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Everyday Spelling Prentice Hall Literature

Mextesol 2008 Todos a Leer Speak Business




Children Domain Making Music Feel the Power!


Time flies when you’re having fun!

Language NET Speak Business


The convention took place at the Poliforum in the city of Leon, Gto.

Special Contributions Todos a Leer

Make simple things exceptionally well.

Evento de Lectura “El Osito Corduroy“ de Don Freeman.

Give your students unprecedented access to award-winning authors!

Editor: Sherry Pérez Design: Mpro | Marcela Moncada

Raziel Martínez


Pre-Primary / Primary / Secondary Young Adult/ Adult Business and Professional English / Cambridge Exams TOEFL® / TOEIC® / Exams Longman Multimedia Courses Online Subscription Sites Multimedia Video Grammar and Structure Dictionaries Skills English-Speaking World Literature and Linguistics Materials for Language Teachers Longman ELT Classics / Other Titles Literature and Linguistics

2 • TWO


Teaching Teeens Hey There! Prentice Hall Literature Penguin Edition


Take the shortest route to improve your writing.

Great Teachers Mextesol

Bulleting Board:




Everyday Spelling Many spelling lists are based on highfrequency usage and content area reading

What is it that people want when they choose to study Business English?

Short takes



Editor’s Note

Contests and New edition BP y Pockets

Scott Foresman

Reading Language Arts Science Mathematics Social Studies Art / Music ESL Bilingual Pre-K


Penguin Readers Penguin Young Readers

Prentice Hall

Language Arts Science Mathematics Social Studies Modern & Classical Languages


Time flies when you’re having fu n! S

ummer is gone and Christmas is almost here. All teachers are busy wrapping up season activities. Hope you all got to reach those objectives planned.

In this issue:

1 Mauricio Ortega tells us -what is it that people want when they choose to study Business English? In “Speak Business”. Great option for all those business teachers out there.

2 In our Special Contributions: o Mireya Uriarte, shares with us the success of “Todos a Leer en México y Centroamérica”. ..Everyday is a good day to read… I say! o Want to know what happened at MEXTESOL Leon 2008, Ameyalli Molina tells us all about it.

3 We have two special contests this end of year. Don’t miss our bulleting board for information on these. Our Christmas wish at Pearson Education is for you! May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with warmth and love. Have the best Christmas ever, and make merry not just on this wonderful holiday but all through the year!!

Merry Christmas and a GREAT 2009 SHERRY PEREZ



Feel the Power!


All s

ic m a k i n g c ro

e ss


in the


he musical intelligence is central to human experience. It’s the earliest of the intelligences to emerge--even children as young as two months old can sing and match rhythmic structures. And it’s closely linked to our other intelligences--we often “feel” music with our bodies and move accordingly, we often “feel” music with our emotions, and cry or laugh accordingly. We all know that music is universal and can cross cultural borders.


ts en




Mauricio Ortega /Academic Consultant / Pearson Educación, México

who have a dominant musical intelligence are said to be sensitive to

melody and rhythm, and have the possibilities to increase their creativity in the learning process.

A teacher can help a child develop the musical intelligence.


The answer is very simple:

Don’t just read this, go on and Feel the Power of Silver Burdett Making Music through innovative print, audio, and digital resources!

4 • FOUR

Silver Burdett Making Music provides developmentally appropriate music learning activities for students in grades pre-kindergarten through sixth (and even more). This sequential curriculum builds students’ knowledge and skills within and across grade levels and engages All students in the music making process. Students will hear the Music with exciting song arrangements and the most extensive listening library and digital materials. Teachers, on the other hand, are offered flexible materials for any teaching style.


How is this achieved? The answer is simple: for errors such as added, omitted and repeated letters, students are offered strategy workshops, weekly vocabulary activities and cross curricular vocabulary lessons.

Mauricio Ortega Academic Consultant Pearson Educación, México


hich words always seem to stump you? Are you actually aware of the words your students most frequently misspell? Which words always seem to stump you? Are you actually aware of the words your students most frequently misspell?

Did you know there is a list of such words for each grade?


offering such a

comprehensive and systematic spelling instruction


If your answer was for any of the questions above, you should read this. If anybody asked what words should be taught in a spelling program, the best answer would be the words students use and misspell.

