M O N T H LY N EW SLET T ER Honors 8th Grade Social Studies |March 2019|
We are so proud of all the students
W HAT'S NEXT? In the coming weeks we will be
who have worked hard to prepare
March is Kindness Month! Aside from
their projects for National History
doing our best to be the kindest and
most helpful peers we can be, the
As we prepare for competition this
school is collecting donations for the
month, it is important that we
Grand Strand Humane Society.
remember a few things: please be on
Donations will be collected on the
time for departure at 6:30 am on
stage in the cafeteria and accepted
Monday March 11th, please dress
through March 29th. Students were
formally, get plenty of sleep the
given a handout with a list of desired
night before, and be prepared to
/ needed items that would be greatly
show the judges your best work.
appreciated. Anything helps! Please
Everyone has worked hard and we
contact me with any questions if
cannot wait to show it off.
moving from the Progressive Era into World War I and the Roaring Twenties. We will discuss the causes and implications of World War I, nationally and locally in South Carolina. We will also look at how such national events changed day-to-day life in South Carolina. As we move into the Twenties we will look at the changes in daily life , for example life after The Great Depression.
IM PORTANT DATES March 11, 2019: Nat ional Hist ory
Students will take the vocabulary test
on the terms from 8-5.4, 8-5.5, 8-5.6
Students will be participating in NHD competition at CCU. Please arrange to have students at the school by 6:30 am. March 19, 2019: Vocabulary Test
and 8-5.7. March 26, 2019 DBQ final copies are due in class.