execute the original foo++; without error. Arrays array foo = $array(1, “hello”, math.pi); intarray foo = array(1, 2, 3); or array foo = intarray(1, 2, 3); doublearray bob = array(1, 2.2, 3.3); bob[] = 15; print bob[1]; foreach(bob as a) { print a; }

Working with Classes and Orientation Classes in Cloud are independent of their file name. <> public class cloudTest() { public dynamic doStuff() { print “Hello there!”; } } public class mathController(classwide dynamic a) { public sdynamic double() { return a*2; // sdynamic type will result in either an int, double, or long – the smallest possible without losing precision } public sdynamic halve() { return a/2; } <> Cloud Style Structure public class cloudstyle() { include(; $a = 1; // some code out of scope, which works fine as procedural public void someFunction($a) { … } } Other things of note: Single functions can be imported in Cloud. Cloud methods and variables are case-insensitive except in cases where the user explicitly defines classes with the same name but different casing. Cloud can generate a number of common things for the user on the fly, like CSS, Glade, and some other markup languages! “Standard” functions (IE, methods from commonly used classes) can be accessed procedurally without being imported; the rest can be referenced as static methods or as PHP-style OO Functions! The absolute basics of Cloud have been covered. This isn’t the documentation, so let’s get right into some code examples!

Cloud Example Code Simple web script to query a PostgreSQL database for posts and display them nicely <> import cloud.web; import cloud.db.sql.postgre; runtime.walkthrough.linebyline(true, “ “, “
”); sql = sql.postgre; sql.connect(localhost, dbname, dbuser, dbpass); sql.query(“SELECT * FROM posts”), sql.format.array, => $result; web.generateCSS(bg => white, text => black, link => blue); foreach($result as $a) { $output += “” + $a.mytable.posttitle + “
” + $a.mytable.postcontent + “
”; } print web.htmlformat($output); <>

Drawing a rotating 3D cube with GTK <> import cloud.gtk; import cloud.opengl; import cloud.easydrawing; create cloud.gtkwindow(“My 3D Cube!”, 800, 600, true); $cube = easydrawing.drawshape(“Cube”, 3, random(cloud.color)); $cube acts(easydrawing.rotation) as polls(cloud.input.cursorlocation) updates(onChange); gtkwindow.autocomplete; gtkwindow.draw;

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