Everyday Spelling


research into action.


is an approach that will benefit every student at every grade level.

Many spelling lists are based on high-frequency usage and content area reading. While this approach seems logical enough, research shows that adding the words children misspell most often can deliver a spelling program that really works.

Now that you know, put research into action and enjoy the advantages this comprehensive series has to offer!

5 • FIVE



s a four level American English program designed specially for teens. Ensure your students success with: Ongoing self-assessment to monitor student progress. Topics and research activities that connect the classroom to real life. Cross-curricular topics that link English to other content areas. Readings on various cultures. Practical writing rules that students imme diately apply. Final task activities that personalize and extend learning outside the classroom.

6 • SIX

A variety of fun activities, games, and puzzles. Engaging project-based song activities. A comprehensive grammar reference section for self-study. Interactive student CD-ROMs. offers additional activities for the various reading, grammar, and vocabulary points for every level of Hey There! Great Teacher’s support…makes teaching teens easy and fun.

Teacher’s Edition with Bound-in CD-ROM and Posters: The interleaved Teacher’s Edition provides step-by-step teaching procedures and useful teaching tips as well as extension activities. A bound-in CD-ROM in each Teacher’s Edition offers a resource bank of additional practice, mixed-ability worksheets, and a complete assessment program. Each Teacher’s Edition also includes 2 posters: Poster 1 in each level shows a map of

English-speaking Poster 2


presents key gra-

mmar structures to complement the student book.


Hey There! Make simple things exceptionally well.

• Teacher’s Resource Bank • Complete assessment program • Mixed-ability worksheets •Companion website that provides Blogs and Podcasts


PH Literature

Penguin Edition.

Give your students unprecedented access to award-winning authors!


ow your students can learn about reading, writing and literature from the authors themselves. Prentice Hall Literature Penguin Edition features unit introductions focused on different authors. Units are organized by genre, theme or reading skill and provide a combination of contemporary selections and classic favorites. This program delivers explicit instruction within a student-friendly design. Each Author: • hosts a unit in Prentice Hall Literature • introduces a literary genre or time period • provides insight into the “story behind the story” • answers questions about writing and literature from real students • uses their own writing to illustrate the writing process Deliver differentiated instruction easily and seamlessly with: leveled reading warm-ups, leveled vocabulary warm-ups, leveled assessment, and interactive reader’s support in every selection in the reader’s notebook series. Technology to help you. Innovative tools like “TeacherEXPRESS” that is a complete suite of powerful teaching tools to make lesson planning and testing quicker and easier. “StudentEXPRESS” an interactive textbook on line or on CD-ROM to make selections and activities come alive with audio and video support. “Test Generator Exam View” to create standards-aligned tests in seconds.


Why use Prentice Hall Literature Penguin Edition • Leveled Selection

pairings for

differentiated instruction.

• Focused

instruction to ensure

skills mastery.

• Frequent,

built-in progress moni-

toring to catch small

learning problems before they

become big ones.

• Real

authors who act as teach-

ing partners to guide students through literary concepts.

• More

writing support than any

other program, including practice in writing-on-demand-

• Skills that students need for high-stakes tests. Diagnose Readiness, Monitor Progress and Benchmark Mastery.

Give your students Real Writers, Real Tools and Real Results!


Speak Business What is it that people want when they choose to study Business English?

Mauricio Ortega • Academic Consultant • Pearson Educación, México


t is difficult to know what exactly the learner’s needs may be. Yet, experience and literature agree on the fact that what people want when they study business English mainly depends on: • • • •

Experience Level in organization’s hierarchy National culture Specific needs and last but not least,

• Language


Business English, unlike standard 4-skill courses, implies communication with other people within a general and/ or specific context. Such context is often related to the setting or scenario where this kind of language will be used. Thus, it could be said that rather than talking about business or about language, the main need for the learner is to do business in the target language A.K.A. in English. This means students need to communicate to do business and, in other words, students will need to speak in order to communicate.

What makes speaking so special?

