Clemmons Umc Policy

  • June 2020
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Safe Sanctuary

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Clemmons United Methodist Church Safe Sanctuary Children’s Choir/Activities: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Please walk your children to and pick up your children from their designated room for choir or activity. Parents should use the door closest to the activity for entry and exit unless otherwise notified. Please respect volunteer leader’s time and pick up child on time. Please be respectful while in hallways and areas of the church where meetings and other groups are taking place.

Safe Sanctuary Task Force: Rev. Phillip Cole Barbara Rickard Julia Nichols Gloria Earle Paul Wise Lynn McMahan

Tara Olson Janie Phillips Denny Boyce Ginny Genung Karen Joyce

Safe Sanctuary Guidelines For Youth Ministry: The youth advisory council, to benefit and protect the youth and their adult advisors, established the following guidelines. 1. A sufficient number of chaperones are needed for trips taken with the youth. A five youth to one adult ratio is recommended when traveling away from Clemmons United Methodist Church. In the event there are five youths or less, two adults will be required to attend. 2. No youths are to be left at the church alone after any youth event. An adult advisor or parent will need to stay with the youth until their ride arrives. 3. While on trips with the youth, no adult will be required or allowed to sleep with a youth in the same bed. (Exception being the youth is their child). 4. When away from the church on trips, "Buddy System" is required when going to the bathroom, etc. 5. Updated medical and permission forms are required before a youth is allowed to leave Clemmons United Methodist Church on a trip 6. All youth and their parents will sign behavior contracts before traveling with Clemmons United Methodist Church youth program. In the event there is a behavior problem, the parents will be called to come get their child and take them home at their own expense. 7. Behavior problems may result in an unsafe environment for all youth and will result in offender’s forfeiting the right to travel with the youth program again.

Safe Sanctuary Guidelines For Children and Youth Ministries: Covenant Statement The congregation of Clemmons United Methodist Church is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all children and volunteers who participate in the ministries and activities sponsored by our church. The following guidelines reflect our congregations commitment to preserving this church as a holy place for safety and protection for all who enter its doors so all can experience the love of God through relationships with others.


Safe Sanctuary

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Safe Sanctuary Guidelines For Sunday School: 1. Teachers are asked to be in their classroom at 9:45 AM to greet the children. Sunday School begins at 9:50 AM. 2. Parents are asked to walk their children to their classrooms. If a teacher is not present when the parent arrives with the child, parents are asked to stay with their child in the classroom until the teacher arrives. 3. We ask teachers to post their teaching schedules outside the classroom door for at least 2 months. This way the parents will know who is teaching their child each Sunday. 4. We are implementing a Floater System with an adult available to the teachers who will take children to the bathroom, get supplies, and generally monitor the hallways. Please allow these people to assist the classes with only one adult teacher present. 5. Parents are asked to fill out an Information Card advising teachers where they will be during Sunday School and who may pick up their child from Sunday School. These Information Boxes should be left in the classroom and teachers are asked to have visitors and new members to fill out cards. 6. Children should be accompanied outside the classroom during the Sunday School Hour by the Floater or one of the teachers to the bathroom, supply room, Sunday School desk, etc. Older children (Grade 1 and up) may be accompanied by a buddy. Please don’t let children go alone. Floaters will monitor the halls. 7. Teachers are encouraged to set up classrooms into learning centers so children can become directly involved as they arrive and teachers can greet parents and children.

Safe Sanctuary Nursery Procedures: 1. Label all items belonging to your child with first and last name. 2. Parents should sign their children in on the clipboard. Please indicate where you will be and who will pick up your children. Also put beeper number or card number on the sheet. 3. Pick up a number card for Ages 1-3 or a beeper for infants. The children will be released only to the parent with the number card or beeper. 4. When picking up their children, parents should return their beeper or number card and sign their name off the list. 5. Please pick up your child immediately after worship. 6. Parents are asked to bring an adequate supply of diapers for their child. 7. For the protection of all, please do not bring your children if they have had any of the following during the past 24 hours: diarrhea, vomiting, unexplained rash, discolored nasal drainage, or fever. 8. We are asking all Nursery Volunteers to be in their classrooms at 8:30 and 10:45. (See Nursery Information Brochure for Specific Policies and Procedures.)

Specific Information Related to Nursery Sunday School Classes (Ages 0 - 3): 1. The Information File should cover both Sunday School and Worship. 2. When parents bring their children to Sunday School see that parents: sign attendance sheet with name, where they will be and number pick up beeper (infant nursery) or number card label child and child’s belongings 3. Parents should pick up their child and return card or beeper and check their name off the list if leaving after Sunday School/Worship.

Safe Sanctuary Worship Services: 1. Parents are encouraged to go with their children to the bathroom during worship services. They should use the back door of the sanctuary and may either go down the stairs to the bathroom off the Activity Room or go around to the commons area bathroom. 2. Children’s Church volunteers will count the children in the commons area, then count the children again when they get to the room. 3. Parents are asked to fill out a standard Information Card for Children’s Church. 4. Parents are to pick their children up from the children’s church room immediately following worship.


Safe Sanctuary

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