Clemency Letter For Texas Deathrow Prisoner Reginald Blanton

  • October 2019
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Please write and send a clemency letter for Reginald blanton, death row inmate. we need the letters done as soon as is possible. when you have written or typed the letter PLEASE DO NOT DATE THE LETTER. Email your letters to [email protected] and in the subject line type clemency, or email your letters to [email protected] Or snail mail your letters to this PO BOX P.O. BOX OR 760776, SAN ANTONIO,TEXAS 78245. USA DO NOT DATE YOUR LETTERS, DO NOT SEND LETTERS STRAIGHT TO THE BOARD. Sample Letter:


Address to Members of the Board

Dear Gentlepersons: This letter is in reference to Reginald Blanton who is on death row. As a concerned citizen of [the State of Texas/or whatever your residential status may be such as of the United Kingdom/France/Florida, etc.], I urge you to please commute the sentence of Reginald Blanton, TDC No. 999395, to a term of imprisonment. There is no evidence that directly links Reginald Blanton to the murder for which he was convicted. He was sentenced to death on circumstantial evidence and testimony that was coerced. He should not be executed. [Here state how you are acquainted with him such as I do not know him personally but have read his story or I am his pen pal or I am his friend from his church.] Most important is the ways in which Reginald has changed and become a better person since his arrest. Reginald has educated himself since his incarceration on death row. He has taken writing courses. He is now a very accomplished and expressive author. He has worked for improvement in the lives of fellow inmates. Any violations of regulations of TDCJ by Reginald has been because he was concerned about the violations of human rights that he observed to be going on. If you view his tapes of his protests you will hear him stating the regulations that have not been followed by the guards or other officials of TDCJ. His protests have been non-violent and have been similar to those used by Ghandi, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Archbishop Benjamin Tutu to protest through civil disobedience. Reginald has even helped guards with their education or with words of encouragement. He compliments others to build their confidence and to give them a brighter day. He is liked by almost everyone who knows him. Reginald has a twin brother, Robert, a loving mother, and other siblings. He has a large and loving family that suffers with his absence and that would be heartbroken by his death. He is - and should continue to be - a strong emotional support to his family and an example to others. He will use his education to benefit society. He would like to continue his education to get a college diploma and to use his time and talents for the betterment of others. The execution of this man will not better humanity nor serve as a deterrent to crime. Reginald can do more for society alive and using his talent for writing to encourage others to not make the mistakes he has made. The execution of Reginald Blanton is the wrong message for the State of Texas to send. It is obvious that Reginald Blanton is not a man for whom the death penalty should be applied today. He has proved wrong the jury's findings about him being a future danger to society. His death will not help the murder victim or his family. Please spare Reginald Blanton's life. Sign your name.

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