What kind of language can be used to meet each one of the mentioned skills? The first three would re-

It is widely known that learners will use spoken discourse to give

quire work on what Rich-

and receive information, collaborate on doing something, share

ards (1990) calls interac-

personal experiences and/or opinions and build social relation-

tional language; this is,

ships (Nolasco and Lois 1990). They will as well consider speaking

language used in social

as an example of knowing the language and this simple fact makes

contexts. The last ones

‘teaching’ oral production a major source of motivation and reward

though, would require the

for learners (Nunan, 1991; Arnold, undated; Lawtie, undated). In

learner to learn and work on

order to do their job aptly, a business English learner may need to

transactional language or

embark into a series of different situations such socialising, small

language used in exchange

talk, telephone conversations, presentations, meetings and nego-

of information for business

tiation (Frendo, 2005). 8 • EIGHT


In teaching Business English, working with as much authentic conor similar situations (Rich-

tent as their language level allows is key to success. Authentic rea-

ards, 1990).

ding and listening tasks are motivating for students and bring the

The question now is how

real world of business into the classroom. This way, learners may

to make students under-

increase their knowledge of business concepts through direct prac-

stand the kind of language

tice. A realistic business problem or situation can both motivate

to be used. Authors have

and engage students. They can use the language and communica-

mentioned different tech-

tion skills worked in class to discuss the situation and recommend

niques, methods and


approaches, but they all

The following, are just some of the sugges-

agree in the fact that the

tions offered by Mascull (2005) to work ef-

only way to have learners

fectively with case studies:

develop communicative

1. Involve all the students at every stage of the

competence is through ex-


posure to language as it is

practice with language in a setting as close as possible to real life. Most authors and writers of books for teachers agree in the idea of “creating opportunities for meaningful communication” as a first step to facilitate understanding.

everyone to participate.

2. Draw on students’ knowledge of business and

used in real life. The next step is to have learners


the world.

3. Make sure your instructions are clear and the task is understood. 4. Encourage your students to use the language and communication skills they have acquired throughout the course.

5. Focus on communication and fluency during the case study activities.

What is it that people want when they choose to study Business English? We may not give an immediate answer. But working with authentic materials and learning strategies and giving learners an opportunity to live the experience of learning will sure help them to develop in the fast-changing world of business.

these opportunities have to be in the form of personalization of exercises; the creation of need to communicate with real life cases and, last but not least, quality feedback (Leather, undated; Davis and Pearse, 2000).

9 • NINE

1. Arnold J.(undated). Speak Easy. How to ease Students into oral Production secondary and adult. 2. Davis P. and E. Pearse. 2000. Success in Teaching English. Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers. OUP, New York. 3. Frendo, E. 2005. How to Teach Business English. Harlow. Longman. 4. Lawtie F. (Undated). Teaching Speaking Skills 2 – Overcoming Classroom Problems. In: 5. Lawtie F. (Undated). Teaching Speaking Skills 2 – Overcoming Classroom Problems. In: 6. Mascull, B. 2005. Market Leader. New Edition. Teacher’s Resource Book. Harlow. Longman. 7. Nolasco R and A. Lois (1990). Conversation. Resource Books for Teachers (Alan Maley Ed.) Oxford University Press. 8.Nunan, D. (1991). Language Teaching Methodology. UK. Prentice Hall hInternational. In: Lawtie F. (Undated). Teaching Speaking Skills 2 – Overcoming Classroom Problems. In:


Some of the features in


Short Takes José Luis de Paz • Academic Consultant, Pearson Educación, Mexico.

organization, ideas, technique, and style after each selection, engaging students to think critically about the readings.

• For each selection, a number of topics for writing journal entries and essays are provided.

• The Instructor’s Manual


his lively collection of fifty-two short, readable selections by both student and professional writers provides useful models of the rhetorical modes.

• Writing process is discussed in each chapter.

that introduces students to the principles of critical reading and writing, opens the text.

• Fifty-two short, engaging, accessible reading selections are included, along with helpful introductions to each rhetorical pattern.

• Questions on organization,

• Headnotes for each selec-

ideas, technique, and style follow each selection, along with topics for writing journal entries and essays.

tion describe the author, give some context for the reading, and point to at least one notable stylistic feature of the selection.

• “Freeze Frame: Reading and Writing,” a brief section 10 • TEN

• Includes questions on

includes key words and phrases for each essay, suggestions for group work, and additional writing suggestions keyed to the thematic table of contents.

•Each chapter concludes with more writing suggestions that encourage students to compare selections and practice that rhetorical mode.

What are you waiting for?

Take the shortest route to improve your writing!


MEXTESOL León 2008

Ameyalli Molina Marketing Executive • ELT-School • Pearson Educación, México


s customary Pearson Education was present at MEXTESOL, the convention took place at the Poliforum in the city of Leon, Gto. More than 2000 English teachers attended the event. Pearson Education participated with 13 academic and commercial sessions; we all enjoyed the presence of our Pearson authors Mario Herrera, Jose Luis Morales, and Jeremy 11 • ELEVEN

Harmer. We also had the participation of our academic consultants: Sherry Perez, Dante Segura, Kathy Parish, Jose Luis de Paz, and Violeta Manzanares. Academic sessions on technology were held at the booth, as well as fun interactive games, showing the importance of the use of technology in language learning. Just like every year Pearson

organizes contests for all teachers to participate. This year teachers were invited to share their story:

“Why did you decide to be a teacher?”



S •G

S •G


S •G

R S •G



It’s really nice to feel that one can be useful, especially with children…they pay you back with a smile. Even if you get all stressed, they don’t stop playing, or laughing, because they can’t speak well or have a bad pronunciation. They will always be kids! And this is what I love… I don’t wait to get paid every weekend, because my kids already paid me through the week in class! And I thank them for that. Ma. Del Rosario Hernández H.








What are you doing to change the world?

I became a teacher because I love to help others.


So when I grew up I decided to help people, to change their lives… to change the world.



Every day she said to me; “through your mind you have the opportunity to know the world, meet different people and make your life useful”.



When I was a child I discovered that the most important thing in my mother taught me in life was to change the world.

I didn’t know I wanted to be a teacher, but things just happened. I remember thinking about quitting my BA in ELT. In that very moment I started teaching real students and that was my first experience as a real teacher. Then I continued with “observations and social service at the high-school I studied and graduated tree years ago. I was offered to work and I’m glad I took the chance. I enjoy being on the other side (now as a teacher). I like my students and they like me. I like the fact that I’m not only their teacher, but their friend, which makes them feel more confident and reach success. I always do my best and try to improve as much as I can every day… that’s why I’m here at MEXTESOL, willing to learn more and share my experiences.











I wanted to make a difference in this world. I wanted to touch lives and be part of a change by giving and implementing in my students values and to turn them into great men and women that would be useful to our society. Sarahi Vidales Félix.


Todos a Leer

Mireya Uriarte •Coordinadora de Marketing • División ELT-School • Pearson Educación, México


odo un éxito la lectura de El Osito Corduroy en México y Centroamérica. Con gran éxito y entusiasmo se llevó a cabo la lectura de El Osito Corduroy de Don Freeman, dentro del marco de la campaña Todos a Leer 2008 realizada el pasado jueves 2 de octubre en diferentes ciudades y países de México y Centroamérica. Con la participación de más de 3,500 niños de las ciudades de Guadalajara, Aguascalientes, Ciudad Victoria, Distrito Federal, Tlanepantla y Nicolás Romero en el Estado de México, así como en los países de Costa Rica, Guatemala y Panamá; se contribuyó en alcanzar la meta de reunir a 350,000 niños en una lectura simultánea a nivel mundial.

Octubre 2, 2008 13 • THIRTEEN


SEP Aguascalientes : Escuela Lic. Primo Verdad EDE S O A La escuela pública Lic. Primo VerCOM CAD S N E dad fue la sede donde se llevó a cabo el ASI IVIO E V evento Todos a Leer en la ciudad de SE Aguascalientes. Con la participación de 254 alumnos de los grados cuarto, quinto y sexto, la lectura de El Guadalajara Osito Corduroy fue leída en su versión en inInstituto Cultural Cabañas En Guadalajara, teniendo como sede el glés. Al término de la lectura, con el apoyo Instituto Cultural Cabañas, este evento contó con la participación de más de 1,300 niños jaliscienses de de cuatro asesores de la Coordinación escuelas públicas y privadas, quienes, con el apoyo de de Inglés del IEA (Instituto de EstuYademira López, conductora de radio de esa ciudad, readios de Aguascalientes). lizaron la lectura simultánea. Entre los colegios participantes, el Col. Teresa de Avila formo parte de este record, con gran entusiasmo, desde sus instalaciones. A este magno evento asistieron importantes personalidades como el Lic. Roberto Torres, Director Escolar de la Secretaría de Cultura del Estado de Jalisco, Ma. Inés Torres, Directora del Instituto Cultural Cabañas, Esther Podany, representando a Pearson Educación US, así como Laura Koestinger, Directora de la División ELT-School de Pearson Educación México y Centroamérica. Los niños tuvieron oportunidad de conocer más acerca de los libros, ya que después de la lectura se organizó un taller en el que SEP cada niño tenía que elaborar su propio cuento relacionándolo Tamaulipas, Cd Victoria con la historia de el osito. Con el apoyo de los coordinadores, se les explicó a los niños la importancia de la Escuela Club de Leones en lectura, las parte que componen un libro, así como Ciudad Victoria el cuidado que deben tener con sus libros. Caracterizado como un abuelito cuenta

cuentos, José Luis De Paz, consultor académico de Pearson logró captar la atención de los 250 alumnos de tercer grado de primaria de diversas escuelas de la ciudad, quienes se reunieron para dar inicio a la lectura de El Osito Corduroy en su versión en español. A las 11 de la mañana tocó el turno a 250 niños de quinto grado, quienes se encargaron de dar lectura a la versión en inglés.



Azcapotzalco, México - Colegio Lancaster de la Ciudad de México Prticiparon 300 niños y niñas en la lectura de El Osito Corduroy. Teniendo como Gustavo A. guía en la lectura a Ana María Borges, conMadero, México Colegio sultora académica de Pearson Educación, los Francés Juana de Arco niños quedaron maravillados con esta conEl evento Todos a Leer reunió a 150 niños movedora historia la cual les dejó un gran del Colegio Francés Juana de Arco ubicado en mensaje de amor y amistad y los hizo la delegación Gustavo A. Madero de la Ciudad vivir la experiencia de la lectura a de México. En punto de las 12 del día los alumnos través del poder de la imagide tercero, cuarto y quinto grado de primaria arrinación. baron al patio de ceremonias del colegio para llevar a cabo la lectura simultánea El Osito Corduroy. Con el apoyo de Sandra Hervey, integrante del equipo de consultores de Pearson, los niños Tlalnepantla, fueron encaminados página a página a Edo. de México través de la historia de Corduroy. Centro de Rehabilitación Infantil Teletón (CRIT) A través de la campaña Todos a Leer Pearson Edcación México tuvo la oportunidad de hacer partícipes a 20 niños del Centro de Rehabilitación Nicolás Romero, Infantil Teletón (CRIT) ubicado en Tlalnepantla, Edo. de México Estado de México. Ministerio VIVE Estos niños con diferentes discapacidades, pero Alrededor de 100 niños de escasos recursos con un entusiasmo unísono, participaron con de la colonia Clara Córdova del municipio de la ayuda de sus padres en la lectura de Nicolás Romero en el Estado de México, particiEl Osito Corduroy para conseguir la paron en la lectura simultánea de El Osito Corduroy. meta de México en el récord Mauricio Ortega, consultor académico de Pearson mundial de lectura. Educación, se encargó de tranquilizar el entusiasmo narrando un cuento previo a Corduroy. El cuento de “Los cisnes blancos y las brujas” a petición de Mauricio, fue amenizado con sonidos que realizaban los mismos niños con sus manos pies y boca, lo cual logró captar su atención y dejarlos listos para la historia estelar de El Osito Corduroy. 15 • FIFTEEN



End-of-Year Contests!

Contest. 1

FREE BOOK! 1. You must be a PersonLongman user. 2. Tell us, what’s your Christmas wish as a Teacher? (no more than 70 words) 3. Share your wish with us! Send it to: [email protected] or atencionaclientespearsonmexico@ Winners will be published in our first issue 2009. 4. Make sure you include your name, school, grade you teach, address, and the Pearson Longman book you use. Be one of the first 5 participants to send your Christmas wish and win a book.


Coming Soon! 16 •


Contest. 2

Who is the mystery author? The first 3 participants get the special Christmas Prize! Send your guess to: [email protected] or atencionaclientespearsonmexico@ Participant 1. Get’s a cool PearsonScottForesman book carrier. Participants 2 and 3. Get a nice Pearson-Prentice Hall bag.

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